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Wheat, among all cereal grains, possesses unique characteristics conferred by gluten; in particular, high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW‐GS) are of considerable interest as they strictly relate to bread‐making quality and contribute to strengthening and stabilizing dough. Thus, the identification of allelic composition, in particular at the Glu‐B1 locus, is very important to wheat quality improvement. Several PCR‐based molecular markers to tag‐specific HMW glutenin genes encoding Bx and By subunits have been developed in recent years. This study provides a survey of the molecular markers developed for the HMW‐GS at the Glu‐B1 locus. In addition, a selection of molecular markers was tested on 31 durum and bread wheat cultivars containing the By8, By16, By9, Bx17, Bx6, Bx14 and Bx17 Glu‐B1 alleles, and a new assignation was defined for the ZSBy9_aF1/R3 molecular marker that was specific for the By20 allele. We believe the results constitute a practical guide for results that might be achieved by these molecular markers on populations and cultivars with high variability at the Glu‐B1 locus.  相似文献   

Chromosome 7Hch from Hordeum chilense has potential for improving seed carotenoid content in wheat as it carries a Phytoene synthase 1 (Psy1) gene, which has a major role in this trait. Structural changes in chromosome 7Hch were obtained in common wheat background by crossing the wheat disomic substitution line 7Hch(7D) with a disomic addition line carrying chromosome 2Cc from Aegilops cylindrica in common wheat cv. ‘Chinese Spring’. Rearranged 7Hch chromosomes were cytologically characterized by FISH. A set of 24 molecular markers and the Psy1 gene were used to identify the H. chilense chromosome segments involved in the introgressions. Six structural rearrangements of chromosome 7Hch were identified. They included three homozygous wheat–H. chilense centromeric translocations, one involving the 7HchS arm (T‐7HchS·A/B) and two involving the 7HchL arm (T1‐7HchL·A/B and T2‐7HchL·A/B). In addition, one 7HchS arm deletion, one 7HchL·7HchL isochromosome and one 7HchS telosome were obtained in hemizygous condition. These genetic stocks will be useful for studying the effect of chromosome 7Hch on wheat flour colour.  相似文献   

Hexaploid triticale contains valuable genes from both tetraploid wheat and rye and plays an important role in wheat breeding programmes. In order to explore the potential of hexaploid triticale ‘Certa’ in wheat improvement, two crosses were made using ‘Certa’ as female parent, and common wheat cultivars ‘Jinmai47’ (JM47) and ‘Xinong389’ (XN389) as male parents. The karyotyping of BCF4:5 lines from Certa/JM47//JM47 and F5:6 lines from Certa/XN389 was investigated using sequential fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). One 1B(1R) substitution line and five 1BL.1RS whole‐arm translocation lines were identified, one of which was found lacking ω‐secalin locus. Many structural alterations on wheat chromosomes were detected in the progeny. Great morphologic differences resulting from genetic variations were observed, among which the photosynthetic capability was increased while grain quality was slightly improved. Compared with both parents, the stripe rust resistance at adult stage was increased in lines derived from Certa/JM47//JM47, while it was decreased in lines derived from Certa/XN389. These newly developed lines might have the potential to be utilized in wheat improvement programmes.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is strictly a self‐pollinated crop, where hybrid breeding requires well‐characterized cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines. The CMS has mostly been developed by substituting nuclear genome of wheat into the cytoplasm from wild relatives. Molecular characterization of 90 genotypes including 82 CMS lines originating from five different species, namely Aegilops speltoides, Ae. kotschyi, Ae. variabilis, Triticum araraticum and T. timopheevii, and eight popular varieties was carried out. Consequently, a set of 25 microsatellite markers specific to chloroplast (cpSSRs) were designed and successfully validated for specificity of amplification. A total of 15 cpSSRs (60%) were found polymorphic, of which three cpSSRs (TaCM7, TaCM8 and TaCM11) in genic region and twelve cpSSRs were located in intergenic region. Phylogenetic analysis of genotypes using cpSSRs revealed two major groups well in accordance with respective origin. A set of cpSSRs and phylogeny of CMS belonging to different origins developed, which will be helpful for the improvement in CMS system in wheat. The genic cpSSRs can be used for the allele mining and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

There is worldwide interest in adult plant resistance (APR) because of greater durability of APR to the cereal rusts. Peruvian bread wheat genotype ‘CPAN (Coordinated Project Accession Number) 1842’ (LM 50–53) has shown leaf rust resistance in disease screening nurseries since its introduction in 1977. However, it is susceptible at the seedling stage to several Puccinia triticina (Pt) pathotypes including the widely prevalent 77‐5 (121R63‐1) that infects bread wheat. Inheritance studies showed that CPAN 1842 carried a dominant gene for APR to pathotype 77‐5, which was different from Lr12, Lr13, Lr22a, Lr34, Lr35, Lr37, Lr46, Lr48, Lr49 and Lr68, based on the tests of allelism; and from Lr67, based on genotyping with the closely linked SSR marker cfd71. This gene should also be different from Lr22b as the latter is totally ineffective against pathotype 77‐5. CPAN 1842 therefore appears to be a new promising source of leaf rust resistance. Also having resistance to stem rust and stripe rust, this line can contribute to breeding for multiple rust resistances in wheat.  相似文献   

The present research aimed to study the inheritance and chromosomal location of a photoperiod‐thermo sensitive male sterility (PTSMS) gene in Xinong 291S (XN291S), which is a new PTSMS wheat line. The inheritance was studied in F1 and F2 populations derived from crosses between XN291S and eight wheat cultivars. All F1 plants were fertile and the F2 populations segregated in either 15 : 1 or 3 : 1 fertile : sterile ratios indicating that PTSMS was controlled by one or two recessive major genes. Five wheat cultivars carried homozygous dominant alleles for fertility, whereas the other three, including ‘Chinese Spring’ (CS), carried a single homozygous dominant allele. Chromosomal location of the PTSMS gene was studied by crossing a set of CS nulli‐tetrasomic lines to XN291S. Self‐fertility of F1 hybrids XN291S/N5BT5A and XN291S/N5BT5D were significantly lower than the others. Therefore, the PTSMS gene in XN291S that differed from CS was located on chromosome 5B. Location of the second PTSMS gene needs further study.  相似文献   

Wheat × Imperata cylindrica‐mediated approach of doubled haploidy breeding requires hand emasculation followed by pollination with I. cylindrica pollen. The pace of this endeavour can be enhanced by utilizing asynchronous flowering of wheat spikes by direct pollination without emasculation followed by morphological marker–assisted screening of selfed and crossed seeds. The emasculated and un‐emasculated spikes of 13 spring and six winter wheat genotypes and two triticale × wheat derivatives were pollinated with I. cylindrica pollen. The response of different genotypes for production of crossed and selfed seeds with direct pollination varied significantly within and between groups for spring and winter wheats, whereas triticale × wheat derivatives responded similarly to each other but significantly different from spring and winter wheats. Although, the proportion of pseudoseed formation was lower in case of direct pollination, yet in some genotypes, it was comparable to that of pollination after emasculation. Moreover, the response for haploid embryo induction frequency was similar in both the cases. The method of direct pollination can be utilized for easy and economical induction of haploids.  相似文献   

To study the influence of genes from Thinopyrum intermedium on traits affecting the bread‐making quality of wheat, two derivatives from a putative disomic addition line in cultivar ‘Vilmorin 27’ were used in cytological, biochemical and molecular characterization. Cytological analysis suggested that one of the derivatives (Line‐1) had a terminal deletion involving the long arm of chromosome 1D (2n = 42, Del‐1DL”), and the other (Line‐2) was a conventional addition line, but also carried the same deletion on chromosome 1D (2n = 44, Thi”+Del‐1DL”). Amplification and sequencing of high‐molecular‐weight glutenin subunit (HMW‐GS) genes coded by the Th. intermedium chromosome in Line‐2 indicated the presence of one x‐type with an extra cysteine and four (rather than one) unique y‐type genes. Rheological studies of Line‐1 showed significantly lower dough strength compared to ‘Vilmorin 27’, confirming the recognized role of Glu‐1D coded HMW‐GSs. Line‐2 showed significantly higher dough strength compared to the background cultivar, indicating a significant potential of Th. intermedium for improvement of bread‐making quality in wheat.  相似文献   

普通小麦-华山新麦草1Ns二体异附加系的农艺性状和品质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对新培育的普通小麦-华山新麦草1Ns二体异附加系H9021-28-5的农艺性状、面粉加工品质和籽粒矿物质元素含量考察和测定表明,与亲本7182相比,异附加系H9021-28-5的株高、分蘖数、穗粒数、小穗数和结实率等性状值显著降低,籽粒重量和粒径等性状值显著升高,条锈病抗性增强;沉降值、稳定时间、弱化度、拉伸曲线面积等品质指标得到显著改善,籽粒中镁、铜、锌、钼等元素的含量显著提高。华山新麦草1Ns染色体对小麦部分农艺性状、面粉加工品质指标和矿物质元素含量具有正向效应。  相似文献   

Wheat leaf rust (LR), caused by the obligate biotrophic fungus Puccinia triticina (Pt), is a destructive foliar disease of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. The most effective, economic means to control the disease is resistant cultivars. The Romanian wheat line Fundulea 900 showed high resistance to LR in the field. To identify the basis of resistance to LR in Fundulea 900, a population of 188 F2:3 lines from the cross Fundulea 900/‘Thatcher’ was phenotyped for LR severity during the 2010–2011, 2011–2012 and 2012–2013 cropping seasons in the field at Baoding, Hebei Province. Bulked segregant analysis and simple sequence repeat markers were used to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for LR adult‐plant resistance in the population. Three QTLs were detected and designated as QLr.hebau‐1BL, QLr.hebau‐2DS and QLr.hebau‐7DS. Based on the chromosome positions and molecular marker tests, QLr.hebau‐1BL is Lr46, and QLr.hebau‐7DS is Lr34. QLr.hebau‐2DS was derived from ‘Thatcher’ and was close to Lr22. This result suggests that Lr22b may confer residual resistance on field nurseries when challenged with isolates virulent on Lr22b, or another gene linked to Lr22b confers this resistance from ‘Thatcher’. This study confirms the value of Lr34 and Lr46 in breeding for LR resistance in China; the contribution of the QTL to chromosome 2D needs further validation.  相似文献   

In Brassica oleracea, production of F1 hybrid seeds mainly makes use of the improved Ogura cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line. However, reliance on one particular line is a risk, and it would be advantageous to develop other CMS lines. In this study, we transferred Diplotaxis erucoides cytoplasm to B. oleracea cultivars using an alloplasmic B. rapaCMS line as a bridge plant to avoid incompatibility between donor and recipient plants. The new B. oleraceaCMS lines, which were derived by four generations of backcrossing, had small rudimentary anthers with no pollen grain and showed complete male sterility. There was no functional defect in other floral organs, and the ability to receive normal pollen did not appear to be impaired. Moreover, the B. oleraceaCMS lines carrying D. erucoides cytoplasm had larger leaf areas and a normal plastochron. As a consequence, the B. oleraceaCMS lines carrying D. erucoides cytoplasm have the potential to be valuable alternatives for use in commercial B. oleracea hybrid seed production.  相似文献   

Leptosphaeria maculans causes blackleg disease on Brassica napus, an economically important oilseed crop. Brassica juncea has high resistance to blackleg and is a source for the development of resistant B. napus varieties. To transfer the Rlm6 resistance gene from B. juncea into B. napus, an interspecific cross between B. napus “Topas DH16516” and B. juncea “Forge” was produced, followed by the development of F2 and F3 generations. Sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers linked to the L. maculans resistance gene Rlm6 were developed. Segregation of SCAR and CAPS markers linked to Rlm6 were confirmed by genotyping of F2 and F3 progeny. Segregation of CAPS markers and phenotypes for blackleg disease severity in F2 plants had a Mendelian ratio of 3:1 in resistant vs. susceptible plants, respectively, supporting the assumption that genetic control of resistance was by a single dominant gene. The molecular markers developed in this study, which show linkage with the L. maculans resistance gene Rlm6, would facilitate marker‐assisted backcross breeding in a variety development programme.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is a devastating fungal disease in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. Chinese wheat cultivars ‘Lumai 21’ and ‘Jingshuang 16’ show moderate levels of adult‐plant resistance (APR) to stripe rust in the field, and they showed a mean maximum disease severity (MDS) ranging from 24 to 56.7% and 26 to 59%, respectively, across different environments. The aim of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to stripe rust in an F3 population of 199 lines derived from ‘Lumai 21’ × ‘Jingshuang 16’. The F3 lines were evaluated for MDS in Qingshui, Gansu province, and Chengdu, Sichuan province, in the 2009–2010 and 2010–2011 cropping seasons. Five QTL for APR were detected on chromosomes 2B (2 QTL), 2DS, 4DL and 5DS based on mean MDS in each environment and averaged values from all three environments. These QTL were designated QYr.caas‐2BS.2, QYr.caas‐2BL.2, QYr.caas‐2DS.2, QYr.caas‐4DL.2 and QYr.caas‐5DS, respectively. QYr.caas‐2DS.2 and QYr.caas‐5DS were detected in all three environments, explaining 2.3–18.2% and 5.1–18.0% of the phenotypic variance, respectively. In addition, QYr.caas‐2BS.2 and QYr.caas‐2BL.2 colocated with QTL for powdery mildew resistance reported in a previous study. These APR genes and their linked molecular markers are potentially useful for improving stripe rust and powdery mildew resistances in wheat breeding.  相似文献   

Among the phytonutrients, anthocyanins have been extensively studied because of their antioxidant power, the characteristic supposedly responsible for their capacity for chronic disease prevention. Anthocyanins can also be synthesized in maize even though in Europe the colourless varieties have always been preferred. The aim of this study was to develop and characterize a new polenta variety of maize rich in anthocyanins, bred by a recurrent selection scheme, to increase the antioxidant power of this food. The recurrent selection was based on the anthocyanin content and other specific traits of the kernel. The coloured polenta obtained was analysed by TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) analysis and DPPH (2,2‐diphenyl‐1‐picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging ability, before and after cooking. The results obtained showed that even though cooking reduced the anthocyanin content by about 22%, the remaining anthocyanins exhibited twofolds higher antioxidant capacity, expressed as ARP (antiradical power) using acetone/water extraction buffer in DPPH assay, compared to the colourless control. Furthermore, our data showed that the anthocyanin content did not alter the taste of the coloured polenta.  相似文献   

Summary We established a chromosome specific DNA library of the Aegilops markgrafii chromosome B. Eight microdissected chromosomes B obtained from a monosomic T. aestivum-Aegilops markgrafii addition line were PCR-amplified and the DNA was cloned in Escherichia coli DH5. Clones were characterized by dot blot hybridization with total Ae. markgrafii DNA. 62% of clones represented repetitive sequences and 38% low or single copy sequences. The estimated length of excised inserts varied between less than 200 bp and more than 500 bp. The average size of inserts was 310 bp.Abbreviations bp base pairs - DOP-PCR degenerated oligonucleotide primed polymerase chain reaction  相似文献   

The two species under genus Echinochloa, Efrumentacea (Indian barnyard millet) and Eesculenta (Japanese barnyard millet), are cultivated for food and fodder by hilly and tribal communities in Asia particularly in India, China and Japan. The crop has wide adaptability and occupies a special place in marginal rainfed areas because of its short life cycle. Although the area under the crop has come down drastically in last 50 years, the crop ability to survive under harsh conditions makes it a better choice during famine years. In the Indian Himalayan region, the crop was traditionally used as a substitute for rice. It has been identified as a suitable choice for climate‐resilient agriculture. High nutrient content and antioxidant effects make it to be considered as a functional food crop. Recently, the demand of the crop has increased due to its highly nutritious grains. Thus, it has the potential to provide both food and nutritional security particularly in hills where nutritional deficiencies are in abundance. Despite enormous potential, the crop has not gained the popularity among masses and is still considered as poor man's food. This work therefore is an attempt to compile the meagre information available on crop history, evolution, crop breeding and present status to make the crop competitive and revamp its cultivation.  相似文献   

It is crucial to develop a rapid technique for identifying sexuality in the seedling stage of persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.), and the elimination of male progeny has been regarded as an important strategy for enhancing breeding efficiency. In this study, phenotype characterization and genotyping of the male‐linked OGI marker were carried out using 205 accessions, including persimmon cultivars, F1 progeny and nine related Diospyros species. All persimmon cultivars displayed consistent results regarding OGI amplification and sex phenotype. A total of 143 F1 progeny were derived from 11 crosses, among which 95 individuals had flowered. In the flowering full‐sib families, the amplification of the OGI marker in agreement with the sex phenotype was obtained in 85 plants (89.5%). The segregation of OGI in ‘Huashi 1’ × ‘Luotian Tianshi’ and ‘Huashi 1’ × Male 3 F1 populations fit a 1 : 1 ratio. Furthermore, high OGI transferability was observed in nine related species. Overall, the results indicated that the OGI locus could be used to distinguish male from female persimmon plants at an early stage.  相似文献   

We constructed a high‐resolution physical map for the qSPP7 QTL for spikelets per panicle (SPP) on rice chromosome 7 across a 28.6‐kb region containing four predicted genes. Using a series of BC7F4 near‐isogenic lines (NILs) derived from a cross between the Korean japonica cultivar ‘Hwaseongbyeo’ and Oryza minuta (IRGC Acc. No. 101144), three QTLs for the number of SPP, grains per panicle and primary branches were identified in the cluster (P ≤ 0.01). All three QTLs were additive, and alleles from the O. minuta parent were beneficial in the ‘Hwaseongbyeo’ background. qSPP7 was mapped to a 28.6‐kb region between the two simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers RM4952 and RM21605. The additive effect of the O. minuta allele at qSPP7 was 23 SPP, and 43.6% of the phenotypic variance was explained by the segregation of the SSR marker RM4952. Colocalization of the three QTLs suggested that this locus was associated with panicle structure and had pleiotropic effects. The NIL populations and molecular markers are useful for cloning qspp7.  相似文献   

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