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改革开放以来,我国各个领域都发生了翻天覆地的变化。人们的生活观念也在随之改变,现阶段人们对精神文化产品的需求越来越高,在园林的观赏过程中,地被植物是非常重要的组成部分,是欣赏环节中的关键组成部分。地被植物不仅能够供人们欣赏具有美化景观的作用,而且能够帮助人们合理改善空气质量,调节气候。因此,要重视地被植物在园林绿化中的重要作用。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,人们对绿化问题的关注度越来越高,生态园林设计中植物的配置问题也是大家关注的焦点。生态园林是一种让人们欣赏的园艺设计,人们在欣赏园林艺术时,可以缓解都市生活的压力,领略自然的美好。阐述了生态园林的设计原则和意义,分析了生态园林设计产生的效益,并就生态设计时植物的配置做了重要论述。  相似文献   

周肇基 《花木盆景》2009,(12):47-47
人们通常习惯于到公园、花圃去欣赏盛开于枝头的灿烂花朵,也有不少人喜欢把鲜切花插在各式雅致的容器里“瓶插”观赏。其实另外还有一种鲜为人知且欣赏效果极佳的“浮游花欣赏法”(亦可简称“漂花欣赏法”),现简单介绍于下。  相似文献   

居住区是居民散步、运动、休息的重要场所,在休闲的时候人们可以认真欣赏小区的自然风光。下面详细阐述了居住区园林绿化设计的原则与要点。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,果树盆景逐渐走进了居民家庭。果树盆景这种矮化了的果树(桃、石榴、苹果、银杏等),在适当造型后,既可作盆景供人们欣赏,又能提供一定数量的果实品尝,发展前景看好。现将果树盆栽管理技术介绍如下:  相似文献   

随着人民生活水平的提高,果树盆景日益走进了居民家庭,既可供人们欣赏,又能提供一定数量的果实,逐渐为人们所接受。许多城镇出现了微型果园、活动果园,为民众的生活、工作增加了情趣,陶冶了情操。  相似文献   

随着人民生活水平的提高,盆栽果树日益走进了人们视野,它既可作盆景供人们欣赏,又能提供一定数量的果实,越来越受到人们的喜爱,发展前景广阔。  相似文献   

华石 《花木盆景》2008,(5):50-51
“奇石是发现的艺术。”这句话流传很广,影响很大。因为其中包含着对奇石的天然性及发现奇石美的规律性和艺术性的认识,有力地推动了奇石欣赏活动的开展、奇石理论的研究和奇石资源的开发,在过去几乎是一致认可的至理名言。随着奇石欣赏水平的提高和奇石理论研究的深入,如今出现了异议,人们开始怀疑:奇石真是“发现的艺术吗”?  相似文献   

廖苡辰 《花卉》2017,(6):87-88
随着社会的发展,人们生活水平逐步提高,无论是在物质需求还是精神需求方面都有了更高的要求。时下旅游业的兴起对地区的经济发展有特别重要的作用。在景观欣赏中,人们不再局限于自然景观的欣赏,有许多地方将具有区域特色的社会人文景观也融入其中,相比自然景观,社会人文景观在环境污染严重,提倡保护环境的形势下,可以最大程度降低环境污染,提高环境保护水平。但是在目前的生态园林施工中还是存在一些问题,本文就其中出现的问题及相应的解决措施进行如下分析。  相似文献   

张波 《现代园艺》2019,(10):73-74
在城市建设中,园林景观为城市环境带来了美化。但随着人们生活水平的逐渐提高,人们对于美的要求也随之提高了,不再满足于对于传统园林景观的欣赏,想追求更强的视觉冲击。而当前现代园艺技术与园林景观之间不断的融合应用,使得园艺景观的美最大化地呈现在人们的眼前。探讨了现代园艺技术与园林景观的有效结合进行探讨,满足人们对于美的要求。  相似文献   

中国源远流长的养菊、赏菊、品菊、咏菊和画菊的人文传统,培养了国人的雅洁情操、品德修养和民族气节.中国传统菊花文化既体现了儒家思想所强调的道德教化的功能性,也具备了道家思想提出的纯粹美学的观赏性,还成为禅宗思想中自由空灵境界的体征,并使得菊花精神的"韵味"更加博大精深,从而使"菊花文化"现象上升到哲学的"菊花情结"并富含意味隽永的审美情趣.  相似文献   

现在中国已经成为世界经济体中一个新的基准,人们的价值观、审美观、消费观都在发生改变。如今生产出来的商品一旦被消费者接触到,希望能触发出一种新的生活意识,这种生活意识最终启发人们去追求更为完美的人生。庭园就是一种具备创造性、艺术性,开启人们新生活意识的现代商品。  相似文献   

野生三叶木通扦插繁殖研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人们对绿色保健果品的日益重视,三叶木通的栽培面积已呈现出逐年扩大的趋势。为了探索影响三叶木通扦插成活的栽培因素,2006—2010年我们采用以扦插苗的成活率为评价指标,对三叶木通的扦插繁殖技术进行了一系列的育苗试验。结果表明,采条时间、扦插季节、插条直径、树龄、激素调控等栽培因素对三叶木通扦插成活率均有较大影响。  相似文献   

Many blueprints for urban development argue for the benefits of a sharp distinction between rural and urban space. While such planning designs have been quite successful in maintaining a physical distinction between rural and urban, major transformations of the socio-economic environment in peri-urban areas are creating a more diffuse and porous interface.This paper examines socio-economic consequences of the current transformation of peri-urban areas. Three themes are selected for analysis: changing economies, overall impact of urbanisation as perceived by the individual farm owner and the degree of their local orientation and engagement. Based on case studies in Greater Copenhagen, longitudinal trends and details of the current situation are analysed. In addition, by differentiating between newcomers and long-term residents, possible future changes are indicated. The analysis shows that the importance of agriculture has declined, whereas other gainful activities and residential use have increased. Thus, the functions of the local economy and community are changing. An increasing proportion of the farm owners appreciate the proximity to urban agglomerations (public services, shopping, public transport, social relationships and markets), but this location also has drawbacks, for example in terms of uncertainty concerning future urban development, inconveniences for agricultural production and problems related to public access to private properties.Differences between newcomers and long-time residents are identified. Newcomers without any agricultural background are frequent. They often work outside the municipality and are more frequently personally involved in other gainful activities on-farm. Newcomers perceive more problems related to people accessing the farm properties and are less involved in local activities. In combination, these trends indicate possible future increase in conflicts between farm owners and the public and that the local engagement may be declining. The analysis, however, also shows similarities between newcomers and long-time residents, and therefore does not indicate the development of two cultures or “two nations”. Rather, the urban fringe population is becoming more heterogeneous, ranging from full-time farmers to residents with their social and professional network outside the local area or people engaging in non-agricultural business on-farm.  相似文献   

适宜制汁用桃品种的初步评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 以31个黄肉桃品种、27个白肉桃品种和2个红肉桃品种为试材, 通过对这些品种加工的果汁色泽、风味、香气、异味、果汁均匀状态、可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、成熟期、产量和出汁率等性状进行综合评价, 筛选出适宜制汁的优良黄肉桃品种7个, 包括NJC108、早黄蟠桃、早黄金、露香、红港、丰黄、金童6号; 白肉品种4个, 包括雨花露、早凤、郑州11号、白凤; 吉林8903是较好的红肉制汁种质材料。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to appreciate the impact of the synthetic cytokinin, well known as thidiazuron (TDZ) on seedless berry quality of cv. ‘Recel Uzümü’. Three concentration levels including 0, 5 and 10 mg/L were applied on the grapevines during different phenological stages of grapevine such as Time 1: beginning of berry stetting, Time 2: berries pepper corn size and Time 3: berries pea size. While TDZ application times had no impacts on cultivar characteristics, it was determined that the application doses of TDZ had major impacts on yield and quality components of cv. ‘Recel Uzümü’.  相似文献   

Community gardens are very popular in developed countries, providing multiple benefits to inhabitants. In developing China, residents in many emerging urban communities of China have been appropriating and reclaiming public open spaces intentionally as a leisure opportunity and transforming their entertainment functions into vegetable plots, which has caused a series of conflicts and disputes. However, this issue of informal community gardening has rarely been discussed formally at community level. Therefore, this study aims to learn and better understand what factors motivate residents to reclaim existing public open spaces for gardening and cultivating plants. The approach was to select and study informal community gardens in three urbanizing communities in Hangzhou, China. These emerging communities consist, to a significant extent, of people with farming experience, who have relocated here from previously rural areas during the urban expansion from the year 2000 to the current day. The informal community gardening takes place in the context of lack of community management, neglected public infrastructure and a disregard for resident’s living needs such as their personal sentiment, social activity, food quality and saving expenses. While most people are willing to participate in community gardening and those who do not want to contribute are not substantially against the activity. In the conclusions, suggestions are made about how to fulfil resident’s requirements and are presented at both community and city levels so that they may inform to the growth of emerging communities in other cities and countries undergoing rapid urbanization.  相似文献   

城市公园的设计和改造应充分考虑人的行为规律,创造令公众舒适、愉悦、优美的空间。从社会公众需求的角度出发,提出城市公园应该满足人的基本需求和人对自然环境的需求,并对公园中不同使用人群的需求进行深入研究,提出应对的措施和方法。  相似文献   

狗枣猕猴桃(Actinidiakolomikta)在远缘杂交过程中容易落果,无法获得杂交后代,针对这一问题以中科院武汉植物园猕猴桃资源圃中狗枣猕猴桃为母本,4倍体中华猕猴桃雄株(A.chinensis)为父本进行种间远缘杂交,授粉后29、45d小心剔取胚珠接种于培养基上,4℃条件下暗处理2周后转移至光下培养,每4周继代1次,当幼苗生长高度达3cm以上且根系发达时炼苗移栽。结果显示,培养基MS+GA30.2mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L+ZT1.0mg/L上,胚珠的萌发率最高,达到36.67%,在培养基MS+GA30.5mg/L+NAA0.5mg/L+6-BA2.0mg/L上,幼苗长势好,而培养基1/2MS+IBA0.7mg/L对根系的发育具有良好的促进作用。  相似文献   

Since early 2020, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread rapidly, quickly becoming a global pandemic. To counter the COVID-19 outbreak, national governments have issued different measures and restrictions, forcing citizens to adapt to a whole new lifestyle. These restrictions have impacted on the use of green spaces by citizens owing to many factors: more available free time, increased flexibility in the work environment, and a need to relax in Nature to relieve anxiety and stress. Urban green spaces provide many benefits for the physical and psychological well-being of citizens (e.g., habitat conservation, pollution control, recreational and leisure opportunities). To understand if citizens’ habits have changed due to the COVID-19 restrictions, this study provides insights from a web-based survey monitoring the use of such spaces before and during the COVID-19 lockdowns in Italy. A web-based questionnaire was conducted via “Facebook Messenger” and “WhatsApp” at the end of the second wave of COVID-19 (May–June 2021). Data collection having been concluded, 1075 completed questionnaires were collected and processed. The results show that while many reduced their weekly frequentation of green areas (−16.5%), the number of people frequenting green areas near their home every day increased (+7.7%). Two main groups of people were identified: the first, those who intensified their visits to green areas being those who desired to spend time in contact with Nature; the second, those who were reluctant to visit green areas for fear of being infected. The results also show most of the respondents felt urban green areas were either very important (82.1%) or important (14.4%). Overall, the results reveal that COVID-19 induced a positive perception of the benefits provided by urban green areas, with a consequent greater use of them, which seems destined to last even once the public health emergency has passed.  相似文献   

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