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The Cittadella di Alessandria (Italy) is a military fortification that was built in the 18th century. The site has recently been abandoned and is now colonised by weeds, including the invasive Ailanthus altissima. The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of different herbicides (glyphosate, a mixture of aminopyralid + fluroxypyr and triclopyr + fluroxypyr) applied to cut stumps or to the basal bark of A. altissima. For the cut stump application, plants were first cut at the base and then immediately sprayed and for the basal bark application, the lower 50 cm of the plants was sprayed with the herbicides; untreated cut plants were used as a control, for comparison. Two runs per study were carried out (in summer 2015 and in spring 2016). Efficacy was assessed up to 2018 by counting the resprouts and their height in the cut stump application and, for the basal bark treatment, by measuring the variation in the plant circumference after treatment. The cut stump treatment carried out in summer greatly reduced the number of resprouts, compared to the spring treatment, to less than one sprout per plant when aminopyralid + fluroxypyr was used, and its efficacy lasted for about two years. The basal bark treatment did not control the species, but lower levels of variation in circumference and greater mortality were detected in plants treated with aminopyralid + fluroxypyr. Considering the high level of infestation of the site and the high risk of plant resprouting, repeated cut stump treatments with aminopyralid + fluroxypyr would be preferable to eradicate this invasive species.  相似文献   

We examined the toxic effects of glyphosate to adult female Lepthyphantes tenuis (Araneae, Linyphiidae), a common spider of agricultural habitats. The overspray technique was used to investigate the effect of the herbicide on forty individuals in each of six glyphosate treatments (2160, 1440, 1080, 720, 360 and 180 g ha?1) and a distilled water control. Spiders collected from the wild were individually placed in exposure chambers and checked every 24 h over a 72‐h experimental period. Mortality of L tenuis remained at less than 10% in all treatments at 24 and 48 h after spray application, and only increased marginally (to 13%) after 72 h. These results support other limited data which suggest that glyphosate is ‘harmless’ to non‐target arthropods. More extended laboratory testing to investigate any side‐effects of glyphosate on the life history of L tenuis and other non‐beneficial invertebrates is required. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

We have examined the indirect effect of the herbicide glyphosate on the spider Lepthyphantes tenuis in field margins. Glyphosate was applied to a randomised block design field experiment comprising 360, 720 and 1440 g glyphosate AE ha?1 treatments and an unsprayed control. Spiders were sampled in each month from June to October 1998. Spider abundance was significantly lower in all the treatments than in the unsprayed control. Abundance was also significantly lower in the 720 and 1440 g treatments than in the 360 g treatment. No significant difference could be detected between the 720 and 1440 g treatments. Poisson regression models showed that patterns of decline in L tenuis were related to increasing dead vegetation and decreasing vegetation height. Glyphosate applications only had a within‐season indirect habitat effect on L tenuis as field margins sprayed 16 months after an application of 360 g glyphosate ha?1 showed no detrimental effect. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Alternanthera philoxeroides is a problematic invasive plant in many regions of the world that is difficult to control once naturalised. It poses a threat to agricultural productivity, biodiversity and social amenity values of aquatic environments. Significant research has been conducted internationally, regarding the efficacy of different herbicides for control of A. philoxeroides. However, no studies have looked at key aspects of control for effective management in an early stage of invasion of aquatic environments, hindering eradication and control programmes. This study evaluates the efficacy of herbicides and surfactants on key A. philoxeroides response metrics, including control of above‐ground biomass, below‐ground biomass and production of viable stem fragments. This study concluded that glyphosate (isopropylamine salt) minimises viable stem fragment production post‐herbicide application, compared with imazapyr and metsulfuron, thus reducing the potential for dispersal throughout catchments and waterways. In contrast, imazapyr and metsulfuron provided more effective control than glyphosate for A. philoxeroides growing on exposed embankments. We propose that an effective management strategy for early invasion of aquatic A. philoxeroides, using herbicides, would be to conduct initial applications of glyphosate to control overwater biomass and limit dispersal of viable stem fragments. Once infestations have been forced back to the embankment, imazapyr or metsulfuron treatments will provide longer term control.  相似文献   

The influence of weather and agronomic factors on the activity of six selective herbicides applied at reproductive stages of development for the reduction in seed production of Raphanus raphanistrum in wheat was evaluated. The herbicides used in this way generally reduced seed production by between 80% and 100%. Triasulfuron and mixtures of triasulfuron + MCPA consistently provided the greatest reduction in seed production. This was greater when herbicides were applied at the bud and early flowering stages of R. raphanistrum and the efficacy of the herbicides increased as maximum temperature on the day of spraying increased over the range 14–24°C. An applied model developed from these results predicts the reduction in seed production of R. raphanistrum, for each herbicide, given the stage of weed development and maximum temperature on the day of its application. Wheat yield was significantly reduced as densities of R. raphanistrum increased, with predicted losses at low densities being approximately half of those reported in the literature. There was no consistent evidence that the late application of herbicides had any negative effect on wheat yield through crop injury, nor was there any indication of yield improvement. It is concluded that certain herbicides applied during the reproductive phase of development have considerable potential to reduce R. raphanistrum seed production in wheat crops. As part of an integrated strategy, such late post‐emergence application of selective herbicides to regulate seed production has a likely role for managing weed seedbanks, but little or no value for counteracting weed competition.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to verify the origin of and resulting floristic composition from seedbanks in different agroforestry systems in Tomé‐Açu, Brazil. The seedbanks were sampled in three smallholder farmers (Demonstration Units = DU), each with three agroforestry treatments and secondary forest as control. Seedling emergence in a glasshouse was used to quantify and identify the seeds collected in 2008. The floristic composition of the above‐ground community was characterised with annual floristic surveys from 2008 to 2011. The total densities and diversity of the seedbanks were not different among the treatments within a given DU, but differences occurred among DU. The most abundant woody species had higher seed densities in the secondary forests than in DU. Conversely, among the herbaceous species, two groups were differentiated: species with similar densities between the DU and the secondary forest and species with higher density in the DU. In the DU, the similarity between the floristic composition of the seedbank and the flora surveyed in 2008 was high, but decreased in subsequent years. The species present in the seedbank of agroforestry systems are highly influenced by the secondary forest, but provide little information about the floristic composition that will arise in the future.  相似文献   

The indigenous Lachnagrostis filiformis colonized extensive areas of dry lake beds in Victoria, Australia, during the drought from 1997 to 2009. Large numbers of the plants' detached seed heads disperse in the wind, lodging against nearby housing, fences and other obstacles. This accumulation of material creates a fire hazard, degrades townships' aesthetics and presents a nuisance to the communities of lake‐side towns. This study aimed to examine the effects of various control methods on L. filiformis in the short and long term. Although herbicide applications, slashing, grazing and burning were found to be effective in controlling the blown L. filiformis seed heads in the short term, they failed to prevent subsequent reinvasion and can increase its abundance in the long term. The late application of herbicide resulted in an increase in the foliage cover and seed‐head biomass of L. filiformis by up to 37% and 150%, respectively, in the year following the treatment application. The results from this study highlight how management focused on achieving short‐term goals, without consideration of the successional trajectory after implementation, can not only fail but be counter‐productive in the long term. In order to achieve sustainable management, the fundamental ecological processes that promote the establishment and persistence of the weed need to be addressed.  相似文献   

Different semi‐natural habitats occur on farmland, and it is the vegetation's traits and structure that subsequently determine their ability to support natural enemies and their associated contribution to conservation biocontrol. New habitats can be created and existing ones improved with agri‐environment scheme funding in all EU member states. Understanding the contribution of each habitat type can aid the development of conservation control strategies. Here we review the extent to which the predominant habitat types in Europe support natural enemies, whether this results in enhanced natural enemy densities in the adjacent crop and whether this leads to reduced pest densities. Considerable variation exists in the available information for the different habitat types and trophic levels. Natural enemies within each habitat were the most studied, with less information on whether they were enhanced in adjacent fields, while their impact on pests was rarely investigated. Most information was available for woody and herbaceous linear habitats, yet not for woodland which can be the most common semi‐natural habitat in many regions. While the management and design of habitats offer potential to stimulate conservation biocontrol, we also identified knowledge gaps. A better understanding of the relationship between resource availability and arthropod communities across habitat types, the spatiotemporal distribution of resources in the landscape and interactions with other factors that play a role in pest regulation could contribute to an informed management of semi‐natural habitats for biocontrol. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Sagittaria trifolia L. is one of the most serious weeds in paddy fields in Japan. Since the late 1990s, severe infestations of S. trifolia have occurred following applications of sulfonylurea herbicides in Akita prefecture. In this study, two accessions of S. trifolia, R1 and R2, were collected from paddy fields with severe infestations and their resistance profiles were determined in comparison to a susceptible accession, S1. R1 and R2 were highly resistant to bensulfuron‐methyl. R1 was also highly resistant to pyrazosulfuron‐ethyl, but R2 was susceptible. Relative to S1, R1 had an amino acid substitution at the Pro197 residue of acetolactate synthase (ALS), a well‐known mutation that confers sulfonylurea resistance, suggesting that R1 has a target‐site‐based resistance (TSR) mechanism. The sequence of the ALS gene in R2 was identical to that in S1. A Southern blot analysis indicated that there was only one copy of the ALS gene in S1 and R2. These results suggest that R2 has a non‐target‐site‐based resistance (NTSR) mechanism. R2 was moderately resistant to imazosulfuron but susceptible to thifensulfuron‐methyl. R2 and S1 were susceptible to pretilachlor, benfuresate, MCPA‐ethyl and bentazon. The results reveal the occurrence of two sulfonylurea‐resistant biotypes of S. trifolia that show different mechanisms of cross‐resistance to sulfonylureas related to TSR in R1 and NTSR in R2.  相似文献   

To promote integrated weed management (IWM) implementation in Europe, robust evidence on the sustainability of such tools and strategies is needed to motivate their adoption by stakeholders. This can only be achieved through assessing and validating them at real farm scale and using existing farm equipment, under diverse climatic and soil conditions representative of European agriculture. In 2013 and 2014, 12 on‐farm experiments (i.e. real field conditions on commercial farms, with natural weed flora) were conducted in four important European grain maize‐producing regions comparing the efficacy of herbicide band application integrated with inter‐row mechanical weeding as a potential IWM tool with the conventional broadcast herbicide application (CON) used by the farms. The IWM tools tested were as follows: (i) early post‐emergence herbicide band application combined with hoeing, followed by a second hoeing in southern Germany, (ii) early post‐emergence herbicide band application followed by hoeing in eastern Hungary and central Slovenia and (iii) pre‐emergence herbicide band application followed by hoeing in northern Italy. Herbicide band application integrated with hoeing provided good and partial weed control along and between maize rows respectively. No significant yield differences were detected between IWM and CON. IWM greatly reduced herbicide input and was economically sustainable over the duration of this study with no significant difference in gross margin compared with CON in all cases. This IWM tool could therefore be considered for implementation in European maize systems.  相似文献   

Recently, a new implement for controlling weeds in cereals (CombCut) has been developed. It cuts weeds in growing cereals without damaging them by using the physical differences (in height, stem thickness, straw stiffness and branching pattern) between crops and weeds. To evaluate and compare the effects of selective cutting with different timings of herbicide application on Cirsium arvense in spring barley, a randomised block experiment was conducted in Sweden in 2015–2017, in a field with a naturally occurring C. arvense population. Treatments consisted of control (C), herbicide application at 4–5‐leaf stage of C. arvense (H1), herbicide application at 8–10‐leaf stage (H2) and selective cutting at 10‐leaf stage (S). The treatments were performed in 2015 and repeated in 2016 in the same plots, and a final evaluation was performed in 2017. Compared to the control, S, H1 and H2 were equally efficient in reducing above‐ground biomass production of C. arvense and increasing spring barley grain yield per unit area. The number of C. arvense shoots per area was, however, higher in S compared to H1 and H2. No differences in control effects on shoot number were observed between H1 and H2. Our study indicates that (i) selective cutting (S) reduces C. arvense equally efficient as herbicide application and (ii) early herbicide spraying is as efficient as spraying later in the season.  相似文献   

The question on intraregional versus inter‐regional variability in herbicide sensitivity for weed populations is of major importance, both in extrapolation of model parameters and in herbicide zonal approval procedures. We hypothesised that inter‐regional variability in herbicide sensitivity for field populations would be the same as intraregional variability for regions with similar climatic conditions. Seeds of field weed populations were collected in a Danish, German and Polish region. Herbicide sensitivity was tested in dose–response experiments in the glasshouse with flufenacet and iodosulfuron (Apera spica‐venti), florasulam and tribenuron (Tripleurospermum inodorum), diflufenican, diflufenican + flurtamone and pendimethalin (Viola arvensis). ED50 values and variance components of the ED50 values were estimated to describe the influence of region, year and population. The regions accounted for a maximum of 26% of the variance and always less than the variance accounted for by individual populations. Sensitivity indices (SI50) were calculated as the ratio between ED50 of the test population and a reference population. There was considerable intraregional variability in SI50 values and SI50 values from a single region did not consistently differ from other regions. The large intraregional variability in herbicide sensitivity between populations, with no evidence of resistance, is of interest both for zonal evaluation of herbicides and resistance research. For practical weed management, we conclude that dose–response functions can be transferred between the study regions, for example for the common use in decision support systems with proper insurance for the control of less sensitive populations.  相似文献   

Weed seeds present an agronomic threat, but are also an important food resource for wildlife in winter. Weed seed densities on the soil surface in winter were examined from 1999 to 2002 in 105 fields on three different farms in UK. The effect of the preceding crop, cultivation, position within the field and the application of seed for birds (bird seed) on surface seed abundance and species composition was tested. Six or fewer species comprised c. 80% of the weed seeds. By January of each study year, the densities of seeds important for farmland birds (key seeds) were 73% or 87% lower compared with early winter on two of the farms, but were stable on the third where seeds were incorporated through cultivation. At the edge and mid‐field, seed densities only exceeded 400 m?2 in 17%, 10% and 12% of fields for total, key and dicotyledonous seeds respectively. The preceding crop only affected seed densities at one site; stubbles of winter barley had fewer seeds compared with winter wheat or spring barley. Seed densities varied between the edge and mid‐field, but trends were inconsistent between sites. The density of the larger seeds (Atriplex patula, Viola arvensis, Polygonum aviculare and Chenopodium album) were reduced in fields receiving bird seed. The objectives of weed control and conservation may not be mutually exclusive because seed return was most reduced where the ground remained uncultivated through the winter, yet this also provided the best foraging opportunities for surface feeding seed predators.  相似文献   

Seed production of residual weed populations needs to be taken into account when estimating the long-term impact of low-input agronomic practices. The objective of this study was to measure the effects and interactions of crop, weed control, tillage practice and nutrient source on the seed production of the dominant residual weed species in a maize/soyabean rotation at two sites: Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. on a Sainte-Rosalie clay and Chenopodium album L. on a Duravin clay loam. Seed production per unit area was estimated in each experimental unit. Weed seed production was greater under mechanical weed control compared with chemical weed control. In 1997, E. crus-galli seed production reached over 326 000 seeds m–2 in mechanical weed control treatments, but averaged less than 500 seeds m–2 in the chemical weed control treatments. Chenopodium album produced in the range of 766 000 and 73 000 seeds m–2 in mechanical and chemical weed control treatments respectively. Very few or no weed seeds were produced in soyabean under chemical control. Tillage intensity and nutrient source did not affect seed production of either weed species, with the exception that E. crus-galli produced more seeds in chisel than in mouldboard plough tillage in soyabean. Weed control method had more impact on seed production than tillage intensity and nutrient source in a maize/soyabean rotation.  相似文献   

Summary There is a lack of information on the combined effects of preceding crop, reduced tillage (especially no-tillage) and the time of herbicide application on the development of weed populations and the efficiency of weed control in winter wheat in humid temperate climates. An experiment was conducted with a crop rotation (winter wheat – oilseed rape – winter wheat – maize) on a sandy loam and a loamy silt soil in the Swiss midlands to investigate the impact of different preceding crops and pre- and post-emergence control of weeds in conventional tillage (CT; mouldboard plough), minimum tillage (MT; chisel plough) and no-tillage (NT; no soil disturbance systems). When winter wheat was grown after maize and winter wheat was grown after oilseed rape, the ranking order of weed density in treatments without herbicide application was NT < MT < CT and CT < MT < NT respectively. Analysis of variance and canonical discriminant analysis showed that Epilobium spp., Sonchus arvensis , Myosotis arvensis and volunteer crops were more abundant in NT than in MT and CT. The efficiency of post-emergence weed control was generally better than that of pre-emergence weed control, regardless of tillage intensity.  相似文献   

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