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经络穴位给药系统在兽医临床上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经络穴位给药系统以中医经络理论为基础,具有经穴效应和药物效应的双重治疗特性,已广泛应用于兽医临床.目前,兽医临床上常用穴位给药方式是穴位埋植和穴位注射,而常用穴位主要是后海穴、百会穴、肺龠穴.随着经络穴位给药系统的广泛应用,新型经络穴位给药制剂和经络穴位给药作用机理已成为经络穴位给药系统研究的重点.  相似文献   

李英福 《中国蜂业》2009,60(2):34-34
中医的针灸是通过用“针”按人体经脉走向,在经络的穴位或阿是穴处进行操作,刺激经络产生物理功能,使经脉及气血畅通,调节人体失衡,气血不畅带来的疾病。  相似文献   

经络学说是祖国传统医学基础理论的重要组成部分。长期以来一直指导中医和中兽医的临床实践。经络系统及经络的循行路线的论述具有悠久的历史,但近年来,随着循经感传现象和隐性循经感传现象的发现,经穴生物物理特性的研究为国内外许多学者所关注。经研究表明,经穴的低阻抗特性具有较好的稳定性,其分布线路和经典经络的循行基本  相似文献   

家兔股部外侧的低电阻点和刺激敏感点张克家,赵晓琴,高艳春(北京农业大学动物医学院,100094)经络学说是祖国传统医学基础理论的重要组成部分,长期以来一直指导中医和中兽医的临床实践。经络系统及经络的循行路线早在公元前约3世纪的《黄帝内经·灵枢》中就有...  相似文献   

拔罐疗法是中医非药物疗法中重要的组成部分,拔罐施术部位是畜体的体表,属于经络中的皮部,可排除毒素,疏通经络,行气活血,扶正固本。具有兴奋运动神经和感觉神经,止痛、改善血液循环,调节植物神经功能,刺激膀胱改善排尿以及降血脂的作用。  相似文献   

动物经络的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经络学说是中兽医学的重要组成部分。几千年的医疗实践表明,它已成为祖国医学及兽医学在分析生理功能、病理变化,诊断和治疗疾病方面的重要依据,对于指导临床各科,特别是对针灸、针麻等,有着极其重要的意义。目前已有上百个国家在应用和研究针灸。我国1992年已将经络研究列入30项国家“攀登计划”项目之中。因而,积极开展经络研究,不仅是继承和发扬我国医学及兽医学遗产的一个重要环节,而且也是振兴中医、中兽医的一项艰巨任务。现将近几十年来动物经络研究的一些主要成果资料,作一综述,以供参考。(一)经络与生物物理特性研究经络物理特  相似文献   

中医黄证分为滴水黄、锁口黄、肚底黄、遍身黄、胸黄、串皮黄、大头黄和锁喉黄等。《元亨疗马集》疮黄论:"黄者气之壮也,气壮使血离经络,血离经络滥于肤腠,肤腠郁结而血瘀,血瘀者而化为黄水,故曰黄也"。一般说来,毒气侵入腹下生黄者称为肚底黄;毒气侵人肌表,黄无定处称为串皮黄;遍身多处生黄者称为遍身黄。中医以清热解毒为治则。  相似文献   

要想提高针灸或激光穴位照射的治疗效果,就必须准确选穴。根据中医的经络学说和监测体躯穴位上阻值较小的原理,应用现代电子技术研制成功了JI—I型穴位探测  相似文献   

华佗五禽戏是由华佗首创的中医导引术,其将仿生学与传统道家养生思想相结合,并运用中医经络学说,以"动行"来养生,是集养生价值、文化价值、经济价值于一体的全人类的宝贵财富。要想让五禽戏更好地适应现代社会的发展需求,就必须创新其传承传播的方式,本文就华佗五禽戏动漫化传承传播新方式提出合理的设计方案。  相似文献   

面神经麻痹中医称为歪嘴风、吊线风,是以口眼歪斜为特征的一种病症。1病因病机饲养失调,风寒外邪乘隙侵入头面肌肤,凝滞经络。2症状口眼歪斜,单耳侧垂,上唇歪向一边,下唇向一侧下垂,口流清涎,饮食困难,食入口中的食物  相似文献   

BackgroundTo assess the normal retina of the pigeon eye using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) and establish a normative reference.MethodsTwelve eyes of six ophthalmologically normal pigeons (Columba livia) were included. SD-OCT images were taken with dilated pupils under sedation. Four meridians, including the fovea, optic disc, red field, and yellow field, were obtained in each eye. The layers, including full thickness (FT), ganglion cell complex (GCC), thickness from the retinal pigmented epithelium to the outer nuclear layer (RPE-ONL), and from the retinal pigmented epithelium to the inner nuclear layer (RPE-INL), were manually measured.ResultsThe average FT values were significantly different among the four meridians (p < 0.05), with the optic disc meridian being the thickest (294.0 ± 13.9 µm). The average GCC was thickest in the optic disc (105.3 ± 27.1 µm) and thinnest in the fovea meridian (42.8 ± 15.3 µm). The average RPE-INL of the fovea meridian (165.5 ± 18.3 µm) was significantly thicker than that of the other meridians (p < 0.05). The average RPE-ONL of the fovea, optic disc, yellow field, and red field were 91.2 ± 5.2 µm, 87.7 ± 5.3 µm, 87.6 ± 6.5 µm, and 91.4 ± 3.9 µm, respectively. RPE-INL and RPE-ONL thickness of the red field meridian did not change significantly with measurement location (p > 0.05).ConclusionsMeasured data could be used as normative references for diagnosing pigeon retinopathies and further research on avian fundus structure.  相似文献   

中药对牛免疫调节作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中药的性味归经不同、炮制方法不同、配伍不同,其药理作用也不同,已有研究表明,多种单味中药和复方中药具有免疫调节作用。以传统中药为原料研制的免疫调节剂,凭借其高安全、低残留、低毒性、不易产生耐药性等独特优势,在动物临床上的应用越来越广泛。论文分别从非特异性免疫、体液免疫、细胞免疫等方面对单味中药及复方中药制剂对牛免疫功能的调节作用的研究进展进行综述,以期为进一步研制效果良好、使用方便、成本低、副作用小的牛中药免疫调节剂及其临床应用提供参考。  相似文献   

乳汁中体细胞增高,是奶牛隐性乳腺炎的主要指标,用传统中兽医理论组方,针对奶牛隐性乳腺炎,配制了一种具有清热解毒、通经活络和提高乳房抵抗力及免疫功能的中药添加剂——"降体细胞中药添加剂",并对奶牛隐性乳腺炎病例进行了降低体细胞的治疗试验。结果显示,其一个疗程(7d)对奶牛隐性乳腺炎病例降低体细胞功能的有效率为83%,略高于市售产品对照组80%的有效率。因为是纯中药配方,可作为市售同功效但泌乳期禁用药物的替代产品。  相似文献   

2010年版《中华人民共和国兽药典》二部编制特色   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
与历版兽药典相比,2010年版《中华人民共和国兽药典》二部更加体现出了中兽药的特色,通过专属性鉴别、检测和新技术的应用,使中兽药在安全性、有效性和可控性等方面得到了极大的提高;并对中兽药鉴别、含量测定、性味与归经、用法与用量、注意事项和中药材拉丁名、拉丁学名等进行了大幅度的修订和规范。  相似文献   

The authors have been studying the bacterial diseases of the brood for a fairly long time. American and European foul brood has been studied with the highest attention. Cultures of Bacillus larvae (White, 1906) were examined both in freshly isolated strains and in collection strains of this micro-organism. In cases of foul brood, the pathological material was found to contain not only the typical rods of B. larvae but also immobile spiral forms which are usually referred to in literature as fragments or developmental forms of B. larvae. These spiral forms were found to constitute spindle-shaped formations in the culture of B. larvae; the multiplication of these spindles depends on the presence of the rods of B. larvae and their development and reproduction can be observed on wet gelatine agar in a Petri dish turned upside down under a normal microscope (10 X 10 magnification). In the combined liquid medium, used in the experiments, these formations disintegrate into immobile spirals; if re-cultivated on a solid medium they re-assume their spindle shape with transverse meridian arrangement (in different amounts). Staining for proving the presence of nucleic acids does not eliminate the possibility of these formations being separate micro-organisms which cannot be stained by current staining methods but can be represented by the contrast method according to Burri, or by silvering according to Klein. The authors succeeded to separate these micro-organisms, but without the rods of B. larvae the colonies of these formations are feeble.  相似文献   

由于鸡传染性支气管炎病毒极易发生点突变、基因缺失、插入及重组,导致病毒不断产生变异,新的血清型和基因型不断出现,使得实际生产中免疫接种失败的现象不断发生。而鸡感染传染性支气管炎病毒的免疫机制一直是国内外研究的热点之一,它的免疫反应包括非特异性免疫和体液免疫、细胞免疫及黏膜免疫,这些免疫反应相互作用、互相补充,各自发挥着重要作用。文章从机体针对该病毒感染的免疫基础、分子基础和其激发的多种免疫反应等角度阐述了该病毒感染机体的免疫机制。  相似文献   

无土草坪生产技术试验研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
试验以紫羊茅Festuca rubra,草地早熟禾Poa pratensis,匍匐剪股颖Agrostis stolonifera为试验草种,以有机营养基质、无机营养基质 有机营养基质为草坪培养基质,研究无土草坪的实用生产技术,通过与有土草坪的分析比较,结果表明:无土草坪具有成坪时间短,质量轻,可任意剪成任何形状,起运方便,用途广等特点,是一项值得推广的利国利民的生产技术.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare growth traits in four maternal lines of rabbits (A, V, H and LP), with the aim of understanding the consequence of the different foundation and selection processes on the growth performance of the lines. The lines are currently in the 43th, 38th, 22th and 8th generations, respectively. Two comparisons were performed. One compared the values of the lines at their foundation, using the complete data set, the full pedigree and a two‐trait analysis, including data on the selection criteria, litter size. The other comparisons were done during the last period when all the lines were housed together with the same feeding and management. The numbers of records were 323 208 for weaning weight, and 300 553 for slaughter weight and average daily Gain (from 46 708 l). The pedigree file included 346 638 animals. The second analysis used only the data corresponding to each period, and the analysis was conducted using a one‐trait model. The model was the same as that defined for the comparisons at the foundation, but the additive effects were excluded. The H and LP lines showed highest values for all the traits compared. In the last periods, a good agreement was observed between the estimated differences, computed with the complete model and data set, or computed with an incomplete model and only data from the comparison period. At last periods, the differences were smaller than at foundation. The importance of the correlated response in growth after selection for litter size at weaning or the importance of a non‐programmed intramating selection for the growth traits can explain the changes since foundation.  相似文献   

建立一个可以识别牛瘟病毒亚洲株的PCR方法。根据已发表的牛瘟病毒 7个毒株的F基因序列 ,设计合成了一对扩增跨幅为 43 6bp的引物 ,这对引物对日本之中村 系兔化牛瘟病毒感染的 Vero细胞毒和日本之中村 IV系兔化牛瘟病毒感染的兔血毒、组织毒进行 RT-PCR扩增 ,结果该方法对该牛瘟病毒 RNA的扩增取得了与预期大小一致的 RT-PCR产物 ,而对照样品的扩增全为阴性 ,说明具有很好的特异性 ;该方法最低可检测到 0 .1 6ng的牛瘟病毒RNA,具有很好的敏感性  相似文献   

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