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ABSTRACT:   The length frequencies of adult Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis caught near Japan, near Taiwan, in the tropical western Pacific Ocean, and in the South Pacific Ocean, were compared. The largest catches consisted of medium-sized adults (160–209 cm fork length) taken near Japan and large adults (≥210 cm) taken near Taiwan. Small adults (120–159 cm) were occasionally caught in the Sea of Japan. Small numbers of medium-sized and large adults were caught in the tropical western Pacific and the South Pacific. The length frequencies of the fish greater than 160 cm in length caught in different areas around Japan were similar to each other. As adult bluefin tuna grow older they spawn earlier, and their distribution, movements, and spawning areas change.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of oceanographic variability on Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis: PBF) distributions in the California Current system using remotely sensed environmental data, and fishery‐dependent data from multiple fisheries in a habitat‐modeling framework. We examined the effects of local oceanic conditions (sea surface temperature, surface chlorophyll, sea surface height, eddy kinetic energy), as well as large‐scale oceanographic phenomena, such as El Niño, on PBF availability to commercial and recreational fishing fleets. Results from generalized additive models showed that warmer temperatures of around 17–21°C with low surface chlorophyll concentrations (<0.5 mg/m3) increased probability of occurrence of PBF in the Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessel and purse seine fisheries. These associations were particularly evident during a recent marine heatwave (the “Blob”). In contrast, PBF were most likely to be encountered on drift gillnet gear in somewhat cooler waters (13–18°C), with moderate chlorophyll concentrations (0.5–1.0 mg/m3). This discrepancy was likely a result of differing spatiotemporal distribution of fishing effort among fleets, as well as the different vertical depths fished by each gear, demonstrating the importance of understanding selectivity when building correlative habitat models. In the future, monitoring and understanding environmentally driven changes in the availability of PBF to commercial and recreational fisheries can contribute to the implementation of ecosystem approaches to fishery management.  相似文献   

Electronic tagging provides unprecedented information on the habitat use and behaviour of highly migratory marine predators, but few analyses have developed quantitative links between animal behaviour and their oceanographic context. In this paper we use archival tag data from juvenile southern bluefin tuna ( Thunnus maccoyii , SBT) to (i) develop a novel approach characterising the oceanographic habitats used throughout an annual migration cycle on the basis of water column structure (i.e., temperature-at-depth data from tags), and (ii) model how the vertical behaviour of SBT altered in relation to habitat type and other factors. Using this approach, we identified eight habitat types occupied by juvenile SBT between the southern margin of the subtropical gyre and the northern edge of the Subantarctic Front in the south Indian Ocean. Although a high degree of variability was evident both within and between fish, mixed-effect models identified consistent behavioural responses to habitat, lunar phase, migration status and diel period. Our results indicate SBT do not act to maintain preferred depth or temperature ranges, but rather show highly plastic behaviours in response to changes in their environment. This plasticity is discussed in terms of the potential proximate causes (physiological, ecological) and with reference to the challenges posed for habitat-based standardisation of fishery data used in stock assessments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Immature Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis , tagged with archival tags, were released near Tsushima Island in the East China Sea during the winters of 1995 through 1998. Time-series data for ambient and peritoneal cavity temperatures, recorded every 128 or 256 s for 23 fish recovered, were analyzed. The objective of this study was to clarify the process of development of thermoconservation ability with growth in relation to adaptive mechanisms to cooler temperate waters. According to the results, mean ambient temperatures ranged from 14.9 to 20.7°C, which is almost within the optimum temperature range according to previous reports. Mean peritoneal temperatures were higher than ambient temperatures (19.7–27.3°C), but never reached 35°C, which would induce overheating. Although the mean thermal differences between peritoneal and ambient temperatures increased with body size, the rate of increase decreased with body size. A heat budget model suggests that as the insulation of the body develops, the estimated mean values of internal heat production decrease with body size. This is probably due to the allometric scale effect and explains why the thermal difference does not increase quickly with body size. It is likely that Pacific bluefin tuna inhabit cooler temperate waters in mid-latitude regions to avoid overheating.  相似文献   

Young Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis with archival tags were released in the East China Sea. Time-series data for depth, and ambient and peritoneal temperatures for nine fish, recorded every 128 s, were analyzed. Our objectives were to describe monthly changes in diving patterns in relation to the ambient thermal structure and the occurrence of feeding events during March–June, and to discuss possible reasons why bluefin tuna repeatedly dived to depths below the thermocline in terms of their thermoconservation mechanisms. It was found that the fish repeatedly dived through the thermocline at intervals of 1.2 h on average, and the dive frequency was high during March–May. However, the dive frequency and periodicity decreased in June, when the gradient became steeper. In contrast, feeding events increased in June. These results indicate that from March to May, bluefin tuna repeatedly dive because food biomass is inadequate at the surface, and they stop undertaking repeated dives in June when food becomes more readily available at the surface, in addition to low visibility caused by low solar radiation. Further, the range of heat transfer times for these fish was so long that their peritoneal temperature was probably maintained by engaging in brief dives. The periodicity of dives may lead to a lower fluctuation in the peritoneal temperature, suggesting that the dives are a kind of behavioral thermoregulation.  相似文献   

Vertical movements related to the thermoregulation were investigated in 12 juvenile bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in Japanese waters using archival tag data. Movements changed with time of day, season, and body size. During daytime, bigeye tuna descended to greater depths, presumably to feed in the deep scattering layer (DSL). Thereafter, they repeatedly ascended to shallower layers, suggesting attempts at behavioral thermoregulation, although the beginning of vertical thermoregulatory ascents might reflect a shift in DSL depth. By the end of such movement, the whole‐body heat‐transfer coefficient might decrease because, although the depth and ambient temperature of the upper layers did not change, the body temperature gradually decreased significantly just after ascent for thermoregulation. Seasonal patterns indicated that the vertical thermal structure of the ocean might influence this ascent behavior. For example, from January to May, bigeye tuna made fewer ascents to less shallow waters, suggesting that they respond to increasing depths of the mixed surface layer by reducing energy expenditure during vertical migration. In addition, as body size increased, fewer thermoregulatory ascents were required to maintain body temperature, and fish remained deeper for longer periods. Thus, vertical thermoregulatory movements might change with body size as bigeye tuna develop better endothermic and thermoregulatory abilities. We hypothesize that bigeye might also increase cold tolerance as they grow, possibly due to ontogenetic shifts in cardiac function.  相似文献   

Although the survival rate of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis (PBT) during 30 days after stocking in sea net cages has been as low as approximately 50%, the reason for this high mortality is not clear. The dead fish were collected and counted during 30 days after stocking in a sea net cage, and the growth performance, stomach contents, and bone injury were investigated. Nearly half (47.9%) had died within the first 4 days. The total length and body weight of the dead fish were significantly smaller than those of the live fish, and the weight of the dead fish did not increase during the first 7 days. Approximately one-third of the dead fish (21.9–42.9% per day) had ingested inorganic matter such as wood or Styrofoam waste during the first 7 days, and 25.0–45.0% of the dead fish sampled per day showed poor growth. The daily ingestion rate of inorganic matter decreased dramatically from the eighth day, when the daily mortality rate decreased. The percentage of dead fish with bone injuries due to collision or contact was low (less than 15%). These results suggest that one of the causes of high mortality during several days after stocking in a sea cage was accidental ingestion of inorganic matter by juvenile PBT. Improvement in feeding method can increase the survival rate of juveniles in sea net cages.  相似文献   

The carrying capacity for the Pacific bluefin tuna at each life stage is estimated and its survival strategy is examined numerically, using a new method to define the hypothetical capacity, the standard population, and the search volumes that are necessary and are feasible for the tuna. The carrying capacity for the adult is estimated at 1–2 × 106 individuals, which corresponds with 5–10% of the hypothetical capacity and is comparable with the maximum levels of the southern and the Atlantic bluefin tuna populations. It is hypothesized semiquantitatively that the migration at each life stage and the remarkable decrement of growth at 120 days and about 40 cm occur as an evolutionary response to population excess over the carrying capacity. It is also hypothesized semiquantitatively that the early larvae have minimal food available in the Subtropical Water and develop the predatory morphology, high growth rate, and high mobility, however, at the expense of a high mortality as an evolutionary response to the tuna spawning in the Subtropical Water. This method may be an available tool to not only investigate the carrying capacity and survival strategy of a specific fish species, but also predict when and in how much abundance the fish species occurs in a specific area of its habitat.  相似文献   

Tuna aquaculture is currently dependent on the wild capture of juveniles for production. The development of hatchery technology for bluefin and other tunas would be a major step forward in improving sustainability of their aquaculture. The present study overviews the technology in the life cycle completion of the Pacific bluefin tuna (PBT) Thunnus orientalis (Temminck et Schlegel) under aquaculture conditions in Kinki University, and the problems to be solved for the establishment of tuna hatchery technology. On 23 June 2002, broodstock of PBT that were artificially hatched and reared spontaneously spawned in captivity. The resulting eggs hatched and were subsequently reared to the juvenile stage. The spawning fish were the result of a research project started in 1987 to rear wild‐caught juvenile PBT that were several months old. Fertilized eggs were obtained from these fish in 1995 and 1996. Resulting juveniles (the artificially hatched first generation) were reared to maturity and spawned in 2002. Over the summer of 2002, 1.63 million eggs from these fish were used for a mass rearing experiment, and 17 307 juveniles were produced and transferred to an open sea net cage. Of these artificially hatched second‐generation PBT, 1100 grew to approximately 95 cm total length and 14 kg body weight in 22 months. This procedure means the completion of PBT life cycle under aquaculture conditions, which was first attained among large tuna species. The problems awaiting solution in PBT hatchery production are their unpredictable spawning in captivity, to improve survival during the first 10 days post hatch, to reduce cannibalism in larval and juvenile stages, and to solve collision problem causing high mortality during the juvenile stage.  相似文献   

A total of 1522 yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, were captured, tagged, and released with surgically implanted archival tags (ATs), in six discrete areas of the eastern and central Pacific Ocean, during 2002 through 2019. Of 483 ATs returned (31.7%), 227 ATs from yellowfin (48–147 cm in fork length) at liberty from 32 to 1846 d ( = 300.1 d) provided suitable data sets which were processed using an unscented Kalman filter model with sea-surface temperature measurements integrated (UKFsst) in order to obtain most probable tracks and movement parameters. Although some differences were observed in the movement patterns for fish from within and among the six release areas, 99% of the 227 fish remained within 1000 M of their release locations, indicating limited dispersion and fidelity to release locations. The median movement parameter D, which defines dispersion from the UKFsst model, for the fish released in the offshore equatorial areas showed much greater dispersion rates compared to those for the fish released along the coast or around islands. The rates of mixing of yellowfin among the release areas were found to be dependent on the distances between release areas, with, in general, the greatest mixing occurring among areas in closest proximity, whereas for the two areas offshore Mexico and the two offshore equatorial areas, the rates of mixing were nonexistent or negligible.  相似文献   

Twenty‐four archival tags were recovered from Pacific bluefin tuna previously released off Tsushima Island in the East China Sea. By analysis of the time‐series data of the pressure and the ambient and internal temperature from the 24 tags, we examined the relationship between the tuna's pattern of diving and the thermocline depth. In the East China Sea, diving and feeding events occurred throughout almost the entire day in both winter and summer, suggesting that the purpose of diving is for feeding. In summer, the feeding frequency was greater than that in winter, which corresponds to the fact that growth is more rapid in summer than in winter. During summer in the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region, on the other hand, feeding events were much more frequent than those in the East China Sea, in spite of a lower diving frequency. The mean horizontal distance traveled was also significantly higher and it seems that in this area they may move horizontally to feed on prey accumulated at the surface. We conclude that, in addition to the ambient temperature structure, the vertical and horizontal distribution of prey species plays an important role in the feeding behavior of Pacific bluefin tuna. One bluefin tuna migrated to the Oyashio frontal area, where both the horizontal and the vertical thermal gradients are much steeper. The fish spent most of the time on the warmer side of the front and often traveled horizontally to the colder side during the day, perhaps to feed. This implies that there is a thermal barrier effect, in this case from the Oyashio front, on their behavior. The frequency of feeding events was low, although all the monitored fish dived every dawn and dusk, irrespective of the seasons or location. It is possible that these twice‐daily diving patterns occurred in response to the change in ambient light at sunrise and sunset.  相似文献   

In mass culture of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis, yolk‐sac larvae of other species are fed as a major prey item to tuna larvae from 7 to 8 mm in total length. Marked growth variations in tuna larvae are frequently observed after feeding of yolk‐sac larvae, and this variation in the growth of tuna larvae is subsequently a factor leading to the prevalence of cannibalistic attacks. To elucidate details of the mortality process of hatchery‐reared tuna larvae after the initiation of yolk‐sac larvae feeding, we compared the nutritional and growth histories of the surviving (live) tuna larvae to those of the dead fish, found dead on the bottom of the tank, as direct evidence of their mortality processes. Cause of mortality of tuna larvae 3 and 5 days after the initiation of feeding of yolk‐sac larvae was assessed from nitrogen stable isotope and otolith microstructure analyses. Stable isotope analysis revealed that the live fish rapidly utilized prey fish larvae, but the dead fish had depended more on rotifers relative to the live fish 3 and 5 days after the initiation of feeding of yolk‐sac larvae. The growth histories based on otolith increments were compared between the live and dead tuna larvae and indicated that the live fish showed significantly faster growth histories than dead fish. Our results suggest that fast‐growing larvae at the onset of piscivory could survive in the mass culture tank of Pacific bluefin tuna and were characterized by growth‐selective mortality.  相似文献   

Pacific bluefin is a highly valuable pelagic species that inhabits a broad range in the North Pacific Ocean. The reproductive biology, especially for the spawning aggregation in the south-western North Pacific Ocean, is not well understood. Thus, a total of 119 paired ovary specimens were collected from the Taiwanese longline fleet during the 1999 fishing season (late April through June) to gain a better understanding of important reproductivity-related stock parameters associated with this species. The following conclusions were made: (i) condition factor decreased from late May to early June; (ii) the sex ratio might be 1∶1 for spawners; (iii) the gonadosomatic index stayed at a relatively high level and markedly increased from late May to early June; (iv) histological examination of oocytes indicated that all specimens were sexually mature; (v) spawning activity appeared to start in May and peak in late May to early June; (vi) batch fecundity incre ased with fork length; and (vii) preliminary estimates of spawning frequency between batches ranged 2–4.5 days based on analysis of postovulatory follicles.  相似文献   

南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼垂直活动水层空间分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus alalunga)的垂直活动水层分布特征及其适宜的垂直活动水层深度,采用Argo 数据重构了研究海域次表层20 ℃和25 ℃等温线深度场, 并结合2010年~2012年中水集团南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼延绳钓渔船实际生产统计数据, 绘制了20 ℃和25 ℃等温线深度与长鳍金枪鱼单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE) 叠加图, 分析南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼的垂直活动水层分布特征。结果表明, 研究海域20 ℃和25 ℃等温线深度存在明显的季节性变化, 且长鳍金枪鱼渔场时空分布随着20℃等温线深度的220 m等深线和25℃等温线深度的140 m等深线时空变动而季节性南北移动。长鳍金枪鱼中心渔场主要分布于10S 以南、160E~175E之间, 中心渔场所处海域, 其20 ℃等温线深度多在220 m以深, 超过250 m的海域CPUE 均偏低; 25 ℃等温线深度多在140 m以浅, 浅于80 m的海域则难以形成中心渔场。采用频次分析与经验累积分布函数( ECDF) 相结合的方法, 计算出南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼适宜的垂直活动水层深度为88~238 m。文章初步得出了南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼的垂直分布特征及其适宜的垂直活动水层深度, 可用于指导延绳钓投钩深度, 为中国南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼延绳钓生产作业提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The habitat use of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis; PBF) in nursery waters off the southern coast of Japan was investigated using archival tags over a 3 year study period (2012–2015), and the data were used to examine the free‐ranging habitat preferences of PBF and the relationship between their horizontal movements and the path of the Kuroshio off the Pacific coast of Japan. The path of the Kuroshio fluctuated seasonally, leading to changes in water temperature that strongly influenced the habitat use of small PBF (2–3 months after hatching). Most PBF were present in coastal waters inshore of the path of the current, and their habitat use changed in response to the distance of the current from the coast. The Kuroshio typically flowed along the coast from summer to autumn, and PBF remained in the coastal waters off Kochi Prefecture during this period. In contrast, PBF quickly moved eastward in winter when the current moved away from the coast. Throughout the winter and spring, the area of habitat use extended widely from the eastern end of the southern coast of Japan (the Boso Peninsula) to the offshore Kuroshio‐Oyashio transition region. These findings suggest that the seasonal habitat use and movement behavior of juvenile PBF are influenced by the distance of the Kuroshio axis from the coast, and the ultimate drivers are likely variations in oceanographic conditions and prey availability along the southern coast of Japan.  相似文献   

Gustatory neural responses of the Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis (Temminck and Schlegel) to extracted compounds of prey organisms, such as amino acids, nucleotide‐related substances, organic acids and organic bases, were electrophysiologically recorded from the facial nerve supplying the anterior palate. Of the 17 amino acids tested, l ‐proline was the most potent amino acid at 10?2 M, and its threshold was the lowest at around 10?6 M. l ‐leucine, l ‐methionine, l ‐alanine, l ‐valine and l ‐isoleucine were also highly stimulatory at 10?2 M; however, the other 11 amino acids examined were not as effective or were ineffective. Thus, the gustatory receptors for amino acids of the Pacific bluefin tuna show a narrowly tuned response profile. Among the seven nucleotide‐related substances tested, uridine‐5′‐monophosphate, inosine‐5′‐monophosphate and adenosine‐5′‐diphosphate were highly stimulatory, and their thresholds were 10?4–10?5 M. Inosine elicited a positive response at 10?2 M but its response magnitude was not so high. Organic acids l ‐lactic and pyruvic acids were effective at 10?2 M, but no response was elicited at 10?3 M. Among organic bases, betaine was highly stimulatory, and its response magnitude at 10?2 M is almost equal to that of l ‐proline at the same concentration. The threshold for betaine was determined to be at around 10?5 M. Trimethylamine oxide and ammonium chloride were ineffective.  相似文献   

Recruitment of age‐0 Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) from 1952 to 2014 was examined by a sequential regime shift detection method. The regime shifts in recruitment were detected in 1957, 1972, 1980, 1994 and 2009. The durations of regime shift ranged from 8–15 years and averaged 13.0 years. In both the total (1952–2014) and data rich (1980–2014) periods, negative relationships were found between recruitment and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation in autumn, and positive relationships were found between recruitment and sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the northern part of the East China Sea, in the southwestern part of the Sea of Japan, and in the waters off Shikoku and Tokai in summer and autumn. The 1994 and 2009 regime shifts in recruitment occurred in the same years as shifts in SST anomalies in the northern part of the East China Sea in summer. These results suggest that the ocean conditions in the northern part of the East China Sea are closely related to recruitment of Pacific bluefin tuna, and that the warmer conditions result in higher recruitment of the species.  相似文献   

Land‐based cultured juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis (PBT) have high mortality rates due to collisions or contacts with tank walls after about 30 days of hatching. To determine the effect of night‐time lighting on their survival, juvenile PBT were reared under four different night‐time light intensities (0, 5, 15 and 150 lx) for 9 days, followed by a 3‐day observation period. High‐intensity, night‐time lighting (150 lx) significantly improved the survival rate (75.8%; < 0.001) compared with the unlit control group (0 lx, 64.3%). The survival rate in the high‐intensity group decreased after the end of the lighting period. Lighting did not influence whole‐body cortisol levels, glucose levels, or diel changes in plasma cortisol levels. In contrast, the survival rates of fish exposed to light intensities between 5 and 15 lx were slightly lower than that of the unlit control group. These results suggest that providing night‐time lighting of 150 lx or higher is an effective method for reducing the mortality of cultured PBT.  相似文献   

Diel and ontogenetic changes in larval body density related to swim bladder volume were investigated in Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, to determine the causality of larval mortality – adhesion to the water surface and contact with the tank bottom during seedling production. The density of larvae with deflated swim bladders increased with total length and days post hatch. Diel density change was observed after day 2 post hatch; owing to daytime deflation and night‐time inflation of the swim bladder, the density was relatively higher during the daytime. Increased swim bladder volumes clearly reduced larval density during the night‐time after day 9 post hatch. However, the density of larvae with inflated swim bladders was greater than rearing water density (Δρ>0.0099). The small density difference between larvae and rearing water (Δρ=0.0022?0.0100) until day 4 post hatch may have caused larval mortality by adhesion to the water surface because larvae can be easily transported to the water surface by aeration‐driven upwelling in rearing tanks. Density increased noticeably from day 5 to day 9 post hatch. The increased density difference (Δρ=0.0065?0.0209) in larvae and rearing water possibly induced mortality by contact with the tank bottom because larvae sink particularly during the night‐time on ceasing swimming.  相似文献   

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