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玉米秸麦秸中高温沼气发酵产气潜力及特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以玉米秸和麦秸为发酵原料,采用批量发酵工艺,在中高温下进行玉米秸和麦秸厌氧发酵产沼气潜力及特性的试验研究。结果表明,30℃时玉米秸和麦秸的TS产沼气潜力分别为446.6m L·g^-1和449.8mL·g^-1;35℃时分别为492.4mL·g^-1和499.0mL·g^-1;40℃时分别为515.3mL·g^-1和497.5mL·g^-1;53"C时分别为531.5mL·g^-1和535.0mL·g^-1。说明玉米秸和麦秸作为发酵原料有较高的产沼气潜力。由批量发酵数据推导得到这两种秸秆在理想状态下高温连续发酵最高池容产气率可达3.0m^3·m^-3 d^-1,中温发酵可达2.0m^3·m^-3d^-1左右。  相似文献   

文章以新鲜芦苇秸秆为发酵原料,分别对其进行打碎和切碎预处理,在恒温30℃条件下进行全混合批量式沼气发酵实验。实验结果表明,两种预处理方法的发酵时间均为62 d,芦苇秸秆打碎处理的TS产气率和VS产气率分别为467 mL·g^-1和570 mL·g^-1,芦苇秸秆切碎处理的TS产气率和VS产气率分别为560 mL·g^-1和685 mL·g^-1,芦苇秸秆切碎处理的产气潜力明显大于芦苇秸秆打碎处理,且芦苇秸秆切碎处理的甲烷含量也较前者高。说明将进行芦苇秸秆切碎处理有利于它发酵产沼气,发酵产出的沼气品质较好。  相似文献   

草木灰属碱性肥料,是一种优质速效性钾肥。农村中的草木灰资源非常丰富,在鱼塘中经常施点草木灰不仅能调节、改善水质,还能防治鱼病,加速鱼的生长繁育。(1)调节酸碱度。一般情况下,鱼类生长的水质要求PH值在7.5-8.6之间,在此范围内鱼的生长速度快。据测试,没有清淤泥的池塘,PH值在7.3-7.5之间,均不能充分满足鱼类的生长需要。试验表明,给水深1.sin的鱼塘667m’施人草木灰110-19()k,水中的PH值上升7.5—8.5。(2)培肥水质。在鱼塘中经常适度施人草木灰,能增加水中钾、磷、钙、镁等元素的含量,促进浮游生物的…  相似文献   

用花生亮和棉籽壳混合栽培平菇,资源丰富,技术简单,效益和用纯棉‘龙城墙基不多,比用纯稻草栽培高20%,成本可降低30%左右,可发展种植。其主要栽培技术如下:(1)原料处理与配方。将花生竞粉碎成小粒,与等量的棉籽壳经日晒2~周后备用.配方是:花生亮、棉籽壳80%~90%,小麦献应司%~6%,过磷酸钙2%,石膏1.5%,多菌灵0.2%,料水比1:1.3~1.4,PH值为75~8。(2)拌料与堆积发酵。先将粉碎的花生壳与小麦效应、石膏粉、过磷酸钙混合,加入PH值8~9的石灰水拌湿,边拌边加石灰水,拌好后堆放0.5h左右,再将步苗灵溶…  相似文献   

采用EtF处理3个品系的锈赤扁谷盗,EtF能快速杀死试虫,但杀虫效果随温度的升高而降低,试虫对EtF的耐受力与对PH3的抗性有相同的趋势;锈赤扁谷盗成虫对EtF的忍耐力强于幼虫,使用EtF分别与PH3和CO2混合熏蒸处理锈赤扁谷盗。结果表明:EtF对PH3和CO2有明显的增效作用。  相似文献   

郭夏丽  郑平 《中国沼气》2002,20(4):17-21
磷化氢(PH3)是有毒、致癌、无色、有恶臭味的气体,既可由工业化学合成,也可由生物合成。产PH3的微生物一般为兼性厌氧和专性厌氧微生物。借助于气相色谱检测,已发现PH3在自然界中广泛存在。热力学分析,磷酸盐还原成磷化氢是一种吸能反应。目前,磷化氢生物合成的具体机制还不清楚。  相似文献   

用瓶子栽冬菇,原料主要用棉籽壳和阔叶树的锯末屑。方法如下: 1.培养料的配制:①锯末屑77%、麦麸(或米糠)20%、白糖10%、石膏粉1%、石灰0.5%,水适量,PH值6~6.5。②棉籽皮98%、石膏粉1%、白糖1%、水适量,PH值6~6.5。 制法:将各种配料配合拌匀后,再慢慢喷水,边喷水边搅拌,直至用手握紧培养料,指缝间有水渗出为止。  相似文献   

为使乡镇企业生产的农机、电器、五金等金属制品美观耐用.并方便机手对其维修.延长使用寿命,特介绍系列新配方;一、防锈水第一种配制法:(1)配方:亚硝酸钠3~8份,三乙醇胶0.5~0.6份,水49份。(2)制法:三乙醇胶可用无水碳酸钠代替.但配制溶液时需控制PH值在9~10范围内。门)用法:农机等金属零件作防锈处理时,应先除锈.再浸入此防锈水中。第二种配制方法:(l)配方:亚硝酸钠15份.苯甲酸钠5份.甘油30份.无水碳酸钠0.6扮,水49份。(2)配制与用法同上,效果更好。二、抛光剂问)配方:石脑油62份,油酸1/3份.磨蚀…  相似文献   

UASB-CAAS系统处理黄酒废水的工程技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文对黄酒生产废水的工程处理进行了研究,工程采用了厌氧和好氧处理相结合的方法,两者的CODcr去除率分别为77%和85.2%,总的BOD5去除率为97.5%,论文对处理过程中的SS,NH3-N,pH的变化做了分析,其出水浓度分别为42mg.L^-1,12.5mg.L^-1,PH7.2。所有的处理指标均达到了国家一级排放标准,系统的处理能耗及处理费用分别为97.5kWh.d^-1,1.48元.m^-3.  相似文献   

水基金属清洗剂能代替汽油、柴油清洗各类机械零件,具有无毒、不易燃、价格便宜、去污力强、对金属无腐蚀等特点,在农机维修中应用很广。但清洗剂的质量不同,使用效果相差悬殊,故用前应对其性能进行检验。1.PH值一般农机用金属清洗剂的PH值为7—10,最高不能大于11。2.去油性能农机上使用润滑脂、机油和齿轮油润滑。润滑脂包括钙基和钠基润滑脂,是由脂肪酸皂化机油制成。机油和润滑脂比较容易洗去。而齿轮油中含有机油、胶质及沥青,附着力强,比较难洗。因此,好的清洗剂不但能洗去润滑脂和机油,而且能较快乳化分散齿轮油并有一定…  相似文献   

游云飞 《农业工程》2018,8(8):113-118
以细叶石仙桃荚果为外植体,进行细叶石仙桃再生体系研究。结果表明,用0.1%升汞浸泡8 min细叶石仙桃荚果有利于荚果种子无菌播种,污染率较低;种子萌发培养基为MS+0.5 mg/L BA+0.05 mg/L NAA+7 g/L琼脂时,萌发率高达72%,且原球茎呈色绿成团;诱导增殖培养基为MS+0.1 mg/L ZT+30 mL/L椰子汁+0.05 mg/L NAA+7 g/L琼脂时,诱导率可达70%,增值系数最高为4.11;在1/2 MS+50 g/L马铃薯+50 mL/L香蕉汁+1 g/L蛋白胨培养基上,壮苗效果最明显,最大苗宽3.54 mm,植株粗壮。   相似文献   

不同产地沙棘果的成分分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过沙棘甘油三酯和甘油磷脂中的糖、果酸(气相色谱-质谱法,TMS衍生物)、矿物质(FAAS,ETAAS)、挥发性物质(顶部空间气相色谱-质谱法)、Vc(高压液相色谱)和脂肪酸(气相色谱-质谱法,甲基酯)的分析方法,优化不同产地的沙棘果。对1997年10-11月采集的中国沙棘果(CH)和8月底采集的芬兰沙棘果(FI)和俄罗斯沙棘果(RU)的成分进行比较,得到了为今后开展更广泛的沙棘项目所需要的足够的资料。中国沙棘果汁中的Vc含量极高,平均8g/l(4.2-13.2g/l),是芬兰沙棘果汁中含量的5倍。主要矿物元素的含量比其它可食用的浆果中丰富得多,钾是沙棘果(6-14g/kg,干重)和沙棘籽(5-9g/kg,干重)中的主要矿物质之一,在一些样品中铅和镉含量的增加表明存在轻微的污染。压榨的沙棘果汁中糖的含量从1-20g/100ml有很大的变化,含量最高的是晚秋收获的中国沙棘果,最低的是8月收获的芬兰沙棘果。糖主要是葡萄糖(占总糖分的50%以上)、果糖及葡萄糖衍生物。苹果酸和奎宁酸是主要的果酸(77%-97%),含量为每100ml果汁中4.2-9.1g。果汁上部油脂的特点是形成了C2-C5n-、iso-、和ante-iso乙醇,C4-C5n-,iso,及ante-ISO酸,也呈现出挥发性油脂的籽油乙醇前体。不同的产地和采收时间对挥发物有着明显的影响,整个果中的含油量为2%-11%(鲜重),籽中的含  相似文献   

胡生隆 《湖南农机》2008,(2):155-156
从2,5-二甲氧基-4-氯苯氨出发,经重氮化后,与对氮氨基偶氮苯偶联得到产物2,5-二甲氧基-4-氯苯基重氮氨基偶氮苯(DCDAA)。产品经纯化后,进行了与镉显色反应的研究。在非离子表面活性剂TritonX-100存在下,于PH=10.04~11.48的硼砂-氢氧化钠缓冲介质中,与金属镉形成一种稳定的组成比为1:2的乙醇溶液络合物。络合物的最大吸收波长为526nm,表观摩尔吸光系数为2.0010×105L.mol-1.cm-1,Cd(Ⅱ)质量浓度在0~20g/25ml内符合比尔定律.  相似文献   

Distribution of herbicides in soil in a simulated drip irrigation system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The behavior of two herbicides (bromacil and napropamide) applied to a Mediterranean red loam soil (hamra) from a point source is presented. Neither herbicide was degraded during the period of the study. Bromacil was only slightly adsorbed by the soil (K d – 0.1 ml/g; Fig. 1) and was evenly distributed in the soil volume when applied at a constant concentration (Fig. 3). The distribution of napropamide, which was adsorbed by the soil (K d – 1.2 ml/g; Fig. 1), was restricted to the zone immediately around the emitter (Fig. 3). Application of the herbicides to previously wetted soils increased the vertical and lateral movement of both herbicides (Fig. 4). Leaching of the chemicals was more pronounced for bromacil than for napropamide (Fig. 5). Cycles of irrigation and evaporation at two irrigation frequencies demonstrated that bromacil can be leached quickly from the emitter zone whereas naproparnide will move only slowly into the soil volume (Fig. 8).Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 289-E, 1980 Series  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in 1999 and 2000 to investigate the effect of different treatments of potable and treated wastewater on the quality of tomato fruit (Lycopersicon esculentum L. Mill) in Jordan. Tomato seedlings (cvs. GS12 and RS589956) were furrow irrigated with different mixtures of potable and wastewater (1:0, 1:1, 1:3, and 0:1). The BOD, and SS of the treated effluent used were 34 and 35 mg/l, respectively. Irrigation with treated wastewater did not affect fruit pH, increased their size up to 2 cm in diameter, and weight up to 78.7 g. Additionally, a decrease of 1.5% in the SSC, 0.59 kg in firmness, and 5.1% in weight loss of tomato fruit were recorded. The 0:1 application of treated wastewater resulted in an increased microbial contamination (TC 1.56×104 and 4.7×102 CFU/100 g; FC 3×102 and 130 CFU/100 g; TBC 188×102 and 205×102 CFU/100 g) on the surface of the fruit (skin) for GS12 and RS599956 varieties, respectively. There was a negligible contamination on fruit scar, and nil in fruit flesh. Contamination increased exponentially with increasing the proportions of treated wastewater application. Since treated wastewater was highly contaminated with total coliform (up to 42.0 CFU/100 ml) and total bacterial count (up to 7.820 CFU/100 ml), hence, contamination was aggravated with increasing the percentage of treated wastewater. It is suggested that the treated wastewater can be used as an alternative for irrigation of tomatoes eaten after cooking, but not for those taken as raw provided that the effluent quality is continuously monitored to avoid contamination.  相似文献   

中瑞保水剂 ( PAMN-LC)对无离子水的吸水能力为 67.5ml/g,且随着产品配方和生产工艺的改进 ,其吸水性能有着不断提高的趋势。试验结果表明 ,中瑞保水剂 ( PAMN-LC)吸水总量的 78.4 2 %为有效水 ,无效水所占比例只有 2 1 .58% ;随着保水剂施用量的增加 ,土壤的持水能力也明显增加 ;施用中瑞保水剂PAMN-JCN对提高冬小麦出苗率有明显的效果 ,当土壤含水率介于 1 2 .1 %~ 1 6.8%之间时 ,用保水剂拌种可使冬小麦提早 1~ 3d出苗 ,出苗增加 2 5%~ 31 .7% ;沟施保水剂可使出苗率增加 3.3%~ 8.3% ;施用中瑞保水剂 PAMN-LC,其在苗期的主要作用是促进根系发育、增大根冠比 ,拔节以后则转为促进地上部发育。另外 ,施用中瑞保水剂有利于保持冬小麦叶片较长时间地处于展开状态 ,根系的颜色也比较深 ,多呈浅褐色。  相似文献   

Clean water has become one of the main limiting factors in agricultural food production in Europe, especially for countries around the Mediterranean, who now face more severe and frequent seasonal water shortages. In order to overcome water shortages the European Water Framework Directive encourages and promotes the use of treated urban wastewater in agriculture. However, the use of poor quality water in agriculture poses potential health risks. The application of wastewater through subsurface drip irrigation lines could possibly overcome public health concerns by minimizing contact with wastewater by farmers, farm workers but it is uncertain if the risk for consumers of wastewater irrigated produces would be acceptable. The objective of the current study was therefore to assess whether subsurface irrigation of potatoes with low quality water was associated with higher food safety and reduced human health risks as compared with surface irrigation. The microbial quality of soil and potatoes irrigated by sprinkler, furrow and subsurface drip irrigation, using treated urban wastewater, canal water and tap water were compared at experimental sites near Belgrade, Serbia and in Bologna, Italy. Water, soil and potato samples were collected from March 2007 to September 2008 and their faecal contamination estimated by enumeration of the faecal indicator Escherichia coli. In addition, water and potatoes in Italy were analysed for the presence of helminth eggs, another important indicator of faecal pollution. A quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) model combined with Monte Carlo simulations was used to assess whether the different irrigation practices and associated health risks complied with guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO). The study found low levels of E. coli in irrigation water (Italy mean value: 1.7 colony forming units (cfu)/ml and Serbia 11 cfu/ml), as well as in soil (Italy mean: 1.0 cfu/g and Serbia 1.1 cfu/g). Similar low concentrations of E. coli were found on potatoes (Italy mean: 1.0 cfu/g and Serbia 0.0 cfu/g). The vast majority (442/516) of the collected different samples were free of E. coli. No helminth eggs were found in any types of irrigation water or on the surface of potatoes. The risk assessment models found the use of treated wastewater to exceed the levels of risks for gastro-intestinal disease (1.0 × 10−3 disease risk) as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the accidental ingestion of soil by farmers (Serbia: 0.22 and Italy: 5.7 × 10−2). However, samples that exceeded disease risks set by the WHO were collected before initiation of wastewater irrigation and were limited to a few numbers of samples, which would indicate environmental contamination not linked to irrigation practice. Disease risk from consumption of potatoes in Italy and in Serbia was found to be within acceptable levels. No relationship was found between E. coli concentrations in irrigation water, soil and produce. Similar lack of association was found for E. coli findings in sprinkler, furrow or subsurface drip irrigated soils and produce. This indicates that subsurface drip irrigation can be practiced while ensuring food safety and protecting the health of consumers and farmers.  相似文献   

微咸水灌溉对作物生长影响的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在田间试验条件下,采用正常灌溉定额和淋洗灌溉定额2种灌溉水平,对小麦、玉米、葵花3种作物进行了不同灌溉水矿化度处理的灌溉试验,对3种作物的生长过程、地上部干物质积累规律、作物产量等进行了研究。结果表明:小麦在2种灌溉定额下的耐盐能力为4.5 g/L。正常定额下玉米的耐盐能力为3 g/L,葵花为5 g/L。淋洗定额下玉米的耐盐能力为3.5 g/L,葵花为7 g/L。  相似文献   

为解决传统工艺水果月饼水果含量低、添加剂多和营养成分被破坏的缺点,首次将真空冷冻干燥技术应用于水果月饼中,开发出冻干水果月饼,并在单因素实验的基础上,选取冻干果肉、黄油、牛奶添加量及常温冰皮配方作为影响因素进行4因素3水平的正交试验,以确定冻干水果月饼的最佳工艺参数,同时分析了冻干水果月饼的营养特性。结果表明:当冻干果肉1 500 g、黄油28 g、牛奶8 g、常温冰皮配方3 310 g(冰皮粉1 550 g、麦芽糖醇600 g、斑斓糖醇650 g、白奶油500 g、增稠剂10 g)时,产品的感官评分最高。影响产品感官评分的主次顺序为冻干果肉>常温冰皮配方>牛奶>黄油。验证结果表明,该工艺下产品的感官评分为96.2,其中果糖5.8 g/100 g、β-胡萝卜素1.34 mg/100 g、维生素A 30.5μg/100 g、维生素C 4.62 mg/100 g、维生素E 2.042 mg/100 g,产品在加工过程中营养保留率高,并且还具有脂肪含量低(6.3 g/100 g)的优点,同时,产品的酸价和过氧化值均低于月饼国家标准的限量。冻干水果月饼是一款水果含量高、营养和健康的月饼。   相似文献   

石仙桃为治疗头痛药品的主要材料来源,针对其种子萌发的研究可为制药产业发展提供技术支撑。现以成熟度为150 d优质石仙桃荚果为外植体,探讨添加不同浓度生长素、激素和附加物建立再生体系对石仙桃种子萌发、生长的影响。结果表明,石仙桃种子萌发最适培养基为MS+6-BA 1.0 mg/L+ NAA 0.1 mg/L+KT 0.5 mg/L+蛋白胨1 g/L;原球茎诱导增殖的最适培养基为MS+ 6-BA 1.0 mg/L+KT 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/L+蛋白胨1 g/L;假鳞茎诱导的最适培养基为1/2MS+蛋白胨1.5 g/L+香蕉泥40.0 g/L+土豆泥40.0 g/L+花宝1号1.0 g/L。   相似文献   

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