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用常规方法监测了11只围产期小尾寒羊的体温、脉搏、呼吸、红细胞、血红蛋白、白细胞和白细胞分类各项数值。结果表明,分娩前后体温和中性分叶核细胞呈“M”形变化,分娩时增高,产后第5天时降低,产后第12天又升高。血红蛋白和红细胞数则从产前到产后5天期间都处于低水平.产后12天恢复至正常水平。呼吸数、脉搏数及白细胞数在分娩时均升高。  相似文献   

不同年龄牦牛若干生理指标测定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对34头初生、1周岁、周岁和成年牦牛部分生理指标的测定结果显示,牦牛的体温,呼吸,脉搏,红细胞数,血红蛋白,红细胞压积和碱贮等均随年龄的增长而降低,但至成年时稳定在一定的范围;白细胞数在初生至1周岁时逐渐升高,然后维持到2周岁,此后又降低,至成年时稳定到与初生时基本相同的水平;白细胞分类计数在不同年龄组间无显著差异(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

通过电针马百会、关元俞穴组研究了电针对马生理常数和血液学值的影响。结果表明:电针15min,30min,60min后白细胞总数、嗜中性白细胞均有显著升高(P<0.01),体温在生理范围内也有显著升高(P<0.01),而呼吸、脉搏、血红蛋白含量和红细胞数的变化则不明显。  相似文献   

通过测定热应激状态下奶牛饲喂不同浓度大豆黄酮后血细胞数、体温、脉搏及呼吸数的变化,研究大豆黄酮对奶牛热应激的缓解作用。选取胎次、产奶量、泌乳期相近的40头中国荷斯坦牛,随机均分为4组(n=10)。试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组每头牛日粮中分别添加大豆黄酮200mg/d、300mg/d和400mg/d,对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验期60d。在试验开始时及试验第10、30、60天测定各组牛血液常规指标,且记录其体温(T)、脉搏数(P)和呼吸数(R)。结果表明,与对照组比较,试验组红细胞数、白细胞数、血红蛋白含量、体温均无显著变化(P>0.05),试验Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组脉搏数极显著降低(P<0.01);试验Ⅲ组呼吸频率显著降低(P<0.05)。试验证明,大豆黄酮可以通过调节机体代谢发挥抗热应激的作用,进而改善热应激奶牛的心肺功能。  相似文献   

作者用奶牛7头、黄牛6头进行试验。经过104次体温、呼吸、脉搏及血常规检验得出以下结论:针刺后白细胞总数均有升高,其中主要是中性白细胞升高;白细胞分类计数出现了淋巴细胞的降低,这与中性白细胞的升高是相吻合的;呼吸、脉搏均无显著变化,但对体温的影响较显著,尤其是白针的影响最显著。针刺健康动物对其红细胞、血红蛋白的影响不显著,但对贫血动物的影响较显著。试验结果表明:无论用电针或白针针刺上述两  相似文献   

<正>1临床症状2岁雌性泰迪犬,4.3 kg,服用氯诺昔康止痛片数天后出现呕吐,其呕吐物呈褐色。患犬食欲差,有饮欲,未见大便,其精神差,不愿活动,体温、脉搏、呼吸均正常。2实验室检查对病犬进行血常规及生化检查。血常规检查显示患犬白细胞数、粒细胞数、血红蛋白浓度升高,红细胞数、血小板数降  相似文献   

本试验在主产四川白鹅的荣昌县分别测定了10只公鹅、10只母鹅的主要生理常值,结果表明:四川白鹅成年公鹅、母鹅平均体温41.2℃,呼吸数分别为11.2、15次/min,脉搏99.7、91.7次/min,血红蛋白浓度191、168 g/L,红细胞数2.55 10E12/L、2.35 10E12/L,白细胞数98 10E9/L、96.7 10E9/L以及四川白鹅血液流变学参数等。  相似文献   

皖西白鹅引种山西省汾阳市后,通过120d饲喂,主要对体重(初生重、30、60、90日龄),90日龄生理指标(体温、脉搏呼吸数),血液生化指标(红细胞数,白细胞数,血红蛋白,血糖,总脂,总蛋白,白蛋白,球蛋白,血磷,GPT,GOT)进行测定。结果表明:饲养于山西的皖西白鹅品种的主要生理指标、血液生化指标在相应正常范围内,表现出良好的适应性和健康状态。  相似文献   

奶牛血红蛋白尿是奶牛产后发生的一种因缺磷而导致的以急性溶血性贫血和血红蛋白尿为主要特征的营养代谢病。病程为3~5 d,如不能及时治疗,多死亡。1病例情况患牛为荷斯坦奶牛,第4胎产后25 d出现红尿,第1天体温、呼吸、食欲正常,无明显的全身症状。之后情况严重,食欲下降,体温下  相似文献   

[目的]试验选择济南地区3个奶牛场中5头感染肝片吸虫的奶牛和5头健康奶牛为试验动物,对感染肝片吸虫的奶牛生理生化指标进行了探讨。[方法]通过对奶牛体温、呼吸、心率和血液中红细胞、白细胞、血红蛋白和红细胞压积的测定来观察奶牛机体生理指标的影响;通过对血清中血糖、谷丙转氨酶和总胆红素的测定来观察肝片吸虫对奶牛血液生化指标的影响。[结果]感染肝片吸虫的奶牛体温、呼吸和心跳与对照组相比显著升高,血液红细胞总数、红细胞压积、血红蛋白降低,白细胞总数升高;血清中血糖、谷丙转氨酶和总胆红素的含量与健康组相比显著升高。[结论]肝片吸虫对奶牛的生理和生化水平都有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

日粮添加免疫生长促进剂C96对雏鸡若干血液指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择120只1日龄AA商品健康雏鸡,随机分为4组,每组30只。初步观察了日粮添加免疫生长促进剂C96对血液中红细胞总数(RBC)、比容(PCV)、血红蛋白含量(Hb)、网织红细胞比例(RCC)、白细胞总数(WBC)等的影响。结果表明:肉雏鸡在15d时,日粮添加C96为11mg/kg,饲料的C96组和疫苗-C96组,与对照组和疫苗组比较,RBC和Hb增高,WBC显著下降,RCC降低,PCV无明显规律性变化;30d和45d时,添加C96组和疫苗-C96组的RBC、Hb和PCV,与对照组和疫苗组基本相近,WBC和RCC均比对照组和疫苗组低或明显低。但30d时疫苗组的WBC比对照组高。整个试验期,RBC、WBC和PCV随日龄的增长呈上升趋势,RCC呈波动性下降。  相似文献   

雏鸡感染传染性法氏囊病病毒时血细胞动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了感染IBDV免疫和未免疫30~59日龄AA雏鸡的外周血细胞动态变化。结果表明:IBDV对红细胞数(RBC)影响各组差异不显著,均随日龄增长呈上升趋势;从以IBDV攻毒前1d到攻毒后的头5d,3组鸡的白细胞数(WBC)均呈上升趋势,未免疫未攻毒鸡(C组)随后下降,而未免疫攻毒鸡(A组)和免疫攻毒鸡(B组)则持续上升至攻毒后第7d,然后下降;A组在IBDV攻毒后,白细胞分类计数(DC)中的单核细胞和异嗜性粒细胞急剧增加,淋巴细胞第1d虽有减少但随后上升,嗜碱性粒细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞第7d出现峰值,以后下降。方差分析显示,A组WBC和DC均高于或显著高于B组和C组,B、C两组比较,差异不明显。  相似文献   

窝箱温度对初生仔貂死亡率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨水貂分娩前和分娩后窝箱温度变化与初生仔貂死亡率的关系,对处于不同环境气候条件下的分娩前和分娩后1~5 d的共计4组140个母貂的窝箱温度,采用红外测温仪进行了测定,同时对分娩后1~5 d内仔貂的死亡率进行了统计。结果表明:(1)分娩前1~5 d的窝箱温度始终在12℃以下变化,变化幅度大小主要受窝箱所处周围风力和光照的影响;分娩后1~5 d的窝箱温度逐渐升高,至第3~5 d达到或超过12℃,达到或超过12℃所需时间长短主要受母性强弱的影响。(2)分娩后的5 d内各组仔貂的平均死亡率为13.87%。分娩后1~5 d各天仔貂死亡率高低主要受窝箱温度高低的影响,以分娩当天窝箱温度最低,死亡率最高为5.61%(P<0.05),以后各天随窝箱温度逐渐升高,死亡率逐渐下降,至分娩后3~4 d窝箱温度达到或超过12℃时,死亡率为0。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Blood samples collected from farm animals for hematology testing may not reach the laboratory or be examined immediately upon collection, and in some cases may need to be transported for hours before reaching a laboratory. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the artifactual changes that may occur in PCV, hemoglobin (Hgb) concentration, and cell counts in bovine, caprine, and porcine blood samples stored at room (30 degrees C) or refrigerator (5 degrees C) temperature. METHODS: Baseline values for PCV, Hgb concentration, and RBC and WBC counts were determined immediately after blood collection from 36 cattle, 32 goats, and 48 pigs using manual techniques. Blood samples were split into 2 aliquots and stored at 30 degrees C or 5 degrees C. Hematologic analyses were carried out at specified intervals during 120 hours of storage. Results were analyzed by repeated measure ANOVA; results at different temperatures were compared by paired t-tests. RESULTS: Compared to baseline values, there were no significant changes in Hgb concentration, RBC count, or WBC count in samples from cattle; in Hgb concentration and RBC count in samples from goats; and in Hgb concentration and WBC count in samples from pigs throughout the 120 hours of storage at both 30 degrees C and 5 degrees C. Significant changes (P <.05) from baseline occurred in PCV after 14 hours of storage at 30 degrees C and after 19 hours of storage at 5 degrees C in cattle and goats; and after 10 hours of storage at 30 degrees C and 14 hours of storage at 5 degrees C in pigs. Significant changes also were observed in Hgb concentration at 96 hours at 30 degrees C and 5 degrees C, and in RBC counts at 48 hours at 30 degrees C and 96 hours at 5 degrees C in porcine samples; and in total WBC counts at 120 hours at 30 degrees C and 5 degrees C in caprine samples. Artifactual changes were more pronounced in the samples stored at 30 degrees C. CONCLUSIONS: At both 30 degrees C and 5 degrees C, blood samples from cattle and goats can be stored for up to 12 hours, while blood samples from pigs can be stored for up to 8 hours without any significant changes in PCV. Blood samples from all 3 species can be stored for more than 24 hours without significant changes in Hgb concentration, RBC count, and total WBC count.  相似文献   

试验对海拔 3 0 0 0m的藏南谷地林芝引入家兔进行了部分生理指标的对比分析。测定了呼吸频率、心率、生理体温、血清蛋白质含量和血红蛋白含量。统计分析表明 :所测定项目的结果在 3品种兔之间均无明显差异 (P >0 0 5) ;但血红蛋白电泳分析 :3品种兔均呈现出A、A2 ,A33个区带 ,发现A3带以青紫兰兔最低 ,与其他 2品种兔差异极显著 (P <0 0 1 ) ;加里福尼亚兔A3带最高 ,显著高于中国白兔 (P <0 0 5)及青紫兰兔 (P <0 0 1 )。血清蛋白质电泳分析表明 :高原家兔的血清白蛋白均明显高于文献报道的低海拔饲养的新西兰白兔 ,血清总蛋白及其球蛋白含量明显下降  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the timing of elective caesarean section (ECS) during parturition affects pulmonary and metabolic adaptation to extra-uterine life in healthy Belgian White and Blue (BWB) calves delivered at term. Vaginal palpation was performed and deliveries divided into six categories of timing for ECS: cervix closed (TECS 1); passive and active cervical dilatation (TECS 2 and TECS 3); full cervical dilatation (TECS 4); spontaneous rupture of allantoic (TECS 5) and amniotic (TECS 6) membranes.One hundred and eighteen BWB calves were examined at birth, 5, 15, 30, 45 and 60 min and 2, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h after birth using the following measurements: physical examination (time between birth and sternal recumbency [T-SR]); heart rate (mHR); arterial blood gas analyses (arterial partial pressure in oxygen [PaO(2)], in carbon dioxide [PaCO(2)], arterial haemoglobin oxygen saturation [SaO(2)], alveolo-arterial difference in oxygen [AaDO(2)]); pulmonary function tests using the oesophageal balloon catheter technique (respiratory rate [RR], total pulmonary resistance [R(L)], dynamic lung compliance [C(Ldyn)], tidal volume [V(T)] and minute volume [V(E)]); arterial and venous blood acid-base balance analyses (arterial and venous pH [pHa and pHv], bicarbonate concentration [HCO(3)a and HCO(3)v], base excess [BEa and BEv]); rectal temperature (RT); jugular venous blood sampling for determination of metabolic variables (blood glucose [G], plasma lactate [L], serum cortisol [C], plasma noradrenaline [NA] and adrenaline [A] concentrations); haematological variables (red blood cell count [RBC], total haemoglobin concentration [Hb], Packed Cell Volume [PCV]) and passive immune transfer variables (total serum protein [TP] and beta(2)gammaglobulin [beta(2)gamma] concentrations).TECS significantly (P or =4 calves, TECS< or =3 calves showed lower PaO(2), SaO(2), V(T), C(Ldyn), RT, G, NA, A, RBC, Hb and TP and higher AaDO(2), RR, V(E). TECS differences progressively decreased and disappeared between 6 and 12 h after birth in TECS 2 and 3 calves but remained up to 24 h in TECS 1 calves. Improved postnatal respiratory and metabolic adaptation in TECS> or =4 calves were mainly related to differences in exposure to labour and subsequent hormonal surge: catecholamines, particularly A, enabled more effective removal of lung liquid and/or release of surfactant which contribute to better gas exchanges and induced greater energy mobilization to maintain adequate body temperature.It was concluded waiting for full cervical dilatation before performing CS should be encouraged because it promotes postnatal respiratory and metabolic adaptation in full-term BWB calves.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of a single infection with Eperythrozoon suis and of a mixed infection of E. suis and Babesia trautmanni in experimentally-infected pigs, was described. In the pigs with a single infection, parasitaemia of E. suis was observed 4 days after blood inoculation. Although parasitaemia with this parasite was also observed on the 4th day in a mixed infection, the parasitaemia of B. trautmanni was not noted until 14 days after inoculation at a period when that of E. suis had started to fall. No parasitaemia was observed in any of the pigs in the splenectomized and unsplenectomized uninoculated control animals. The pigs carrying either single or mixed infections had pyrexia and their temperatures were consistently higher than those of the control animals. Infected pigs also showed anaemia with significant decline in Pcv, Hb and RBC values. The total WBC count rose in the infected pigs and the rise was more pronounced in pigs carrying E. suis alone. In addition, it was only in pigs infected by E. suis alone that a decline in the percentage of neutrophils and a rise in percentage lymphocytes was observed.  相似文献   

Blood samples were taken from 78 wild and 21 farmed sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis) using ketamine-xylazine sedation during their excited (82 deer) and resting (17 deer) states. Red cell count (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) were significantly higher and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) was lower in excited deer than in resting deer. There was no significant difference in total leukocyte count (WBC) between excited and resting wild males, while a marked increase of WBC with neutrophilia was observed in excited wild females. RBC and PCV were significantly higher and MCH was lower in excited males than in excited females. In wild deer, WBC was significantly higher in females than in males, but there was no significant difference in WBC between farmed males and females. Sex differences in the hematological parameters were not observed in fawns (10 months).  相似文献   

Analysis of canine and feline haemograms using the VetScan HMT analyser   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The VetScan HMT is an impedance counter haematology analyser which produces a full blood count and three-part white blood cell differential. The aim of this study was to compare the results generated by the analyser with those obtained by standard methods used routinely in the authors' laboratory. Blood samples from 68 dogs and 59 cats were run on the VetScan HMT analyser and also subjected to reference methods, and the results obtained were compared. Correlation coefficients (feline/canine) were: 0.97/0.99 for haematocrit (Hct), 0.98/0.99 for haemoglobin (Hb), 0.81/0.98 for total white blood cells (WBC), and 0.89/0.97 for granulocyte and 0.65/0.93 for platelet counts. Coefficients for lymphocyte counts were 0.25/0.28 and for monocyte counts were 0.12/0.79. In conclusion, the VetScan HMT performed well on canine samples, showing excellent correlation for canine Hct, Hb, RBC, WBC, granulocyte and platelet counts. For feline samples, although there was excellent correlation for Hct, Hb and RBC, the WBC and three-part white blood cell differential and platelet count should be interpreted with caution as they can be unreliable.  相似文献   

Postoperative abdominal fluid changes were compared in 2 groups of horses; those undergoing double small-colon resection and anastomosis (n = 10) and those undergoing exploratory celiotomy alone (n = 5). Peritoneal fluid was collected before surgery and on postoperative days 1, 3, 5, and 7. Total and differential nucleated cell counts, RBC numbers, and total protein and fibrinogen concentrations were evaluated. In both groups, all values were significantly higher than normal on the first postoperative day (after small-colon resection and anastomoses, WBC = 130,350 +/- 23,310 cells/microliters, RBC = 7,389,000 +/- 6,234,000 cells/microliters, total protein = 3.63 +/- 0.16 g/dl; after exploratory celiotomy alone, WBC = 166,620 +/- 34,340 cells/microliters, RBC = 295,000 +/- 86,070 cells/microliters, total protein 4.38 +/- 0.54 g/dl). The number of total peritoneal nucleated cells and RBC significantly decreased after the first postoperative day, whereas total protein and fibrinogen concentrations, percent neutrophils, and percent mononuclear cells remained unchanged. None of the values had returned to normal by postoperative day 7 (after small-colon resection and anastomoses, WBC = 45,600 +/- 8,765 cells/microliters, RBC = 95,390 +/- 53,380 cells/microliters, total protein = 4.39 +/- 0.23 g/dl; after exploratory celiotomy alone, WBC = 43,340 +/- 7,746 cells/microliters, RBC = 12,860 +/- 11,790 cells/microliters, total protein = 3.92 +/- 2.20 g/dl.) The resection and anastomosis group had a significantly lower total protein concentration on the first postoperative day and a significantly higher mean total RBC count over the entire 7-day postoperative evaluation than did horses that underwent celiotomy alone. Other values in the 2 groups of horses did not differ significantly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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