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Imperata cylindrica and Cyperus rotundus were grown under three different light regimes; unshaded, 50% shade, and 75% shade and no shade plus 75% shade before and after spraying, (temporary shade) in a heated greenhouse. Six weeks after the start of the experimenis, glyphosate was applied to the plants at 0·2, 0·4 and 0·8 kg/ha (for Imperata) or 0·3, 0·6 and 1·2 kg/ha (for Cyperus). Glyphosate toxicity was enhanced as shade increased. In Imperata, all shade regimes at all rates of glyphosate eaused greater damage to the plants than the unshaded regime. The reduction in shoot dry weight, rhizome dry weight and total carbohydrate content of Imperate rhizotties at 75% continuous and temporary shaiie conditions, with the lowest rate of glyphosate, was almost twice as much as the reduction in the same features m the unshaded plants caused by the highest rate of glyphosate. In Cyperus. glyphosate at the intermediate and highest rates decreased the shoot dry weight at 75% continuous shade by 79% and 98% respectively. Plants in 50% shade were significantly affected only at the highest rate of glyphosate. Sprouting ability of the tubers al 75% continuous shade was inhibited when the tubers were replanted for recovery. Enhanced toxicity of glyphosate in reduced light intensity was attributed to the morphological changes in the nature of the leaves caused by shade.  相似文献   

Fluazifop-butyl was sprayed onto established plants of Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv. and Paspalum conjugatum Berg, growing rapidly under warm glasshouse conditions. Visually I. cylindrica was considerably more resistant to phytotoxicity than P. conjugatum, for both contact damage to the sprayed shoots and regrowth from the rhizome or stolon. Although not statistically significant, there was a trend for I cylindrica to retain more spray than P. conjugatum. Drops applied to upper and lower surfaces of I cylindrica spread similarly, but on leaves of P. conjugatum spread was less on upper and greater on lower leaf surfaces. There were no differences in uptake from drops placed on the upper surface. Preliminary translocation studies suggested greater movement out of treated leaves of P. conjugation than from the treated leaves of I. cylindrica. On the basis of these data, differences between the two species did not directly relate to the retention of spray or the uptake of the active ingredient into the leaf, but translocation differences were important. In addition, the relative resistance of I. cylindrica to fluazifop-butyl may also be caused in part by having a lower ratio of aerial shoot dry weight to total and subterranean dry weight than P. conjugatum. This results in less herbicide retained per unit mass of plant tissue in the former. Activité du fluazifop-butyle contre Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv. I. Etudes sur la phytotoxicité, l'adhésion de la bouillie et la pénétration de l'herbicide Le fluazifop-butyle a été pulvérisé sur des plantes de Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv. et Paspalum conjugatum Berg. bien installées et en pleine végétation en serre dans des conditions chaudes. Les observations visuelles ont indiqué que I. cylindrica résistait mieux que P. conjugatumà la phytotoxicité, tant en matière de dégâts résultant du contact de l'herbicide sur les pousses que de repousses à partir de rhizomes ou de stolones. Imperata cylindrica avait tendance à retenir plus de bouillie que P. conjugatum, mais la différence n'était pas significative. Des gouttes appliquées sur les surfaces supérieures et inférieures des feuilles de I. cylindrica se sont répandues de façon semblable mais chez P. conjugatum elles se sont répandues moins sur la surface supérieure que sur l'inférieure. Aucune différence n'a été constatée dans la pénétration des gouttes posées sur la surface supérieure. Des études préliminaires sur la translocation indiquent un transport plus important hors des feuilles traitées chez P. conjugatum que chez I cylindrica. Prenant pour base ces données, les différences entre les deux espèces ne correspondent pas directement à la rétention de la bouillie ni à la pénétration dans la feuille de la matière active, mais les différences en matière de translocation y jouent un rôle important. D'ailleurs il se peut que la résistance relativement plus forte envers le fluazifop-butyle chez I. cylindrica résulte en partie du rapport moins élevé du poids sec des pousses aériennes au poids sec global et souterrain dans cette espèce. Par consé- Quent, elle retient une moindre quantité d'herbicide par unité de masse de tissu végétal que P. conjugatum. Ueber die Wirkung von Fluazifop-butyl auf Imperata cylindriea (L.) P. Beauv. I. Untersuchungen über Phytotoxizität, Haftung der Spritzbrühe und Herbizidaufnahme Entwickelte, stark wachsende Pflanzen von Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv. und Paspalumconjugation Berg. wurden im warmen Gewächshaus (Temp. zwischen 22 C und 32 C) mit Fluazifop-butyl besprüht. Die visuelle Beurteilung ergab, dass I. cylindrica bedeutend resist-enter als P. conjugation war, sowohl in Bezug auf Direktwirkung auf die besprühten Sprosse, als auch auf Neuaustrieb aus Rhizomen und Stolonen. Statistisch zwar nicht gesichert, wurde ein Trend zu einer stärkeren Haftung der Spritzbrühe auf I cylindrica als auf P. conjugation beobachtet. Auf die oberen und unteren Blattoberflächen von I. cylindrica applizierle Tropfen breiteten sich in ähnlicher Weise aus. während bei P. conjugatum die Ausbreitung der Tropfen auf den Blattoberseiten geringer als auf den Blattunterseiten war. Vorläufige Translokationsstudien lassen vermuten, dass der Abtransport des Herbizids aus behandelten Blättern bei P. conjugation grösser ist als bei I. cylindrica. Aufgrund der erhaltenen Resultate waren die Empfindlichkeitsunterschiede der beiden Pftanzenarten nicht direkt korreliert mit der Haftung der Spritzbrühe oder der Aufnahme der Aktivsubstanz in das Blatt; hingegen waren die Unterschiede bezüglich Translokation beträchtlich. Die, im Vergleich zu P. conjugatum, relativ hohe Resistenz von I. cylindrica kann weiterhin mit dem geringeren prozentualen Anteil der Trockenmasse oberirdischer Teile an der totalen oder unterirdisch produzierten Trockenmasse bei letzterer Art erklärt werden. Dies hat zur Folge, dass pro Einheit Pflanzenmasse bei I. cylindrica weniger Aktivsubstanz zurückgehalten wird, als bei P. conjugatum.  相似文献   

Benfuresate (2-3-dihydro-3,3-dimethylbenzofu-ran-5-yl ethanesulfonate) is a selective herbicide for the control of purple nutsedge in cotton. Under outdoor conditions, purple nutsedge was sensitive to benfuresate incorporated in soil up to eight days after initiation of shoot sprouting from the tuber. Older seedlings recovered from the damage. During the period of susceptibility to benfuresate, young shoots more sensitive than the roots. Under controlled environmental conditions, benfuresate applied directly to apical buds developing from the tuber caused severe damage to the treated bud and induced abrupt development of axillary buds. Negligible amounts of the applied herbicide were translocated from the treated part to the other buds and roots. Application of the herbicide to fully developed leaves had no effect, probably because of its rapid metabolism and low basipetal mobility. Its relatively high volatility may also contribute to its low foliar post-emergence activity. Tubers also absorbed herbicide vapours. Root uptake of 14C-benfuresate resulted in a rapid accumulation of 14C in the shoot, which had no effect on the purple nutsedge plant, regardless of concentration. The herbicide is rapidly converted, mainly to a non-phytotoxic polar product. These results may explain the high sensitivity of the weed to benfuresate at early growth stages, and the lack of sensitivity in mature plants.  相似文献   

Glyphosate at 2 kg/ha was more effective in reducing regrowth of purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) scapes at 90% than at 50% relative humidity (r.h.), and more effective at ?2 bars than at ?11 bars of plant water potential. Regrowth of treated plants subjected to water potentials of ?1 to ?8 bars was reduced 54–60% while at ?11 bars growth inhibition was only 34%. A time interval of as little as 8 h between application and excision was sufficient to give 47% reduction in regrowth at 90% r.h. None of the treated plants, except those clipped immediately after application, produced new shoots from the basal bulb, while all the untreated control plants produced one or more new shoots. Experiments using 14C-glyphosate substantiated these results. Three times more 14C-label was translocated into the underground parts of nutsedge at 90% than at 50% r.h. Twice as much translocated at ?2 bars than at ?11 bars of water potential.  相似文献   

Post-emergence applications of glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine] have been shown not to eradicate purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) in the field. It was not known if this was due to failure to control emerged plants or if dormant tubers produced new plants after application. Studies with individual plants were conducted in screenhouse facilities to determine the effects of glyphosate rate, time for translocation, area of foliage treated, and shade on the sprouting ability of tubers attached to treated plants. Rates of 1.5–2.0 kg/ha glyphosate inhibited tuber sprouting; 72 h were required for complete translocation at 1.0 kg/ha whereas 36 h were sufficient at 2.0 kg/ha. Treating less than all of the foliage reduced foliar control and increased tuber sprouting. Shading treated plants reduced control of the foliage but did not affect glyphosate translocation to the tubers. These studies showed that glyphosate kills C. rotundus foliage and the tubers attached to treated plants. Therefore, regrowth after glyphosate application under field conditions is due to dormant tubers which sprout after treatment.  相似文献   


The germination of alang-alang rhizome buds was found to be affected by the colour of the buds, the length of the rhizome sections, and the orientation of the sections in the cultural medium.

The position of the buds on the sections did not affect the germination of the buds, nor did the differences in diameter of the rhizomes.

Subsequent growth of the buds was positively affected by increasing the lengths of the sections.  相似文献   


Speargrass, Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel, is a serious weed, threatening crop productivity in smallholder farms in West Africa. Since the use of more effective practices such as deep tillage and chemical control is beyond the means of resource-poor farmers who carry out most agricultural activities in this region, low-input alternative technology needs to be developed. Field studies were conducted during the 1993/1994 and 1995/1996 growing seasons to investigate the influence of three velvetbean accessions and two levels of fertilizer on the control of speargrass during the year of cover crop planting and one year later. The velvetbean accessions in 1993 were: Mucuna cochinchinensis and M. pruriens var. utilis. In 1995, M. pruriens var. IRZ was included in the study. M. cochinchinensis in 1993 and M. pruriens var. IRZ in 1995 had the highest ground cover rating early in the growing seasons whereas M. pruriens var. utilis had the lowest ground cover rating in both years. Inorganic fertilizer at30 kg ha- 1 each of N, P and K increased velvetbean ground cover by 2-22%, with M. cochinchinensis (14-22%) and M. pruriens var. IRZ (5-15%) showing the highest response in 1993 and 1995, respectively. M. pruriens var. utilis showed the least response in both years. After one growing season M. pruriens var. utilis, M. cochinchinensis, and M. pruriens var. IRZ reduced speargrass shoot density by 50, 76, and 68%, and shoot dry matter by 72, 92, and 79%, respectively. Fertilizer reduced speargrass growth in velvetbean plots, while the opposite occurred in plots without velvetbean. Velvetbean residue effectively suppressed speargrass until the beginning of the subsequent cropping season. Maize grown 1 year after velvetbean required 50% less weeding than plots without velvetbean. Maize shade reduced speargrass shoot growth by 30-80% but regrowth of the weed occurred 4 weeks before maize harvest. Maize grain yield was higher in plots previously seeded to velvetbean than in plots without velvetbean. Speargrass shoot density and dry matter were negatively correlated with maize grain yield (r =-0.42 and r =-0.32, respectively, P < 0.01). Although velvetbean may effectively reduce speargrass during the year of establishment and the subsequent cropping phase it has a limited effect on rhizomes and, as such, does not provide a long term control.  相似文献   

The effect of herbicide placemem in the soil on control of Cyperus rotundus L. was studied in the greenhouse with EPTC, alaehlor, norfiurazon, perlluidone, napropamide, trifluralin, and naptalam, EPTC was the mosl active herbicide, increasing the number of sprouts per tuber but inhibitmg bud development at an early stage of growth. The effect was greatest when EPTC was incorporated with the soil around the tubers. The effects of alaehlor were similar, but higher doses were required. Another active herbicide, norfiurazon, was taken up by the roots but its effect was to produce small, chlorotic leaves, Perfluidone was mosl effective when incorporated into the soil around the tubers or when placed in a layer 1 cm above them. Very little effect of napropamide trifluralin and naptalam was observed. In studies of growth and deveiopmenl with different planting depths, C. rotumtus produced basal bulbs, roots and most of its early reproductive parts in a layer of soil 1–3 cm from the surface, irrespective of the depth at which the tubers were planted. Shoots etncrged from 35 im deep but not from 50 cm.  相似文献   

Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica [L.] Raeusch.) is a perennial rhizomatous grass that belongs to the Poaceae and is widely distributed in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions over the world. The grass is strongly invasive and is suggested to have allelopathic potential. However, limited information is available on allelopathic substances in cogongrass rhizomes. Therefore, the allelopathic potential and substances in cogongrass rhizomes were investigated. The extracts of cogongrass rhizomes inhibited the root and shoot growth of barnyard grass, ryegrass, timothy, cress, lettuce and alfalfa. After bioassay‐guided separations of the extracts, four growth inhibitory substances, 5‐methoxyflavone, 5,2′‐dimethoxyflavone, methyl caffeate and abscisic acid, were isolated. 5‐Methoxyflavone, 5,2′‐dimethoxyflavone and methyl caffeate significantly inhibited the root and shoot growth of cress at concentrations of ≥0.03–0.3 m mol L?1 and their concentrations required for 50% growth inhibition were 0.079–0.24, 0.23–1.1 and 0.59–0.88 m mol L?1, respectively. The other isolated substance, abscisic acid, has been reported to have strong growth inhibitory activity. Its concentrations required for 50% growth inhibition on cress were 0.31–0.61 μ mol L?1. The present study suggests that cogongrass rhizomes might have allelopathic potential and that those four substances might contribute to that potential.  相似文献   

The activity of imazapyr and glyphosate against Imperata cylindrica was studied in field and glasshouse experiments using two methods of direct contact application; a rope-wick wiper and a cloth soaked in herbicide solution. The effect of concentration and position of application on herbicide uptake and translocation was also measured. At the lowest dose of imazapyr (5 mg acid equivalent (a.e.) per plant), phytotoxicity was greater from applications by a rope-wick wiper than by a cloth. However, when the dose of imazapyr was increased, the cloth applicator was more effective than the rope-wick wiper. At all doses of glyphosate, rope-wick application was more effective than wiping with a cloth. Herbicide performance in the glasshouse was similar to that in the field. Radiotracer studies showed that increasing the concentration of imazapyr, while keeping herbicide dose constant, decreased uptake and translocation of radiolabel. In contrast, the rate of uptake of 14C-glyphosate increased with increasing herbicide concentration. Position of application did not significantly affect the amount of uptake and translocation of radiolabel to the rhizomes. It is concluded that rope-wick wipers are more effective than wiping with a cloth for applying imazapyr and glyphosate to I. cylindrica, provided that the concentration of imazapyr does not exceed 10 g a.e. l?1.  相似文献   

Research conducted in El Salvador, Central America, demonstrated that an interval of 3 days between application of glyphosate and tillage was sufficient to cause 90% reduction in purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) plants, while delays of 11–23 days generally gave slightly less reduction. à second application to the same plots 35 days following tillage resulted in more than 90% reduction with all intervals. Approximately 3 months after the initial treatment, tuber numbers had been reduced to half the original population. Germination of the remaining tubers was reduced by more than 50%. Glyphosate applied during the dry season caused an average of 79% reduction in plant numbers compared with 88% in the rainy season. However, in the dry season, the remaining plants had no competition from other weeds and after 5 months there was only à 40% reduction in nutsedge population. During the rainy season, 1, 2 and 3 kg/ha were equally effective, but 1 kg/ha was not sufficient in the dry season.  相似文献   

Factors affecting phytotoxic activity of allelochemicals in soil   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
Allelopathy is the inhibitory or stimulatory effect of a plant (donor) on other plants (receivers) through the chemicals released from the donor plant to the environment, mostly into the soil. These chemicals may reach the receiver plants in various ways, including leaching from plant foliage, exudation from the roots, and decomposition of dead residue of the donor plants. However, allelopathy in soil is a complicated phenomenon that is affected by soil condition, growth condition of the donor and receiver plants and climatic condition. Allelochemicals in soil are adsorbed on soil solids, and metabolized by chemical and biological reactions during the movement in soil. This behavior is affected by various soil factors, such as soil texture, organic and inorganic matter, moisture and organisms, which affect the phytotoxic activity in soil. If an allelochemical can directly affect the growth of receiver plants in soil, then the allelochemical might be present in the soil water so that it is directly available for absorption by the plant. Thus, it is suggested the concentration of an allelochemical in soil water is a dominant factor directly determining the phytotoxic activity in soil, and the concentration is controlled by soil factors that affect the behavior of adsorption, desorption and degradation in soil.  相似文献   

Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel is a dominant and infamous grass weed in the savannah of West Africa. Research to reduce the weed to non-damaging levels is a priority activity at many agricultural institutions. The successful development and implementation of long-term I. cylindrica management strategies depend on the ability to predict changes in weed composition after I. cylindrica has been controlled effectively. The weed flora and soil seedbank were assessed from 329 fields dominated by this species in the fringes of the humid forest (HFF), coastal/derived savannah (CDS) and in the southern Guinea savannah (SGS) in 1996 and 1997. The objectives of the study were to correlate species composition of the weed flora with that of the soil seedbank and to determine the effect of management factors and soil properties on the composition of the weed flora. Species richness in the weed flora and in the weed seedbank was higher in the SGS than in the CDS and HFF. Mean weed density per field was generally higher in the HFF (156 ± 25.0 weeds m–2) than in the CDS (108 ± 8.1 weeds m–2) and in the SGS (92 ± 6.3 weeds m–2). Weed composition varied with agroecological zone as well as with management factors and soil properties. Sørenson's index of similarity was low (mean=0.20) in all zones, indicating poor similarity between the weed flora above-ground and the soil seedbank.  相似文献   

[14C]-Labelled methazole was incubated in six soils at 25°C and with soil moisture at field capacity. Under these conditions, methazole was unstable, the concentration declined following first-order kinetics with half-life values in the soils ranging from 2.3 to 5.0 days. The main degradation product was 1-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-3-methylurea (DCPMU) which was more stable than the parent compound. After about 160 days, DCPMU accounted for 30 to 45% of the initial methazole concentration. Degradation of methazole and DCPMU was affected by soil temperature and moisture content. With methazole, half-lives in one soil at field capacity moisture content and temperatures of 25, 15 and 5°C were 3.5, 8.7 and 31.1 days respectively. The half-life at 25°C was increased to 5.0 days at 50% of field capacity and 9.6 days at 25% of field capacity. A proportion of the initial radioactivity added to the soil could not be extracted and this proportion increased with time. After 160 days this unextractable radioactivity accounted for up to 70% of the amount applied.  相似文献   

Cogongrass ( Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.), an invasive C4 perennial grass, negatively influences native plant communities by forming dense monotypic stands that alter ecosystem properties and lower local species diversity. A hypothesized mechanism by which cogongrass achieves competitive dominance is a novel use of below-ground vegetative disturbance of neighboring vegetation (i.e. puncturing). However, very little empirical evidence is found in the peer-reviewed literature to quantify this phenomenon, much less establish it as a true form of competitive interaction. The present field study was conducted to quantify the occurrence of rhizome-mediated, below-ground vegetative penetration, both interspecifically and intraspecifically, document how this phenomenon is influenced by spatial location relative to the cogongrass stand, and determine the role that above-ground and below-ground biomass might have in the process. Analyses of 100 sod samples indicated that rhizome-mediated, below-ground vegetative penetration is a much larger intraspecific phenomenon than an interspecific one. The data also strongly suggested spatial location as a significant factor, with most penetrations occurring in the interior of a cogongrass stand as opposed to the advancing border. Significant correlations between rhizome-mediated, below-ground vegetative penetration and above-ground cogongrass biomass were found in the overall plot analysis and most strongly in the advancing border of the cogongrass stands.  相似文献   

Summary. Solutions of glyphosate containing 0–5 mM calcium, both with buffering (pH 4, 6 or 8) and without, were sprayed onto Panicum repens L. (torpedograss) foliage. Growth inhibition of the treated foliage was poorly correlated with inhibition of shoot regrowth from rhizomes. Therefore, when evaluating long term control of perennial grasses regrowth data should be utilized. Spray solution pH, calcium and glyphosate rate influenced herbicidal activity on torpedograss. Calcium affected glyphosate activity on torpedograss except at the highest herbicide rate (4·48 kg ha−1). Optimum herbicidal activity on torpedograss was achieved with soft water (i.e. no calcium), however, when calcium was present in the spray solution a pH of 6 reduced its antagonistic effects.  相似文献   

Seeds of Johnsongrass [Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.] germinated to higher percentages (20–30% higher) when incubated at 28 and 35° C than at 10 or 22° C. After-ripening was accelerated by dry storage of these seeds at 50°C. Seeds pre-chilled at 6°C for 2–4 weeks followed by incubation at 28°C germinated 40–60%. Light effects on germination were related to incubation temperatures; inhibitory at 22°C; no response at 28°C; and stimulatory at 35°C. Effects of gibberellin A3 (GA3) also varied depending on incubation temperature, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) immersion and light conditions. Immersion of dry seeds in either 700 mM NaOCl, 900 mM H2O2 or concentrated H2SO4 before incubation in water was effective in breaking dormancy. This result suggests the modes of action of H2SO4 in the termination of dormancy may be similar to those of NaOCl and H2SO4 as previously suggested by Hsiao & Quick (1984), that is by modification or scarification of the hull or seed coat membranes, and also by the supply of additional oxygen to the seed.  相似文献   

Various control strategies for Achillea millefolium L. (yarrow) were investigated in a dense stand of the weed at Lincoln College in 1977–1978. In early spring plots were either rotary cultivated or left undisturbed. In late spring, plots of both previous treatments were either left undisturbed, rotary cultivated or sprayed with glyphosate at 1·5 kg ha?1. The whole experiment was rotary cultivated twice 1 week later and sown with Hordeum vulgure L. cv. Zephyr (barley) at 144 kg seed ha?1. MCPA + dicamba at 0·9+0·15 kg ha?1 was applied to half of each plot when the second node was detectable (Zadok 32). Rotary cultivation and glyphosate both substantially reduced the regrowth of A. millefolium but glyphosate reduced regrowth by a greater proportion when applied to undisturbed plants than when applied to plants regenerating after cultivation. Both gave a more than 95% reduction compared to the control (rotary cultivation only at sowing time) in the amount of A. millefolium present in the barley stubble in the autumn. MCPA + dicamba caused seedling mortality but did not affect the numbers of primary shoots from rhizome fragments. The grain yield of the barley increased from 2·91 t ha?1 when A. millefolium was not controlled to 4·23 t ha?1 with good control. The barley yield appeared to be restricted by competition from regenerating A. millefolium and by a nitrogen deficiency induced in some regimes by nitrogen immobilization in decaying rhizomes.  相似文献   

C. M. PIGGIN 《Weed Research》1976,16(5):337-344
Echium plantagineum L. is a widespread, persistent, and often dominant volunteer species in southern Australia. This paper describes laboratory and field experiments investigating seed germination in E. plantagineum and a commonly associated species, Trifolium subterraneum L. In the laboratory, E. plantagineum germination was favoured by relatively high temperatures, and the seed showed considerable innate and temperature-enforced dormancy. In the field, this dormancy appeared to prevent some germination in response to rainfalls immediately after seed formation, and permitted sporadic germination during summer and autumn in subsequent years. In 1972 and 1974, both species emerged well in autumn whilst E. plantagineum was favoured in summer and T. subterraneum was favoured in winter. No seedlings emerged in spring. Emergence appeared to be controlled primarily by moisture availability and temperature but also was affected by cultivation and removal of soil-surface litter. The results of these seed germination studies show that E. plantagineum is well adapted to persist in a Mediterranean-type climate, and will be favoured in years with early seasonal breaks. T. subterraneum is likely to be favoured with later breaks.  相似文献   

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