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SiteandmethodThesiteislocatedintheSuiIingDistrictofHeiIong-jiangProvincefromN47"26'toN48"o6',E127"37'toE128"28'.TheaveragesIopeis15".Themeanelevationis349m.ThemeanannuaItem-peratureis-o.4t.TheaccumuIatedtemperatureof31ooCis1986C-Theamountofprecipitationisfrom6ooto8oomm.Thefrost-freeseasonisabout13od.ThemainsoilisdarkbrownsoiI.The17plots(o.o4hm')fordifferentages,differ-entsitesweremeasured.OnesampletreewasseIectedineverypIot,ThefalIenstemanalysistreesweredividedwithonemeterortwometer…  相似文献   

为明晰茶角胸叶甲幼虫在茶园内的空间分布特征,从水平和垂直方向两个角度,采用五点取样法、对角线取样法对茶园土壤中幼虫虫口密度数据进行了收集,运用聚集度指标法、Taylor幂法、Bliackth聚集均数对采集数据进行了分析。结果表明,不同深度土层中,茶角胸叶甲幼虫均呈现聚集分布,区域聚集度强弱顺序依次为:5-10 cm0-5 cm10-15 cm15-20 cm20-25 cm,除表土层外(0-5 cm),土层越深茶角胸叶甲幼虫聚集程度越弱;茶角胸叶甲幼虫在茶园各个水平方向区域(离边缘5 m、10 m、15 m)均呈聚集分布,随中心至边缘区域茶角胸叶甲幼虫聚集程度逐渐减弱。研究结果可为今后的防治工作提供更精准的信息,提高防治效率和经济性。  相似文献   

PICOZZI  N.; MOSS  R.; CATT  D. C. 《Forestry》1996,69(4):373-388
The ancestral habitat of capercaillie in most of its range isScots pine forest with an understorey of blaeberry. Keillourforest in Perthshire is dominated by Sitka spruce, has littleblaeberry, yet had a high density of capercaillie. Food andhabitat use by capercaillie were studied there from 1991 to1994. Seven cocks and two hens were caught, and marked withsmall radio transmitters. The habitats they occupied and foodremains in their droppings provided information on home range,habitat utilization and diet through the year. Sitka sprucewas the main food in autumn, winter and spring but was equalledby the fruiting heads of sedge in summer. Larch was the secondmost abundant item in spring and autumn diets. Sedge was plentifulon the wet restocks associated with the gleyed soils at Keillourand may provide a partial substitute for blaeberry in summer.Capercaillie showed a clear preference for the oldest blocksof trees, especially in winter. Sitka spruce, Norway spruceand Scots pine were used roughly in proportion to their availabilityin the birds' home range, but larch stands were used more thanexpected from availability. In summer, all birds used restocksto some extent. Management recommendations to encourage capercailliein commercial plantations largely comprising exotics are thatmature stands over 45 years and well-vegetated restocks shouldeach occupy at least 20 per cent of the forest, larch and blocksof mixed conifers each at least 15 per cent of the ground. Blaeberryshould be encouraged and, if possible, patches of windthrowinvolving living trees with the main root intact should be retained.  相似文献   

The relationship between the occurrence of sporophores of the root rot pathogen Inonotus tomentosus (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetaceae) and disease symptoms was studied in a white spruce plantation (Picea glauca) in Canada over a period of 14 years. Numbers of sporophore clusters (three or more sporophores within 1 m of each other) were well correlated with numbers of infected living or dead trees (r = 0.64–0.86, p = 0.000–0.003). Infected trees may have sporophores around them before external symptoms of disease occur on the tree. As numbers of dead trees increased, the numbers of infected living trees remained constant, indicating increased infection within the stand. However, the number of sporophores varied considerably between the years. The diagnostic value of sporophores for tomentosus root rot is discussed.  相似文献   

Cropland agroforest is an important production system in the southwest region of Bangladesh. This study focused on the floristic composition and management of existing cropland agroforests. A total of 313 cropland agroforests were surveyed and 83%respondents practiced pure agroforestry while the remaining 17% practiced agroforestry with fisheries. A total of 18 forest trees and 2 shrubs were recorded from 11 families and 59 species of agricultural crops were from 28 families. A higher proportion (79%) of cropland agroforests were occupied small land areas (0.12-0.80 ha). About 63% of respondents planted trees for fruit production and 47%for timber production, and 35%of respondents engaged in commercial production (35%). Swietenia macrophylla was the most prevalent species (relative prevalence 20.83) followed by Man-gifera indica (relative prevalence 15.57) and Cocos nucifera (relative prevalence 7.08). Shorter spacing was used for timber and fuel wood species and wider spacing for fruit trees. A wide range of rotation periods, from 5 to 25 years, was observed for both cases. The use of chemical fertilizer was highest followed by cow dung and compost in cropland agroforests. Overall management practices of cropland agroforest in southwest Bangladesh were determined by the end product and local demand.  相似文献   

Plantation transformation is a goal of increasing interest to silviculturalists. The target forest state is characterised by high variance in age and size, and an irregular spatial structure, which leads to inhomogeneous interactions between, and consequent development of, trees in the stand. This presents a difficulty for traditional methods such as yield tables, and demands a more careful consideration of stand dynamics. On the other hand, while forestry has a great heritage of simulation, the level of complexity implemented at an individual level generally precludes direct understanding of stand scale behaviours, and leads to difficulties in verification with appropriate data.A promising approach is the application of relatively simple models developed by ecologists. These can be adapted to yield accurate representations of forest stands, while being highly amenable to analysis. Motivated by data from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands, we here apply a simple spatial birth-death-growth model to the comparison and analysis of transformation strategies for plantation stands. The model captures the effects of neighbours in a way which retains the conceptual simplicity of a generic, analytically solvable model, while allowing insights into the driving factors of population dynamics.Timing and intensity of management interventions, as opposed to their specific criteria, are of primary importance: thinnings of a moderate intensity performed over a long period produced the best results. Variation in the strategy applied leads to more subtle effects which transformation strategies must also take into account, such as the development of variation in size of the remaining trees (increased using spatially correlated thinnings), the survival chances of regeneration and “underplanted” trees, and the overall productivity of the stand (increased using spatially homogeneous crown thinning). Finally, we demonstrate the robustness of model predictions to fundamental choices of model formulation.  相似文献   

粗枝云杉人工林产区区划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过逐步回归分析表明,影响粗枝云杉人工幼林生产力的主导气象因子是年平均温度,林分生产力与 年平均温度呈正相关。按林分生产力的差异显著性,将四川省粗枝云杉人工林划分为三个产区,其生产力大小排序为Ⅰ类>Ⅱ类>Ⅲ类,粗枝云杉中心分布区并不一定是中心产区。  相似文献   

We assessed the vertical distribution of litter and its seasonal patterns in the canopy and on the forest floor (soil), as well as litterfall (the flux of litter from the canopy to the soil) in a 33-year-old plantation of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don). The masses of total litter, dead leaves, and dead branches in the canopy of C. japonica trees averaged 34.09, 19.53, and 14.56 t dry wt ha−1, respectively, and were almost constant during the study period. The total masses of the annual litterfall were 4.17 and 5.88 t dry wt ha−1 year−1 in the two consecutive years of the study. The mass of the soil litter averaged 7.95 t dry wt ha−1 during the same period. All relationships between the mass of canopy litter and tree-size parameters (diameters at breast height and at the lowest living branch) were linear in a log-linear regression. Compared with the results for this plantation at a younger stage (16 years old), our results suggest that the total mass of dead leaves attached to each tree increases markedly with increasing age, but that the trajectory of this increase as a function of tree size may change from an exponential to a saturation curve with increasing stand age.  相似文献   

The future of the endemic Taiwan spruce (Picea morrisonicola) under climate change is of great concern. It is the southernmost species of the genus and its current distribution is limited to high altitudes of Taiwan. As a first step toward assessing the impact of future temperature changes on the species, we quantified the effects of past monthly growing degree days (GDD) on the height growth of plantation Taiwan spruce based on nonlinear mixed-effects growth analysis. Our results showed that past GDD variations had both positive and negative effects on the height growth of the species. July of the preceding year had the greatest influence on current year height growth. An increase in the mean GDD level of the current May would also promote height growth. In contrast, a warmer previous November or current January had negative effects on height growth. If the established height growth–GDD relationship holds, the influences of climate change on Taiwan spruce height growth will depend on the timing of the temperature increases, as well as on the trees current growth stages. Our results suggested that a warmer climate would have a greater influence on trees that are still in the early stages along the height growth trajectory. The established height growth–GDD relationship will be a keystone for developing models assessing how Taiwan spruce responds to climate change.  相似文献   

Growth and nutrient dynamics of bare-root white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) seedlings were monitored for three years in a nursery and for one season after planting to assess effects of three nursery fertilization regimes. Nitrogen (totaling 0, 650, and 1300 kg N ha(-1) for 3 years) was applied conventionally in equal amounts during the growing season. The high-N treatment, representing a nutrient loading regime, was also applied seasonally at exponentially increasing rates as a fourth treatment. By the end of the 3-year nursery rotation, the N treatments had stimulated growth by 104-180% and nutrient uptake by as much as 381, 224 and 145% for N, P and K, respectively, inducing large accumulations of N and P in both conventionally and exponentially loaded seedlings. Compared with exponentially loaded seedlings, the concentrations of nutrients were less in conventionally loaded seedlings although their biomass was larger (31%). High nutrient reserves in the seedlings at the end of the nursery rotation resulted in increased biomass production (40-190%) after planting, which was related to the ability of the seedlings to retranslocate internal reserves for new growth, despite little or no net uptake of nutrients during the first season after planting. Compared with conventionally loaded seedlings, retranslocation was greater in exponentially loaded seedlings, which had accumulated larger and more readily available nutrient reserves during the nursery phase. The shortness of this study limits its usefulness for predicting the persistence of the loading response after planting, but we postulate that the high nutrient status of loaded seedlings at the end of the nursery rotation will contribute to future growth through increased nutrient storage and retranslocation, thus prolonging the loading response.  相似文献   

对广西宁明县34年生米老排人工林的5种营养元素(N、P、K、Ca、Mg)的含量、积累量及其分配特征进行了调查和分析。结果表明:米老排不同器官营养元素含量的变化趋势为树叶>干皮>树枝>树根>干材,树叶和干材各营养元素含量为N>K>Ca>P或Mg,树枝和树根中则是K或Ca>N>Mg>P,干皮为Ca>K>N>P>Mg;米老排人工林营养元素总储存量为1671.74kg/hm2,其中乔木层营养元素储存量(1497.01kg/hm2)占89.55%,灌草层(23.00kg/hm2)和凋落物层(151.73kg/hm2)营养元素储存量分别占1.37%和9.48%;米老排人工林乔木层营养元素年净积累量为44.03kg/(hm2·a),不同养分元素年净积累量的顺序为N>K>Ca>Mg>P,每积累1t干物质需要5种营养元素5.10kg。  相似文献   

采用全部、分层挖取法,研究洞庭湖区9年生桤木人工林的生物量及根系分布规律。结果表明:桤木单株生物量为44.39ks/株,各器官生物量大小排序为树干〉树根〉树枝〉树皮〉树叶;林分总生物量为96.06/hm^2;林分净生产力为10.67/(hm^2·年)。桤木根系发达,根深60~80cm;根系中以根桩和粗根的生物量所占的比例最大,两者之和占根系总生物量的84.27%。在垂直分布上,根系主要分布在0~40cm的土层中,其生物量占根系总生物量的84.51%。在水平分布上,根系主要分布在离树桩0~50cm的范围内,其生物量占根系总生物量的84.49%;特别是粗根,其生物量占根系总生物量的29.47%;茵根的生物量占根系总生物量的0.39%,主要分布在离树桩50~100cm的范围内,该区域根系的生物量占茵根总生物量的70.97%。  相似文献   

张彦东 《林业研究》1994,5(2):46-53
Energycirculatingbetweenliveandenvironmentsystemsformesanenergyflowofaecosystem.Itissignificanttocorrectlyrecognizethepatternofenergyflowinaecosystemfordeterminingthemeasurementofforestmanagement.Thepaperstudiedenergydistributionandtranslationpattern.whichcanprovideatheoreticalbasisforreasonablymanagingkoreanpineplantations.MethodofRescarchThestandinvestigatedisapurekoreanpineplant-ationthatwasplantedinl96l,withspacingofl.Oxl'5m;itwasthinnedfor4timesafterreachingclosureandnowhasadansityofl52…  相似文献   

15N and 13C natural abundances of foliage, branches, trunks, litter, soil, fungal sporophores, mycorrhizas and mycelium were determined in two forest stands, a natural forest and a Norway spruce plantation, to obtain some insights into the role of the functional diversity of saprotrophic and ectomycorrhizal fungi in carbon and nitrogen cycles. Almost all saprotrophic fungi sporophores were enriched in 13C relative to their substrate. In contrast, they exhibited no or very little shift of δ15N. Judging from the amount of C discrimination, ectomycorrhizal fungi seem to acquire carbon from their host or from dead organic matter. Some ectomycorrhizal species seem able to acquire nitrogen from dead organic matter and could be able to transfer it to their host without nitrogen fractionation, while others supply their host with 15N-depleted nitrogen. Moreover ectomycorrhizal species displayed a significant N fractionation during sporophore differentiation, while saprotrophic fungi did not.  相似文献   

Currently, information about the effect of forest management on biodiversity of subtropical plantation forests in Asia is quite limited. In this study, we compared the spider community structures and guild compositions of subtropical Cryptomeria japonica plantation forests receiving different degree of thinning (0, 25 and 50 %) in central Taiwan. The ground spider diversities and environmental variables were sampled/measured once every 3 months for 1 year before thinning and 2 years after thinning. Results showed that before thinning spider compositions did not differ significantly among three plantation forest types. Two years after thinning, spider species and family compositions of three plantation forest types differed significantly. In all three plantation forest types, the spider composition differed from year to year, indicating existence of temporal variations in spider diversity. Ground hunters (increased 200–600 % in thinned forests), sheet web weavers (increased 50–300 % in thinned forests) and space web weavers (decreased 30–50 % in thinned forests) were the major contributors of the observed spider composition differences among plantation forests receiving different treatments. The stands receiving thinning treatments also had higher illumination, litter decomposition rate, temperature and understory vegetation density. Thinning treatments might have changed the structures of understory vegetation and canopy cover and consequently resulted in abundance and diversity changes of these guilds. Moreover, the heterogeneity in understory vegetation recovery rate and temporal variation of spider composition might further generate spider diversity variations in subtropical forests receiving different degree of thinning.  相似文献   

Soil CO2 efflux (SR) is the second largest carbon flux on earth. We investigated the driving factors of the seasonal change and short-distance spatial variation in SR in a short-rotation plantation of willow (Salix viminalis Orm). Total annual SR ranged from 723 to 1149 g Cm(-2) year(-1). Both an exponential and a logistic model were fitted to the data, with soil temperature at a depth of 5 cm as the independent variable. The R2 values for individual sampling points ranged from 0.83 to 0.95 and from 0.85 to 0.93 for the exponential and logistic models, respectively, indicating that soil temperature largely determined the seasonal variation in SR. Modeled soil SR at 10 degrees C ranged from 1.22 to 1.95 micromol m(-2) s(-1), whereas modeled annual Q(10) values were between 3.31 and 6.13. These high Q(10) values were attributed to the absence of drought during the study in 2005. When the coefficients of the general SR models were replaced by linear dependencies on soil and vegetation-related characteristics, the resulting spatially explicit exponential and logistic SR models explained 85 and 86%, respectively, of the variability within the dataset. The analysis indicated that soil carbon concentration, leaf area index, soil pH and root biomass caused differences in SR at the short distances considered in this study. However, incorporating information on variables considered to account for spatial variability in the model did not result in a higher R2 compared with a simple temperature function. When the general SR models were applied to independent datasets from the same plantation, the logistic model provided a better fit than the exponential model when drought occurred. Drought greatly reduced the annual Q(10) values of SR.  相似文献   

The effects of thinning on plant species diversity and composition of understory herbs in a larch plantation were investigated. The relationships between plant species diversity and composition of understory herbs and light conditions were established. Twenty-five 1 m × 1 m plots and fifteen 13 m × 1 m transects were set up in unthinned and thinned stands, respectively. All the transects in the thinned stands were set across the thinned rows and unthinned rows, and each of them was divided into nine 1 m × 1 m sub-plots. The herb diversity and light conditions were observed in each plot and sub-plot. The results show that there was a significant difference in herb diversity between the thinned and unthinned stands. All biodiversity indices except for evenness index in the thinned stand were higher than those of the unthinned stand, i.e., the herb diversity increased after thinning. According to the changes in herb densities and whether one species could be found in a stand or not before and after thinning, all herb species were classed into three types: positive, neutral and negative species, which referred to a species newly appeared and having an obviously increased density after thinning, with no obvious changes in its appearance and density after thinning, and disappeared and having an obviously decreased density after thinning, respectively. Many new species were found in the thinned stand like Corydalis pallida, Prenanthes tatarinowii, Vicia unijuga and Sonchus brachyotus etc. However, most species found in both the thinned and unthinned stands were negative species. In all nine subplots, only 11 and 10 species were found in spring and in autumn respectively, accounting for 17.74% and 15.15% of all the species in the thinned stand, respectively. All biodiversity indices were the highest in the center sub-plots and most of them tended to reduce from middle to side sub-plots. There was a close correlation between most of the three types of species and light conditions which was similar to each other in the thinned and unthinned stands. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2006, 25(10): 1201–1207 [译自: 生态学杂志]  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of Heterobasidion genets over a period of ca 50 years in two successive generations of Norway spruce (Picea abies) was unravelled. The genets were first identified in 1993 in a naturally regenerated 43‐year‐old spruce stand that had been thinned the previous winter. Heterobasidion parviporum was found in 17.5% of the old stumps of the previous spruce generation. Nine genets were identified on the study plot; seven of them were present in old stumps of the previous tree generation and two only in the new spruce generation. Eighteen spruce trees of the new generation were infected, 15 of them by vegetative growth of genets originating from the old stumps. The study plot was investigated again in 2005. No new genets had been established after thinning, and three old genets had died out. The remaining genets had infected five new trees, most likely from the thinning stumps of diseased trees. At the age of 56 years, 16.1% of the residual spruces were infected by Heterobasidion. The results of this study suggest that if spore infection to stumps of spruce can be prevented, the decay frequency caused by H. parviporum will not necessarily increase in successive generations.  相似文献   

米槠人工林土壤微生物群落组成对凋落物输入的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球气候变化显著影响森林凋落物数量,进而会对土壤微生物群落造成影响。本研究以亚热带米槠人工林为研究对象,探究不同凋落物量输入处理(凋落物去除、凋落物加倍、对照)下,森林土壤微生物群落组成的变化。结果表明:与去除凋落物相比,凋落物加倍后0~10 cm土壤铵态氮(NH4^+-N)、硝态氮(NO3^--N)、全氮(TN)、有效磷(AP)含量分别显著增加了30.30%、49.66%、12.77%和13.90%。与对照相比,凋落物加倍与去除处理土壤微生物生物量碳(MBC)和氮(MBN)含量分别显著增加和下降(P<0.05),但凋落物加倍与去除处理间无显著差异。凋落物加倍处理下土壤丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)、革兰氏阳性菌[G(+)]、革兰氏阴性菌[G(-)]、放线菌(ACT)、真菌(F)丰度和总磷脂脂肪酸(TPLFA)含量分别比去除凋落物处理的土壤高68.35%、63.35%、82.65%、69.02%、40.56%和65.85%,而土壤革兰氏阳性菌与阴性菌比值、真菌与细菌比值则分别降低11.64%和26.67%。冗余度分析表明,铵态氮是影响该人工林土壤微生物群落组成的最主要环境因子。可见凋落物输入量变化改变了土壤养分有效性,进而显著影响了土壤微生物群落组成,这对进一步深入探究全球气候变化对亚热带森林土壤养分循环的影响具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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