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Ultrasonographic examination of the liver in cows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The size of the liver, as well as the situation and diameter of vessels in cattle were determined by use of ultrasonography. Ultrasonographic examinations of the liver were performed on 10 cows 10 times within 2 weeks, using a 3.5-MHz linear transducer on the right side in the 12th, 11th, and 10th intercostal spaces. Dorsal and ventral margin of the liver as well as localization and diameter of the caudal vena cava and the portal vein were determined in each intercostal space. Furthermore, the angle of the liver in the ventral area between the visceral surface and the diaphragmatic surface, the dorsal margin, and the circumference of the gall bladder were determined. The ultrasonographic values of liver size and localization in healthy cows can be used as reference values for the diagnosis of changes in liver size attributable to illness.  相似文献   

To determine the position, dimensions, and structure of the right kidney in cattle by use of ultrasonography, the right kidney of 11 healthy Brown Swiss cows was examined 10 times within 2 weeks. A 3.5- and 5.0-MHz linear and convex transducer was placed on the right side of the cow in the lumbar region, in the paralumbar fossa, and in the last intercostal space. The echogenicity of various renal structures differed. The lobulation of the kidney in cattle could be visualized ultrasonographically; however, the cortex and medulla could not be differentiated. The distance between body surface and the right kidney was almost 3 times larger (5.3 +/- 1.71 cm, mean +/- SD) in the lumbar region than in the paralumbar fossa (1.8 +/- 0.52 cm). The vertical diameter of the kidney was remarkably smaller (5.1 +/- 0.47 cm) than the horizontal diameter (9.4 +/- 0.98 cm). In 7 cows, the thickness of the renal cortex and medulla was between 1.9 and 2.1 cm. The medullary pyramids could be visualized when the transducer was placed in the paralumbar fossa. Fourteen of 19 variables measured had a coefficient of variation between 8 and 14%. It was concluded that the ultrasonographic values determined in this study can be used as references for the diagnosis of morphologic changes in the right kidney of domestic dairy cattle.  相似文献   

The stifle region of 18 healthy cattle (14 cows, four bull calves) and the stifles of five bovine cadavers were examined using 7.5 MHz linear or convex and 5 MHz sector transducers. The normal ultrasonographic appearance of soft tissues and bony structures was studied.The homogeneously echogenic patellar and collateral ligaments, the combined tendon of the long digital extensor and peroneus tertius muscles, the popliteus tendon, the anechoic articular cartilage of the femoral trochlea, the echogenic menisci and the hyperechoic bone surfaces were imaged successfully in all cattle and cadavers. The boundaries of the joint pouches only became partially identifiable, when small amounts of anechoic fluid were present in the medial and lateral femorotibial joint pouches. After experimental filling in cadavers, the distended synovial cavities were imaged as clearly demarcated, anechoic areas. Measurement values of cross-sectional diameters of the ligaments, tendons and the popliteal lymph node, the width of normal joint pouches, where visible, and articular cartilage thickness are presented. The established results should serve as reference data for ultrasonography of bovine stifle disorders.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography has proven its worth in both small animal and equine musculoskeletal work. It allows visualization of soft tissue that is not possible with anything barring magnetic resonance imaging. In bovine practice, ultrasound has been used to great effect in reproductive work and has also shown itself to be of value in the evaluation of the thorax, abdomen, and the udder. Ultrasound examination of the bovine limb is certainly feasible because of the availability of small portable and affordable equipment. The restraint necessary is dependent on the animal. Cattle, because of their size and inherent dislike of restraint, pose a challenge for ultrasonographic examination. However, if proper restraint is used, it seems possible that ultrasonography may become a helpful tool in the evaluation of soft tissue injuries. It should prove to provide valuable information that may be used to offer better advice with regard to treatment and prognosis.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic examination of the thorax of 15 adult healthy sheep using a 5.0MHz sector transducerrevealed the lung surface as a hyperechoic (white) linear echo at a distance of 1.2–2cm from the transducer head with equidistant reverberation artifacts below this line. Ultrasonographic examination of 10 sheep with pulmonary disorders included five sheep with pleural abscesses which appeared as hypeechoic areas extending up to 8cm deep containing multiple hyperechoic spots (gas echoes). The distribution of gross lung pathology caused by sheep pulmonary adenomatosis (five ewes), with secondary abscess formation in three sheep, could be outlined by ultrasonographic examination. Modern portable ultrasound machines provide the veterinary practitioner with an inexpensive, non-invasive tool with which to examine the pleural surfaces and superficial lung parenchyma of sheep on the farm.  相似文献   

The ultrasonographic appearance, location and size of the spleen in 30 healthy female Saanen goats are described. The intercostal spaces of the left thoracic wall were scanned with a 5.0 MHz linear transducer in standing goats. The appearance of the splenic parenchyma, the position of the ultrasonographically visible dorsal and ventral margins of the spleen and the distance between them, the thickness of the spleen and the diameter of the splenic vessels were determined. The spleen could be visualised in at least one examination position and it always lay between the rumen and abdominal wall. The spleen bordered the lung dorsally and was located adjacent to the left abdominal wall in the last intercostal space and area immediately caudal to the last rib. The spleen had an echogenic capsule, and its parenchyma showed a homogenous fine echotexture / echo pattern throughout the whole visible part of the spleen. The splenic vessels were seen within the parenchyma. The visible dorsal margin of the spleen ran from cranioventral to caudodorsal. The distance from the dorsal margin of the spleen to the midline of the back was greatest in the 8th intercostal space (19.7 ± 4.19 cm) and smallest in the region immediately caudal to the last rib (7.0 ± 1.07 cm). The size of the spleen was smallest in the 8th intercostal space (3.1 ± 1.24 cm) and greatest in the 11th intercostal space (8.7 ± 2.78 cm). The thickness of the spleen ranged from 2.2 ± 1.14 cm caudal to the last rib to 6.4 ± 1.78 cm in the 11th intercostal space.  相似文献   

Ultrasound machines with 7.5 to 5.0MHz linear transducers are well suited for rapid and straightforward differentiation of soft tissue swelling in the musculoskeletal system of cattle; in proximal limb regions 3.5MHz convex scanners allow better imaging. The main indications for ultrasonography of the musculoskeletal system in cattle are suspected arthritis, tenosynovitis, bursitis, abscesses, haematomas, diagnosis of muscle and tendon lesions, and generally the evaluation of soft tissue swellings everywhere that cannot be diagnosed based on clinical examination. The examiner starts by obtaining a general overview of the affected region for orientation purposes. This is achieved by locating and identifying anatomical landmarks, thereafter one can search for pathological changes by examination of the region of interest in longitudinal and transverse planes from all sides. The ultrasonographic investigation should follow a standardised systematic protocol. Normal synovial cavities in cattle are difficult or impossible to visualize via ultrasonography because of the very small physiological amount of synovial fluid. Thus, effusion that is easily visualized usually indicates a pathological process like arthritis, tenosynovitis or bursitis. Ultrasonography provides accurate information about the location and size of lesions or fluid-filled cavities, the nature of the content and an exact measurement of the distance from pathologically altered structures to the skin surface. Targeted centesis of synovial or other cavities can be carried out after a preliminary ultrasonographic inspection. Characterization of the lesions and a thorough preoperative inspection of affected regions are of enormous benefit for planning surgery and treatment.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the course of the median nerve and its adjacent structures in the carpal canals of 8 healthy dogs by using high-frequency transducers. Before performing ultrasonography, the transverse and posteroanterior diameters as well as the perimeter of the carpus were measured at just proximal to the side of the carpal pad. The anatomical structures were then determined at two levels of the carpal canal, which were named the proximal and distal levels, on the transverse sonograms. The cross-sectional areas, perimeters and the transverse and posteroanterior diameters of the median nerve were measured at these levels. Although all the measurements were larger at the proximal level, significant differences between the proximal and distal levels were determined for the cross-sectional area, the perimeter and the transverse diameter of the median nerve. On the transverse sonogram, the deep digital flexor tendon was seen in almost the center of the carpal canal like a comma shape and also it had a small concavity on the caudal side. The superficial digital flexor tendon was seen as an ovoid shape on the transverse sonograms and it was located nearly at the posterior side of the carpal canal. Both tendons were seen as intermediate-grade echogenic structures. The median artery was located inside of the concavity of the deep digital flexor tendon. Also, the median nerve was seen at the posteromedial side of the median artery. As a result of this study, the cross-sectional areas of the median nerve ranged between 1.01-2.68 mm2 at the proximal level and between 0.93-1.91 mm2 at the distal level.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Little information exists about the normal ultrasonographic appearance of the equine sacroiliac region, but knowledge of the ultrasonographic anatomy is necessary to understand the possible pathological changes in sacroiliac diseases. OBJECTIVES: The normal ultrasonographic appearance of soft tissues and bony structures of the sacroiliac region in horses was studied in order to establish clinically relevant reference parameters. METHODS: Thirteen cadaver specimens were examined using a transcutaneous approach above the tubera sacrale to image the dorsal sacroiliac ligament and the tendon of the longissimus dorsi muscle. A rectal approach was used to outline the sacroiliac joint and its adjacent structures. Thirteen sound horses with no history of back pain were examined following the same protocol as for the post mortem examinations. RESULTS: The tendon of the longissimus dorsi muscle can clearly be distinguished from the dorsal sacroiliac ligament, especially in longitudinal images. Transrectal examination of the sacroiliac joint consists of evaluation of the bony surfaces of the sacrum and ilium in comparison with the contralateral side. CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasonographic examination of the sacroiliac region provided clear images of the caudomedial border of the sacroiliac joint and its adjacent structures and is a useful aid in the diagnosis of sacroiliac joint diseases and adjacent lesions. The study has shown ultrasonography to be a useful method for examining and differentiating the longissimus dorsi muscle and the dorsal sacroiliac ligament at the level of the tubera sacrale. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Diagnostic ultrasound is available to most practitioners. These reference ultrasound parameters may help to improve the diagnosis of sacroiliac diseases.  相似文献   

A 3.5 MHz linear transducer was used to scan the intercostal spaces of 30 healthy cows from dorsal to ventral on the right side, and the appearance, dorsal and ventral limits and size of the omasum were determined in each intercostal space. The size of the omasum determined ultrasonographically was compared with that determined postmortem. The distance between the omasum and the peritoneum of the lateral body wall was also determined electronically in each intercostal space by means of the two cursors. In the sixth to 11th intercostal spaces, the omasum had a crescent shape, with only the wall closest to the transducer visible as a thick echogenic line. The dorsal limit of the omasum appeared from cranial to caudal as the upper part of a circle, whereas the ventral omasal limit appeared as the lower part of a circle. The mean (sd) size of the omasum varied with the intercostal spaces from 16.3 (1.5) cm to 56.9 (10.0) cm; it was greatest in the ninth intercostal space and decreased cranially and caudally. The omasum was closest to the right abdominal wall in the eighth and ninth intercostal spaces, and was immediately adjacent to these spaces in 22 and 20 cows, respectively. There were significant correlations between the size of the omasum determined ultrasonographically in the ninth intercostal space and the weight, volume and largest and smallest diameters of the omasum determined postmortem, with correlation coefficients (r) between 0.38 and 0.55.  相似文献   

The carpal region was examined ultrasonographically in 18 healthy cattle (14 cows, 4 bull calves) and five bovine cadavers in order to determine the normal appearance of the carpal soft tissues using 7.5 MHz linear transducers.The course of the echogenic flexor and extensor tendons over the carpus and the joint spaces interposed between the articular bone surfaces were successfully imaged in all carpi. The palmar vessels were easily visualized in live animals. The lumina of carpal tendon sheaths and the boundaries of the carpal joint pouches could not be defined. Small anechoic fluid filled areas were visualized only at the level of the joint spaces. After experimental filling, the distended synovial cavities were imaged as well demarcated anechoic areas. The cross-sectional diameters of the extensor tendons, width of the palmar joint pouches and intraluminal diameters of the palmar vessels were measured.The results presented serve as reference data for ultrasonographic investigation of disorders of the bovine carpus.  相似文献   

The value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of lesions of the Achilles tendon was Investigated in 42 dogs and seven cats. A standardised four-part ultrasonographic examination was established. Linear transducers with a frequency of more than 7.5 MHz were used. Ultrasonography allowed identification and differentiation of total ruptures and the differentiation of partial ruptures into deep or superficial ruptures, or those comprising muscular tears. The healing process could be monitored and imaged using this technique. Suture material was readily visible in surgically treated cases. Displacement of the superficial digital flexor tendon could be identified. In such cases, the tendon tissue was seen either medially or laterally to the calcaneus. The healing process of the Achilles tendon could also be documented using ultrasonography. However, it was not possible to determine the age of the injury and the exact end of the healing process. Ultrasonography therefore proved to be an excellent diagnostic method for imaging lesions of the Achilles tendon and associated injuries in dogs and cats. After physical examination, the technique should be the next logical step in the evaluation of a suspected injury to the Achilles tendon.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of ultrasound to document ocular abnormalities occurring in farmed halibut. A cystic condition of the posterior segment of farmed halibut with a number of ocular sequelae has been reported previously. Further research to elucidate the aetiology and pathogenesis of this condition requires in vivo determination of ocular health over and above that provided by ophthalmoscopy alone. Ocular ultrasonography would appear to be an optimal technique for evaluating the presence of gas- or fluid-filled cysts in the posterior segment and retrobulbar space. The aim of this study was to evaluate this technique for investigation of the piscine eye and specifically to define the role of ultrasonography to detect gas bubble formation in the choroid of farmed halibut, a factor considered central to ocular pathology in many of these fish. In particular the study sought to assess the minimum size of halibut in which intraocular cystic lesions could be identified by ultrasonography and the minimum size of lesion identified by ocular ultrasonography. A second objective was to correlate ultrasonographic findings with lesions found at post mortem ocular examination. A number of halibut of varying sizes, with and without clinically apparent ocular lesions, were subjected to examination under anaesthesia. A proportion of these fish were subsequently sacrificed to allow post mortem ocular evaluation with the aim of correlating ultrasonographic findings with intraocular pathological defects.  相似文献   

A simple ultrasonographic method of estimating liver size in the dog was evaluated in this study. A single linear measurement from the tip of the ventral liver lobes to the diaphragm was made, using both transverse and longitudinal planes of section, Assuming careful technique, this measurement proved to be highly reproducible. There was good correlation between the measurements taken on the two planes of section. This measurement was shown to provide a good indicator of liver mass, irrespective of the size or breed of dog. It was concluded that ultrasound provides a simple, quantitative method of assessing liver size in the dog.  相似文献   

Sheep from the areas of Fondouk-Jeddid, Bir Mchergua and El Fahs, located in the Northeast of Tunisia, were examined by ultrasonography between 2001 and 2004 in order to assess their infection with Echinococcus granulosus, the agent of hydatid disease, and to evaluate this method as an efficient aire for hydatid cysts. A total of 1039 sheep, aged between 1 and 14 years was examined. The highest prevalence was found in sheep aged more than 8 years. The least infected animals were aged between 1 and 2 years. All hydatid cysts detected by ultrasound were located in the liver. In all age-groups, the dead cysts were more numerous than viable cysts. Eighteen positive sheep were autopsied and a comparison between ultrasound and autopsy results was performed. The results showed a prevalence of about 40% for the three areas. Ultrasonography allowed the cysts, deep or superficial to localize in the central or left part in relation to the caudal vena cava of the animals. Consequently, all the cysts were not detected with this technique. This work shows that ultrasonography confirms the importance of ovine hydatid cyst in Tunisia and that its use as a mass screening approach for cystic echinococcosis in sheep could be helpful for the monitoring of this disease in a hydatid control program without great stress for the animals.  相似文献   

The left and right shoulder region of 19 healthy cattle and the left and right shoulders of six bovine cadavers were examined ultrasonographically using a 7.5 MHz linear and a 3.5 MHz convex transducer. The lateral shoulder muscles were successfully imaged in all cases; the joint space appeared as a funnel shaped interruption of the hyperechoic bone surfaces of the distal part of the scapula and the proximal and lateral part of the humeral head. In healthy cattle, the synovial cavities of the scapulohumeral joint, the bicipital bursa and the infraspinous bursa could not be clearly defined. After experimental filling with water, the synovial cavities could be differentiated as discrete anechoic zones. In this study, the normal ultrasonographic appearance of the soft tissue structures and bone surfaces of the scapula and proximal humerus is presented, providing basic reference data for the ultrasonographic evaluation of the bovine shoulder region.  相似文献   



The study investigated the ultrasonographic appearance of the reticulum, rumen, omasum and abomasum of calves with ruminal drinking syndrome.


In ten milk-fed calves with ruminal drinking syndrome the reticulum, rumen, omasum and abomasum were examined by ultrasonography using a 5-MHz linear transducer before, during and after the ingestion of milk.


The reticulum could be imaged in eight of ten calves before feeding. The reticular wall appeared as an echoic line, similar to mature cattle, and reticular folds were seen in eight calves. The reticular content appeared as echoic heterogeneous fluid. Reticular contractions were biphasic with 1.0 ± 0.38 contractions per minute. The rumen had a mean wall thickness of 2.1 mm dorsally, 3.5 mm at the level of the longitudinal groove, and 3.2 mm ventrally. The ventral sac of the rumen of all calves contained echoic heterogeneous liquid. During feeding the milk entering the rumen could be seen as hyperechoic liquid in five calves. The omasum was seen on the right side as a crescent-shaped line medial to the liver in seven calves. Only the omasal wall closest to the transducer was seen as an echoic line with a mean thickness of 2.7 mm. The ultrasonographic appearance of the omasum did not change during or after feeding. The abomasum was seen immediately caudal to the xyphoid on both sides of the midline before feeding. The mean length at the ventral midline was 22.2 cm. The ingesta were heterogeneous in all calves and the abomasal folds were distinct in eight. The mean lateral expansion of the abomasum from the ventral midline to the left and right varied from 8.7 to 13.8 cm and from 4.3 to 11.3 cm. The milk entering the abomasum was observed in all calves, and signs of milk clotting were seen in all calves 15 minutes after feeding.


This study showed that ultrasonography is useful for detecting milk in the reticulum and rumen of calves with ruminal drinking syndrome.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the caudal distal antebrachium using ultrasound is a very useful diagnostic procedure for identification of soft tissue abnormalities in flexor structures of the equine limb. In this article we describe how ultrasonographic imaging may be used to complement radiography of the carpus in evaluating horses that present with peri‐carpal swelling and/or lameness localised to the carpal region. Ultrasonographic examination assists with the identification or exclusion of significant injuries to muscular, tendonous and ligamentous structures within the distal antebrachium and enables practitioners to proceed with appropriate therapeutic and rehabilitation plans for the immediate benefit for their patients while also recognising pathology that could progress to cause long‐term, chronic lameness issues without aggressive and effective intervention.  相似文献   

Border disease in Norway. Serological examination of affected sheep flocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Serological examination of 4 Border disease affected flocks of sheep using the neutralization test showed antibody prevalences between 14 and 96 %. Prevalence in yearlings in 3 of the 4 flocks was 37 %, it increased with age to 72 % in 5-year-old sheep. Possible reason for low prevalence (2 %) in yearlings in one of the flocks is discussed.  相似文献   

Transcutaneous and transrectal ultrasonographic examination of the hip joint region and the pelvis was carried out in 7 cadavers, transcutaneous ultrasonography in 17 healthy young and adult cattle, and transrectal sonography was performed in 12 healthy cows in order to study the normal ultrasonographic appearance of these regions. 7.5 MHz linear-, 5.0 MHz and 3.5 MHz convex transducers and a 7.5 MHz rectal probe were used. The bone surfaces of the greater trochanter, the femoral neck and head, the acetabulum and the other pelvic bones were visualised as hyperechoic contours. The coxofemoral joint space was identified in all cadavers and live cattle. The joint pouch could not be visualised, neither in cadavers nor in live cattle. After experimental filling of the coxofemoral joint pouch by injection of 35-45 ml eosin-solution it appeared as a large anechoic zone between the articular surface and the echogenic joint capsule. The inner contours of the pelvic girdle, both iliosacral joint spaces, the abdominal aorta and the external iliac arteries were depicted clearly by transrectal ultrasonography. The practical application of diagnostic ultrasound in these regions is demonstrated in clinical patients suffering from a septic coxarthritis and a sequestration of a part of the tuber coxae following an open fracture. These results serve as reference data for ultrasonographic investigation of disorders of the hip joint and the pelvic region in cattle.  相似文献   

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