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日本对松材线虫病致病机理的研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
病原松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner & Buhrer)Nickle侵入松树体后,通常能于当年引起植株枯死。但植株枯死的时间,则因树种、树龄而异。在人工按种的条件下,黑松苗上,约经1个月左右;大树上,一般需经2~3 相似文献
松树化学与松材线虫病关系研究进展 总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2
简述国内外有关松材线虫病与松树化学方面的研究进展。对松树引诱信息物质、松树毒素及松树化学组成等与松材线虫病的相互关系分别进行讨论。证明β香叶烯、α蒎烯、β蒎烯、β水芹烯等对松褐天牛及松材线虫具有引诱作用;苯甲酸、儿茶酚、二氢松柏醇、8羟基香芹鞣酮、10羟基马鞭草烯酮等则对松树有毒害作用;而α王古王巴烯、长叶烯、去氢枞酸等有利于松材线虫的生存和繁育。 相似文献
6月24日至26日,自治区林业局在贺州市召开了全区松材线虫病预防工作座谈会,进一步贯彻落实了《国务院办公厅关于进一步加强松材线虫病预防和除治工作的通知》,传达贯彻了“全国森林病虫害防治暨松材线虫病预防和除治工作座谈会”精神,研究部署了我区松材线虫病预防工作。自治区林业局党组成员、副局长廖培来作了重要讲话,各地市林业局、区直属国有林场分管森防工作的副局(场)长、森防站站长和有关领导共100多人出席了会议。会议,提出了预防工作目标,落实了工作责任,自治区林业局与各地市林业局、区直属国有林场签订了20… 相似文献
松材线虫病致病机理的研究进展 总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35
该文对松材线虫病的致病机制的研究进行了概述。目前对松材线虫病的病原有两种看法,一种认为松材线虫是惟一病原,另一种认为病原为松材线虫和细菌两种生物。对于松材线虫的致病机理,目前存在3种观点。第1种观点认为松材线虫的酶使松树薄壁细胞的细胞壁和细胞膜遭到破坏,树脂不正常地从树脂道中渗漏并扩散到相邻的管胞中,使水分输导受阻,导致萎蔫。第2种观点认为松树感染了松材线虫后,木质部内挥发性萜烯类物质的含量增加,这些物质进入管胞在管胞中形成空洞,致使水分输导受阻。第3种观点认为松树感染松材线虫后,体内产生有毒物质,这些物质使松树萎蔫。 相似文献
[目的]综合评述了松材线虫病变色松树遥感监测的数据和方法研究进展,并就星-机-地多源遥感数据协同监测变色松树提出展望。[方法]通过分析松材线虫病染病松树的生理生态特征和冠层光谱,综述遥感数据的获取、基于遥感数据的变色松树解译方法,讨论当前松材线虫病变色松树遥感监测存在的主要问题,并指出未来可能的研究方向。[结果]不同的遥感监测平台对于变色松树的识别各具其优势,地面调查具有高可靠性优势、卫星遥感具有多时相优势、无人机遥感具有高空间分辨率和高灵活性优势。其中以无人机遥感和高分卫星遥感为主的遥感技术的发展,伴随着遥感图像解译算法和计算机软硬件的改进,为松材线虫病疫区变色松树的快速定位和计数提供了新的手段。但新手段在变色松树监测过程中还存在着监测手段单一,定位位置偏差大、识别精度和识别效率低等问题。[结论]未来随着卫星数量的增多和无人机影像获取成本的减少,从多源遥感影像上采用人工智能算法快速定位出单株变色松树和疫区变色松树的计数将成为新的模式。 相似文献
1988年8月20~27日,在日本东都市召开了第五次国际植物病理学会。1989年6月4日,日本有关专家在东京大学举行了“森林动物研讨会”。在这两次会议上,专家们对“松材线虫病”研究进展及当前存在问题进 相似文献
研究表明,在松材线虫发生区,疫病的扩散和流行与松树的采伐剩余物有着密切的关系。松树的新鲜采伐剩余物,如梢,枝,干,桩,每平方分米表面积松褐天牛幼虫蛀入孔数分别为1.46个,1.41个,0.18个,0.29个。次年,从这些剩余物上每平方分米分别能出现0.55个,0.84个,0.15个,0.27个松褐天牛羽化孔,经镜检,受松褐天牛寄生的采伐剩余物均带有松材线虫。由此可见,松树采伐剩余物是松材线虫病扩散流行的一个重要的中间环节,改善松林卫生状况,规范松林采伐技术,科学处理剩余物是抑制松材线虫病扩散和流行的重要环节和措施。 相似文献
研究和综述了寄生松科植物的伞滑刃属(Bursaphelenchus)的线虫23种,松材线虫的寄主松科植物108种、携带昆虫40种及发病的环境条件。 相似文献
To elucidate the synergetic effects of acid rain on the development of pine wilt disease, we measured the sap flow rate in the stems and the chlorophyll content in the needles of 10‐year‐old Japanese black pine trees, Pinus thunbergii and 12‐year‐old Japanese red pine trees, Pinus densiflora, after exposure to simulated acid rain (SAR, pH 3) or tap water (TW, pH 6.3) as a control. The heat pulse method was used for the estimation of the sap flow rate. No apparent difference was found in the sap flow rate between the trees exposed to SAR and TW, but the chlorophyll content of needles at the end of the treatment was significantly higher in the trees exposed to SAR than in those exposed to TW. When the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the causal agent of pine wilt disease, was inoculated onto the Japanese black pines that had been exposed to SAR repeatedly for 1 year, the period to death was shortened. Japanese red pines that had been exposed to SAR for 2 years, however, did not show any development of symptoms after the nematode inoculation, suggesting that acid rain only affects pine wilt disease slightly, if at all. 相似文献
The pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, is the causal agent of pine wilt disease (PWD), which is a major problem in East Asia and West Europe. Quick identification of PWN is needed to prevent the dispersal of PWD to healthy forests. Various detection methods of PWN have been developed using anatomical characters and molecular markers. These methods are not suitable for rapid diagnosis because it is difficult to distinguish B. xylophilus from the non‐pathogenic species Bursaphelenchus mucronatus based on morphological characters without expertise in nematode taxonomy and most PCR or isothermal amplification detection methods require time‐consuming processes. In this study, we developed an on‐site PWN detection method using a recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assay with a novel extraction buffer (DAP buffer). This new PWN detection method is able to extract genomic DNA from PWN in pinewood by simple buffer consisting of sodium hydrate, polyethylene glycol 200 and dimethyl sulfoxide in 10 min without using the experimental devices and able to distinguish between B. xylophilus and other Bursaphelenchus spp. by amplifying the species‐specific 5S rDNA fragment of B. xylophilus in 10 min. Taken together, our protocol can obtain the result for the detection of PWN in pine tree samples within 30 min. This result suggests that RPA/DAP assay is much faster, easier and cheaper than the conventional methods for detecting PWN. 相似文献
In the development of pine wilting disease caused by Bursaphelenchus lignicolus, water status in pines plays an important role in the pinenematode relationship. Levelling off in transpiration causes a population growth of nematodes in the wood. Such pines invariably wilt several weeks after the reduction of transpiration. The paper contains details of oleoresin exudation, transpiration and xylem water potential as well as the nematode population in the wood in connection with disease development. 相似文献