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A critical-state finite element model was used to simulate compaction under single and dual tyres and tracks. The compaction involved deformations at three different scales, from small tyres with a contact area of about 70 cm2 (single tyre) supporting a load of about 50 kg, to large tyres of about 1.2 m2 (dual tyres) supporting a load of about 4500 kg. The predictions were compared with measured values for several different quantities. These included: rut depths; vertical displacement and shear strain: vertical stresses; and, void ratios and precompression stress measured on sampled soil cores. In general, the predictions and measurements agreed reasonably well. However, the agreement between prediction and measurement depended on the precision of measurements, soil disturbance, and the volume of soil involved in a measurement relative to the volume of soil influenced by the tyre or track. This study shows that the critical-state finite element model is useful, offering insight into the compaction process, the dependence of compaction on soil strength and compressibility, and practical implications for soil management.  相似文献   

Roots grow thicker in compacted soil, even though it requires greater force for a large object to penetrate soil than it does for a small one. We examined the advantage of thickening in terms of the stresses around a root penetrating with constant shape, rather than the stresses around an expanding cylinder or sphere, as has been studied previously. We combined experiments and simulations of the stresses around roots growing in compacted soils. We measured the diameter of pea roots growing in sandy loam and clay loam at four different densities, and the critical‐state properties of the soils. At a penetration resistance of about 1 MPa the diameter of the roots in the sandy loam was about 40% greater than that at 0.7 MPa, and at 2 MPa it was about 60% greater. In the clay loam, there was less thickening – about 10% greater at 1 MPa and about 20% greater at 1.5 MPa. The maximum axial stresses were predicted using a critical‐state finite‐element model to be at the very tip of the root cap. When there was friction between the root and the soil, shear stresses were predicted with smaller values at the tip than just behind the tip. When the interface between the soil and the root was assumed to be frictionless, there were by definition no shear stresses. In the frictionless case the advantage of root thickening on relieving peak stress at the root tip was diminished. The axial and shear stresses were predicted to be smaller in the clay loam than in the sandy loam and may explain why the roots did not thicken in this soil although its resistance to penetration was similar. Our results suggest that the local values of axial and shear stresses experienced by the root near its tip may be as important in constraining root growth as the total penetration resistance.  相似文献   


Short-term dynamics of soil respiration rates over time measured at hourly intervals during less than 12?h after microbial substrates were added to soils can be classified into first-order, zero-order and growth-associated types. To simulate the zero-order type respiration rates, a model using Michaelis-Menten kinetics is proposed, because this kinetics model includes a maximum respiration rate but no increase in microbial biomass. In this model, soil respiration by microorganisms was assumed to be the sum of the mineralization of easily available substrates (R), which include both added glucose (G) and substrates released by disturbance such as a mixing treatment (D) and constant mineralization under steady state conditions. By analyzing the short-term dynamics of previously published respiration rates for a Kazakh forest, a Japanese forest and a Japanese arable soils, none of which show any increase with time, the parameter values of z r and D 0, which indicate the ratio of respired to utilized R and the initial concentration of D, respectively, were estimated. This allowed simulation of the decreasing concentrations of R and estimation of the parameters V max and K M in the Michaelis-Menten equation. Simulations using the obtained parameter values matched the measured data well. Correlation coefficients (r 2) and root mean square errors (RMSE) indicated that the simulations usually matched the measured data, which included not only zero-order respiration rates but also first-order respiration rates. Therefore, the proposed model using Michaelis-Menten kinetics can be used to simulate the short-term dynamics of respiration rates, which show no increase over time, when easily available substrates would be added in soils.  相似文献   

Simulating diffusion in a Boolean model of soil pores   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The diffusion of gas through a model of the structure of soil pores was simulated on a computer. This was done to test the model's usefulness for studying diffusion in real soil and to obtain insights into how soil pore geometry affects diffusion. A model of randomly-placed overlapping spheres was used to represent the soil solids, the pores being what remains. Various simulated porosities and average sphere radii produced pore networks which resembled those in real soil aggregates. Our diffusion simulations gave three results: steady-state flux, time delay and rate of increase of flux. The porosity and sphere size were varied to investigate their effects on these diffusion properties. Results were comparable with those from experimental work. Further analysis allowed us to express the geometry of pore simulations in terms of average pore path length and connectivity. Evidence of non-Fickian behaviour was obtained, particularly in the early stages of the simulated diffusion.  相似文献   

Simulating nitrogen dynamics in soils using a deterministic model   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Abstract. LEACHN is a deterministic model for simulating nitrogen dynamics in soil. Transport processes are based upon numerical solutions to the Richards equation for water flow and the convection-dispersion equation for solute transport. Transformations of urea, ammonium, nitrate and three organic pools are included, and the influence of water content and temperature can be reflected. Lack of measured input data sometimes limits the more general use of models such as these. Approaches to estimating data values using soil survey information and a limited number of measured data are discussed. Simple model sensitivity studies and a limited number of field measurements can guide the choice of input data values and lead to simulations that reflect the main features of the field soil nitrogen regime. Such an approach provides initial values for a modelling exercise, and improves intuition regarding the relative importance of processes and interactions in the field nitrogen cycle.  相似文献   

Soil erodibility(K) is a key factor of soil erosion, and its appropriate quantification and interpolation are vitally important for soil and water conservation.The traditional point-represent-polygon approaches and common kriging method for the estimation of K, however, do not sufficiently represent the original data. The objectives of this study were to simulate the spatial distribution of K using a sequential Gaussian algorithm and analyze the uncertainty in evaluating the risk of soil erodibility in southeastern China. We determined 101 sampling points in the area and collected disturbed soil samples from the 0–20 cm layer at each point. Soil properties were determined, and K was calculated using five common models: the EPIC(Erosion/Productivity Impact Calculator),approximate nomograph, Torri, Shirazi, and Wang models. Among the chosen models, the EPIC model performed the best at estimating K(KEPIC), which ranged from 0.019 to 0.060 t ha h(ha MJ mm)~(-1), with a mean of 0.043 t ha h(ha MJ mm)~(-1). The KEPICwas moderately spatially variable and had a limited spatial structure, increasing from south to north in our study area, and all spatial simulations using the cooperative kriging(CK) interpolation and the sequential Gaussian simulation(SGS) with 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, and 500 realizations had acceptable accuracies. The CK interpolation narrowed the range,and the SGS maintained the original characteristics of the calculated data. The proportions of the risk area were 38.0% and 10.1%, when the risk probability for K was 60% and 80%, respectively, and high risk areas were mostly located in the north. The results provide scientific guidance for managing the risk of soil erodibility in southeastern China.  相似文献   

长期施肥下石灰性潮土有机碳变化的DNDC模型预测   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
为探讨长期不同施肥条件下土壤有机碳的变化规律及DNDC模型的应用,利用封丘石灰性潮土不同施肥措施下的长期定位试验数据,选取CK、NPK、1/2NPK+1/2OM、OM4个处理,分析了15年来作物产量及土壤有机碳(SOC)的变化特征,并用DNDC模型预测了试验地近100年(2000~2099)的SOC变化趋势。结果表明,各施肥处理的多年产量平均值和对照处理差异显著;施用化肥(NPK和1/2NPK+1/2OM)处理和有机肥(OM)处理间也有显著差异;产量最高为NPK处理,达10811 kg/ha,CK处理最低,但1/2NPK+1/2OM处理产量与NPK处理无显著性差异。15年来土壤耕层(0—20cm)有机碳平均值,以OM处理最高,达到7.90 g/kg,显著高于1/2NPK+1/2OM、NPK处理;而CK处理仅为4.15 g/kg。从15年来有机碳的变化看出,CK处理略有下降,NPK处理较为平稳,而1/2NPK+1/2OM和OM处理呈现不断上升趋势,OM处理上升幅度较1/2NPK+1/2OM处理大。对试验地SOC变化趋势长期(100a)的模拟结果显示,与初始土壤SOC含量相比,100a后不施肥处理(CK)土壤有机碳含量下降了52%,化肥(NPK)处理土壤SOC含量较为稳定,而1/2NPK+1/2OM处理和OM处理土壤有机碳增加明显,大约25a后基本上稳定,100a后分别较2000年增加了24%和25%。从实测数据的分析和DNDC模型模拟分析可以看出,有机肥和化肥配施能获得较高作物产量,并能有效地增加土壤SOC含量,从而提高土壤的可持续利用能力。  相似文献   

应用改进遗传算法,优化人工神经网络模型的权值,对盐分存在下的冬小麦根系分布进行定量预报,将获得的根系分布参数与根系吸水模型以及水盐运移模型相结合,进行了水分、盐分分布的数值模拟。结果表明,应用改进遗传算法可以为根系吸水模型提供所需的根系参数,并且可以较好地对土壤中水分、盐分的运移分布情况进行模拟;该方法建模简单、实用,模型对于土壤次生盐渍化的防治与微咸水的灌溉利用等具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Diffusion within a cube was simulated by a model which divides the cube into concentric volumes and computes by Fick's first law the diffusive flux between adjacent volumes and between the outermost volume and the external solution. The model can also be applied directly to a sphere and, with minor modifications, to other regular shapes. It was tested in two forms: (a) with the distances between the interfaces of adjacent concentric volumes made equal, and (b) with the volumes themselves equal, by using it to simulate the uptake of solute by a sphere from a stirred solution of limited volume. The output from the latter form of the model agreed the more closely with values obtained from a solution of the diffusion equations in radial co-ordinates, and this form was used subsequently. The model was used successfully to simulate the diffusion of bromide from cubes of chalk and chloride-36 from porous ceramic spheres, and its flexibility was illustrated by its ability to simulate experiments in which aliquots of the external solution were removed for assay.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) and its different pools have key importance in nutrient availability, soil structure, in the flux of trace gases between land surface and the atmosphere, and thus improving soil health. This is particularly critical for tropical soils. The rates of accumulation and decomposition of carbon in SOM are influenced by several factors that are best embodied by simulation models. However, little is known about the performance of SOM simulation model in an acid tropical soil under different tillage systems including no-tillage (NT). Our objective was to simulate soil organic matter dynamics on an Acrisol under no-tillage and different plowed systems using Century model. Tillage systems consisted of no-tillage, disc plow, heavy disc harrow followed by disc plow, and heavy disc harrow. Soil C stocks simulated by Century model showed tendency to recovery only under no-tillage. Also, simulated amounts of C stocks of slow and active pools were more sensitive to management impacts than total organic C. The values estimated by Century of soil C stocks and organic carbon in the slow and passive pools fitted satisfactorily with the measured data. Thus fitted, except for the active pool, Century showed acceptable performance in the prediction of SOM dynamics in an acid tropical soil.  相似文献   

Phosphorus is a nonrenewable resource, which is required for crop growth and to maintain high yields. The soil P cycle is very complex, and new model approaches can lead to a better understanding of those processes and further guide to research gaps. The objective of this study was to present a P-submodel, which has been integrated in the existing Carbon Candy Balance (CCB) model that already comprises a C and N module. The P-module is linked to the C mineralization and the associated C-pools via the C/P ratio of fresh organic material. Besides the organic P cycling, the module implies a plant-available P-pool (Pav), which is in a dynamic equilibrium with the nonavailable P-pool (Pna) that comprises the strongly sorbed and occluded P fraction. The model performance was tested and evaluated on four long-term field experiments with mineral P fertilization, farmyard manure as organic fertilizer and control plots without fertilization. The C dynamics and the Pav dynamics were modelled with overall good results. The relative RMSE for the C was below 10% for all treatments, while the relative RMSE for Pav was below 15% for most treatments. To accommodate for the rather small variety of available P-models, the presented CNP-model is designed for agricultural field sites with a relatively low data input, namely air temperature, precipitation, soil properties, yields and management practices. The CNP-model offers a low entry threshold model approach to predict the C-N and now the P dynamics of agricultural soils.  相似文献   

为探究融雪径流与冻结状态对黑土细沟网络发育的影响,该研究开展了冻结与非冻结处理黑土坡面的融雪径流模拟冲刷试验,利用三维激光扫描技术获取多次定时径流冲刷并直至侵蚀形态稳定的坡面点云,结合数字表面模型差异(digital surface model of difference, DoD)微地形变化监测方法与点云逆向工程,获取细沟网络发育过程的侵蚀面积、侵蚀体积、细沟长度和细沟密度等侵蚀参数。结果表明,冻结因素与温度变化对细沟网络发育过程与程度有重要影响:1)冻结处理的黑土坡面更容易发展出细沟网络,达到坡面侵蚀形态基本稳定后的侵蚀面积、侵蚀体积以及侵蚀细沟长度是非冻结处理黑土坡面的291%、557%和437%。2)冻结处理与非冻结处理沿坡面细沟截面形态变化差异明显。冻结坡面细沟交叉时宽深比RW/D快速减小,下切速度加快,随后宽度与深度呈比例稳定增加;非冻结坡面汇水处的RW/D随冲刷次数增加而增大,侧蚀速度加快,其他截面RW/D随着冲刷次数的增加而减小,下切速度加快。3)采用ArcGIS与点云逆向工程模型联合获取的冻结状态下细沟形态参数与发育过程DoD相对误差范围为-12.70%~4.42%,提取精度在95%以上。该联合方法在冻结土体条件下获取细沟参数具有较高精度,可作为土壤侵蚀参数高精度提取的一种手段。  相似文献   

A model for soil crumbling, called the capillary crumbling model (CCM) was introduced by Aluko and Koolen [Aluko, O.B., Koolen, A.J., 2000. The essential mechanics of capillary crumbling of structured agricultural soils. Soil Till. Res. 55, 117–126]. According to the CCM, the optimum soil water content for tillage (θOPT) may be defined as the water content at which the capillary bonding strength between aggregates is minimum. The objective of this study was to evaluate the CCM for the arable layer of 10 agricultural soils (sandy loam to clay textures) from semi-arid regions in western Iran. The results were compared with conventional soil workability limits such as 0.85 of the soil plastic limit (0.85θPL), Proctor critical water content (θProctor), 0.6 or 0.7 of water content at matric suction of 50 hPa (0.6–0.7θ50 hPa), and the Kretschmer optimum water content (θKretschmer = θPL − 0.15(θLL − θPL)) where θLL is the soil liquid limit. Repacked soil cores were prepared from intact soil aggregates (0.50–4.75 mm) to 0.9 of the critical bulk density (to represent the soil conditions before tillage). Tensile strength and matric suction of the cores were determined at different soil water contents obtained by slow drying. The CCM provided evidence for the physics and mechanics of crumbling in the studied soils. It revealed that effective stresses are the dominant inter-aggregates forces, at least for the wet range of soil water content. A fall in strength of inter-aggregate bonds (i.e. tensile strength) was recorded due to water emptying from structural pores in a narrow range of matric suction (hOPT) which was consistent with the model. With increasing soil organic matter and clay contents the fall became more distinct, indicating increased structural stability. The θOPT values determined by the CCM were found in the hOPT range 551–612 hPa corresponding to 0.91–0.79θPL, which was in agreement with published values for the soil workability limit. Negative correlations between hOPT and clay and organic matter contents clearly confirmed the increasing effect of soil structure on the enlargement of inter-aggregate pores. High correlations were observed between θOPT and 0.85θPL, θProctor or 0.7θ50 hPa. The results showed that the CCM might be recommended as a physically based method for the determination of θOPT. Considering the 1:1 relationships between θOPT and 0.85θPL or θProctor, and easy determination of θPL and θProctor, use of these indices is recommended in situations where the CCM is not applicable.  相似文献   

Abstract. Coliforms such as Escherichia coli and E. coli O157 are present in faeces deposited on the ground by grazing livestock, which gives rise to environmental concerns about the consequences of their transport in soil water draining to rivers, lakes, groundwater, water supplies and bathing waters. Following a similar study in relation to slurry spreading (Soil Use and Management 2003; 19, 321–330), a two‐stage approach was adopted to using the dual‐porosity contaminant transport model macro to simulate processes by which E. coli microorganisms from grazing livestock (sheep) pass through the soil to receiving waters via field drains. First, model parameter values were selected to reproduce experimental measurements showing rapid flows of the organisms by macropore flow without trapping in smaller pores. However, because of the large number of parameters and likely experimental errors, the set of values chosen, although plausible, is not necessarily unique and so any predictions should be considered provisional pending validation. Second, a series of predictive simulations was carried out to test the influence of soil and weather conditions on losses to field drains during grazing. These showed that E. coli losses were influenced almost entirely by the soil water content at the time of grazing, rising to a high level during grazing in wet conditions, but low or zero under dry conditions. In contrast, rainfall at the time of grazing had almost no consistent effect, other than large losses on the occasional days with over 20 mm of rain. Overall losses for a period of grazing were generally small during summer, but rose to a high level if grazing continued into autumn, due to the increase in soil water content. This demonstrates that there would probably be substantial reductions in the environmental risks of water pollution by E. coli and other faecal microorganisms if continuous grazing were stopped around early September and replaced by grazing on dry days only.  相似文献   

A novel computer model is presented which describes the flow of C and N in the soil. It employs a structure with conceptual compartments. Organic matter is represented by seven different compartments, two for added matter, two for soil microbial biomass, one for microbial residues, one for native (‘humified’) organic matter, and one for inert organic matter. The latter pool represents both truly inert matter, and matter with negligible turnover in a time-span of decades to a century. This paper describes the parameterisation and performance of this model on selected long-term field carbon and radiocarbon data from United Kingdom, Sweden and Denmark. Previously unpublished radiocarbon data series from Denmark are included. Statistical methods were employed to estimate parameters, and obtain proximate confidence intervals for these parameters. Simulations in good agreement with measured values could be achieved, using the same set of parameters on all sites. It was demonstrated that the inert pool might constitute any amount between approx. 10 and 50% of total soil C, so that modelling cannot be used as a tool to obtain narrow estimates for this pool.  相似文献   

Due to its persistence, subsoil compaction should be avoided, which can be done by setting stress limits depending on the strength of the soil. Such limits must take into account soil moisture status at the time of traffic. The objective of the work presented here was to measure soil water changes during the growing period, use the data to calibrate a soil water model and simulate the soil susceptibility to compaction using meteorological data for a 25-year period. Measurements of soil water content were made in sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) from sowing until harvest in 1997 on two sites classified as Eutric Cambisols in southern Sweden. Sampling was carried out at 2-week intervals in 0.1 m layers down to 1 m depth, together with measurements of root growth and crop development. Precompression stress of the soil at 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 m depth was determined from uniaxial compression tests at water tensions of 6, 30, 60 and 150 kPa and adjusted as a logarithmic function of the soil water tension. Soil water content was simulated by the SOIL model for the years 1963–1988. Risk calculations were made for a wheel load of 8 t and a ground pressure of 220 kPa, corresponding to a fully loaded six-row sugarbeet harvester. Subsoil compaction was expected to occur when the major principal stress was higher than the precompression stress. The subsoil water content was very low in late summer, but increased during the autumn. At the end of August, there was practically no plant available water down to 1 m depth. There was in general good agreement between measured and simulated values of soil water content for the subsoil, but not for the topsoil. In the 25-year simulations, the compaction risk at 50 cm depth was estimated to increase from around 25% to nearly 100% between September and late November, which is the period when the sugarbeet are harvested. The types of simulation presented here may be a very useful tool for practical agriculture as well as for society, in giving recommendations as to how subsoil compaction should be avoided.  相似文献   

《Soil & Tillage Research》1987,10(2):113-122
A 3-year investigation was carried out on the effect of annual compaction by 10- and 20-t axle−1 loads applied at 2 soil moisture contents on bulk densities and on corn (Zea mays L.) yields in a clay soil. Maximum bulk densities, and the depth at which they occurred, increased with each annual loading. Only the 20-t axle−1 loading increased soil density when compacting under dry conditions. However, both loading levels led to increases in density when applied under relatively wet conditions. Under the latter conditions, moldboard plowing and overwintering did not fully relieve topsoil compaction. Trends in crop responses to compaction were similar to those of soil bulk density. However, corn yield reductions were much more pronounced than were changes in soil structure. Differences in yields between the effects of each loading level increased with annual compaction.  相似文献   

王毅  张斌  Harald Zepp 《土壤学报》2012,49(5):875-885
选择具有南方亚热带农业小流域典型代表性的江西省孙家小流域,运用WaSiM-ETH分布式水文模型,模拟了该农业小流域的水文过程,并在流域尺度上估算了壤中流流量。研究结果表明,虽然孙家小流域土地利用方式多样,水文过程复杂,但是WaSiM-ETH模型仍显示了相当高的准确性。WaSiM-ETH模型模拟孙家小流域出口年径流量的相对误差为3.7%~4.3%,决定系数(R2)高达0.96。在模型模拟的2002年—2003年期间,孙家小流域年蒸散量为672~804 mm,占年降雨的39.6%~52.5%;小流域壤中流年径流量为542~666 mm,占年降雨输入的35.4%~39.2%,高于地表径流的8.8%~21.4%。这说明WaSiM-ETH模型在该地区流域水文过程模拟方面具有很高的适应性,其不仅能够准确模拟南方亚热带农业小流域的地表水文过程,同时还能在流域尺度上估算壤中流流量。  相似文献   


Wheat [Triticum aestivum(L.)] is the major cereal crop of the Chaouia (dryland) region of Morocco. Efforts for self‐sufficiency in wheat will require improved fertility management on the calcareous soils of this region. This research was undertaken to evaluate the suitability of five soil P extractors for predicting the need for P fertilization on 15 important soils in this region. The Olsen (0.5MNaHCO3), the Soltanpour (1.0MNH4HCO3+ 0.005MDTPA) and their dilution modifications, and CaCl2solution P method were evaluated in laboratory and greenhouse experiments.

Ten of the 15 soils responded to P fertilization. The five soils for which a significant P response was not measured were from the P plateau of the Chaouia region. The P extractors performed equally to predict the need for P fertilization. The critical levels below which a response would be highly probably and above which no response would be anticipated varied by extractor and method used to interpret the soil test values. A graphic method indicated the critical P values to be: Olsen 10.2, modified Olsen 18.0; Soltanpour 2.0; modified Soltanpour 12.5 and CaCl20.20 mg P kg‐1. A second degree polynomial method indi cated the critical P values to be: Olsen 8.2; modified Olsen 14.0; Soltanpour 1.1; modified Soltanpour 5.1 and CaCl20.12 mg P kg‐1. This limited data will permit the interpretation of soil test values as to whether a response to P fertilization is highly probable for the dominant soils of this wheat region.

Results from this study suggest that any of the five P extractors evaluated could be selected to calibrate P response under field conditions. It might be best to concentrate future research efforts on the Olsen test because most field P calibration data published with similar soils, climate and crops are with this extractor  相似文献   

利用侵蚀模型普查黄土高原土壤侵蚀状况   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
土壤侵蚀普查对于土地资源保护和自然灾害防治具有重要意义。为了测试抽样方法和土壤侵蚀模型在土壤侵蚀普查中的适用性,该文以陕西吴起县为试点,采用1%均匀抽样方法,调查39个抽样单元的土壤侵蚀影响因子,使用中国侵蚀预报模型CSLE(Chinese soilloss equation)估算土壤侵蚀模数,并与基于遥感数据的水蚀分级分类方法进行比较。两种方法估算的全县平均土壤侵蚀模数分别为4571和5504t/(km2a),但不同分级侵蚀强度的面积和空间分布存在较大差异。抽样方法在土地利用与覆盖、水土保持措施及土壤特性方面获得的信息量大于遥感方法,同时对于区域具有很好的代表性;使用模型估算土壤侵蚀考虑的影响因子与分级方法相比,还包括了土壤可蚀性、坡长因子以及水土保持措施因子等,由此计算的土壤侵蚀模数和强度具有更高的可信度。因此,虽然基于抽样方法和土壤侵蚀模型的土壤侵蚀普查方法也存在一定的问题,但与土壤侵蚀分类分级方法相比具有明显的优越性。  相似文献   

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