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本文主要介绍我国渔船在西非沿岸海域捕捞软体鱼时,采用的六片式底拖网网具的性能主海上常用的调整方法。  相似文献   

Shi鱼底拖网网具设计与捕捞效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

王俊 《海洋渔业》1988,10(3):142-144
如果能从设计网图推算出各种底拖网的阻力和网口高度,这对网具设计是极有意义的。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种四片式高口鳀鱼底拖网网具结构及捕捞效果。根据1990~1991年试验资料,一对136kW(185马力)渔船,5~6月在烟威渔场作业1~2个月,可捕获产卵鳀鱼200吨左右,获纯益3~10万元,在我国拖网捕鳀生产中首次实现了稳产高产,扭转了亏损局面,取得较高的经济效益。  相似文献   

用无结底拖网进行捕捞鱼、虾试验。其中,鱼增产19%,虾增产10%。每艘渔船年增值12万元以上;每艘虾船年增值6万元以上。无结网具有滤水性能好,拖速快、节省材料、节能、耐用等优点。  相似文献   

四片式中层拖网主要部件尺寸变化对其性能的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
陈雪忠 《水产学报》1997,21(1):49-56
通过拖网系列模型水池试验,研究四片式中层拖网网衣主要部件尺寸变化对网具性能的影响,试验结果表明:(1)因侧网宽度变化对扫海面积影响的规律是侧网密度越小,扫海面积越大,在拖速3.5 ̄5.0knot的范围内,扫海面积随着网袖长度的增长而增大;当其比值大于30.936%以后,扫海面积随着网袖长度的增长而减小,网袖长度对网具阻力影响的趋势是网袖长度越长网具阻力越大,(3)网身长度与网口拉直长度之比为25.  相似文献   

王贤德 《海洋渔业》1987,9(4):178-179
<正> 由上海市水产局下达的《变位底拖网研究》课题,在经过了三年的试验研究后日前已通过技术鉴定。专家们认为:变位吊纲装置能在一定幅度内有效地调整  相似文献   

绳拖网与普通拖网阻力对比分析↑(*)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对目大6m、8m、10.8m的绳拖网分别与疏目拖网、小目拖网的阻力进行了对比分析。据几顶有代表性的网具统计,绳拖网网口周长比同级渔船使用的疏目拖网增大1.16~1.43倍,比小目拖网增大1.88~2.16倍。网具阻力分别降低30%~34%和40%~45%,绳拖网阻力小,为大网快拖、增产增收创造了条件。  相似文献   

底拖网资源调查的昼夜误差分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1985和1986年秋季底拖网资源调查数据,分析了昼夜平均渔获量的差异,采用Bray-Curtis系数测量其不相似性。结果表明,除底层鱼类外,总平均和中上层鱼类平均渔获得昼液差显著,白天平均渔获量远高于晚上,特别是中上层鱼类相差10余倍,主要种类的差异亦较大。  相似文献   

双船底拖网渔具设计参数的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
王明彦 《水产学报》1996,20(1):36-44
本文通过多次拖网系列模型试验,分析比较了我国双船底拖网渔具设计参数对网具性能的影响,并指出选择设计参数的最佳范围。  相似文献   

通过拖网模型水池试验,分析比较了我国大网目底拖网网身长度设计参数对网具阻力、网口垂直扩张和能耗系数的影响,并选择网身设计参数的最佳范围。试验结果表明:1)保持大网目底拖网网身前部的网衣结构和尺寸及其他条件不变,网具阻力随身周比(Lb/C)的增加而增大;拖速为2.5~3.0 kn时,网具阻力变化幅度较小;2)当Lb/C为0.10~0.13时,网具阻力几乎不变,而当Lb/C大于0.13时,网具阻力有较明显的增加,适当缩短网身一定程度上可降低阻力;3)身周比变化对网口垂直扩张有较明显的影响,Lb/C由0.10增加到0.13时,网口高度逐渐增加,之后高度降低,身周比为0.13时网具获得最佳网口垂直扩张;4)身周比在0.10~0.13之间时,能耗系数最低;5)在高拖速下网身部位对大网目底拖网性能影响较低速下更明显,且网身网目更易张开。本实验结果对于此规格的底拖网在网身长度的设计中具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

The aim of the work presented in this paper was to assess the relative efficiency of the GOC 73 sampling trawl used for the Mediterranean international trawl survey programme (MEDITS) compared with that of a typical Italian commercial trawl. The latter was chosen because it is commonly used by fishermen in the central Adriatic, where the experiment was conducted, and therefore appeared as the best possible sampler of the commercial species present in those areas. Moreover, this trawl is similar to the various trawls used for the Italian national survey programme (GRUND). Four fishing trips were conducted between 1996 and 1997 in different areas and seasons to sample different species. Each trip was conducted in the same fishing area. A codend cover mounted on the commercial trawl ensured that the codends of the two nets had the same mesh opening. The two trawls were alternated daily. Net geometry (horizontal and vertical net opening) was measured during all tows. Catch data were converted into abundance per swept area before comparing the trawls. Efficiency comparisons were performed on ten fish species, one crustacean and four molluscs belonging to the MEDITS list of main reference species. The MEDITS trawl was significantly less efficient in terms of both weight and numbers of individuals fished for hake (Merluccius merluccius), common sole (Solea vulgaris) and Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus). A highly significant difference in favour of the commercial trawl was found in the weight, but not the numbers, of common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus). Efficiency differences were negligible for red mullet (Mullus barbatus), while the MEDITS trawl was significantly more efficient for the numbers of Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus). For all the other main reference species differences were not significant. The commercial trawl was more efficient for large individuals of some species. The relative efficiency of the MEDITS trawl was especially low for small-size classes of N. norvegicus. The results confirm the lower efficiency of the MEDITS compared with the commercial Italian trawl for benthic species, and its greater efficiency for some others released from the bottom as well as for the pelagic ones. These data allow the results of the MEDITS surveys to be compared with those of the GRUND programme and with commercial-fleet catches in areas where the commercial trawls used are similar to the one studied here.  相似文献   

东海区底拖网渔业资源变动分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
以2000~2005年底拖网渔业资源的常规监测资料为依据,对东海区底拖网渔获物种类组成、主要经济鱼种单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)以及生物学特征进行了分析。结果表明,东海区底拖网渔业资源利用结构正在向低值和低营养层次鱼种转化,主要经济鱼种的CPUE不断下降,生物学特征未见明显好转,而渔获物中幼鱼比例不断上升,渔业资源总体状况仍然存在继续衰退趋势。建议降低目前的海洋捕捞努力量,延长伏季休渔时间,加强渔业资源养护和管理力度等。  相似文献   

文章以国内较典型的单船底拖网 (72 ◇×18 m) 为研究对象,基于L9(34) 正交试验表,设计了网具总长度与网口周长之比 (L/C)、浮沉子纲长度之比 (S1/S2)、网身长度与网具总长度之比 (Lb/L)“三因素三水平”的正交试验,并利用平均值和极差分析方法检测3种主要结构参数对网具阻力、网口垂直扩张和能耗系数的影响趋势,旨在对大网目底拖网结构进行优化设计。结果表明,不同水平扩张下,3种因素对网具阻力的影响由主到次均为L/C> S1/S2>Lb/L,对网口垂直扩张的影响由主到次均为S1/S2>L/C>Lb/L,对能耗系数的影响由主到次均为L/C>S1/S2>Lb/L。拖网L/C相对于小网目拖网应偏小,且比值越小阻力越小,但L/C=0.2是网口垂直扩张和能耗系数作为指标时的最佳水平;S1/S2相对于小网目应更大,且比值越大网口垂直扩张越好;S1/S2在试验范围 (0.83~0.99) 内对阻力影响不显著,而S1/S2=0.99是能耗系数作为指标时的最佳水平;Lb/L随着网目尺寸增大而减小,但减小幅度随之逐渐降低,Lb/L=0.65应更适应于中低速拖网,Lb/L=0.75更适应于高速快拖。  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from fisheries are of primary concern because of their effects on the environment. GHG emissions from fisheries are mainly related to their fuel consumption. Furthermore, the fuel consumption of fisheries also influences their economics. Therefore, many studies have been conducted to find ways of reducing fuel consumption in fishing operations that use fishing gear. The fuel consumption of fishing gear is generally related to its hydrodynamic resistance and the distance traveled. It mostly depends on the drag created, which is affected by towing speed. Based on model experiments, this study proposes new designs of trawl net and trawl doors to reduce fuel consumption in fisheries. The low-energy midwater trawl developed here can reduce the resistance force on the gear by 37.5%. It can also save 17% of the fuel consumption per voyage. Furthermore, this study investigates the efficiency of a low-energy trawl from an economic point of view. The findings of this study will be useful in reducing GHG emissions in fishing operations and thus contribute to a reduction in fishing costs through fuel savings.  相似文献   

在分析比较目前中国各地曾使用过的各种底拖网配纲校核方法的基础上,提出了“网翼上、下边缘配纲之差与网盖缩结长度之比”(简称翼纲差比)的新配纲校核方法。翼纲差比较大的拖网,其网口易于升高而沉纲贴底程度较小些;反之,翼纲差比较小的拖网,其网口不易升高而沉纲贴底程度较大些。  相似文献   

福建底拖网捕捞能力的分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
方水美 《水产学报》2004,28(5):554-561
根据2002年福建闽南地区双船底拖网和单船底拖网的生产调查及全省渔业统计,结合相关的渔捞记录,应用DEA法,分析了福建各地,市底拖网的捕捞能力和闽南地区不同作业方式捕捞能力及其影响因素,并与单位捕捞努力量渔获量计算进行比较。结果表明:福建各地、市实际拥有底拖网的渔船数量、功率和吨位可能达到的最大产出量的“能力利用度”差异悬殊,1999年和2001年最低的仅为19.4%、19.9%;全省底拖网平均“能力利用度”偏低,1999年和2001年分别为64.3%、67.5%,全省底拖网作业仍然存在渔船的投人数量过多、功率和吨位偏大的问题;因捕捞方式不同,影响捕捞能力的因子有所不同,但投入功率和作业天数都是影响双船底拖网和单船底拖网捕捞能力的主要因素;在考虑将单位捕捞努力量渔获量数据转换为“能力利用度”时,其前提条件是计算采用的因子必须一致。但单位捕捞努力量渔获量在考虑计算投入因子的数量上有很大的局限性,采用DEA法可获得各种投入要素下捕捞能力变化的信息,结果比较符合客观实际。  相似文献   

Escapement through the body or under the footrope of the sampling trawl used for the Mediterranean international trawl survey programme (MEDITS) was assessed i) by means of visual observations performed with a towed operating vehicle equipped with a high-sensitivity video camera, and ii) by attaching small bags to the outside of the trawl body and under the footrope. Due to the small size of most of the individuals present in the study area and to the towing speed, fish behaviour in front of the trawl could not be frequently observed. In contrast, their behaviour was easily observed inside the net, especially upstream and inside the codend. Some species, such as horse mackerel (Trachurus sp.), showed greater swimming endurance compared with others such as annular seabream (Diplodus annularis). In three fishing trips conducted in different seasons in 1996 and 1997 to obtain data on several species in different areas of the Adriatic, six small net bags were mounted outside the body of the MEDITS trawl to quantify escapement through the trawl belly and under the footrope. Significant escapement of many species occurred in the near-bottom part of the side panels. Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) had the highest rate (64 %), mainly represented by small-size individuals. The escapement of greater forkbeard (Phycis blennoides) was also high (53 %). For hake (Merluccius merluccius), common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus) and poor cod (Trisopterus minutus capelanus), rates ranged from 10 to 16 %. The escapement of red mullet (Mullus barbatus) was very low despite their great abundance. Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) escaped mainly through the mid-height part of the side panel. This great variability of escapement values could affect the proportion rates of the species sampled during a standard survey. Different escape behaviours among size classes were observed for M. poutassou, T. minutus capelanus and P. erythrinus, with smaller individuals tending to escape towards the bottom and larger ones towards the higher parts of the trawl body. In the species where the escape rate was size-dependent, therefore, the size-frequency distributions obtained from the codend catch may not reflect actual size-frequency distributions.  相似文献   

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