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The growth of university-industry research relationships in biotechnology has raised questions concerning their effects, both positive and negative, on universities. A survey of over 1200 faculty members at 40 major universities in the United States reveals that biotechnology researchers with industrial support publish at higher rates, patent more frequently, participate in more administrative and professional activities and earn more than colleagues without such support. At the same time, faculty with industry funds are much more likely than other biotechnology faculty to report that their research has resulted in trade secrets and that commercial considerations have influenced their choice of research projects. Although the data do not establish a causal connection between industrial support and these faculty behaviors, our findings strongly suggest that university-industry research relationships have both benefits and risks for academic institutions. The challenge for universities is to find ways to manage these relationships that will preserve the benefits while minimizing the risks.  相似文献   

Culliton BJ 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1982,216(4542):155-156, 158
Executives of five major universities and several biotechnology firms which sponsor university research issued a statement of principles at the conclusion of a conference called to consider the ramifications of university-industry collaboration. The conferees agreed that such collaboration must not promote secrecy that will retard scientific progress, interfere with the choice of faculty and student research projects, divert faculty and university resources from their primary obligations to teaching and research, or impair the university's credibility. They considered alternative approaches to contract disclosure, control of patents, and conflict of interest problems, but left resolution of the issues to individual universities.  相似文献   

Partnerships between U.S. universities and industries have existed for several decades and in recent years have become generally more varied, wider in scope, more aggressive and experimental and higher in public visibility. In addition, in the last few decades, public and private interests have advocated for government policies and laws to globally promote the commercialization of university science. This paper examines the persistence or convergence of the two cultures of science and the implications of this commercialization for university-industry relationships in agriculture biotechnology. The perceptions and values of over 200 U.S. university and industry scientists, managers and administrators who participate in or oversee research collaborations in agricultural biotechnology were analyzed. The findings revealed that the participants in these research relationships continue to perceive very distinct cultures of science and identify a wide range of concerns and disadvantages of these partnerships. Several actions were discussed to ensure that the two cultures serve complementary roles and that they maximize the public benefits from these increasing collaborations.  相似文献   

转基因农业生物技术安全隐忧及其监管研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着转基因农业生物技术的迅猛发展,由其带来的潜在风险也日益被世人所关注。文章指出转基因农业生物技术在转基因农产品的食用安全性、转基因农作物的环境安全性、目的基因的遗传与表达稳定性等方面存在潜在风险,并在总结转基因农业生物技术安全监管的国际经验的基础上,提出我国应在防止不同农作物之间的基因漂移、完善转基因农产品的标识制度、加大转基因技术的研究力度等方面加强转基因农业生物技术的安全监管。  相似文献   

M D Dibner 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1985,229(4719):1230-1235
The products of biotechnology are being developed for new diagnostics and therapeutics, and it is predicted that they will have great impact on the pharmaceutical industry. In the United States, pharmaceutical companies are incorporating biotechnology into their research and development programs, often with the contractual assistance of small biotechnology firms. Their strongest competition is arising in Japan, where there are now concerted government and industry efforts to expand biotechnology capabilities and to optimize commercialization. Strategies used by the United States and Japan to incorporate biotechnology into their pharmaceutical industries are examined and compared.  相似文献   

实验室是高校或科研机构教学、科研工作的重要场所,实验室废弃物的安全处理是实验室管理工作的重点之一。废弃物的直接排放,对人身安全和环境污染造成潜在的威胁。生物技术实验室废弃物复杂多样,为了加强生物技术实验室废弃物的管理,通过借鉴学习国外3所大学实验室废弃物的处理手册,提出了生物技术实验室废弃物的类型及处理原则和常规方法,旨在为生物技术实验室废弃物安全管理提供参考。  相似文献   

The federal government's draft plan to regulate the biotechnology industry has elicited dozens of letters from researchers, industry, environmental groups, and others in response to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) proposed role. Many commentators took issue with the EPA's intention to subject the products of genetic engineering to more rigorous scrutiny than conventionally manufactured products, a policy that the agency defends on the premise that genetically manipulated substances may pose more risks. Several respondents also claimed that products produced by genetic techniques not involving recombinant DNA are not "new," and therefore not subject to EPA's authority. Questions were asked as well about the need for the Biotechnology Science Board that the government plans to establish to oversee review committees in federal agencies involved with biotechnology research.  相似文献   

This paper discusses strategic decision making in firms pursuing biotechnology innovation and the influence of risk regulation on firm strategy. Data from three research projects, involving interviews with over 60 managers from agricultural and food related biotechnology companies and also over 60 key participants in the regulatory process in the UK and EC, shows a diversity of strategy and opinion. While some industry representatives identified new risk regulations governing the release of genetically manipulated organisms (GMOs) as the primary constraint on biotechnology innovation, the findings of the study painted a more complex picture. The controversies surrounding the issue of risk regulation and its impact on innovation are best understood if viewed in the context of other political and economic factors. We conclude that the actual impact of risk regulation on industry strategies is probably less than the rhetoric of industry lobbyists would suggest. At the same time, the very act of lobbying so forcefully could lead to a public backlash against industry that would be much more damaging than the regulation itself.  相似文献   

The process values of university research are important in the context of several significant social and economic trends in American life. These values are being taken into account in the design and administration of federal programs. Federal programs to support these values should be distinguished from programs to support the product values of research. Failure to distinguish between these two types of programs will lead to a further dilution of quality in programs designed to advance science as a legitimate end in itself. The scientific community can best protect its own interests by helping federal agencies and universities and colleges develop a funding system to support the process values of university research on a cooperative, regional basis.  相似文献   

Yale University intends to issue a statement of policy governing the nature and extent of university and faculty involvement in the commercial application of scientific research. This policy will be based on the university's principles of openness and free dissemination of ideas, and will recognize the need of profit-oriented companies to treat knowledge as private property. The university will continue to allow relationships between faculty members and commercial companies, even in arrangements involving university-based results, but a faculty member who goes beyond any reasonable definition of "consulting" may be asked to take an unpaid leave of absence or to sever his or her ties with the university. While a university should not ignore the potential availability of funds from commercial sponsors, neither should it be driven to arrangements that are not compatible with the norms and mission of the university.  相似文献   

木薯是世界上重要粮食作物和经济作物,其遗传改良日益受重视。现代生物技术在培育优良木薯品种方面具有时间短、效率高等优势。本文介绍了近年来诱变育种、分子标记辅助选择育种、转基因工程等现代生物技术在木薯育种中的研究与利用概况,为利用现代生物技术加快获得具有产量高、抗逆性强、品质高等优良特性的木薯新品种提供参考。  相似文献   

J L Fox 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1984,224(4649):584-586
Staff morale and billions in potential profits are riding on the outcomes of current patent disputes within the biotechnology industry. Fox reports on the participants and products involved in six actions, some over substances that are still being tested. Companies often use these legal contests to gain an edge on the competition; some firms without the resources to wage long court cases will go under or be bought out, while others will be forced to disclose research secrets to defend themselves against charges of patent infringement. Given the nature of the genetic engineering industry, patent battles are expected for years to come.  相似文献   

American university presses, despite a narrow view of their duties and serious undercapitalization, have survived and have grown significantly in performance and in number. Their future development rests heavily on their capacity for making changes in policy and for implementing these changes. Therefore, let us hope, (i) that university presses will serve all fields of scholarly inquiry, including science and technology, responsively and equitably, (ii) that university presses will recognize their responsibilities for encouraging pedagogical, as well as scholarly, experimentation; (iii) that university presses, with the support of their universities, will establish a firm policy of increasing their capitalization through earned surplus; and (iv) that university presses will maintain their strong affiliation with other educational publishers but will base their associational relationships on a clearly defined view of their own mission and then proudly defend their progress toward its achievement.  相似文献   

设计了辅导员教师效能感调查问卷,通过调查发现学缘关系、工作年限等七项人口社会学变量对辅导员教师效能感产生影响,并依据这七项因素,提出了提升辅导员教师效能感的策略。  相似文献   

高校申请国家自然科学基金项目落选原因分析及对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家自然科学基项目参与度是衡量高等学校科技实力和学科水平的重要标准,受到了高校和科研院所的高度重视,本文作者根据在塔里木大学和华中农业大学对国家自然科学基金申报与学习过程中的经验,对依托单位提高国家自然科学科学基金项目的申请数量和质量进行了理性思考,从落选原因、科研人员、科研管理人员及申报书等几个方面提供了一些思路和借鉴,以供同行探讨。  相似文献   

中国企业的政治关联,特别是企业与政治人物的关系长久以来都对企业的财务情况、企业业绩和股票价格有着深刻的影响。采用案例分析方法,对金螳螂、惠生工程和佳兆业三个具有政治关联的上市企业,在相关政治人物在任和“落马”前后的业绩和市值表现进行分析发现:上市企业与政治人物,特别是地方官员的紧密关系,能够帮助企业通过关联官员取得政策、信贷、信息资源,提升企业竞争能力和企业业绩,在企业初创和发展阶段能够为企业发展带来重大机遇,提升企业的市场价值。但这种政治关联,也会使企业面临成为政府官员权力寻租工具的风险,最终由于政治人物政治前途的不确定性造成风险,即使在企业业绩并未出现大幅下降的情况下,受到市场恐慌情绪影响,企业市场价值面临巨大下跌风险,并影响到企业的长远发展。  相似文献   

核酸序列直接分析在真菌鉴定方面的应用   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
综述核酸序列直接分析在真菌分类鉴定方面的基础理论及特点,介绍核酸序列直接分析在真菌鉴定方面的应用及常用的引物,比较真菌分类鉴定中常用的18SrDNA,ITS分子生物学方法。  相似文献   

Public controversy over animalbiotechnology is analyzed as a case that illustratestwo broad theoretical approaches for linking science,political or ethical theory, and public policy. Moralpurification proceeds by isolating the social,environmental, animal, and human health impacts ofbiotechnology from each other in terms of discretecategories of moral significance. Each of thesecategories can also be isolated from the sense inwhich biotechnology raises religious or metaphysicalissues. Moral purification yields a comprehensive andsystematic account of normative issues raised bycontroversial science. Hybridization proceeds bytaking concern for all these elements to be a mark ofsound moral character. The advocate of hybridizationinfers that those who employ a strategy ofpurification seek to avoid accountability by dividingissues, and hence are not to be trusted. Lack of trustincreases perceived risk and challenges the legitimacyof government regulations to control social,environmental, and human health risks that areestablished under separate mandate, and administeredby separate agencies.The close alignment between government agencies, theiracademic affines, and the categories of purificationplaces the purified analysis in a favored politicalposition. Legitimation of science-based policy inareas like animal biotechnology becomes problematicbecause the concern of those who would take a hybridapproach (arguably the majority of lay persons) tounderstanding controversial science are excluded.Ironically, this exclusion heightens the perception ofrisk from animal biotechnology. The paper concludeswith a call for procedural approaches to incorporatingthe hybrid view of science‘s moral significance.  相似文献   

为提高国内茄子遗传研究与育种水平,对生物技术在茄子组织培养、原生质体培养、体细胞杂交及基因转化等方面的应用进行了综述,并对生物技术在茄子育种过程中的应用进行了展望。生物技术为茄子育种提供了新途径,值得农业科研工作者参考。  相似文献   

In our view, synthetic biology is an extension of the continuum of genetic science that has been used safely for more than 40 years by the biotechnology industry in the development of commercial products. Examples of synthetic biology use by biotechnology companies illustrate the potential to substantially reduce research and development time and to increase speed to market. Improvements in the speed and cost of DNA synthesis are enabling scientists to design modified bacterial chromosomes that can be used in the production of renewable chemicals, biofuels, bioproducts, renewable specialty chemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates, fine chemicals, food ingredients, and health care products. Regulatory options should support innovation and commercial development of new products while protecting the public from potential harms.  相似文献   

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