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为明确近年我国各甘蔗育种单位育成的新品种及各蔗区主栽品种对甘蔗褐锈病的抗性,筛选抗褐锈病优良新品种供生产上推广应用,本研究结合全国甘蔗新品种联合区域试验,选择甘蔗褐锈病高发的云南临沧、云南普洱、云南玉溪和广西宜州蔗区,在田间自然发病下,对我国近年来选育的60个新品种和34个主栽品种进行抗性评价,并对抗褐锈病基因Bru1进行分子检测。结果表明,94个新品种及主栽品种中,66个表现高抗到中抗,占70.21%;28个表现为感病到高感,占29.79%。分子检测结果显示,共54个抗病新品种及主栽品种含有抗褐锈病基因Bru1,频率为57.45%。目前大面积种植的桂糖29号、桂糖44号、德蔗03-83、柳城03-1137、粤糖60号、桂糖46号等主栽品种高度感病,而粤甘48号、福农09-2201、桂糖08-120、柳城09-15、中蔗1号、云蔗08-1609、云瑞10-187、中糖1201等31个新品种抗病性强。建议多雨湿润褐锈病高发蔗区,应加大淘汰感病主栽品种和推广应用抗病新品种力度,以期达到品种合理布局,从根本上控制褐锈病暴发流行,为甘蔗产业高质量发展提供安全保障。  相似文献   

由黑顶柄锈菌引起的甘蔗褐锈病是一种重要的世界性甘蔗病害,Bru1是甘蔗抗褐锈病主效基因,该基因对不同地区的褐锈病分离物具有广谱抗性。为明确中国甘蔗主要育种亲本对黑顶柄锈菌的抗性水平,了解Bru1基因在这些亲本中的分布情况,本研究于2014年对中国国家甘蔗种质资源圃保存的101份甘蔗主要育种亲本进行苗期抗褐锈病鉴定和抗褐锈病基因Bru1的分子检测。结果显示,供试亲本中,共48份抗病材料含有抗褐锈病基因Bru1,频率为47.5%,表明中国甘蔗主要育种亲本中褐锈病抗性主要由Bru1控制;其余29份抗病材料和24份感病材料均不含抗褐锈病基因Bru1,暗示除了Bru1外,可能还有其他抗褐锈病基因存在。研究结果为深入开展甘蔗抗褐锈病育种,选育和推广优良抗病品种,有效防控甘蔗褐锈病提供了科学依据和优良抗性亲本。  相似文献   

为发掘甘蔗抗褐锈病新基因,本研究以4个高抗褐锈病不含Bru1基因的甘蔗品种为父本,4个高感褐锈病的甘蔗品种为母本配置杂交组合,对获得的5个杂交组合F,代群体进行SSR真实性鉴定、人工接种褐锈病抗性表型鉴定和Bru1基因分子检测.结果显示:'粤糖03-393'×'ROC24'和'柳城03-1137'×'德蔗93-88'的...  相似文献   

为明确甘蔗野生资源对黑顶柄锈菌的抗性水平,了解Bru1基因在甘蔗野生资源中的分布状况,于2013年对中国国家甘蔗种质资源圃保存的31份野生核心种质资源进行苗期抗褐锈病鉴定和抗褐锈病基因Bru1的分子检测。结果表明,31份供试材料中,高抗(1级)至中抗(3级)的有28份,占90.3%。其中19份材料表现高抗(1级),占61.3%,3份材料表现抗病(2级),占9.7%,6份材料表现中抗(3级),占19.4%。31份供试材料中只有贵州78-2-12、云南97-4、E.rockii95-19、E.rockii 95-20、云南83-224、广西79-8、云南95-35和广西89-13含抗褐锈病基因Bru1,占参试材料的25.8%;其余20份抗病材料和3份感病材料均不含抗褐锈病基因Bru1,表明除Bru1外,可能还有其他抗褐锈病基因存在。结果暗示中国国家甘蔗种质资源圃保存的野生核心种质资源中蕴藏着优良的抗褐锈病基因,是选育抗褐锈病甘蔗品种很有利用前景的抗源种质。  相似文献   

开展种质资源抗锈病分子检测,对甘蔗筛选抗性资源和抗锈病育种具有重要意义。本研究利用已报道的褐锈病抗性位点Bru1和黄锈病抗性位点G1对中国甘蔗育种中的亲本资源和创新材料进行分析。在164份材料中共检测到‘粤糖07-913’、‘桂糖02-281’、‘赣南05-352’等23份带有Bru1抗性标记的材料,占参试材料的14%。在180份材料中共检测到‘粤糖96-86’、‘桂糖03-8’、‘赣南81-1035’等10份带有黄锈病抗性位点G1的材料,占参试材料的5.56%。‘粤糖96-86’、‘ROC16’、‘ROC22’等6份材料同时带有Bru1和G1位点,可能兼具褐锈病和黄锈病两种抗性。本研究结果可为选择优异抗锈病基因资源,开展杂交育种提供科学依据。  相似文献   

由黑顶柄锈菌(Puccinia melanocephala H.Sydow&P.Sydow)引起的甘蔗褐锈病是危害中国甘蔗生产的主要病害之一.为了鉴定和发掘抗褐锈病新基因,防止褐锈病爆发流行和保证甘蔗安全生产,本研究以杂交组合'粤糖03-393'x'ROC 24'抗感分离真实性F,代群体为材料,构建抗感基因池,合成44...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess brown rust resistance of new sugarcane varieties bred in China and main cultivated varieties in sugarcane planting area, and screen the elite new brown rust resistant varieties for popularization and application in production. In total, 60 new varieties in the national regional test of new sugarcane varieties were tested in Kaiyuan and Lincang, and 34 main cultivated varieties were studied in Lincang, Puer, and Yuxi, Yunnan province, and Yizhou, Guangxi province, China, where the incidence of brown rust was particularly high. The resistance of these sugarcane varieties to brown rust was investigated under natural inoculation and molecular marker-assisted identification was used to detect the brown rust resistance gene Bru1. The results of field survey showed that 66 (70.21%) of the 94 new and main cultivated varieties were highly resistant to moderately resistant, and 28 (29.79%) were susceptible to highly susceptible. Molecular detection indicated that Bru1 gene was found among 54 (57.45%) of the 94 new and main cultivated varieties. Some main cultivated varieties that were currently planted across large areas such as Guitang 29, Guitang 44, Dezhe 03-83, Liucheng 03-1137, Yuetang 60, and Guitang 46 were highly susceptible to brown rust, and 31 new varieties such as Yuegan 48, Funong 09-2201, Guitang 08-120, Liucheng 09-15, Zhongzhe 1, Yunzhe 08-1609, Yunrui 10-187, and Zhongtang 1201 were resistant. Therefore, in the sugarcane planting areas with high incidence of brown rust and wet and rainy climates, more effort should be eliminated the main susceptible varieties and promoted the application of new resistant varieties. This will help to achieve a reasonable distribution of varieties, fundamentally control the outbreak of disease in sugarcane planting areas, and provide security for the high-quality development of sugarcane industry in China in the future.  相似文献   

为了筛选防控甘蔗褐锈病的复合高效配方药剂及精准施药技术,选用代森锌、烯唑醇、代森锰锌、嘧菌脂、吡唑醚菌脂、苯甲嘧菌酯、百菌清、多菌灵进行田间药效试验.结果表明,(65%代森锌WP 1500 g+75%百菌清 WP 1500 g+磷酸二氢钾2400 g+增效剂300 mL)/hm2、(12.5%烯唑醇 WP 1500 g...  相似文献   

在甘蔗栽培品种‘R570’上发现和定位的甘蔗抗褐锈病主效基因Bru1对世界上不同国家和不同地区的黑顶柄锈菌具有广谱抗性。针对该基因开发的两个分子标记能有效、稳定地检测和筛选含有该基因的种质资源。为筛选甘蔗野生种抗源种质,利用R12H16和9O20-F4两个标记对云南农业大学甘蔗种质资源圃保存的部分野生种质资源进行抗褐锈病基因Bru1的分子检测,包括割手密96份、蔗茅15份、滇蔗茅1份、斑茅11份、河八王4份、金茅2份、五节芒9份,共计138份。结果表明,有7份割手密含抗褐锈病基因Bru1,占参试材料的5.1%。本研究为甘蔗的转基因育种和抗褐锈病杂交育种提供优良抗源材料,为进一步开展甘蔗育种研究提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Brown rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia melanocephala, poses an increasing threat to sugarcane industries worldwide. Recently, markers R12H16 and 9020‐F4 were developed for a major resistance gene Bru1 that contributes to a significant proportion of brown rust resistance in multiple sugarcane industries. Marker‐assisted screening of Louisiana sugarcane germplasm showed a low frequency (4.3%, five out of 117 clones) of Bru1 among sugarcane cultivars and elite breeding clones. Likewise, among progeny of crosses involving wild/exotic germplasm, only 14 of 208 clones (6.7%) tested Bru1 positive. However, Bru1 frequency was higher (28.7%, 52 of 181 clones) in wild/exotic germplasm, which indicated that diverse genetic resources are available for Bru1 introgression. Commercial Bru1‐positive cultivar, ‘L 01‐299', was resistant to brown rust. However, Bru1‐positive cultivar, ‘L 10‐146’, was susceptible while Bru1‐negative cultivars, such as ‘L 99‐233’, showed resistance to brown rust. Bru1‐negative clones with brown rust resistance offer an opportunity to identify alternate sources of resistance, which can be pyramided with Bru1 for effective and durable resistance in sugarcane against the changing pathogen.  相似文献   

Brown rust, caused by Puccinia melanocephala, is an important disease of sugarcane worldwide. Molecular markers for a major brown rust resistance gene, Bru1, were used to screen a total of 1,282 clones in the World Collection of Sugarcane and Related Grasses (WCSRG) to determine the distribution and frequency of the gene in Saccharum species and related genera. Bru1 was found across all species within the Saccharum complex, but the frequency varied among species. Bru1 was more prevalent in S. robustum clones (59.1%), whereas it occurred in low frequency and exhibited the highest level of variability as determined by the presence of one or both markers (18.8%) in clones of S. spontaneum. Bru1 frequency was highest in the two secondary cultivated species, S. barberi (79.3%) and S. sinense (71.8%). The frequency of Bru1 was 26.4% and 21.0% in S. officinarum and interspecific hybrid clones, respectively. Knowledge of the distribution and frequency of Bru1 in the WCSRG will complement efforts to characterize diversity in the Saccharum complex for the expected expanded use of marker‐assisted selection in the future.  相似文献   

明确甘蔗栽培原种对黑顶柄锈菌的抗性水平,了解Bru1基因在甘蔗栽培原种资源中的分布状况,可以帮助筛选甘蔗原种抗源种质,提高抗褐锈病育种效率。本研究于2013年对中国国家甘蔗种质资源圃保存的34份甘蔗栽培原种进行苗期抗褐锈病鉴定和抗褐锈病基因Bru1的分子检测。苗期抗性鉴定结果表明,34份供试材料中,1级高抗至3级中抗的有26份,占76.5%。其中13份材料表现1级高抗,占38.2%,6份材料表现2级抗病,占17.6%,7份材料表现3级中抗,占20.6%。分子检测结果显示:34份供试材料中25份抗病材料含有抗褐锈病基因Bru1,出现频率为73.5%;其余1份抗病材料和8份感病材料不含抗褐锈病基因Bru1。本研究结果显示了中国国家甘蔗种质资源圃保存的甘蔗栽培原种资源中褐锈病抗性主要由Bru1控制,这一发现为利用Bru1防治由黑顶柄锈菌引起的甘蔗褐锈病提供了重要信息和参考依据。  相似文献   

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