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Summary The new European Common Agricultural Policy and environmental considerations are certainly to change agricultural practices toward low input cultivation systems. Nitrogen is one of the main inputs of winter wheat in northern France and it contributes highly to phreatic water pollution. A research programme has then been set up in order to study whether it is possible to breed for winter wheat cultivars using more efficiently N fertilisers. Less nitrogen would be applied, decreasing pollution risks and operational costs. It has been shown that a large variation exists for N related traits and for the resistance against N deficiency. On the one hand the cv Arche is very resistant to N deficiency, its yield on low N conditions (with no N fertiliser) is on average 89% of its yield on high N conditions (with a high N application). On the other hand, cv Récital is very susceptible to N deficiency as this same percentage is only 61%. A study on 10 hybrids showed that heterosis for grain yield was higher at low N level than at high N level. This was due to a higher number of grains per m2.  相似文献   

普通小麦氮素利用效率相关性状全基因组关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氮元素在粮食作物生长和发育过程起着不可替代的作用。发掘氮素利用效率相关基因对于提升小麦产量、减少环境污染具有重要意义。植株根系构型(rootsystemarchitecture,RSA)代表着根系的结构及空间造型,显著受氮素水平影响。本研究在正常供氮和缺氮两种氮素水平下,对160份来自黄淮冬麦区和北部冬麦区普通小麦品系的根系构型相关性状(总根长、总根表面积、总根体积、平均根直径和根尖数)进行统计,并结合小麦660KSNP(single nucleotidepolymorphism)芯片基因分型数据对根系相关性状的相对值进行全基因组关联分析,以期发掘氮素利用效率相关位点。本研究检测到34个与氮素利用效率显著关联的SNP位点,可解释6.9%~15.4%的表型变异。关联位点在所有染色体均有分布,主要集中于1A、2B、3B、5B、6A、6B和7A染色体。11个位点与已报道位点重叠或接近,其他23个位点可能为新的位点。另外,在3B染色体上发现一个编码E3泛素连接酶的候选基因。  相似文献   

Twenty wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) varieties differing in plant height were grown in soil culture and evaluated for differences in nitrogen uptake and nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUE) at limited (40 kg N ha−1) and normal (120 kg N ha−1) nitrogen supply. Nitrogen uptake showed 1.4- and 1.5-fold varietal variation at harvest for limited and normal N supply, respectively. NUE for dry matter production (NE1) exhibited 1.28- and 1.38-fold genotypic variation while NUE for grain production (NE2) varied by 1.25- and 1.21-fold at limited and normal N supply, respectively. Tall varieties were found to have higher N uptake and NUE for dry matter production, while dwarf cultivars had greater NUE for grain production. Nitrogen uptake was found to be strongly positively associated with dry matter production (r=0.85 and r =0.77 at limited and normal N supply, respectively), indicating an important effect of growth rate on N uptake. NUE for biomass production, as well as for grain production, was reduced as the supply of nitrogen was increased.  相似文献   

Genetic control of boron efficiency in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The genetic control of boron (B) efficiencyin wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) wasstudied for three genotypes representing Binefficient (I, Bonza), moderately Binefficient (MI, SW 41) and B efficient (E,Fang 60) categories. Boron efficiency wasexpressed as a partially dominant characterbut the phenotypes of F1 hybrids,relative to parents, indicated geneticcontrol varying from recessive to additiveto completely dominant with different crosscombinations and B levels. Major geneswere identified from the evaluation ofF2-derived F3 populations derivedfrom intercrosses between the threeparents. Monogenic segregation was foundin Bonza × SW 41 and SW 41 × Fang 60crosses and digenic segregation resultedin Bonza × Fang 60. Among thethree wheat genotypes with widely differentB efficiency, genetic variation forresponse to B could be accounted for by twogenes, Bo d 1 and Bo d 2.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in nitrogen (N) economy and N to dry matter (DM) relationships were studied for six cultivars of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) released in Argentina at different times between 1912 and 1980. Experiments were performed on two successive years.N partitioning to reproductive organs was changed both at anthesis and at maturity. Grain N yield (GNY) was associated to both total N accumulated and N partitioning. Most of the changes produced by genetic improvement on N economy at maturity could be explained by parallel changes at anthesis. Neither biological N yield (BNY) at anthesis nor BNY at maturity showed any trend with the year of release of the cultivars.Grain N concentration (GNC) showed a negative trend with the year of release, and was inversely correlated to both grain yield (GY) and harvest index (HI). However, GNC was positively and significantly associated with NHI to HI ratio, indicating that the main reason for its behaviour along this century was the dilution of N on non N compounds.The N utilization efficiencies (NUE) for both GY and grain number were positively affected by breeding. Moreover, modern Argentinian cultivars are as efficient as the best cultivars showed by other authors.It is suggested that to increase GNC together with GY, breeders should improve N accumulation at anthesis maintaining high remobilization of vegetative N.  相似文献   

Summary Carbon isotope discrimination has been proposed to indirectly select for transpiration efficiency in several C3 species. To determine the effectiveness of carbon isotope discrimination to indirectly select for transpiration efficiency at flowering we measured: (i) variability for carbon isotope discrimination, (ii) the magnitude of the genotype-by-water regime interaction for carbon isotope discrimination, and (iii) the magnitude of the correlation between carbon isotope discrimination and both transpiration efficiency and dry matter at flowering. Ten lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) genotypes, ten wheat genotypes (eight spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and two durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.)), and ten canola (Brassica napus L.) genotypes were grown in a greenhouse at 80, 50 and 30% field capacity. Above ground dry matter was harvested at 80% flowering and dry matter at flowering, water used, and carbon isotope discrimination determined. Genotype variation for carbon isotope discrimination was observed in lentil, spring wheat and canola at each water regime, and when averaged over the three water regimes. The largest range in carbon isotope discrimination among lentil and spring wheat genotypes was observed using the wet regime; whereas, the dry regime provided the largest range for CID in canola genotypes. In all species the genotype-by-water regime interaction for carbon isotope discrimination was nonsignificant. The correlation between carbon isotope discrimination and dry matter at flowering was inconsistent across water regimes and years. In addition, in all three crops, no correlation was observed between carbon isotope discrimination and transpiration efficiency at any of the water regimes, and when averaged over water regimes and years. These results suggests that under the conditions reported here, carbon isotope discrimination cannot be used effectively to indirectly select for transpiration efficiency in lentil, spring wheat, and canola.Abbreviations CID carbon isotope discrimination - DMF dry matter at flowering  相似文献   

Summary The concept of the uniculm habit as an important feature of a wheat ideotype for a mediterranean environment was evaluated under field conditions. A uniculm plant produces a single shoot and when sown in a stand exemplifies a non-tillering crop with a fixed density of shoots throughout the growing season. Yield and harvest index of normal tillering spring wheat was compared with that of the same crop surgically detillered throughout the growing season to a constant density of 2 shoots per plant. The use of a biculm, whilst retaining the uniculm principle of a fixed density of shoots throughout the growing season, permitted comparison on a single crop sowing at normal field density.The control plots followed the usual pattern of tillering for the region attaining a maximum of about 4.0 shoots per plant by early spring. Shoot number declined to 2.3 and 2.6 per plant by maturity in 1978 and 1979, respectively.Detillered plots outyielded the controls by 14 per cent in 1978 (2.05 v. 1.80 tonnes ha-1) and 22 per cent in 1979 (1.84 v. 1.51 tonnes ha-1). Harvest indices were 0.39 v. 0.35 in 1978 and 0.30 v. 0.24 in 1979 for detillered and control plots, respectively.Higher leaf area indices and better water relations after anthesis in biculm stands indicated more efficient water use when shoot population was controlled at near optimum level. Irrigation at anthesis reduced the difference in yield between detillered and control plots.Although the uniculm principle was demonstrated with biculms in practice control of shoot number will require the use of genetic uniculms.  相似文献   

Summary Expression of 17 rye traits in 24 bread wheat x rye and 8 durum wheat x rye crosses was studied, using a self-compatible, homozygous, dwarf rye. Rye showed epistasis for hairiness on the peduncle in all the crosses of Triticum aestivum and T. durum wheats with rye. Dark greenness of leaves of rye was expressed in all the durum wheat x rye and in some of the bread wheat x rye crosses. Similarly, absence of auricle pubescence, a rye trait, was expressed in most of the durum wheat x rye crosses but not in the bread wheat x rye crosses, indicating the presence of inhibitors for these traits frequently on the D genome and rarely on the A and/or B genome of wheat. Most of the wide hybrids resembled rye fully or partially for intense waxy bloom on the leaf-sheath and for the absence of basal underdeveloped spikelets. Similarly, most of the amphihaploids resembled rye for the anthocyanin in the coleoptile, stem and node. The presence of some inhibitors on A and/or B genome of wheat was indicated in some of the wheat genotypes for the expression of rye traits viz. intense waxy bloom, anthocyanin in node and absence of basal underdeveloped spikelets. Enhancement in the level of expression of the intensity and length of bristles on the mid-rib of the glume of the hybrids might be due to wheat-rye interaction. Less number of florets/spikelet as in rye showed variable expression in different wheat backgrounds. Some other rye traits like absence of auricles, terminal spikelet and glume-awn were not expressed in the wheat background. The expression of some of the rye genes might have been influenced by their interaction with Triticum cytoplasm and/or the environment.  相似文献   

Summary The variation among the component lines of the KSML 3 (a multiline based on cultivar Kalyansona, spring bread wheat) was studied for agronomic characteristics. For days to earing and plant height the variation was small. This helped in imparting uniformity to the multiline. The lines had an improved tillering ability and had larger seeds. This partially explained the increased yield potential of the multiline as compared with Kalyansona.All the lines were susceptible only to one or two races of the yellow and brown rust. In no case any race was virulent against all the lines. In the field all the lines were resistant to both rusts.  相似文献   

Adult plant resistance against Indian leaf rust race 77 and five of its highly virulent variants have been identified from 111 bread wheat cultivars originating from 12 countries. The adult plant resistance of only 16 of these cultivars is due to hypersensitive seedling or adult plant resistance genes. All others expressed nonhypersensitive type of resistance characteristic of the genes Lr34 and Lr46.Forty five of the 111 cultivars showed tip necrosis on flag leaves, a trait linked to the gene Lr34. Therefore, the nonhypersensilive type of resistance of these 45 cultivars is attributed to Lr34. The nonhypersensitive resistance of the remaining cultivars is likely to be due to the gene(s) different than Lr34. The reaction pattern of these 111 cultivars to six races suggests the presence of at least six to seven new hypersensitive adult plant resistance genes and at least three new hypersensitive seedling resistance genes. The known genes Lr10, Lr23 and Lr26 were detected frequently but these genes did not contribute towards the adult plant resistance of any of the 111 cultivars. Based on the presence of new genes for hypersensitive and nonhypersensitive type of resistance, the 111 cultivars have been classified into 31 diverse resistance groups. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Using the Information and Analytical System of Wheat Genetic Resources GRIS 3.2, the peculiarities of distribution of hybrid necrosis genes in bread wheat in different regions of the world were analyzed. Considerable variation in frequencies of the Ne1 and Ne2 genes in regions with different moisture and heat supply was revealed. A significant effect of breeding on frequency dynamics of different genotypes Ne1ne2, ne1Ne2 and ne1ne2 was confirmed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The efficiency of our anther culture protocol was tested with high‐ and low‐responding genotypes, ‘Svilena’ and ‘Berengar’, and 93 F1 winter wheat crosses in 2010 and 2011. Based on data for these genotypes, the effect of genotype influenced the number of embryo‐like structures, regenerated plantlets and green plantlets, while the number of albino plantlets was affected by genotype, year and environmental factors. Although genotype also influenced the production of green plantlets from breeding crosses, with green plantlets per 100 anthers ranging from 0.04 to 28.67, the average regeneration rate over all crosses was 5.3 green plantlets/100 anthers, which resulted in a total of 11 416 well‐rooted green plantlets. The survival rate of green plantlets following acclimatization was 97.21% in 2010 and 96.34% in 2011. In this study, the phenomenon of albinism and genotype dependency did not hinder the production of more than five thousand green plantlets each year. In our experiments, anther culture proved to be an efficient method in winter wheat breeding programmes with lower costs than alternative technologies.  相似文献   

A. C. Zeven 《Euphytica》1985,34(2):233-236
Summary Only a few publications deal with the genetics of auricle colour of wheat. They report that red pigmentation is conditioned by one dominant gene, symbolized Ra. Ra is present in Egyptian local wheat cultivars. My own research showed the great instability of this character.  相似文献   

为进一步实现小麦籽粒锌(Zn)营养强化和氮肥(N)优化管理提供参考,归纳了氮素供应对小麦锌吸收、转运和向籽粒累积的影响。得出:(1)氮素供应是否通过增加锌吸收载体数量(如金属转运蛋白ZIPs家族中的类铁调控IRT-like蛋白)提高根系对锌的吸收;是否通过促进木质部中与锌螯合的含氮化合物如尼克酰胺(NA)和有机酸如柠檬酸的合成,或通过提高锌转运载体(如重金属腺苷三磷酸酶HMA和类黄色条纹YSL家族蛋白)的数量促进锌从根系向地上部的转运;是否通过提高NA或YSL的数量促进锌从营养器官向籽粒的再转移,均值得进一步研究。(2)应加强不同形态氮素(如硝态和铵态氮)和叶面喷施的研究,将15N和67/68Zn同位素标记结合定量化深入研究氮素的影响。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to develop an efficient in vitro selection system for scab resistance by using in vitro screening for tolerance to deoxynivalenol (DON). Immature embryos of two wheat varieties, a scab-resistant variety Sumai 3 and a susceptible variety Mianyang 11, and their reciprocal F1 hybrids were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D 2 mg/l and 0.6 × 10-4 M DON for callus induction. The responses of callus induction and plant regeneration to 0.6 × 10-4 M DON differed significantly between resistant and susceptible varieties, according to observed scab resistance levels at the plant level in the field. The percentage of callus formation of resistant variety Sumai 3 on induction medium containing DON was higher than that of susceptible variety Mianyang 11. Regeneration of DON-tolerant calli on DON-containing differentiation medium differed significantly between Sumai 3 and Mianyang 11. Averaged across the DON-tolerant calli of two varieties and their reciprocals, regeneration of DON-tolerant calli was decreased 3-fold on DON-containing medium. By an inoculation test with conidiospores of Fusarium graminearum Schw, we obtained several resistant lines from progenies of regenerated plants from DON-tolerant calli. These somaclonal lines had lower disease scoring (reaction index, infected spikelets and disease incidence), shorter plants and better yield components than Sumai 3, a famous Chinese resistant variety. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A. F. Stelmakh 《Euphytica》1987,36(2):513-519
Summary A study of the Vrn genotypes of 642 spring wheats supports the theory that only Vrn1, Vrn2 and Vrn3 exist in Tricticum aestivum. In none of the varieties investigated Vrn4 was present. Seven varieties, which according to literature carry Vrn4, showed to carry Vrn1, Vrn2 and/or Vrn3. Some varieties were mixtures of Vrn-genotypes, which could mislead geneticists in pooled data analysis. Other causes for misinterpretation of the data could be hybrid necrosis, hybrid dwarfness or a wrong determination of plants with a winter habitus. Only Hope was dominant on another Vrn locus. Its haploid Vrn-genotype is Vrn1 vrn2vrn3 Vrn5.  相似文献   

A population of 114 recombinant inbred lines (RILs), derived from the cross Opata85 × W7984, was used to genetically analyze the response of wheat to salt stress. This analysis resulted in the identification of 47 QTL mapping to all wheat chromosomes except 1B, 1D, 4B, 5D and 7D. Of these QTL, 10 were effective during the germination stage, and 37 at the seedling stage. Many of the traits related to salt tolerance mapped to common chromosome intervals, such as Xglk683–Xcdo460 on chromosome 3A, Xfbb168–Xbcd147 on chromosome 3B, Xcdo1081–Xfbb226 on chromosome 4DL and Xpsr106–Xfbb283 on chromosome 6DL. QTL located in the interval Xcdo1081–Xfbb226 (chromosome 4DL) were effective during the germination stage, whereas those in the interval Xfbb231.1–Xmwg916 (chromosome 6DL) were relevant to the seedling stage. The QTL in the intervals Xglk683–Xcdo460 (chromosome 3AS) and Xfbb168–Xbcd147 (chromosome 3BL) were effective at both the germination and seedling stages.  相似文献   

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