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Koga  S.  Zhang  S. Y. 《Wood Science and Technology》2004,38(2):149-162
This study quantified and compared intra-tree and inter-tree variations in ring width and wood density components in balsam fir (Abies balsamea) grown in Quebec, Canada. In addition, the study examined correlations between ring width and wood density components at different stem positions from the stump level to the stem top. Ring width and wood density components of individual rings were measured by X-ray densitometry. Both the intra- and inter-tree variations in balsam fir are large, but the inter-tree variation is relatively smaller than the intra-tree variation. Much of the intra-tree variation is due to the radial variation, whereas the axial variation is much smaller. Compared to ring width and its components, wood density characteristics show a considerably smaller variation at both the inter- and intra-tree level. In almost all wood characteristics studied (except for latewood width), the intra- and inter-tree variations are more or less influenced by tree age. Cambial age explains more intra-tree variation in wood density components than ring width, whereas more intra-tree variation in ring width components is due to ring width. Cambial age and ring width explain a comparable percentage of variation in ring density. Only a few of the correlations between ring width and wood density components vary significantly with stem position from the stump to the stem top at the inter-tree level. In balsam fir, a negative correlation between ring density and ring width is significant in the butt log, but the correlation decreases to an insignificant level at and above a height of 3.0 m.  相似文献   

Compounds are present in sapwood of Abies balsamea (L.) Mill., triggering the formation of coremia by Ceratocystis piceae (Münch) Bakshi. From several unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid is the most active coremia inducer.  相似文献   

Crown architecture of Abies balsamea from four canopy positions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data collected from four distinct canopy positions from each of 39 Abies balsamea (L.) Miller trees were used to construct models to describe the cumulative leaf area distribution within the crown and to predict the needle mass of individual branches, the average branch angle, branch diameter, branch length, and crown radius per whorl, and the average number of living branches per whorl. We tested the hypotheses that regression models are equal among canopy positions and that a model to predict branch needle mass is valid at the northern and southern extremes of the central climatic zone of Maine. Canopy position had an effect on the models constructed to predict needle mass, branch angle, branch diameter, branch length, crown radius, and the number of living branches per whorl. However, compared with an expanded model that incorporated parameters calculated for each crown class, there was only a small loss in model precision when a general model constructed from data pooled from all crown classes was used to predict needle mass, branch angle, and branch diameter. Regression equations unique to each crown class were needed to predict crown shape and leaf area distribution in the crown satisfactorily. Our branch needle mass model, which was constructed from data collected at the southern extreme of the central climatic zone of Maine, consistently underestimated needle branch mass when applied to the northern extreme of the central climatic zone.  相似文献   

Balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill) was extensively sampled to investigate the effects of forest management practices, site location, within-crown position, tree component (i.e., stem, foliage, branches and roots), and tree social classes on biomass and carbon (C) partitioning at the individual tree level and across ecological regions. The sites were located in three ecologically distinct forest regions of west-central New Brunswick, Canada. There were no significant differences in %C content of trees across ecological regions or across tree social classes. However, at the individual tree level, significant differences were evident in biomass and C allocation between different parts of the tree, between treatment types (i.e., unmanaged and pre-commercially thinned stands) and between within-crown positions, indicating the need for separate estimates of biomass and C content of tree components to obtain more precise estimates of quantities at the stand level. Calculating stand C content based on constant allocation values, as is commonly done, produced errors of up to 15% compared with the values calculated in this study. Three allometric equations of biomass and C that account for partitioning among different parts of the tree were developed and compared: (1) a third-order polynomial, (2) a modified inverse polynomial and (3) a modified Weibull equation. Diameter at breast height (DBH) was used as the only explanatory variable to describe fresh biomass, dry biomass and C content. All regressions derived showed a high correlation with DBH, with most r2 values > 0.95. A comparison of the equation results showed that the modified Weibull equation gave consistent results with the best overall fit and was the simplest of the three equations investigated. The regressions can be used to estimate forest biomass and tree C content at the stand level, given specific information on DBH.  相似文献   

We investigated the cause of gravimorphic growth inhibition in current-year shoots of balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) seedlings displaced from their normal orientation in the gravitational field. Tilting the main stem of seedlings decreased shoot elongation, cambial growth as measured by tracheid production, and leaf dry weight of the terminal shoot and the lateral shoots on the lower side of the tilted stem. Removing either the terminal shoot or all lateral shoots induced compensatory growth in the remaining shoots, but did not reduce the inhibitory effect of tilting on shoot growth. Bending the apical part of a tilted main stem to restore it to the vertical did not fully reverse the inhibition of terminal shoot growth caused by stem tilting. Stem tilting inhibited cambial activity at the base of decapitated terminal shoots treated apically with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and decreased the basipetal transport of a [1-(14)C]-IAA pulse. Stem tilting also induced compression wood formation on the lower side of the tilted stem. Compression wood formation was associated with increases in cambial activity and stem respiration. Stem tilting did not affect either the net photosynthetic rate in 1-year-old leaves or the xylem water potential in current-year lateral shoots. These results support the hypothesis that gravimorphic growth inhibition in a current-year shoot on a tilted stem involves reductions in (1) the shoot's capacity to export IAA, and hence to mobilize photoassimilates, and (2) the supply of photoassimilates available for import by the shoot, as a result of increased cambial sink activity associated with compression wood formation outside that shoot.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis in balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) was measured in the field at two locations in New Brunswick, Canada from late winter to late spring in 2004 and 2005. No photosynthesis was detectable while the soil remained below 0 degrees C throughout the rooting zone. In both years, photosynthesis began once soil temperature rose to 0 degrees C. In potted seedlings in growth chambers, there was no photosynthesis at an air temperature of 10 degrees C if the pots were frozen. These findings suggest that, once air temperatures permit photosynthesis, it is the availability of unfrozen soil water that triggers the onset of photosynthesis. In the field, full recovery of photosynthetic capacity following the onset of soil thaw was dependent on air temperature and took 5 weeks in 2005, but 10 weeks in 2004. There were two substantial frost events during the recovery period in 2004 that may explain the extended recovery period. In 2005, recovery was complete after the accumulation of 200 growing degree days above 0 degrees C after the start of soil thaw.  相似文献   

A trial set-up with methods for sampling, treatment and analysis of small wood chips are presented in this paper, to determine important wood and fibre properties, like basic density, dry density, volume swelling of wood, Kraft pulp yield, fibre length, fibre coarseness, fibre width, lumen width and fibre wall thickness. The required time for one sample is about 1.5 man-hour, but this requires relatively larger series and trained personnel. Acceptable measurement accuracy is achieved when the volume of the wood sample is at least 1.5 ml, except that of wood volume swelling. To gain acceptable measurement accuracy for volume swelling, the wood volume should be increased to at least 3 ml, and preferably more than 5–6 ml per sample. The level of pulp yield and wood density do not show a significant effect on the measurement accuracy for fibre cross-section dimensions. Fibre coarseness, on the other hand, has a significant influence on these accuracies. A double measurement of fibre coarseness will improve the accuracy to an acceptable level. The method presented here may, together with information about trees and growth locations, form the basis for greater insight into the mechanisms involved in development of wood and fibre properties in trees, which in turn may provide better control and utilisation of wood for pulp and paper production.Abbreviations CWD cell wall density in dry wood=1500 kg/m3 - Ww dry weight of wood (kg) - Vmax green (wet) volume of wood (m3) - Vmin dry volume of wood (m3) - BD basic wood density (kg/m3) - DD dry wood density (kg/m3) - VS maximum volume swelling of wood (%) - Wp dry weight of pulp (kg) - PY pulp yield (%) - C fibre coarseness, the average weight of a unit length of fibre (g/m) - CL average chip length (mm) - CWT average cell wall thickness (m) - FW average fibre width (m) - l average native fibre length in solid wood - L chip length - lc average fibre length in wood chip (mm) - Lc length-weighted fibre length in wood chip (mm) - lw native average fibre length in wood (mm) - Lw native length-weighted fibre length in wood (mm) - LW average lumen width (m) - llw average native fibre length, length weighted, in wood - X average fibre length in chip - Xlw average fibre length, length weighted, in chip  相似文献   

Simulated acid rain (SAR) of pH 2.6, 3.6 and 5.6 (control) was applied to Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. saplings at 2-week intervals for 3 years. Ambient precipitation was excluded from the trees during this period. Light to dark brown necrotic spots along the midribs of needles, 0.1 to 0.5mm in diameter and sometimes having a white center, were associated with the most acidic (pH 2.6) SAR treatment. These spots appeared over a significantly (p = 0.05) larger area of the foliage in the pH 2.6 treatment than in controls (pH 5.6). Needles that received SAR of pH 3.6 had intermediate numbers of spots. The spots persisted for at least 12/3 years after cessation of SAR application. Needle retention, needle lengths, and the occurrence of epicormic shoots and the needle rust caused by Uredinopsis longimucronata Faull were not significantly (p = 0.05) affected by the SAR treatments. Needle retention tended to be lessened by the most acidic (pH 2.6) SAR treatment. The occurrence of Lophodermium piceae (Fuckel) Höhnel needle cast was significantly lower in the middle tree sections of the pH 5.6 and 3.6 treatments than in the pH 2.6, drought and ambient treatments. Damage by naturally occurring insects was negligible, and was not related to the SAR treatments.  相似文献   

Heretofore, only regression models using average RGC as the independent variable were available to predict the survival of planted seedlings. Now, however, Critical RGC-Expected Survival models are available. Each model predicts the survival of a population on sites with the same Critical RGC as specified by the model. Survival is predicted to equal the percent of the seedlings in the population that have RGCs that Critical RGC. These models are validated by a chi-square goodness of fit test which determines the probability that the survival predictions made by a model agree with the survivals observed on a planting site. In validating a model, the harshness of the planting site is also quantified in terms of its Critical RGC. In this paper, three Critical RGC-Expected Survival models are validated, demonstrating that RGC controls survival on both harsh and gentle sites. On the harsher sites, the Critical RGC for survival was 40 cm; whereas on the gentler sites, it was 20 cm.  相似文献   

The terminal (1-year-old) shoot of quiescent, 2-year-old Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. seedlings was either left untreated or ringed with 0, 1 or 10 mg Ethrel g(-1) lanolin. After 5 weeks of culture under environmental conditions favorable for growth, the shoots were harvested to measure ethylene evolution and carbohydrate concentrations by gas chromatography, and tracheid number and bark radial width by microscopy. In untreated shoots, the basal rate of ethylene evolution followed the order: cambial region > cortex + periderm = xylem + pith = needles. Wound-induced ethylene production was not detected until at least 4 h after excision, but was evident in all fractions 24 h after excision; the increase in wound-induced ethylene evolution followed the order: cambial region > cortex + periderm > xylem + pith > needles. Compared with untreated controls, the application of plain lanolin, which involved the removal of needles and periderm, increased bark radial width and wound-induced ethylene production by the cambial region and the cortex + periderm, but decreased cambial region concentrations of fructose, glucose and starch at the application point. At the application point, Ethrel concomitantly increased ethylene evolution from the cambial region and the cortex + periderm, tracheid number, bark radial width, and the cambial region concentrations of fructose, glucose, sucrose and starch. No effects of Ethrel treatment were detected above or below the application point, with the exception that the 10 mg g(-1) Ethrel treatment stimulated ethylene evolution and decreased starch concentration of the cambial region. The results indicate that: (1) the cambial region is the major source of endogenous ethylene in the 1-year-old shoot; (2) the magnitude of the difference in ethylene evolution between particular shoot fractions is different before and after the start of wound-induced ethylene production; (3) the Ethrel-induced increase in tracheid number and bark radial width at the application point is positively related to ethylene evolution from the cambial region and the cortex + periderm, respectively; and (4) ethylene derived from Ethrel applied laterally to a woody stem can mobilize carbohydrates to the application point.  相似文献   


Precommercial thinning (PCT) is often used to improve stand growth and value. While PCT may accelerate tree growth and reduce mortality, it may also have a negative effect on product quality. This study examined the effect of moderate and heavy thinning on tree growth, lumber recovery and quality in a natural balsam fir [Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.] PCT trial 35 years after thinning. Compared with the control, the heavy thinning increased merchantable tree diameter, stem volume per tree and lumber volume recovery per tree by 41.1%, 100.9% and 92.7%, respectively, reduced the Select Structural grade (the best grade) recovery by 33.7%. Thinning did not affect the no. 2 and better grade yield. There was a 12.2% and 15.0% difference, respectively, in the lumber bending modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) between the control and heavy thinning. Moderate thinning had little impact on the visual grade recovery, lumber bending MOE and MOR. Heavy thinning is recommended if the goal is to get sizeable sawlogs in the shortest time, whereas moderate thinning is preferable if the intention is to minimize the negative effects on lumber quality while retaining modest tree growth and lumber recovery. Overall, PCT of very dense young balsam fir stands appears to be an effective and viable silvicultural treatment.  相似文献   

Wood produced during flexure in one-year-old leaders of Abies fraseri (Pursh) Poir. (Fraser fir) was analyzed anatomically and radio-densitometrically. More xylem cells were produced in stems subjected to flexing than in stems that were not flexed. The lumens of tracheids produced in response to flexure were smaller than the lumens of tracheids in normal wood. This was manifest as an increase in the cell wall area/cell lumen area ratio. Microfibril orientation in flexure-induced wood approached the less extreme values found in compression wood. The growth ring composed of flexure-induced wood also had a greater density than normal wood. Compression wood, as defined by cellular characteristics observed in transverse section, was absent in flexed stems. Detailed analysis of the anatomical structure, wood density and biomechanical properties of flexure-induced wood indicated that it has more in common with compression wood than with normal wood.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen addition and weed management on fibre properties of wood from 6.5-year-old Eucalyptus grandis and E. tereticornis from intensively managed short-rotation plantations were investigated. Trees for analyses were sampled from plots with zero nitrogen input (n = 4), plots with high level (187 kg N ha?1) nitrogen input (n = 4), plots from which weed growth was not removed throughout the rotation (n = 4) and plots from which weeds were removed periodically (n = 4). Fibre characteristics were evaluated on wood samples collected from base, breast height, 50, 75 and 100 % of merchantable bole height of trees. Though N input and weed management improved tree growth significantly irrespective of species, the treatment effects did not cause any significant change in fibre characteristics such as fibre length, fibre diameter, lumen width and wall thickness. Longest and widest fibres were observed at the outer most radial portion of wood in all cases. In general, within tree fibre length varied significantly along the radial direction of wood. Fibre diameter, lumen width and wall thickness lacked any specific pattern between species and treatments. Runkel ratio and felting and flexibility coefficients values showed high pulping quality of wood irrespective of species and treatments. The study concluded that the fibre properties that influence pulpwood quality of Eucalyptus have not been affected by silvicultural practices, like fertilizer input and weed management, aimed at improving productivity of short-rotation eucalypt plantations.  相似文献   

The terminal (1-year-old) shoot of quiescent, two-year-old balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) seedlings was ringed with lanolin containing 0, 1 or 10 mg g(-1) Ethrel, an ethylene-generating compound, and cultured for 6 weeks under environmental conditions favorable for growth. Bud break and the elongation of the current-year terminal shoot were monitored, and the subjacent previous-year terminal shoot that had been treated with Ethrel was harvested to measure stem radial growth by microscopy, shoot ethylene evolution by gas chromatography, and cambial region indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) concentration by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Compared with the lanolin controls, Ethrel at 1 and 10 mg g(-1) did not affect bud break or longitudinal growth, but stimulated tracheid production and bark increment up to about 2-fold at the application site, though not above or below it. In addition, the 1 and 10 mg g(-1) Ethrel treatments increased the cambial region IAA concentration about 3-fold and the evolution of ethylene at least 40-fold at the application site, compared with unwounded portions of both treated and control shoots. The 10 mg g(-1) Ethrel treatment also stimulated ethylene evolution about 10-fold, both above and below the application site. However, this stimulation was not associated with an elevation in cambial region IAA concentration. Similarly, the lanolin control treatment increased ethylene evolution at the application site about 10-fold, without affecting the cambial region IAA concentration. Our results suggest that the localized stimulation of radial growth in woody shoots ringed with Ethrel is mediated by an increase in IAA concentration, which in turn is induced by a threshold, abnormally high concentration of Ethrel-derived ethylene.  相似文献   

We investigated the interaction between indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and ethylene in the regulation of the seasonal periodicity of tracheid production in 1-year-old balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) cuttings collected at different times during the dormant period. The cuttings were left with their buds intact or were debudded and treated either apically with IAA or 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (Ethrel) in lanolin, laterally with IAA or Ethrel in lanolin, or basally with Ethrel, Co(2+) or Ag(+) in deionized water. The treated cuttings were then cultured for up to 5 weeks under controlled environment conditions favorable for cambial growth. No change in ethylene evolution was detected during the rest-quiescence transition, when IAA-induced tracheid production increased. The induction of cambial reactivation by IAA was associated with a rise in ethylene evolution, but there was no consistent relationship among IAA concentration, tracheid number and ethylene emission. Neither Ethrel, Co(2+) nor Ag(+) affected tracheid production when applied basally, except for 10 and 100 micro M Ethrel and 100 micro M Co(2+), which were inhibitory. In contrast, ethylene evolution was promoted by Ethrel and inhibited by Co(2+), whereas Ag(+) had no effect. Similarly, applying Ethrel apically or laterally increased ethylene evolution, but did not promote tracheid production except in the treatment in which 1 mg Ethrel g(-1) lanolin was applied laterally to cuttings treated apically with 0.1 mg IAA g(-1) lanolin, and in the treatment in which 10 mg Ethrel g(-1) lanolin was applied laterally to budded cuttings. We conclude that (1) ethylene evolution is not specifically associated with IAA-induced tracheid production, (2) ethylene does not mimic the promoting effect of IAA on tracheid production, and (3) ethylene can promote tracheid production, but only when its application results in a localized unphysiologically high concentration in the cambial region, which, in turn, induces an accumulation of IAA.  相似文献   

Low temperature (LT) exposure has been shown to delay postharvest needle abscission and senescence (NAS) in balsam fir and changes in vapor pressure deficit (VPD) are expected to alter these processes. Two and half year-old seedlings were exposed to a LT of 5°C for 15 days while the control (CT) group was maintained at 22°C. Seedlings were then exposed to four different VPD (0.22, 0.87, 1.3 and 1.86?kPa) and observed for relative water content (RWC), xylem pressure potential (XPP), membrane injury index (MII), stem capacitance (SC) and NAS. An interactive effect of LT and VPD was observed in RWC, XPP, MII and NAS. Low VPD (0.22 and 0.87?kPa) resulted in less negative XPP, lower electrolyte leakage, higher SC and ultimately higher NAS than those at high VPD. Maximum NAS was recorded at 0.22?kPa. At 1.86?kPa, LT had 5× lower RWC (13%), 3× more negative XPP (?1.1?MPa), 1.8× higher membrane damage and 35% lower NAS (47 days) than CT. The SC declined with an increase in VPD with no effect of LT. The XPP and RWC of LT seedlings showed a positive relationship with NAS with R2 values of 0.54 and 0.59, respectively. LT offered no benefits to NAS at high VPD environments.  相似文献   

Summary This is a study on the shrinkage of wood representing the wide range of morphology variation in leaning trees. It involved 13 trees of Eucalyptus regnans, one of Eucalyptus sieberi and four of Pinus radiata, and specimens taken at close intervals around the circumference of each. Data indicated a systematic modulation, between extremes at upper and lower sides of each stem, in longitudinal growth strains, relative proportions of thin, medium and thick-walled fibres, microfibril angle in the S2 layer of these, and both Klason and acid-soluble lignin content. Analyses indicated that the microfibril angle in S2 was a prime factor in influencing both longitudinal and volumetric shrinkage reactions; proportion of thick-walled fibres in the tissue, thickness of S2 relative to S1, and variations in lignification also were involved. Unusually thick-walled fibres were associated with visco-elastic strain recovery effects, which could form a substantial part of dimensional changes apparently attributable to shrinkage.Relevant to 10 of the E. regnans trees in this study, appreciation is expressed to three colleagues for providing access to the detailed data on strain, cell wall thickness, and volumetric shrinkage involved in their published study [Nicholson, J. E., Hillis, W. E., and Ditchburne, N. 1975]. By prior arrangement to minimize duplication of effort, their data were derived from specimens from those trees that were involved in this study.  相似文献   

Roughness models for sanded wood surfaces   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The understanding of the effects of variables is crucial to achieve the desired sanded surface quality at optimum condition. In wood surface evaluation, it is known that anatomies on wood surface could distort the roughness value and cause a misinterpretation of the processing performance. In this study, statistical approaches were taken to characterize the influence of sanding variables as well as to analyze the anatomical noises that were inherited from intra- and inter-species of woods. Four available roughness parameters (R a , R q , R k and R ap) were used to examine the surface of three distinct wood species, viz. kembang semangkok, red oak and spruce in wide-belt sanding. Based on the mean values, analysis of variance showed that species (anatomy) was significant to all conventional parameters except R ap which was filtered by monitoring the second derivative of Abbott-curve. In spite of this, R ap recorded a more widely dispersed deviation of random measurement values than R k and R a . The effects of grit size and feed rate were found to be significant. Empirical roughness models were established using response surface methodology, and the errors were calculated by comparing the model values to all the randomly measured values. Although exhibiting slight species-dependant effect by nature, R k showed reliable consistency by recording the lowest error values (<10%) for both intra- and inter-species measurements. Experimental results also suggested that three random measurements at each run could be sufficient. The method of constructing machinability models can be readily applied in the industry as a quality control tool for wide-belt sander.  相似文献   

绿化纤维生产工艺技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 研究的目的和意义 传统的绿化方式是人工植树种草,效率低,成本高,而且在特殊地段(陡坡、路基旁等)难以实施,效果也不尽人意。绿化纤维生产技术的出现,使上述问题迎刃而解,而且其绿化效果具有特殊的观赏性。 80年代,西方国家开始采用喷播方式进行植草绿化;90年代,随着这种喷播方式的发展,诞生了一系列的工业化产品──纤维覆盖物(喷播种子的载体和覆盖物)、保水剂(使土壤保持湿润)、胶粘剂(使纤维覆盖物和种子粘结在土壤上)。这些产品在美国、加拿大、日本等国都有大型的工业化生产企业,目前产品出口到欧州、东南…  相似文献   

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