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Several leaf traits of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.), including leaf area (LA), leaf shape (LS) and specific leaf weight (SLW) may be related to soybean yield. The objective of this study was to identify novel quantitative trait loci (QTL) for LA, LS and SLW in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population. The phenotype data were collected in 2011 and 2012 for 93 F7:10 RILs using a randomized complete block design with 2 replicates each year. Five hundred and sixteen single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and the phenotype data were used to detect QTL using single marker analysis (SMA) and composite interval mapping (CIM). Single markers analysis identified 26 QTL for the three traits, of which 17 were novel and the rests were previously reported QTL. Most of these QTL were also identified by CIM. Most QTL reported in this study were in close proximity (<1 cM) of one or more SNP markers. These publicly available SNP markers with close linkage to LA, LS and SLW should be useful for marker‐assisted breeding for these traits.  相似文献   

Salinity is a common abiotic stress causing soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] yield loss worldwide. The use of tolerant cultivars is an effective and economic approach to coping with this stress. Towards this, research is needed to identify salt‐tolerant germplasm and better understand the genetic and molecular basis of salt tolerance in soybean. The objectives of this study were to identify salt‐tolerant genotypes, to search for single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and QTLs associated with salt tolerance. A total of 192 diverse soybean lines and cultivars were screened for salt tolerance in the glasshouse based on visual leaf scorch scores after 15–18 days of 120 mM NaCl stress. These genotypes were further genotyped using the SoySNP50K iSelect BeadChip. Genomewide association mapping showed that 62 SNP markers representing six genomic regions on chromosomes (Chr.) 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 18, respectively, were significantly associated with salt tolerance (p < 0.001). A total of 52 SNP markers on Chr. 3 are mapped at or near the major salt tolerance QTL previously identified in S‐100 (Lee et al., 2014). Three SNPs on Chr. 18 map near the salt tolerance QTL previously identified in Nannong1138‐2 (Chen, Cui, Fu, Gai, & Yu, 2008). The other significant SNPs represent four putative minor QTLs for salt tolerance, newly identified in this study. The results above lay the foundation for fine mapping, cloning and molecular breeding for soybean salt tolerance.  相似文献   

Five candidate genes LpIAA1, LpRUB1, LpBRI1, LpSHOOT1 and LpTB1 with putative function in plant architecture were allele sequenced in a panel of 96 diploid perennial ryegrass genotypes of diverse origin. The total length of the non‐redundant genomic DNA alignment was 5425 bp and revealed 270 polymorphic sites in total. A negative significant Tajima's D value was detected in LpTB1 gene, suggesting selection pressure for low‐frequency alleles in this gene. All 96 genotypes were evaluated for plant height and dry matter yield over two years. Marker–trait associations were calculated between polymorphic sites and both phenotypic traits. Three indels and three single nucleotide substitutions in LpTB1 gene were significantly (P < 0.05, q < 0.05) associated with plant height, while one indel was associated with dry matter yield. The results suggest putative role of LpTB1 gene in plant height determination in perennial ryegrass and provide means for target allele selection.  相似文献   

Growing sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris) as a winter crop in cool temperate climates is expected to increase yield potential. However, this requires bolting resistance after winter. One strategy to achieve complete bolting resistance is to accumulate genes for bolting delay from various genetic resources within the B. vulgaris gene pool. To identify such genes, a QTL mapping was performed in a segregating population derived from a biennial leaf beet with delayed bolting after winter. The population was tested for bolting delay after winter in two different experiments with natural or artificial vernalization. Three QTL for bolting delay were mapped on linkage groups 3, 5 and 9 affecting bolting time by up to 19 days. These QTL could be combined with recently reported bolting QTL to develop a winter sugar beet with complete bolting resistance.  相似文献   

Morphological traits for ear leaf are determinant traits influencing plant architecture and drought tolerance in maize. However, the genetic controls of ear leaf architecture traits remain poorly understood under drought stress. Here, we identified 100 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for leaf angle, leaf orientation value, leaf length, leaf width, leaf size and leaf shape value of ear leaf across four populations under drought‐stressed and unstressed conditions, which explained 0.71%–20.62% of phenotypic variation in single watering condition. Forty‐five of the 100 QTLs were identified under water‐stressed conditions, and 29 stable QTLs (sQTLs) were identified under water‐stressed conditions, which could be useful for the genetic improvement of maize drought tolerance via QTL pyramiding. We further integrated 27 independent QTL studies in a meta‐analysis to identify 21 meta‐QTLs (mQTLs). Then, 24 candidate genes controlling leaf architecture traits coincided with 20 corresponding mQTLs. Thus, new/valuable information on quantitative traits has shed some light on the molecular mechanisms responsible for leaf architecture traits affected by watering conditions. Furthermore, alleles for leaf architecture traits provide useful targets for marker‐assisted selection to generate high‐yielding maize varieties.  相似文献   

Bacterial leaf blight (BLB), caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vignicola (Xav), is widespread in major cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] growing regions of the world. Considering the resource poor nature of cowpea farmers, development and introduction of cultivars resistant to the disease is the best option. Identification of DNA markers and marker‐assisted selection will increase precision of breeding for resistance to diseases like bacterial leaf blight. Hence, an attempt was made to detect QTL for resistance to BLB using 194 F2 : 3 progeny derived from the cross ‘C‐152’ (susceptible parent) × ‘V‐16’ (resistant parent). These progeny were screened for resistance to bacterial blight by the leaf inoculation method. Platykurtic distribution of per cent disease index scores indicated quantitative inheritance of resistance to bacterial leaf blight. A genetic map with 96 markers (79 SSR and 17 CISP) constructed from the 194 F2 individuals was used to perform QTL analysis. Out of three major QTL identified, one was on LG 8 (qtlblb‐1) and two on LG 11 (qtlblb‐2 and qtlblb‐3). The PCR product generated by the primer VuMt337 encoded for RIN2‐like mRNA that positively regulate RPM1‐ and RPS2‐dependent hypersensitive response. The QTL qtlblb‐1 explained 30.58% phenotypic variation followed by qtlblb‐2 and qtlblb‐3 with 10.77% and 10.63%, respectively. The major QTL region on LG 8 was introgressed from cultivar V‐16 into the bacterial leaf blight susceptible variety C‐152 through marker‐assisted backcrossing (MABC).  相似文献   

Association mapping of quality traits in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
In this paper, we describe the assessment of linkage disequilibrium and its decay in a collection of potato cultivars. In addition, we report on a simple regression based association mapping approach and its results to quality traits in potato. We selected 221 tetraploid potato cultivars and progenitor lines, representing the global diversity in potato, with emphasis on genetic variation for agro-morphological and quality traits. Phenotypic data for these agro-morphological and quality traits were obtained from recent trials performed by five breeding companies. The collection was genotyped with 250 AFLP® markers from five primer combinations. The genetic position of a subset of the markers could be inferred from an ultra dense potato map. Decay of linkage disequilibrium was estimated by calculating the squared correlation between pairs of markers using marker band intensities. Marker-trait associations were investigated by fitting single marker regression models for phenotypic traits on marker band intensities with and without correction for population structure. The paper illustrates the potential of association mapping in tetraploid potato, because existing phenotypic data, a modest number of AFLP markers, and a relatively simple statistical analysis, allowed identifying interesting associations.  相似文献   

Association mapping has revolutionized human genetics and is increasingly used in plant genetics. It is an efficient way of determining the genetic basis of complex traits. In cotton so far numerous association mapping studies are available as compared to many other important crops. In our study, mapping was performed using cotton 63K infinium beadchip with 201 germplasm lines. Through fast STRUCTURE analysis, lines were grouped into 12 subgroups and revealed genome sharing among the groups. The critical value (R2) was set to 0.243 as threshold to claim LD between two loci. About 3.13% marker pairs recorded significantly high LD (R2 = 1), and 8.19% of marker pairs were in the range of 0.3 to 0.99 R2. In MLM, 349 significant marker–trait associations were detected as against 642 in GLM because of effectiveness in eliminating false associations in MLM. A total of 68 markers explained >10% phenotypic variation for yield and fibre quality traits. Phenotypic variation explained by markers was smaller, suggesting that they might be associated with minor QTLs.  相似文献   

Two‐line hybrid rice as a novel hybrid breeding method has huge potential for yield increasing and utilization of intersubspecific heterosis, and it is of major significance for the food security of rice‐consuming populations. Zhu1S is a thermosensitive genic male‐sterile line of rice with low critical temperature and excellent combining ability, which has been widely exploited as a female parent in Chinese two‐line hybrid rice breeding. Here, genetic mapping in F2 populations was used to show that its male sterility is inherited as a single recessive gene and that responsible gene (termed tms9) lies on the short arm of chromosome 2. A high‐resolution linkage analysis which was based on the Zhu1S/R173 F2 population found that the thermosensitive genic male‐sterile gene tms9 of Zhu1S was fine mapped between insertion–deletion (Indel) markers Indel 37 and Indel 57, and the genetic distance from the tms9 to the two markers was 0.12 and 0.31 cM, respectively. The physical distance between the two markers was about 107.2 kb. Sequence annotation databases showed that the two Indel markers (Indel 37 and Indel 57) were located on two BAC clones (B1307A11 and P0027A02). There are sixteen open reading frames (ORF) present in this region. The results of this study are of great significance for further cloning tms9 and molecular marker–assisted selection.  相似文献   

叶片是大豆进行光合碳同化的主要器官,其颜色与光能的捕获力和转化效率有关,也与大豆的产量密切相关。因此,大豆叶色相关基因的挖掘对从光合碳同化途径解析大豆产量问题具有重要意义。黄绿叶是区别于大豆普通绿色叶片的突变类型,是研究大豆叶色相关基因的重要遗传材料。本研究发现了一个黄绿叶突变体ygl2(yellow-green leaf 2),该突变体是由大豆品系GL11自然突变而来,其黄绿叶表型可以稳定遗传。与绿叶野生型GL11相比较,突变体ygl2叶片中叶绿素含量极显著降低,株高、百粒重、蛋白含量均存在显著差异。利用GL11和ygl2构建分离群体,遗传分析表明, ygl2的黄绿叶表型受1对隐性核基因控制,利用分离群体将黄绿叶基因ygl2定位于2号染色体末端SSR标记02104到02107之间,区间物理距离为56.1 kb,包含9个基因。本研究结果为大豆黄绿叶基因图位克隆及分子标记辅助育种奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Association mapping is a promising tool to identify genes for quantitative traits. A total of 172 upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) accessions were assessed. The panel was phenotyped for four major early‐maturating traits across multiple environments and genotyped using 331 polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The gene diversity of the 331 markers averaged 0.40 (range: 0.04–0.78), and the polymorphism information content (PIC) averaged 0.34 (range: 0.04–0.75). Thirty‐nine significant markers related to early‐maturating traits were simultaneously detected in at least two environments. Among the 39 markers, 11 for seed period (SP), seven for bud period (BP), six for flower and boll period (FBP), and 15 for growth period (GP). These markers were stable and could be used for marker‐assisted selection (MAS). Favourable alleles for SP, BP, FBP and GP were explored. These alleles can be directly used in MAS to improve cotton early maturity. This study lays the foundation for analysing the genetic mechanisms underlying early maturity, as well as the use of MAS to target traits in cotton.  相似文献   

Leaf colour is an important agronomic trait for studying molecular mechanisms in chlorophyll biosynthesis and chloroplast development. Here, a novel mutant oil yellow leaf 2 (Oy2) with a typical yellow leaf phenotype at the seedling stage was identified from the mutant population derived from the maize inbred line RP125. Compared with wild type, Oy2 mutant displays decreased chlorophyll content, reduced photosynthetic capacity and impaired chloroplast structure, which is likely controlled by a single recessive gene. The Oy2 locus was then delimited into a 117 kb region on chromosome 5 harbouring four genes, amongst which the gene Zm00001d013013, encoding a magnesium chelatase subunit D, was identified as the only candidate gene associated with Oy2 mutant phenotype. Moreover, the expression levels of candidate gene Oy2 and genes associated with chlorophyll biosynthesis and photosynthesis were tested by RNA‐seq and qRT‐PCR, implying that the causal gene Oy2 playing a critical role in chlorophyll synthesis. Taken together, we propose that the causal gene Oy2 highly associated with the yellow leaf phenotype may be helpful in elucidating photosynthetic pigments biosynthesis and chloroplast development in maize.  相似文献   

Wild soybean, the progenitor of cultivated soybean, is an important gene pool for ongoing soybean breeding efforts. To identify yield-enhancing quantitative trait locus (QTL) or gene from wild soybean, 113 wild soybeans accessions were phenotyped for five yield-related traits and genotyped with 85 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to conduct association mapping. A total of 892 alleles were detected for the 85 SSR markers, with an average 10.49 alleles; the corresponding PIC values ranged from 0.07 to 0.92, with an average 0.73. The genetic diversity of each SSR marker ranged from 0.07 to 0.93, with an average 0.75. A total of 18 SSR markers were identified for the five traits. Two SSR markers, sct_010 and satt316, which are associated with the yield per plant were stably expressed over two years at two experimental locations. Our results suggested that association mapping can be an effective approach for identifying QTL from wild soybean.  相似文献   

Most of the hybrid seed in chilli are produced manually, but the use of male sterility (MS) can reduce the cost of hybrid seed production. MS‐12, a nuclear male‐sterile (NMS) line developed at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (India), has been utilized to develop commercial F1 hybrids. A recessive gene, designated as ms10, governs MS in MS‐12. Due to recessive gene control, development of new NMS lines incorporating ms10 gene is tedious and time‐consuming. We identified SSR markers AVRDC‐PP12 and AVRDC_MD997* linked to the ms10 gene. A total of 558 primer pairs were screened following bulked segregant analysis (BSA). Linkage analysis in 210 F2 plants indicated that the two SSR markers were linked to the ms10 gene and the marker AVRDC‐PP12 was closest to the gene at 7.2 cM distance. The marker was mapped to chromosome 1 at genome position 175 694 513 to 175 694 644. Until more closely linked markers are developed, the marker AVRDC‐PP12 would facilitate transfer of ms10 gene through marker‐assisted selection (MAS). Fine mapping would lead to cloning of the ms10 gene.  相似文献   

适度卷曲有利于提高水稻叶片的光合效率,增加植株光合产物的有效积累量。我们利用甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)处理籼型水稻保持系西农1B,获得一个稳定遗传的水稻半外卷叶突变体。该突变体从十叶期开始各叶片逐渐向外卷曲直至半卷状,并伴随茎秆半矮化和叶片披垂,暂被命名为semi-outcurved leaf 1 (sol1)。与野生型(WT)相比, sol1的叶片卷曲指数均达到30%以上(P<0.01);倒一、倒二、倒三、倒四节节间长度和穗长极显著缩短,倒一、倒二、倒三叶的叶夹角显著或极显著增加;有效穗数、千粒重、每穗实粒数、结实率显著或极显著下降,一次枝梗数则增加11.3%(P<0.05)。sol1的蒸腾速率、胞间CO2浓度、气孔导度显著高于野生型。石蜡切片显示, sol1倒一叶的泡状细胞体积变小,数量显著增多,表皮细胞体积略微增大。遗传分析表明, sol1的半外卷叶性状受1对隐性核基因调控,定位于6号染色体标记JY6-3和JY6-10之间165kb的物理范围内,共含15个注释基因。qRT-PCR结果表明,与泡状细胞相关的内卷基因和外卷叶基因RL14、Roc5、REL1在突变体sol1中呈...  相似文献   

Using the advanced backcross quantitative trait loci (AB‐QTL) strategy, we successfully transferred and mapped valuable allelic variants from the high β‐glucan (BG) accession IAH611 (PI 502955), into the genome of cultivar ‘Iltis’. By backcrossing one BC1F1 plant to ‘Iltis’, we developed two BC2F2‐6 populations A and B, comprising 98 and 72 F2‐individuals, respectively. Genotyping of BC2F2 individuals with predominantly AFLP markers resulted in 12 linkage groups with a map size of 455.4 cM for Population A and 11 linkage groups with a map size of 313.5 cM for Population B. Both populations were grown at three sites in Germany over a three‐year period. Individuals were then phenotyped for 13 traits including grain yield (YD) and β‐glucan content (BG). QTL analysis via stepwise regression detected a total of 33 QTLs, most of which were clustered in three linkage groups. Two dense linkage groups A1 and B13 were found to be putatively homologous to groups KO_6 and KO_11 of the ‘Kanota’/‘Ogle’ map, respectively.  相似文献   

Rye production in European growing areas is constrained by the soilborne cereal mosaic virus (SBCMV) and the wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV). To date, no European rye cultivars are known to exhibit resistance against these viruses. In this study, we pursued a quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping strategy to identify genomic regions for resistance to SBCMV and WSSMV in rye. Three populations, each comprising 100 lines segregating for resistance to SBCMV and/or WSSMV, were evaluated for disease response at two years in three locations in Germany where soils are naturally infested with SBCMV and WSSMV. In the combined analysis across environments, one QTL for SBCMV resistance on chromosome 5R explained 31.9% of the phenotypic variation in one of the populations. For WSSMV resistance, one QTL explaining up to 64.0% of the phenotypic variation was detected on chromosome 7R in each of the three populations. On the Triticeae homoeologous group 5, we found evidence for synteny of the major QTL for SBCMV resistance between the wheat and rye genomes.  相似文献   

【目的】定位徐州142无絮(XZ142w)突变体的短绒控制基因n2。【方法】以陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)徐州142(XZ142)×XZ142w的F2群体为研究对象,利用108个简单重复序列(Simple sequence repeat,SSR)标记对n2进行初步定位,再根据2个亲本材料中有单核苷酸多态性(Single nucleotide polymorphic,SNP)的差异基因设计50对SNP引物,用高分辨率熔解曲线(High resolution melting,HRM)技术从中筛选在亲本间有多态性的SNP引物,并用于后代的基因分型。【结果】利用108个SSR标记将n2初步定位在26号染色体的20.2c M的遗传区间内;用HRM技术筛选到9对亲本间有多态性的SNP引物,成功实现基因分型;并结合以SSR构建的连锁图谱,将n2的遗传区间缩小为19.5 c M,n2与最近的SNP标记Cricaas20158遗传距离为5.5 c M,且遗传图谱上的标记与四倍体陆地棉测序物理图谱基本一致。【结论】HRM技术可用于棉花中的SNP检测和n2基因的定位。  相似文献   

Shotgun survey sequences of flow‐sorted individual rye chromosomes were data mined for the presence of simple sequence repeats (SSRs). For 787,850 putative SSR loci, a total of 358,660 PCR primer pairs could be designed and 51,138 nonredundant SSR marker candidates were evaluated by in silico PCR. Of the 51,138 SSR primer candidates, 1,277 were associated with 1,125 rye gene models. A total of 2,112 of the potential SSR markers were randomly selected to represent about equal numbers for each of the rye chromosomes, and 856 SSRs were assigned to individual rye chromosomes experimentally. Potential transferability of rye SSRs to wheat and barley was of low efficiency with 4.3% (2,189) and 0.4% (223) of rye SSRs predicted to be amplified in wheat and barley, respectively. This data set of rye chromosome‐specific SSR markers will be useful for the specific detection of rye chromatin introgressed into wheat as well as for low‐cost genetic and physical mapping in rye without the need for high‐tech equipment.  相似文献   

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