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Mammalian intestinal organoids are multicellular structures that closely resemble the structure of the intestinal epithelium and can be generated in vitro from intestinal stem cells under appropriate culture conditions. This technology has transformed pharmaceutical research and drug development in human medicine. For the insect gut, no biotechnological platform equivalent to organoid cultures has been described yet. Comparison of the regulation of intestinal homeostasis and growth between insects and mammals has revealed significant similarities but also important differences. In contrast to mammals, the differentiation potential of available insect cell lines is limited and can not be exploited for in vitro permeability assays to measure the uptake of insecticides. The successful development of in vitro models could be a result of the emergence of molecular mechanisms of self‐organization and signaling in the intestine that are unique to mammals. It is nevertheless considered that the technology gap is a consequence of vast differences in knowledge, particularly with respect to culture conditions that maintain the differentation potential of insect midgut cells. From the viewpoint of pest control, advanced in vitro models of the insect midgut would be very desirable because of its key barrier function for orally ingested insecticides with hemolymphatic target and its role in insecticide resistance. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The study investigated the effect of strip management in alfalfa on the abundance and diversity of spiders. In strip management, narrow strips were left unmown in the crop, which were then shifted at next mowing. In an experimental field, out of the six 50 x 50-m blocks, three received strip management and three were managed traditionally (ie the whole block was mown). Our main hypothesis was that unmown strips will contain a more diverse and abundant spider assemblage, which will increase spider numbers in the mown parts of the crop. Over the 3 years of the study, unmown strips contained a spider assemblage of more than 50% higher abundance than in control alfalfa. Species diversity was also greater in the strips, and the presence of specific indicator species could be shown. We found that five dominant species comprised over 75% of spiders in the strips, and they were the same species as those that are dominant in alfalfa, where they represent 85% of all spiders. In contrast, a neighbouring meadow, which was a control in the study, also had high diversity, but different dominant species. The main result of the experiment was negative in that elevated abundance of spiders in unmown strips did not raise spider numbers in the mown strips of alfalfa, where abundance was only marginally higher than in the control alfalfa. We can speculate that better ecological conditions in unmown strips attract and conserve spiders from neighbouring areas and from the crop at mowing. We suggest that if diversification is more interspersed within the crop, we have a higher chance of increasing the number of natural enemies and bringing them closer to pests, so that they can interact more intensively.  相似文献   

Endozoochory has been recognised as the most important dispersal mechanism in invasive Prosopis species, because their sugary, tasty pods attract animals and because some of their seeds remain intact after passing through some animals' digestive systems. In this study, we evaluated the role of the camel (Camelus dromedarius) as a potential disperser of the seeds of invasive tree Prosopis juliflora. Four camels of similar weight (ca. 400 kg) and age (ca. 2 years) were each fed with 70 fruits (1000 seeds approximately) of P. juliflora, which were retrieved from the camels' dung at 24‐h intervals for 4 days. The seeds retrieved were tested for germination and viability, along with seeds not eaten by the camels, with and without pericarp. Less than 3% of the seeds eaten were retrieved from the camels' dung. Most of the seeds (74%) were retrieved between 24 and 72 h after ingestion. The passage through the camel gut significantly accelerated and increased seed germination of P. juliflora in comparison with uneaten seeds covered with pericarp (48–75% and 15% respectively). While gut passage liberated P. juliflora seeds from the pericarp, increasing and accelerating their germination, the viability of seeds which had not germinated after germination trials were decreased (ca. ~20%) relative to uneaten seeds that had also not germinated. Our results show that, despite the low recorded seed recovery, camels can potentially disperse seeds of P. juliflora, which is in line with field observation showing P. juliflora expansion along the camels' routes in Gebel Elba National Park, south‐east Egypt.  相似文献   

Plant susceptibility to herbicides is related to several factors, including the environmental conditions under which the plants develop. Two experiments were carried out using Synedrellopsis grisebachii plants in two different developmental stages (vegetative and reproductive), with the goal of studying plant susceptibility to the herbicide, glyphosate, and the dependence of this susceptibility on light intensity (full sunlight and 70% shading), correlated with leaf anatomy. The experimental design for both experiments was completely randomized, with a 2 × 7 factorial scheme, with two light intensities and seven different doses of glyphosate (0D, 1/4D, 1/2D, D, 2D, 4D and 6D, where D is the recommended dose of 1800 g ae ha?1) as the factors and four replicates per treatment. The leaf anatomy was characterized with optical and scanning electron microscopy. The plants that were grown in full sunlight were more tolerant of glyphosate because of thickening of the adaxial epidermis, parenchyma and main vein structures, which required higher glyphosate doses for effective weed control. The plants that were in the reproductive stage were more tolerant of glyphosate, probably because of lower glyphosate absorption and translocation to the reproductive organs.  相似文献   

The worldwide climate has been changing rapidly over the past decades. Air temperatures have been increasing in most regions and will probably continue to rise for most of the present century, regardless of any mitigation policy put in place. Although increased herbivory from enhanced biomass production and changes in plant quality are generally accepted as a consequence of global warming, the eventual status of any pest species will mostly depend on the relative effects of climate change on its own versus its natural enemies' complex. Because a bottom‐up amplification effect often occurs in trophic webs subjected to any kind of disturbance, natural enemies are expected to suffer the effects of climate change to a greater extent than their phytophagous hosts/preys. A deeper understanding of the genotypic diversity of the populations of natural enemies and their target pests will allow an informed reaction to climate change. New strategies for the selection of exotic natural enemies and their release and establishment will have to be adopted. Conservation biological control will probably become the keystone for the successful management of these biological control agents. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In 1999 and 2000, the effects of scab fungicides on yeast composition and russeting of Elstar apples were assessed. Yeast composition of fungicide-treated and untreated young apple fruit with or without russet symptoms was investigated and enzyme activity of the yeasts was studied. Cryptococcus albidus, C.laurentii,Rhodotorula glutinis, Sporobolomyces roseus andMetschnikowia pulcherrima dominated the apple fruit surface. Russeted apple fruitlets had a higher red yeast density than non-russeted fruitlets. Invitro fungicide susceptibility of the dominant yeast species varied. Dithianon and dodine were active against all tested species, captan and tolylfluanid showed specificity for certain species, whereas pyrimethanil and bupirimate were largely ineffective. Fungicide treatment in the field had a clear effect on the yeast composition. Metschnikowia etschnikowia pulcherrima was eliminated from the phyllosphere and cryptococco$ï species diminished by both captan and dithianon. The red yeast population was not significantly changed by either fungicide. Captan, dithianon, tolylfluanid and pyrimethanil reduced russet in the field in both years, dodine and kresoxim-methyl only in 2000. All yeast species had cutinolytic activity, all but M.pulcherrimaand Debaryomyces hansenii were lipolytic, and some of the isolates showed proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

Hormesis, a biphasic dose response whereby exposure to low doses of a stressor can stimulate biological processes, has been reported in many organisms, including pest insects when they are exposed to low doses of a pesticide. However, awareness of the hormesis phenomenon seems to be limited among bee researchers, in spite of the increased emphasis of late on pollinator toxicology and risk assessment. In this commentary, we show that there are several examples in the literature of substances that are toxic to bees at high doses but stimulatory at low doses. Appreciation of the hormetic dose response by bee researchers will improve our fundamental understanding of how bees respond to low doses of chemical stressors, and may be useful in pollinator risk assessment. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, an American Lepidoptera, is invasive in Africa and Asia and currently one of the most damaging cereal pests in...  相似文献   

The interplay of host and pathogen life history traits with disease epidemiology and the selective pressures exerted on hosts drives genetic change and the long-term coevolutionary trajectories of host-pathogen associations. Many studies have addressed various aspects of the ways in which hosts and their pathogens interact but have tended to focus on individual populations, on comparisons made at single points in time, or on broader comparisons that confound patterns from different epidemiological and evolutionary units. While such studies provide valuable information, their essentially ‘static’ snap-shot nature limits the ability to interpret the nature of the underpinning coevolutionary processes. An increasing number of long-term studies involving repeat sampling of multiple interaction demes distributed across space are giving insight into the complexity of the numerical and genetic dynamics of host and pathogen interactions. These illustrate: (a) the ephemerality of disease in individual populations in contrast to its predictability at the metapopulation scale; (b) the spatial and temporal dynamics of selection ‘hot-spots’, rates of extinction and recolonization; and (c) differences in coevolutionary dynamics among demes within a metapopulation. Such long-term studies further emphasise the interplay between life history traits, time and space, and the importance of developing a framework to classify the seemingly daunting diversity of host-pathogen associations.  相似文献   

Understanding how plant species with similar resource requirements co‐exist has been a long‐standing ecological question with several theoretical explanations. One potential mechanism is the storage effect hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, species co‐exist because they differ in when they are most actively using resource and, therefore, respond differently to environmental perturbation. The hypothesis is based on two main assumptions: (i) two competitors have different responses to climate and (ii) the responses to climate are mediated by changes in the relative importance of intra‐ and interspecific competition. The hypothesis could provide useful insights into the role of climate in maintaining weed species diversity and potential shifts in dominant species under climate change. This study tested the basic principles of the storage effect hypothesis on weed communities using data from the Broadbalk long‐term fertiliser experiment. Relative abundance of weeds in 10 plots with contrasting fertility but no herbicides was assessed for 21 years. Multivariate analyses and generalised additive mixed models were used to analyse the data. The following pairs of species were found to be adapted to similar fertiliser levels, but diverged in their response to climate: (i) Papaver rhoeas–Tripleurospermum inodorum, (ii) Medicago lupulina–Vicia sativa and (iii) Scandix pecten‐veneris–Ranunculus arvensis. Contrasting responses to spring temperature within these species pairs modified the competition balance providing evidence for the storage effect hypothesis and helping to explain weed co‐existence in the Broadbalk experiment.  相似文献   

The fungal pathogen Stagonospora avenae f. sp. avenaria infects oat leaves, which contain the saponins avenacoside A and B. The avenacosides are glycosylated steroidal saponins that occur within oat leaves in a non-fungitoxic form and are converted upon damage or pathogen invasion to their antifungal form by a plant enzyme. It has previously been shown that oat-attacking isolates of S. avenae are able to hydrolyse the sugar chain at the C3 position of the avenacosides. This carbohydrate moiety is a branched chain that consists of one -{scL}-rhamnose and two or three -{scD}-glucose residues in avenacosides A and B, respectively. Removal of the -{scL}-rhamnose residue is sufficient to detoxify the avenacosides. This work describes the purification of the avenacoside-degrading -{scL}-rhamnosidase–and determination of peptide sequence from the protein which represents the first -{scL}-rhamnosidase thus characterised in a fungal plant pathogen.  相似文献   

One goal of integrated pest management (IPM) as it is currently practiced is an overall reduction in fungicide use in the management of plant disease. Repeated and long‐term success of the early broad‐spectrum fungicides led to optimism about the capabilities of fungicides, but to an underestimation of the risk of fungicide resistance within agriculture. In 1913, Paul Ehrlich recognized that it was best to ‘hit hard and hit early’ to prevent microbes from evolving resistance to treatment. This tenet conflicts with the fungicide reduction strategies that have been widely promoted over the past 40 years as integral to IPM. The authors hypothesize that the approaches used to implement IPM have contributed to fungicide resistance problems and may still be driving that process in apple scab management and in IPM requests for proposals. This paper also proposes that IPM as it is currently practiced for plant diseases of perennial systems has been based on the wrong model, and that conceptual shifts in thinking are needed to address the problem of fungicide resistance. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Two experimental trials were performed to elucidate the role of rodents in the life cycle of Hepatozoon species using snakes as intermediate hosts. In one trial, two ball pythons, Python regius Shaw, 1802 were force fed livers of laboratory mice previously inoculated with sporocysts of Hepatozoon ayorgbor Sloboda, Kamler, Bulantová, Votypka et Modry, 2007. Transmission was successful in these experimentally infected snakes as evidenced by the appearance of intraerythrocytic gamonts, which persisted until the end of trial, 12 months after inoculation. Developmental stages of haemogregarines were not observed in histological sections from mice. In another experimental trial, a presence of haemogregarine DNA in mice inoculated with H. ayorgbor was demonstrated by PCR in the liver, lungs and spleen.  相似文献   

Concentrations of DDT, TDE, DDE, and sigma DDT were determined in homogenized whole fish samples of 129 northern pike (Esox lucius). These fish were netted between June 1974 and June 1975 in the first 10 km of the Richelieu River flowing in Canadian territory. Two years after the banning of DDT, sigma DDT levels ranged from 0.2 ppm fresh body weight in two-year-old specimens to 1.5 ppm in a six-year-old pike. Residues increased greatly with age, and significant seasonal variations in the sigma DDT levels were found in five- and six-year-old pike.  相似文献   

What are the prospects for genetically engineered,disease resistant plants?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Insect and herbicide-resistant plants are the most widely grown transgenics in agricultural production. No strategy using genetically engineered plants for disease resistance has had a comparable impact. Why is this? What are the prospects for introducing transgenic disease resistant plants to agriculture? We review the biological background for strategies used to make disease resistant GM crops, illustrate examples of these different strategies and discuss future prospects.  相似文献   

Striga asiatica and Rhamphicarpa fistulosa are important parasitic weeds of rain‐fed rice, partly distributed in similar regions in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA). It is not evident whether their ecologies are mutually exclusive or partially overlapping. In Kyela, a rice‐growing area in south Tanzania where both parasites are present, three transects of about 3 km each across the upland–lowland continuum were surveyed in June 2012 and 2013. A total of 36 fields were categorised according to their position on the upland–lowland continuum as High, Middle or Low and soil samples were taken. In each field, parasitic and non‐parasitic weed species were identified in three quadrats. Additionally, in two pot experiments with four different moisture levels ranging from wilting point to saturation, influence of soil moisture on emergence and growth of parasites was investigated. Striga asiatica was observed in higher lying drier fields, while R. fistulosa was observed in the lower lying wetter fields. Furthermore, non‐parasitic weed species that were exclusive to S. asiatica‐infested fields are adapted to open well‐drained soils, while species that were exclusive to R. fistulosa fields are typical for wet soils. The experiments confirmed that S. asiatica is favoured by free‐draining soils and R. fistulosa by waterlogged soils. These results imply that changes in climate, specifically moisture regimes, will be crucial for future prevalence of these parasitic weeds. The non‐overlapping ecological range between their habitats suggests that their distribution and associated problems might remain separate. Thus, management strategies can be focused independently on either species.  相似文献   

Drought-prone grasslands provide a critical resource for the millions of people who are dependent on livestock for food security.However,this ecosystem is potentially vulnerable to climate change(e.g.,precipitation)and human activity(e.g.,grazing).Despite this,the influences of precipitation and grazing on ecological functions of drought-prone grasslands in the Tianshan Mountains remain relatively unexplored.Therefore,we conducted a systematic field investigation and a clipping experiment(simulating different intensities of grazing)in a drought-prone grassland on the northern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains in China to examine the influences of precipitation and grazing on aboveground biomass(AGB),soil volumetric water content(SVWC),and precipitation use efficiency(PUE)during the period of 2014–2017.We obtained the meteorological and SVWC data using an HL20 Bowen ratio system and a PR2 soil profile hydrometer,respectively.We found that AGB was clearly affected by both the amount and seasonal pattern of precipitation,and that PUE may be relatively low in years with either low or excessive precipitation.The PUE values were generally higher in the rapid growing season(April–July)than in the entire growing season(April–October).Overall,moderate grazing can promote plant growth under water stress conditions.The SVWC value was higher in the clipped plots than in the unclipped plots in the rapid growing season(April–July),but it was lower in the clipped plots than in the unclipped plots in the slow growing season(August–October).Our findings can enhance the understanding of the ecological effects of precipitation and grazing in drought-prone grasslands and provide data that will support the effective local grassland management.  相似文献   

Twelve tundra swans, Cygnus columbianus (Ord), from Nevada and one from New Mexico were collected and examined for schistosomes. Mature worms, determined as Allobilharzia visceralis, were found in 92% of the swans, in the inferior mesenteric vein of the large intestine and its branches. In 12 cases, there was endophlebitis of the inferior mesenteric vein. The morphology of the worms is consistent with the recently described genus Allobilharzia. Placement in this genus was confirmed also by phylogenetic analysis of nuclear 28S, 18S and, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) ribosomal DNA (rDNA), and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (CO1) sequences. Data further suggest the worms are con-specific with the European A. visceralis, the only described species of the genus and which was found to be the sister taxon to the most diverse avian schistosome genus, Trichobilharzia. This is the first report of a schistosome infection from native swans in North America.  相似文献   

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