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二杯】圳酬粼···一一…牛份)。:……:…:…二……苗造林为主。……)…:…:…春:…::…:造林为主‘,…、…11…,5…倒春寒…造林:以植、造林为主。 )力一}1}~、一1 {口}}{箱你{ {呈}至{至{{西部及高海拔地区可继续播种育苗。 {牛!}1春旱1 1力‘}}__!} 分)二{‘4{“6{冰司严防森林火先 }日}{…二{续表1均量)平气历期节平降水主要林事活动(℃(Inm不利气象条件倒春寒晚霜冻造林:以直播造林为主护林防火春旱四月五日或六1日}】)~一i晚霜冻倒春寒播种育苗的抚育管理(揭覆盖物、除苗、 防病、抗旱等)。雨季造林(西部地区)。幼林抚育(块状除草松…  相似文献   

若干国家容器苗木产t(单位:万株)灭硬一叫畜木…“器苗{丽国家\\、一卜总产量】产量】情况巴__,酉)6。,000…55,。0。…生产件 ’它日市,些{“,000{‘,“801生叮份 矛粤{‘。。}st,}生广作 节界…“7,。00…‘5,。〔,‘J…生考件“_兰…2‘’50。…8’口。。)生严“加’查…“。’乏’5。】5’。”’…羡鬓理待里{‘7,800】‘,ooU{_香巴…96’3651“8。。…霆鬓鬓 四语…15U,su“I全u.0}男犷件 日本]l 24,“0“}很少}试验性容器苗比重 (%)发展趋势增长增长增长有一定增长迅速增长增长迅速增长增长增长92 69 50 4033胜62注:本表除日本是197…  相似文献   

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握娜兴卜拼囊纂攀好 产纂袱啦葺滚结孽蕊先律写软研鬓鬓露蔓毒髻。羹粤霉桥鬓鬓_蕊翼舞鬓臻纂 产擎 ,塞滚暮l蓄;霎爵霞晕袭 蓄矍寡曹,}鬓暴{纂…衰篡 蓄 纂婆鬓·首妻毖滋鬓孽薯双侧翼纂口.叫 兹目一目一留渭昌滚胡.叫户.峭比目思侧潺廿,带侧O.口带甲若 {馨’撼…: 甲 奋{ 撼{ __l 江, 少;落{}。七,爷、才O宜玲带嗯护石才侣翻禽粗答曝鸳聋镶摇霎器纂慈釜羹司滩鑫豢轶司娜藻豢卷聋但蚤鑫签惑莽,奏建 夕豁 产蛋 尹菱罄理叫矍瑟娜设矍纂蠢塞罐矍纂矍馨髓寡 }攀纂誊纂晒习l。寨撼羹】)l;鬓馨颧馨薰l{l摹孽摸蓬州…蓦侧称l)】i):;;〕“昌奏葵翻…  相似文献   

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,、l、}、二}原文错误}_勘课后的正原客.…2 1 11…、;一…、,:铁一”伐木而攀“擎‘ 1{1}《三国志·魏书·郑浑传·》:郑浑”~“转139…21{2。…、;一…,,翟最甲“霹“沪黑象烤 …………·木丛日林·经查此弓I文相同意思者有:说明及所据书名、 版本、页号《汉书·卷二十四上》.1 120页、1138~1139页.中华书局.1975年, .田中不得有树”指先秦时期,后面引文指汉代之事.这种引文方法不当。据马非百注释.《盐铁论简注》。21页.中华书局.1984.年.这段引文指先秦之事、放在汉代不当。卢弼.《三国志集解·魏书·卷十六》.449页.中华书局.1982年。…  相似文献   

(单位:l000m3) }实际产量}实际 国家和地区{一—一—{— _习_三竺i里-_‘986年_}‘975年 世界1 257。;。。{3202353}257了l;。发达市场经济国家…了297。。{:。。4 86了{7727,5 澳抒J亚{“55‘{‘”9。。…“。23 刀)拿齐…“5 27G}‘80 49‘{‘,5”55 子圣丢{”‘“90}4,“89{”64了6 资.__巴{37 43‘1“9”5;“7‘74 竺黔严里1 28453;”04“1“了。4, 苍大育u}““8,1”623_{“6了了 资_严}“5 087}”2 639竺}了9 562 赘曲亨…“567;”’4‘卫’}了“43 翌竺1 57”34】“‘“34 15吕盛4. 冬巴{”460!5“371”“46 夹国】3 07 723 1 484 51互}即1 896消耗消耗预测:一1 98。年1 990年1 095年37公8 3282000年3 260 9473 432 5364 130 4571 039 4911 053 9601 1529041 261 197 1 3 4 12180 691 45 024 34于92 29竣17 14 746...  相似文献   

马尾松速生丰产林不同培育目标的适宜造林密度   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
利用造林密度对比试验与现有人工林分密度的调查结果,提出马尾松速生丰产林的适宜造林密度与不同培养目标的林木密度调控模型。结果表明:马尾松速生丰产林的造林密度以中密度为宜,植距在1.4 m ×2.0 m 和2.0 m ×2.0 m 之间,每公顷3 555~2 490株。试提出不同培养目标的林分密度调控管理模型如下:(1)小径材(12~16 cm ),伐期20 a,立地指数14~16,造林密度3 600~3300株·hm - 2、最终保留密度2 340~2 145株·hm - 2,年均材积生长11.61~14.54 m 3·hm - 2。(2)中径材(18~24 cm ),伐期25 a,立地指数16~18,造林密度2 775~2 490株·hm - 2、最终保留密度1 560~1 395株·hm - 2,年均材积生长13.02~17.47 m 3·hm - 2。(3)大径材(26~32 cm ),伐期30 a,立地指数18~20,造林密度1 995~1 725株·hm - 2、最终保留密度900~750株·hm - 2,年均材积生长16.20~16.76 m 3·hm - 2。  相似文献   

通过对桤木薪材特性及薪炭林栽培经营技术的研究,结果表明,桤木前期生长快,尤以萌生林为显著,4年生高达5.93m,单株地上部分生物量9.32kg,平茬后单株萌条数多为6~8株,干、枝、叶的热值均在4000kcal/kg以上,是一优良薪材树种;适宜桤木薪炭林的造林密度为10000株/ha,造林后第3年即可首次平茬,轮伐期4年,在一个轮伐期内可获薪材17.758t/ha·a,桤木薪炭林宜采用矮林平茬作业。  相似文献   

林业的集约经营与发展农林复合经营   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农林复合经营是一种充分利用自然力的劳动密集型集约经营方式。作者认为它适合中国国情,是一种切实可行的促进林业发展的途径,文中还详细介绍了中国农林复合经营中的成功范例。  相似文献   

Agroforestry is a general concept for a land management system combining trees and agricultural crops. For application, various specific techniques can be chosen. Each of these techniques is adjusted to a specific set of environmental as well as socio-economic factors. Agroforestry cultivators or managers belonging to varying social strata and institutional groupings may practice different forms of agroforestry, even within the same general region. This is demonstrated on the basis of two contrasting types of agroforestry which are found on the Indonesian island of Java. Tree gardening or the cultivation of a wide variety of crops in a multiple-storeyed agroforestry system is an indegenous practice on private lands, while taungya or the intercropping of young tree plantations with staple crops is practiced on state forest lands. Both systems are described as to their management characteristics, past development as well as possibilities and constraints for further development. These two practices are then compared as to various attributes, like producer group, production purpose, area of cultivation, land ownership situation, structural organization of crop combinations, possibilities for improved cultivation techniques, and suitability for application in rural development for specific target groups.This paper is a slightly revised version of a contribution to a lecture series on agro-forestry organized by the Departments of Forestry, Wageningen University.  相似文献   

Agroforestry practices and the policies influencing development and adoption within the United States are reviewed. Agroforestry is defined as ‘intensive land-management systems that optimize the benefits from biological interactions created when trees and/or shrubs are deliberately combined with crops and/or livestock’. The five agroforestry systems identified as having importance in the US are tree-agronomic crop systems (alley cropping and intercropping), riparian vegetative buffer strip systems, tree-animal systems (silvopasturing), forest/speciality crop systems (forest farming) and windbreak systems (shelterbelts). A lack of federal policy relating specifically to agroforestry exists. If agroforestry is to achieve its full potential in the United States, adequate financial, institutional and technical support for its development must be provided.  相似文献   

The traditional Acacia senegal bush-fallow in North Kordofan, Sudan, was disrupted and the traditional rotational fallow cultivation cycle has been shortened or completely abandoned, causing decline in soil fertility and crop and gum yields. An agroforestry system may give reasonable crop and gum yields, and be more appealing to farmers. We studied the effect of tree density (266 or 433 trees ha−1) on two traditional crops; sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) early maturing variety and karkadeh (Hibiscus sabdariffa), with regard to physiological interactions, yields and soil water depletion. There was little evidence of complementarity of resource sharing between trees and crops, since both trees and field crops competed for soil water from the same depth. Intercropping significantly affected the soil water status, photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in trees and crops. Gum production per unit area increased when sorghum was intercropped with trees in low or high density. However, karkadeh reduced the gum yield significantly at high tree density. Yields of sorghum and karkadeh planted within trees of high density diminished by 44 and 55% compared to sole crops, respectively. Intercropping increased the rain use efficiency significantly compared to trees and field crops grown solely. Karkadeh appears to be more appropriate for intercropping with A. senegal than sorghum and particularly recommendable in combination with low tree density. Modification of tree density can be used as a management tool to mitigate competitive interaction in the intercropping system.  相似文献   

Biophysical interactions in tropical agroforestry systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rate and extent to which biophysical resources are captured and utilized by the components of an agroforestry system are determined by the nature and intensity of interactions between the components. The net effect of these interactions is often determined by the influence of the tree component on the other component(s) and/or on the overall system, and is expressed in terms of such quantifiable responses as soil fertility changes, microclimate modification, resource (water, nutrients, and light) availability and utilization, pest and disease incidence, and allelopathy. The paper reviews such manifestations of biophysical interactions in major simultaneous (e.g., hedgerow intercropping and trees on croplands) and sequential (e.g., planted tree fallows) agroforestry systems. In hedgerow intercropping (HI), the hedge/crop interactions are dominated by soil fertility improvement and competition for growth resources. Higher crop yields in HI than in sole cropping are noted mostly in inherently fertile soils in humid and subhumid tropics, and are caused by large fertility improvement relative to the effects of competition. But, yield increases are rare in semiarid tropics and infertile acid soils because fertility improvement does not offset the large competitive effect of hedgerows with crops for water and/or nutrients. Whereas improved soil fertility and microclimate positively influence crop yields underneath the canopies of scattered trees in semiarid climates, intense shading caused by large, evergreen trees negatively affects the yields. Trees in boundary plantings compete with crops for above- and belowground resources, with belowground competition of trees often extending beyond their crown areas. The major biophysical interactions in improved planted fallows are improvement of soil nitrogen status and reduction of weeds in the fallow phase, and increased crop yields in the subsequent cropping phase. In such systems, the negative effects of competition and micro-climate modification are avoided in the absence of direct tree–crop interactions. Future research on biophysical interactions should concentrate on (1) exploiting the diversity that exists within and between species of trees, (2) determining interactions between systems at different spatial (farm and landscape) and temporal scales, (3) improving understanding of belowground interactions, (4) assessing the environmental implications of agroforestry, particularly in the humid tropics, and (5) devising management schedules for agroforestry components in order to maximize benefits. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Alternate cycle agroforestry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agroforestry research and design has heavily favored intergrated production of annuals and perennials, that is production of tree crops on the same parcel of land and at the same time as production of food crop annuals. For areas having high population densities and intensive modes of agricultural production, integral agroforestry may be appropriate, but for areas of sparse population where extensive agriculture is practiced or marginal hill lands, alternate cycle agroforestry may prove more suitable. Alternate cycle agroforestry, in the form of modified forest swidden systems, is discussed and compared to integral agroforestry systems. Advantages and disadvantages of each system are discussed relative to their use on marginal hill and forest lands.The author wishes to thank N.T. Vergara, L.S. Hamilton, A.T. Rambo and K.F.Wiersum at the Environment and Policy Institute of the East-West Center for their comments.  相似文献   

We tested the economic value of ecological knowledge in a midwestern USA alley-cropping system where row crops are planted in alleys between fine hardwood trees grown for veneer. Economic models were constructed to compare among agroforestry designs as well as to compare agroforestry with traditional forest plantation culture and row crop monoculture and rotational management. The general modeling approach was to quantify production inputs and outputs, estimate costs and revenues, simulate tree growth and crop productivity in agroforestry configurations, and estimate discounted cash flows. We incorporated scenarios that controlled both above- and below-ground competition through appropriate management as found in our previous research. This research showed the importance of below-ground competition in determining crop yields and the period of time that crop income could be expected from the agroforestry interplanting. Net present values and internal rates of return showed that agroforestry systems were generally more favorable investments than traditional agriculture and forestry. More importantly, the use of simple management techniques targeted at reducing below-ground competition allowed longer cultivation of row crops, greatly increasing returns to the landowner. Thus, the economic benefit of understanding the ecological interactions within agroforestry plantings dictates that accurate assessment of agroforestry alternatives will require the modeling of agroforestry as an integrated, interactive system.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

国外农林间作研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文总结了近年国外农林间作在以下几个方面的研究进展:(1)多用途树种选择方面的重点是选择适合农林间作的豆科树种;(2)农作物产量研究方面主要是在3种间作形式下如何提高农作物产量;(3)农作物生长环境方面的研究重点是林木对农田小气候的影响;(4)间作对杂草的控制作用方面的研究是如何利用林木枝叶施入农田和林木遮荫对田间杂草进行控制;(5)农林间作模型等方面的研究.  相似文献   

Agroforestry offers unique opportunities for increasing biodiversity, preventing land degradation, and alleviating poverty, particularly in developing countries, but factors explaining the adoption by farmers are not well understood. A survey of 524 farm households was conducted in Bhakkar district of Punjab, Pakistan to study factors that determine the adoption of agroforestry on the sand dunes in the resource-deficient region of Thal. Two types of agroforestry systems were studied: intercropping and border cropping (also known as boundary or perimeter planting). Both agroforestry systems included irrigated cultivation of the timber trees Eucalyptus camaldulensis (local name: sufeda) and Tamarix aphylla (local name: sars) with wheat, chickpeas (Cicer arietinum) (local name: chana) or cluster beans (Cyamous tetragocalobe) (local name: guars). The majority of the farmers was in favour of intercropping and border cropping. Most farmers reported the protection of nearby crops from dust storms as the most important positive perception about both agroforestry systems. Age, education, and farm to market distance were significant determinants of agroforestry adoption. Older and less-educated farmers, with farms closer to markets were less likely to adopt tree planting or border cropping in Thal. In general, the agroforestry systems examined were more likely to be adopted by farmers who can wait 3–4 years for harvesting crop outputs, but not by poorer farmers who are totally dependent on subsistence agriculture and cannot afford the high initial cost of agroforestry establishment, nor can they wait for crop output for extended periods. Furthermore, the adoption of both agroforestry systems was more likely in remote marginal areas than in areas close to markets. To increase agroforestry adoption rates, government policies should strengthen farmers’ knowledge of every stage of agroforestry through extension services, focusing particularly among the prime prospects, i.e. farmers who will be most likely to adopt agroforestry. Once the prime prospects have adopted it, the older, less-educated, and poor farmers of the rural population can be also focused on to motivate adoption.  相似文献   

This article examines some of the existing analytical tools which quantify both the ecological and economic aspects of intercropping decisions. The characteristics of tree crops are evaluated to determine how a specific tool, the replacement value of intercropping (RVI), could be modified to better interpret agroforestry improvements to bush fallow farming systems. The modified equation captures some of the potential production improvements associated with agroforestry by accounting for the fraction of time that a field is actually in production over the long run. The result is an improved estimate of the average annual difference between a tree/crop polyculture and a monoculture system which employs fallows.  相似文献   

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