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研究了南洋楹无性系种子园53个无性系的生长、结实和种子特征。发现不同无性系生长、结实性状的变异程度比较大,除冠幅浓密度性状以外,均存在极显著差异(P <0.001);不同性状的重复力在0.30~0.97之间;无性系生长和种实性状间无显著相关性。采用层次分析法(AHP)研究发现,生长、结实和种子特征等3类性状的子准则层间分别存在显著或极显著正相关关系;每层次判断矩阵具有满意一致性(CR <0.1),冠高比和结实量的总权重值最高。采用综合数量评价值(N)和系统聚类法将53个无性系分为3组,筛选出第Ⅰ、Ⅱ组共计15个无性系,结实量比平均值提高2.3倍,冠高比达到1.33,生长种实性状均得到综合提升,可为种子园的改良或重建提供依据。  相似文献   

施肥对红松无性系种子园母树结实效应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过在红松无性系幼龄种子园进行的氮肥、磷肥和钾肥3种肥料,每种肥料设置4个水平的施肥试验,研究分析了氮肥、磷肥和钾肥3种肥料,以及每种肥料的不同施用数量,对促进红松无性系种子园幼龄母树结实的效果,提出促进红松无性系幼龄植株结实的适宜施肥数量。  相似文献   

Anthriscus sylvestris, a weed found both in Europe and China, is a kind of representative clustered clonal plant and is a foe on dams and banks. It has been widely investigated in Europe for its powerful progenitive ability and tolerance to severely adverse environments. Our aims were to investigate and quantify its spatial distribution patterns in four types of community habitats, using a clustering method and adjacency lattice established by Greig-Smith. We concluded our environmental interpretation based on canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) appended to a Monte Carlo test with randomized seeding. The results indicate that the buds around the parent roots are in an aggregation distribution pattern in all scales (0.002–5.12 m2), but theoretical distribution fitting, like negative binomial and Poisson distribution, show that some sizes of several sampling locations are out of place. For this, spatial ordination gives a satisfactory answer implying the effect of environmental variables such as depth of humus layer, soil moisture, light condition, disturbance intensity and herb abundance. CCA accounts for 64.7% of the total environmental variation and the remaining variation may be counteracted in those five variances or can be interpreted by other factors like accumulating temperature, annual rainfall and altitude in landscape scale. With the aid of temporal sequencing, the suppressed type II (monodominant) may be the former mode of suppressed type I (stable type), where invasion is done with the help of disturbance from both humans and nature. The abundance of A. sylvestris can add to our cognition in diversity resistance hypothesis and our hypothesis on disturbance before or upon immigration. __________ Translated from Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2007, 27(3): 1–7, 11 [译自: 浙江林业科技]  相似文献   

Variation of traits that include height, diameter at breast height (DBH), stem volume, crown width, straightness, wood basic density, tracheid length and width of open-pollinated progenies from clonal seed orchard of Pinus massoniana was analyzed. Differences in traits such as growth, tree form and wood quality among families was significant, which indicated that the improvement potential was notable. Heritability of height and wood basic density reached 0.691 and 0.640, respectively. According to a correlation analysis between traits, stem straightness could be improved indirectly when growth traits are improved; growth traits were significantly correlated with wood basic density; and wood basic density was not significantly correlated with length and width of the tracheid. Under the selection ratio of 10%, genetic gains were 19.74% and 19.32% respectively, and selected families from the progeny test stands at the age of five years and eight years were the same. Genetic correlation of height, DBH and stem volume was also significant at the level of 0.01. These show that selection of the short rotation of P. massoniana for pulp and paper use would be efficient for five-year-old trees. According to the comparison of the heritability of all the traits and taking into account the result of canonical correlation analysis, height could be considered as the most important index for selection. Given wood quality of all the families, and flowering and fruit settings of the clones in a seed orchard, twelve fine families were selected at 10% selection ratio of height growth and stem volume. Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2005, 41(6): 43–49 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   

从基株种群和无性系种群2个水平研究了仙湖苏铁种群的空间分布格局。结果表明:仙湖苏铁种群趋向于聚集分布,不同龄级种群的分布格局不同,基株种群幼苗级、幼树级呈随机分布,中年级和成年级呈聚集分布;无性系种群幼苗级表现为随机分布,其它3个年龄级呈现聚集分布。幼苗贮备的不足将严重影响种群的发展,使濒危程度进一步加剧。  相似文献   

通过资料查阅、访问和实地调查相结合的方法对大围山白檀资源进行调查,并进行相关分析.结果表明:该区域的白檀集中分布在海拔1 200m以上的黄棕壤地带及高山草甸区,通过根蘖繁殖和鸟类传播两种方式进行自然繁衍;光照强度、土壤表层保水能力和肥力是白檀自然分布的主要限制因子;该区域白檀单株产量差异较大,变异系数为59.14%,最...  相似文献   

海子坪天然毛竹无性系种群地下茎生长与分布规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用形态特征、组织发育成熟度和生理活动的规律综合判断竹鞭相对年龄,具有准确、实用的特点;天然毛竹无性系种群地下茎壮龄鞭的鞭径、节间长、芽数和鞭长均大于老、中、幼龄;天然毛竹无性系种群地下茎鞭梢生长始于4月,5月进入新鞭速生期,6—9月生长速度最快,到12月停止生长;天然毛竹无性系种群95%的鞭根系生长在0~50 cm深的土壤中,21~40 cm是天然毛竹无性系种群鞭根系的主要分布层,占整个剖面的60%。  相似文献   

General decline of understory cover can result from increased abundance of and foraging pressure by deer.But population size and degree of aggregation can increase for unpalatable understory plants that escape foraging pressure.Clonal reproduction can enable unpalatable plant species to increase their population sizes while trending toward spatially aggregated distributions.However,the details of the relationship between clonal reproduction in unpalatable plants and their dynamics under intensive deer herbivory are not clear.We compared the population structures and spatial patterns of two coexisting unpalatable plant species,Arisaema ovale(with clonal reproduction)and A.peninsulae(without clonal reproduction)in a riparian forest intensively grazed by Sika deer,and examined the null hypothesis that the extent of spatial aggregation and local population size would not differ between the clonal and non-clonal Arisaema species.In a 0.36-ha plot,A.ovale had a larger population size(1087 individuals)with a higher abundance ratio of small plants(p<0.01)than A.peninsulae(84 individuals).Analyses of spatial point processes showed that both populations were spatially aggregated(p<0.05).The spatial aggregation of A.peninsulae,however,became weaker than that of A.ovale,when we excluded one dense patch originating from irregular seed dispersion.These results,excluding the aggregated distribution observed in A.peninsulae,suggested a substantial contribution of clonal reproduction to the expansion of the local A.ovale population following intensive grazing by Sika deer.  相似文献   

通过对11年生马尾松种子园无性系木材基本密度测定和11年生种子园自由授粉子代生长性状测定,结果表明:无性系间木材基本密度的差异,家系间树高、胸径、单株材积生长量的差异均达到极显著水平,具有较高的重复力(遗传力)。所评选出10个优质速生无性系的木材基本密度、子代的平均树高、胸径、单株材积分别为0.5443 g.cm-3、11.80 m、14.93cm、0.1011 m3,与群体平均值相比的遗传增益分别为8.7%、1.8%、3.6%、8.4%,在生产上具有良好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

暖温带石灰岩山地森林种群格局的分形特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从空间占据的角度入手,计算了研究区域内4种主要林分共6块样地的计盒维数。计算结果表明6块样地均存在贯穿于研究尺度的自相似规律,其中赤松林样地的计盒维数最大,而刺槐林样地的计盒维数差异较大。计盒维数的大小和不同植被的生态学特性和立地条件有关。最后从空间占据的角度对区域生态安全格局的维持和生态恢复提出了建议。  相似文献   

通过群落与种群调查表明,安化金钱松林一般与其它树种混生,种群结构基本呈金字塔形,种群更新良好.分布格局为集群分布。根据金钱松林分布格局的特点,采取相应的保护措施.  相似文献   

Alien plants, along with their ecological invasion and negative impacts on indigenous species diversity and ecosystems, are one of the major topics of current ecological research. The background investigation and floristic analysis of alien plants are very important and form an essential database for invasive species research, control and management. In our study these alien plants, mainly collected from the Flora of Shandong Province, combined with a field survey, were studied and analyzed. We also established a floristic database. Our findings are as follows: 1) there are a total of 827 alien species, belonging to 122 families and 416 genera of which 348 species were imported from other countries; 2) a high proportion, 39.0% of the flora in Shandong Province, is accounted for by alien species, of which 21 dominant families largely belong to the Rosaceae, Leguminosae, Asteraceae and Gramineae; 3) the diverse geographical distribution of the genera is characterized by species dominant in the temperate zone which accounts for 52.5% of the alien plants and 44.1% of the plants from the tropics; 4) the origins of alien species and their centralized distribution in Shandong together show the anthropogenic effect and unnatural impacts on the environment and 5) in Shandong Province, alien plants originate more from temperate zones than from any other areas of the world. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2007, 26(4): 489–494 [译自: 生态学杂志]  相似文献   

The study of genetic variability is a prerequisite for any tree improvement program. Screening of clones showing the effect of dominance in growth and tree form is essential to identify productive clones, matched to sites. Our study performed in a clonal seed orchard at Lacchiwala of India, represented by 31 clones of Dalbergia sissoo (Shisham) Roxb. from diverse locations revealed significant variability at the 0.1% level of significance in various morphological traits. At the age of 13 years, clone 196 (Gonda) revealed maximum height of 20.2 m and a girth at breast height of 74.2 cm. The five identified clones viz. 196, 198, 192, 123 and 235 were well adapted to the climatic conditions of this zone, hence survived well and showed good performance compared to other clones. Heritability estimates of 87%, 83% and 80% for height, crown width and crown length respectively coupled with high genetic gains indicated strong genetic control of these variables. A correlation matrix of various growth attributes revealed positive correlation among these attributes. On the basis of the entire set of growth variables, the clones were grouped into two major clusters with three subgroups.  相似文献   

两种百合种群空间分布格局对高温干旱气候的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
将分形分析与方差均值比率及聚集强度指数相结合,比较分析了南川百合与泸定百合种群在高温干旱影响下的空间分布格局及其分形特征.研究表明:分形分析同方差均值比率及聚集强度指数测定得到的结果基本一致,说明分形维数不仅可以很好地反映种群的空间分布格局,也能很好地反映种群动态;两种百合种群的聚集强度均受到2006年高温干旱的影响,但南川百合种群所受影响比泸定百合大;两种百合的平均计盒维数和平均信息维数与2005年相比均减少,但南川百合种群平均计盒维数的减少比例(13.00%)约为泸定百合(9.04%)的1.44倍,平均信息维数的减少比例(22.71%)约为泸定百合(3.43%)的6.63倍,高温干旱天气对这两种百合的生长均有影响,泸定百合的抗热抗旱能力要高于南川百合,南川百合更易受高温干旱天气的伤害.与泸定百合相比,南川百合是一个比较脆弱的物种,在高温干旱等异常气候的影响下更易导致濒危,应尽快加以保护.  相似文献   

应用对分法和样条法判定昆虫种群空间分布型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

桉树枝瘿姬小蜂种群发生规律与空间分布格局研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
对桉树枝瘿姬小蜂的鉴别特征和危害症状进行描述。测定结果桉树枝瘿姬小蜂种群为聚集分布,空间分布型为负二项分布,在树干和侧枝上的种群聚集度大于叶片,树干和侧枝上的种群扩散系数C、负二项分布k值、扩散指数I§、平均拥挤度m^*、L指数(个体群的平均大小)分别为46.2065,0.2811,3.5294,57.9134和58.9111,叶片上则分别为7.0401,0.9949,1.9996,9.0574和7.0500。虫瘿平均长度0.32cm,平均宽度0.22cm,平均大小0.0901cm^2。虫瘿数量和羽化孔数量主要分布在树冠枝条的上层;不同无性系桉树上的虫瘿数量在不同部位上存在差异,广林9主要危害枝条、巨桉主要危害叶片;在叶片的虫瘿数量差异上,广林9主要危害叶柄,巨桉则同时危害叶柄和中脉;已发现桉树枝瘿姬小蜂的天敌寄生蜂——长尾金小蜂。  相似文献   

马尾松建园无性系生长结实性状调查分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
经生长结实性状测试表明:①用于建园的72个双亲无性系3年生植株结实率为65%,结实株率达30.6%。无性系采穗亲本5年生结实率达90%,说明建园无性系幼龄初始结实性状是正常、良好的。②选自全国7省(区)种源子代林的优树无性系,在邵武地区的气候立地条件下,12年生的植株结实性状,除两广种源结实偏少、湖南种源结实稍多之外,其它各种源无性系结实良好。③选自福建省的优树无性系,无论是闽西南还是闽西北的结实性状均属良好。  相似文献   

2010年作者对长青自然保护区香果树种群分布与繁殖技术做了调查.结果显示:香果树多数成零星分布,现地繁殖成活率高.  相似文献   

通过对长春市木本植物模纹绿地园林应用现状的调查与分析,结果表明:木本植物模纹绿地的栽植密度过大、株型结构不合理是缩短更新周期的主要因素,并导致一定的经济损失。培育合理株型结构的苗木、采用适宜的栽植密度是保证景观效果与降低经济成本的基本措施。  相似文献   

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