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我国水土流失的经济影响评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在我国水土流失影响分析与损失分类的基础上,构建系列评估模型方法,对1990年和2000年水土流失造成的直接经济损失进行分类与分区评估。结果表明:水土流失对我国国民经济的影响显著,尤其是在水土流失比较严重的西南和西北地区;2000年全国水土流失的面积和强度均较1990年有所降低,但经济损失却增加了34.8%。水土流失防治工作任重而道远。  相似文献   

Rain-fed agriculture is widespread in Inner Mongolia, northern China, where wind erosion of farmland is very common because of sandy soil and dry, windy weather. However, very little is known about the effects of wind erosion on soil physical and chemical properties in this region. A field experiment was conducted in sandy farmland, where erosional and depositional gradients were established to evaluate the effects of wind erosion and leeward sand accumulation on soil texture, nutrient content, soil water, and soil temperature. The research showed that long term wind erosion could result in significant soil coarseness, infertility and dryness. Severe erosion reduced clay by 59.6%, organic C by 71.2%, total N by 67.4%, total P by 31.4%, available N by 64.5%, available P by 38.8%, and average soil water content by 51.8%, compared with non-eroded farmland in the study region. The sand fraction (particles > 0.05 mm), pH and ground-surface temperature increased by 6.2%, 3.7%, and 2.2 °C, respectively. Accumulated sand also caused a decrease in nutrients and soil water content. Under severe sand accumulation, clay was reduced by 2.0%, organic C by 19.3%, total N by 21.7%, total P by 13.7%, available N by 52.5%, and average soil water content by 26.6%. The sand fraction, pH, available P, and ground-surface temperature increased by 0.2%, 0.9%, 5.8% and 2.8 °C, respectively.  相似文献   

Total soil erosion is the integrated result of all forms of soil erosion — wind, water and tillage. It has been recognized that in topographically complex landscapes, individual soil erosion processes and their interactions all contribute towards total soil erosion. In this study, two field sites, representing different landscapes in the northern region of the North American Great Plains, were examined. Water and tillage erosions were estimated using the established water and tillage erosion models and total soil erosion was estimated using the 137Cs technique.We determined that the patterns of water and tillage erosion across the landscapes are mainly dependent on topographic features and they are fundamentally different within topographically complex landscapes. On the slope of undulating landscapes, tillage and water erosion both contribute considerably to total soil erosion. On the knoll of hummocky landscapes, tillage erosion dominates the pattern of total soil erosion. Tested against the Cs measurements, the patterns of total soil erosion cannot be well estimated by water or tillage erosion model alone unless one of the two erosion processes predominate over the other erosion processes. Combining water and tillage erosion models generally provides better estimations of total soil erosion than the component models on their own. Most soil properties and crop yield were found to be closely correlated with total soil erosion. For a given erosion process, the soil erosion patterns estimated using different models with reasonable parameter settings were similar to each other. However, it is necessary to choose an optimal model and to obtain accurate parameters for the purpose of accurate assessments of the erosion rates.  相似文献   

陕北坡耕地土壤侵蚀对土壤性质的影响研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
研究分析黄土高原北部坡耕地土壤侵蚀对土壤性质影响结果表明,山坡中、上部为土壤侵蚀最强烈地带,坡顶侵蚀较弱;土壤全N、碱解氮、速效钾与水蚀和耕作侵蚀间呈线性相关关系,而土壤有机质、速效磷和阳离子代换量则与水蚀和耕作侵蚀无显著相关性。  相似文献   

The effect of natural weed buffers on soil and nitrogen losses in Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Machito Mihara   《CATENA》2006,65(3):265-271
In Japan, heavy rains from June to October cause severe erosion in the agricultural fields. Natural weed buffers may help conserve the soil and water. We measured the mass balances of the water, soil and nitrogen components in a plot of 159 m2 (7.2 m wide and 22.1 m long). Plant growth in the plot was dominated by the weeds Humulus scandens Merrill and Poa annua L. We also evaluated the ability of the natural weed buffer to reduce soil and nitrogen losses.Measurements of the mass balances of the water, soil and nitrogen components showed that 93.1% of the total water received by the plot was lost through percolation. The weed buffer captured 99.6% of the soil introduced into the plot. The plot stored 80.0% of the total nitrogen input, while 13.4% percolated through the soil and 1.8% flowed off the plot from the surface. Only 0.1% of the nitrogen was taken up by plants.Because 99.6% of the soil and 80.0% of the nitrogen components were captured, we concluded that the natural weed buffer was very effective in minimizing soil and nitrogen losses. As Japanese farmers grow older and more agricultural fields in the semi-mountainous regions of Japan fall into disuse, the natural weeds that grow on those fields may become efficient tools for conserving the soil and water in these regions.  相似文献   

Soil erosion contributes to the removal and redistribution of soil organic C from cultivated fields. The soil organic C content of wind erodible and water unstable aggregates is an important factor in determining the amount of carbon loss occurring in erosion processes. The relative distribution of organic carbon among aggregate size fractions may also affect the response of soils to erosion. Soil organic C distribution is dependent on the chosen management system. The effects of no-till, till, and grassland management systems on organic C content of erodible and non-erodible aggregates were examined in six Ustolls and two Usterts of central South Dakota. Organic C contents were related to dry- and wet-sieving to represent the potential influence of wind and water erosion on C loss in the absence of vegetative cover. Loss of aggregate stability in cultivated soils was associated with organic C loss. Most structural characteristics developed under tilled systems persisted after 6–16 years of no-till. Changes in distribution of organic C due to management systems were most evident in Ustolls where cultivation resulted in net soil C losses. Soil organic C was not significantly increased by the no-tillage practices applied in this on-farm study (in Ustolls 49 Mg ha−1 in no-till versus 41 Mg ha−1 in till, for 0–0.20 m depth). Soil properties of Usterts were less affected by land use and management practices due to the high shrink swell action and self-mixing. In both soil orders the greater concentration of organic C in the wind erodible (<1 mm) dry aggregate size fraction implies a high potential for organic C loss by erosion in addition to organic C loss from mineralization after tillage. Grassland when compared to cultivated topsoil showed the largest amounts of organic carbon stored and the minimal potential for erosion loss of soil organic C.  相似文献   

为研究河西绿洲灌区保护性耕作对土壤风蚀的影响,通过春小麦田间试验,设置免耕不覆盖、免耕秸秆覆盖、立茬和残茬压倒4种保护性耕作处理,以传统耕作为对照,分析了河西绿洲灌区不同保护性耕作措施对田间输沙量、风蚀深度、风蚀物粒径组成、风速的影响。结果表明:0~30 cm高度输沙量能敏感地反映不同耕作措施之间输沙量的差异。与传统耕作相比,免耕不覆盖、免耕秸秆覆盖、立茬和残茬压倒处理0~30 cm高度输沙量分别减少17.4%~46.7%、21.7%~45.2%、24.7%~48.2%和10.7%~42.4%。风蚀深度传统耕作为1.22~1.44 mm,4种保护性耕作处理均为0 mm。与传统耕作相比,保护性耕作处理风蚀物粒径组成无显著变化,但<0.063 mm细粒占比有减小趋势。立茬处理20 cm高度风速显著降低24.1%~39.5%,其他保护性耕作措施风速降低不显著。综上所述,河西绿洲灌区不同保护性耕作措施能不同程度地抑制土壤风蚀,立茬处理是相对较优的保护性耕作措施,适宜该地区推广应用。  相似文献   

China's northeastern Black Soil Region, one of the country's most important crop production areas, has been seriously affected by soil erosion. This study evaluated the effects of soil erosion on the long-term productivity of this region. We used a modified productivity index (MPI) model (MPI is a number between 0 and 1, with 1 indicating highest productivity) to assess the current effects of soil erosion on soil productivity, as well as to predict long-term change in productivity. Samples from 21 black soil profiles yielded varying MPI values, although most MPI values were indicative of moderate productivity. Organic matter content and available water capacity impact MPI values in the region, whereas soil clay content and pH were less important. Overall, organic matter content and available water capacity of soil profiles decreased consistently as depth of erosion increased. Modeling indicated that MPI in the region will decrease by 0.0052 for each centimeter of topsoil eroded; this rate represents 1% of the current average MPI for the study area. The model predicts a 9.6% productivity reduction over 100 years and a 48.3% reduction over 500 years.  相似文献   

In the arid and semi-arid regions, ridge tillage was often used as an alternative practice for wind erosion control on the croplands without sufficient crop residues left during the fallow period. Through wind tunnel experiments, wind erosion rate and vertical mass flux profile of blown sand under the simulated conditions of ridge tillage and flat tillage were studied in 15, 10, 10, 5, 3 min exposures at the wind velocities of 8, 10, 15, 20, 24 m s−1, respectively. The results for the soil tested indicate that the mean rate of wind erosion under flat tillage was 129.89 g m−2 min−1, while that under ridge tillage were 20–60% less. Under ridge tillage with different structures, average wind erosion rate had a positive correlation with the spacing between adjacent ridges. For the same ridge height, average wind erosion rate decreased with increasing ratio between the height of ridge and the width of furrow. For the same ratio between the height of ridge and the width of furrow, average wind erosion rate increased with increasing height of ridge. Power function relationships were found between wind erosion rate and wind velocity on all the simulated tillage conditions. A wind velocity of 15 m s−1 was the critical velocity, above which wind erosion rate increased rapidly for the soil and simulated tillage conditions tested. Compared with flat tillage, ridge tillage remarkably decreased wind erosion rates when wind velocities were beyond 15 m s−1. Under ridge tillage, the total mass of sand transported at a height of 0–20 cm above soil surface (Q0–20), and the fraction of that travelling at a height of 0–4 cm (Q0–4/Q0–20), were less man mat under flat tillage. For the same ridge height, Q0–4/Q0–20 increased with increasing ratio between the height of ridge and the width of furrow. For the same ratio between the height of ridge and the width of furrow, Q0–4/Q0–20 decreased with increasing height of the ridge. Sand transport rate under flat tillage decreased with increasing height by a negative exponential function, while negative linear functions were found under ridge tillage. Thus ridge tillage decreased the rate of wind erosion and sand transportation near soil surface, reduced the loss of soil nutrient caused by wind erosion and plant damage caused by blown sand abrasion, which make it an effective agricultural technology for wind erosion control in the arid and semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

北方土石山区水土流失现状与综合治理对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
北方土石山区现有轻度以上水土流失面积13.49万km^2,其中水蚀面积约占95%,水蚀区虽以轻度侵蚀为主,但水土流失仍然是该区主要的生态环境问题,不仅制约山区经济的发展,而且严重影响下游经济发达地区的水资源安全和生态安全,加强区域水土保持已成为区域发展的迫切要求。北方土石山区的水土保持,在新的时代背景下,应更加关注坡耕地改造、“坡林地”水土保持、“节水型”措施和生态“清洁型”小流域建设。依据自然地带性规律、区域经济发展和社会需求,北方土石山区可分为8个水土流失综合治理区,各区应当结合实际情况采取有针对性的综合治理对策。  相似文献   

The presence and condition of roadways control the utilization of natural resources, which are associated with direct and indirect impacts on soil erosion in undeveloped countries. This paper addresses the relationship between soil erosion and distance to roadways in Xingguo County, an undeveloped area in Jiangxi Province of South China, for four time periods, 1958, 1975, 1982, and 2000. Soil erosion maps for each time period were interpreted using remote sensing and GIS technology for buffer zones four kilometers wide, subdivided into eight strips, each 0.5 kilometers wide, which were located alongside various types of road classes, namely trunk, town, village, and unpaved. The distribution patterns of various types of erosion were identified by GIS overlay of buffer strips and soil erosion maps. Results demonstrate that soil erosion cases found in buffer zones along both sides of trunk and town roads are the most severe, and areas with severe erosion decrease as distance from the strip to the road increases. However, moderate and slight erosion cases only have a minor relationship to the strip to road distance. There are more severe erosion cases than moderate and light erosion cases alongside village and unpaved roads, but the total area is not distinctly different from moderate and slight erosion cases, and severe erosion cases tend to decrease with an increase in the strip to road distance. Also, areas with severe erosion differentiated by time periods in the strips alongside roadways of all classes, except trunk roads, rank from highest to lowest as follows: 1975, 1958, 1982, and 2000. Notably, severe erosion areas in 1975, 1958 and 1982 are all quite extensive. Soil erosion alongside roadways of various classes is impacted jointly by historical policy, distance to roadways, and landscape. In undeveloped countries and areas, much more attention should be paid to the impacts of road construction, specifically soil erosion associated with road edge construction, and relevant measures for forest resource conservation should be formulated before initiating road construction projects.  相似文献   

The Holocene landscape history and historical soil erosion were reconstructed at Albersdorf (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) from soils and colluvial layers. In contrast to many landscapes in central Europe, agricultural land use and soil erosion were more frequent during pre-historical times, whereas it has almost ceased after the advent of history. Pre-historical soil erosion rates from about 0.1 to 6.9 t ha− 1 a− 1 were reconstructed with no significant differences between the prehistoric cultural phases. The study of buried soils within the soil/soil-sediment-sequences provided evidence for an acceleration of soil formation processes probably as a consequence of excessive prehistoric woodland pasture on poor sandy soils.  相似文献   

为更好地理解矿区土壤退化机理,该文利用137Cs技术研究了焦作矿区具有15a沉陷历史的采煤沉陷坡土壤侵蚀特征及其对土壤养分的影响。沉陷坡137Cs含量从坡顶到下坡逐渐降低,及至坡脚急剧增大且表现出最高的值。基于137Cs本底(1 645 Bq/m2),沉陷坡坡顶至下坡表现为土壤侵蚀,而坡脚为土壤沉积。沉陷坡土壤侵蚀高达3.75 kg/(m2·a),属于中度侵蚀。沉陷坡土壤黏粒含量沿下坡方向增加,表明水蚀的分选性搬运。与对照区相比,沉陷坡侵蚀区土壤总有机碳(total organic carbon,TOC)、水溶性有机碳(water-soluble organic carbon,WSOC)、全氮、碱解氮、全磷、有效磷含量均出现了显著降低(P0.05);沉积区除WSOC显著降低(P0.05)外,其他养分含量变化不明显(P0.05)。在沉陷坡的侵蚀区,TOC与WSOC含量沿下坡方向逐渐减小,表现出与137Cs一致的分布格局;其他养分含量的坡面变化与137Cs分布不一致。相较于对照区,WSOC/TOC与碳氮比、碳磷比在沉陷坡侵蚀强烈的坡位分别出现了显著增大与降低(P0.05)。研究结果表明:1)焦作矿区自采煤沉陷坡形成以来发生了较严重的水蚀;2)侵蚀引起的土壤再分配影响沉陷坡土壤碳、氮、磷动态,其中,土壤再分配对土壤碳动态的影响最强;3)在土壤侵蚀作用下,采煤沉陷坡侵蚀强烈的坡位土壤有效态碳、氮、磷养分潜在的侵蚀风险大。采煤沉陷坡土壤侵蚀及其对土壤养分的不利影响应引起矿粮复合区土地整治的关注。  相似文献   

水力侵蚀影响下土壤有机碳和微生物数量动态变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤侵蚀是土壤有机碳(Soil organic carbon,SOC)动态过程的重要驱动因素,明确土壤侵蚀如何影响土壤微生物进而作用于SOC,有助于准确把握土壤侵蚀在全球碳循环中的作用。通过野外径流小区模拟降雨试验,结合定量聚合酶链式反应(quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction,q PCR)技术,研究了水力侵蚀后短期内(10 d)坡耕地表层土壤微生物数量和SOC含量动态变化特征,并在此基础上探讨了微生物与SOC间的关系。结果表明:与雨前相比,降雨侵蚀后表层土壤SOC含量没有显著差异,而表层土壤细菌数量显著降低,为雨前细菌数量的58.76%(坡上)、55.22%(坡中)、55.82%(坡下);降雨侵蚀同样显著改变了表层土壤真菌数量,雨后真菌数量为雨前真菌数量的105.51%(坡上)、2.29%(坡中),12.20%(坡下);降雨侵蚀后,SOC、细菌和真菌数量均在短时间内显著增加,达到峰值后下降;相关性分析表明,细菌和真菌数量与SOC之间的关系均未表现出显著正相关关系,仅有坡下细菌,坡中、坡下以及整个坡面真菌与SOC含量表现出显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

The implementation of soil and water conservation structures in semiarid areas, usually poses a difficult design problem. This is, in large part, due to the high variability of rainfall and the huge potential impact of extreme hydrologic events on structures and on the landscape in general. Magnitudes of runoff and soil loss or sedimentation rates in those environments are better not assessed by conventional modelling techniques, which tend to average out event magnitude and recurrence variability in time and space. A probability-based approach is proposed here to analyse and predict rainfall erosion losses. The maximum annual storm and its associated erosivity is used as a core element in the assessment of annual interrill and rill erosion rates. Frequency and cumulative soil loss distributions are obtained by combining verified annual and maximum daily rainfall frequency distributions with a proposed erosion algorithm. This stochastic representation of erosion permits to evaluate soil losses for the maximum annual storm, as well as annual erosion rates as a function of recurrence interval. The proposed method was verified with a short series of measured soil loss data in Cape Verde. The physical basis underlying the prediction algorithm and method in general, could be sustained by experimental data and field survey evidence. The method seems applicable to arid and semiarid ecosystems with a high seasonal concentration of precipitation and with rainfall limited to only a few major storm events.  相似文献   

As an extreme manifestation of environmental degradation, karst rock desertification is caused by soil loss and rock exposure. In some areas with serious rocky desertification, there is no soil to be eroded or leaked. The soil loss in these areas superimposes soil erosion and unique subsurface loss by soil leakage through fissures, pipelines, sinkholes, etc., which directly reduce soil resources and accelerate rocky desertification. However, the factors driving soil erosion and subsurface loss by soil leakage are still unclear. Rainfall experiments were conducted on simulated slopes with surface-exposed bedrock and subsurface fissures based on field investigations in a karst rocky desertification area of Guizhou Province, China. Four factors, including rainfall intensity, slope gradient, bedrock exposure rate and subsurface fissure degree, were considered in the experiment. We found that the amount of soil surface erosion and subsurface leakage loss is driven not only by the runoff volume but also by other influential factors. Rainfall intensity is the driving factor determining the amount of surface erosion and subsurface leakage loss of soil and water and the relationship between them. The slope gradient plays a leading role only in subsurface fissure flow leakage loss. The bedrock exposure rate drives the surface soil erosion rate, shows a critical value (30%), and dominates the fissure flow leakage loss rate. Subsurface fissure density plays an important role in the surface loss of soil and water; however, an increase in the subsurface fissure density does not obviously accelerate the subsurface leakage loss of soil and water. Although this result, obtained from laboratory simulations, may differ at the field scale or larger, it could provide a foundation for systematic studies on soil erosion/leakage and insights into the relations between rocky desertification and soil erosion/leakage and their driving factors in karst rocky desertification.  相似文献   

中国东南部红壤地区不同植被对土壤侵蚀和土壤养分的影响   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
The effect of different vegetation systems including bamboo plantation (BP), forest ecosystem (CF), citrus orchard (Ctr) and farmland (FL) on erosion and nutrients of red soil were investigated in hilly region of southeastern China to find effective control measures for soil erosion. The results showed that all the vegetation systems could significantly reduce soil erosion and nutrient losses compared to bare land (Br). The ability of different vegetation systems to conserve soil and water was in the order of Ctr > BP > CF > FL > Br. Vegetation could also improve soil fertility. The soil organic matter, total N and total P contents were much higher in all the vegetation systems than in bare land, especially for the top soils. Vegetation systems improved soil physical properties remarkably. Compared to the bare land, soil organic matter, TP, TK and available K, especially soil microbial biomass C, N and P, increased under all the vegetation covers. However, they were still much lower than expected, thus these biological measurements are still needed to be carried out continuously.  相似文献   

Recently the effect of plant hedgerows on controlling soil and water loss has been well recognized, and this technology has been widely applied in the world. However, there are few studies on hedgerows’ effect on soil fertility of sloping lands. With an 8-year fixed field experiment, we investigated the effect of two different hedgerows on soil fertility through comparing with the control. Our results showed that along contour lines across the field, clay particles tended to accumulate above plant hedgerows but to be eroded downward below hedgerows. Except for potassium (K), all plant nutrients and soil organic matter showed the same distribution pattern as clay particles. K, however, was evenly distributed in the field without any noticeable influence from hedgerows. Since the beginning of our field experiment, soil phosphorus (P) kept accumulating, while soil organic matter and K were in depletion. Taken together, our results suggest that better nutrient management for the sloping lands should reduce P but increase farm manure and K. As far as the whole sloping field is concerned, special attention in nutrient management should be paid to the soil stripes below hedgerows, the portions suffering from more serious soil erosion.  相似文献   

免耕与土壤侵蚀研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
综述了国内外免耕控制土壤侵蚀的机理研究以及对土壤性质的影响,并提出免耕在我国的应用方向。  相似文献   

Unpaved road erosion after heavy storms in mountain areas of northern China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
More frequent extreme rainfall events associated with global climate change cause greater challenges for soil conservation. Severe erosion occurs on many unpaved roads since these structures create important water flow paths during heavy storms. The present research aimed to investigate the intensity and influencing factors of unpaved road erosion under varied land use and management conditions (sloping cropland, terraced cropland, forest & grass). The erosion occurred in the watersheds contributing runoff water to roads after the greatest rainfall event recorded in the mountain area of northern China caused by Typhon Lekima. The research was conducted in an agricultural-forest-dominated watershed based on field investigation and UAV-based image analysis. A road erosion level classification standard was given according to the occurrence of rills, ephemeral gullies, and gullies. Significant erosion happened on 67% of the unpaved roads; 42% of them suffered moderate to severe erosion in which ephemeral gullies or gullies developed. The average erosion amount from these roads was 2280.75 t ha-1 and was significantly influenced by the watershed land use type and management. The dominant factor governing unpaved road erosion associated with terraced cropland was vegetation coverage on roads. Drainage area was the most important factor for road erosion in sloping cropland and forest & grass land, and road gradient was also a critical factor. Terraces, and forest & grass in drainage areas significantly reduced unpaved road erosion by 85% and, 47%, respectively, compared to sloping cropland. More integrated measures should be used to prevent unpaved road erosion. The results of this research can be applied to road protection against erosion in heavy storms.  相似文献   

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