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大蒜素—水产动物理想的饲料添加剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大蒜素是大蒜的提取液或合成物,对水产动物有明显的诱食促生长作用,增强水产动物的免疫功能。在各种水产动物饲料中添加大蒜素,可提高水产动物的摄食量、饲料转化率和成活率,并能改善水产动物产品品质,是一种极有应用价值的绿色饲料添加剂。介绍了大蒜素在水产动物营养中的作用以及在渔业生产中的应用效果,并给出了适宜的使用剂量。  相似文献   

虾青素是一种具有多种生理功能的类胡萝卜素,在水产动物养殖中有重要作用.本文描述了虾青素的理化性质和来源,对虾青素在水产动物养殖中着色作用、抗氧化性、抗应激和提高水产动物生长和繁殖性能等方面进行综述.  相似文献   

上期回顾:上一期本刊编辑首先提出向畜牧生产推荐此文的目的,随后简要介绍了核苷酸在动物和水产动物营养上的总体研究概况,并提出了有必要对其在水产动物营养上所起作用进行总结和评估的重要性,最后比较详细地介绍了核苷酸的生物化学特征、水产动物对核苷酸及相关代谢产物的消化和吸收和核苷酸对水产动物化学诱食的作用。  相似文献   

本文介绍了光合细菌的生物学特性,总结了光合细菌对养殖水体的净化作用、对水产养殖动物的营养作用以及对水产动物疾病的预防和治疗作用。以期为光合细菌在水产养殖应用中的进一步研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

缬氨酸为支链氨基酸,是水产动物的必需氨基酸之一,对水产动物的营养生理作用至关重要.本文综述了水产动物缬氨酸的需要量、缬氨酸与其他支链氨基酸的相互作用以及缬氨酸对蛋白质代谢、免疫性能、抗氧化功能、肠道健康的影响,并进行了水产动物对缬氨酸需要量的剂量响应分析,以期为缬氨酸在水产动物营养需求、功能机理与健康养殖方面的深入研究...  相似文献   

该文介绍了水产饲料油脂和乳化剂应用现状,分析了影响水产动物对油脂消化吸收的因素,阐明了乳化剂对水产动物的作用机理,展望了水产乳化剂未来的发展趋势和在水产饲料中的应用前景。  相似文献   

盐度对水产动物组织中酶活力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了盐度对水产动物消化系统、血液、鳃和肌肉中酶活力的影响。酶具有消化食物、抗氧化、增强免疫力等作用,水产动物组织中酶活力是反映其生理状况的重要指标之一。水体盐度的变化和作用时间的延长引起水产动物组织中酶活力的变化规律,对研究水产动物在不同水体盐度下的适应状况意义重大。  相似文献   

VC对水产动物的免疫增强作用研究与应用展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
VC(L-抗坏血酸)是一种具有广泛生理和免疫作用的免疫调节因子,它作为免疫增强剂应用于水产动物时,可以增强水产动物对多种传染性病原的非特异性免疫反应,提高其机体抗病力,缓解水产动物的应激症状,并提高水产动物的存活率。本文主要从VC对水产动物的体液免疫和细胞免疫两个方面阐述VC对水产动物的免疫增强作用,还就水产动物VC最适免疫剂量的影响因素作了浅议。  相似文献   

虾青素是一种具有多种生理功能的类胡萝卜素,在水产动物养殖中具有重要作用.本文就虾青素的理化性质和来源,对虾青素在水产动物养殖中的着色作用、抗氧化、抗应激和提高水产动物生长、繁殖和发育性能等方面进行了综述.  相似文献   

本文论述了水产动物诱食剂的种类及其在改善饲料的适口性,增进水产动物的食欲,提高饲料的消化吸收率,降低饲料系数,促进水产动物生长,减轻水质的污染等方面的作用和应用效果。  相似文献   

本试验旨在测定我国四川、山东、河北省(包括京津冀地区)蛋鸡养殖场产蛋高峰期配合饲料中镉(Cd)、铬(Cr)、铅(Pb)含量,评估蛋鸡养殖大省3种重金属污染程度。采集四川、山东、河北省67个养殖场268份蛋鸡配合饲料,采用高分辨率连续光源火焰原子吸收光谱法(HRCS FAAS)测定其Cd、Cr、Pb含量。结果表明:1)四川省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb含量最大检出值所在城市分别为成都、乐山、乐山,最大检出值分别为0.48、15.94、14.12 mg/kg;Cr、Pb含量最高超标率所在城市分别为乐山、崇州,超标率分别为30%、50%。2)山东省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb含量最大检出值所在城市分别为青岛和日照、菏泽、日照,最大检出值分别为0.45、5.88、4.11 mg/kg。3)河北省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb含量最大检出值所在城市分别为张家口、张家口、保定,最大检出值分别为0.45、15.38、8.38 mg/kg;Cr、Pb含量最高超标率所在城市分别为张家口和保定,超标率均为20%。4)3省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb平均含量分别为,四川:0.24、5.01、3.67 mg/kg;山东:0.26、4.19、2.61 mg/kg;河北:0.25、5.66、3.25 mg/kg。参照我国《饲料卫生标准》,3省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd含量及山东省Cd、Cr、Pb含量均未超标;四川、河北省Cr、Pb含量超标率分别为9.38%、17.19%和6.73%、14.42%。5)河北省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cr、Pb平均含量显著高于山东省(P0.05);大规模养殖场配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb平均含量显著低于小规模养殖场(P0.05)。综上所述,山东省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb含量均未超标。四川、河北省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd含量未超标,但有超标风险,Cr、Pb含量均有不同程度超标,Pb含量超标最为严重,应引起重视。  相似文献   

盐胁迫对菊芋糖组分含量和分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以菊芋品种南芋一号(NY-1)为试材,在温室进行全生育期土培盆栽试验,研究了盐胁迫对糖分积累与分配的影响。通过HPLC-ELSD(高效液相色谱-蒸发光检测仪)检测发现,盐胁迫对NY-1块茎、茎和叶中各种糖的含量有不同影响。对于单糖和二糖来说,与对照相比,盐处理140 DAP (days after planting)时茎中的果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖含量分别降低了72.67%,78.31%和39.40%;块茎中果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖含量分别降低了67.08%,60.91%和30.07%;叶中果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖含量与对照相比无显著性变化。盐处理220 DAP时,块茎中这些糖的含量无明显降低,茎中的葡萄糖含量与对照相比降低了139.22%;而叶中这些糖已检测不出。低聚合度果聚糖主要集中分布在菊芋块茎和茎中。与对照相比,盐处理140 DAP 时茎与块茎中蔗果三糖、蔗果四糖和蔗果五糖的含量没有显著差异,叶中这些糖分布很少,与对照相比变化很小。盐处理220 DAP,块茎中这些糖含量与对照相比无显著性差异,而茎与对照相比,蔗果三糖、蔗果四糖和蔗果五糖含量几乎为0,表明随块茎的形成,茎和叶中的果聚糖逐步向块茎转运,盐胁迫产生渗透机制,增加了果聚糖在块茎中的积累。以上结果表明盐胁迫影响了糖分的积累转运,微调了植物体内的果聚糖组成,但极其严重地减少了果聚糖在地上部分(尤其是茎)的积累。  相似文献   

为更有效地防治内蒙古自治区四子王旗地区家畜微量元素代谢病,合理使用微量元素添加剂,采用实地采样和实验室分析相结合的方法,对该地区短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)荒漠草地土壤-牧草-家畜生态系统中微量元素的水平进行检测。结果显示,土壤中铜和硒处于缺乏状态。牧草中铁和锰元素处于过量状态,硒为缺乏状态。与健康绵羊的各项指标相比较,血浆中铁和锰分别于夏秋季节和全年高于正常水平,硒和铜元素分别于秋季和冬季低于正常水平;肝脏中铁和锰全年高于正常水平,铜冬季低于临界值,硒元素秋冬季节低于正常水平;被毛中铁全年高于正常水平,而铜和硒全年低于正常水平。结合放牧绵羊对各种矿物质的进食量和消化率进行综合分析表明,该地区为高铁、高锰、低硒的生态环境,同时铜和锌处于季节性缺乏状态。  相似文献   

北京黑白花乳牛蹄底角质中25种元素含量的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本实验采用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱仪,在1987年春、秋两季对北京某牛场的黑白花成年乳牛蹄底角质中25种元素(K、Na、S、Ca、P、Mg、Mn、Mo、Cu、Zn、Fe、I、Se、Co、Cd、Cr、Ni、B、Al、Si、Ti、Ba、Ph、As、Hg)进行了测定,并对春、秋季正形蹄与变形蹄、正形蹄与病变蹄,以及春秋正形蹄、变形蹄之间做了对比,还测定了饲料地的土壤、水和饲料中25种元素的含量,与国内外有关资料的结果进行了对比,初步探讨了某牛场成乳牛中正形蹄蹄底角质中25种元素的含量,指出春秋两季正形蹄蹄底角质中25种元素的含量是有差异的,春季正形蹄与变形蹄相比各元素差异均不显著;秋季变形蹄含Mg量显著高于正形蹄,含Ca、Al、Cd和Ti量显著低于正形蹄;春季病变蹄含K、Fe、Mn、Cu、Mg、Al、Ti、Se、I、Pb、Hg量显著高于正形蹄。本文首次提出北京黑白花乳牛正形蹄蹄底角质中Ca、P比值,春季是5.822/1,秋季是6.253/1。此牛场乳牛饮水中Hg含量过高是环境污染的结果。本文为今后进一步研究北京黑白花乳牛蹄角质与元素的关系提供了临床参考的依据。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To document peak vertical force (PVF) and vertical impulse (VI) in the pads of Greyhounds and Labrador Retrievers. ANIMALS: 8 Greyhounds and 8 Labrador Retrievers. PROCEDURE: Velocity and acceleration were restricted to ranges of 0.9 to 1.1 m/s and -0.1 to 0.1 m/s2, respectively. The PVF and VI measurements were collected from digital pad (DP)-2, -3, -4, and -5 and the metacarpal pad (McP) or metatarsal pad (MtP) of each limb in each dog. RESULTS: We found no significant differences between the left and right forelimbs or hind limbs for any pad in either breed. Vertical forces in the forelimb were always greater than those in the hind limb. The PVF in the forelimbs of Greyhounds was greatest in DP-3, -4, and -5 and DP-3, DP-4, and the MtP in the hind limbs. The VI in Greyhound forelimbs was greatest in DP-3, -4, and -5 but greatest in DP-4 in the hind limbs. The PVF in the forelimbs of Labrador Retrievers was greatest in the McP, whereas in the hind limbs it was greatest in DP-4. The VI in Labrador Retriever forelimbs was greatest in DP-3, DP-4, and the McP but greatest in DP-3 and -4 in the hind limbs. Significant differences were detected in load distribution between the breeds. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This study confirms that DP-3 and DP-4 are major weight-bearing pads in dogs. However, loads were fairly evenly distributed, and DP-5 and the McP or MtP bear a substantial amount of load in both breeds.  相似文献   

为了探讨生长分化因子11(Growth differentiation factor11,GDF11,又名BMP11)在胸腰椎数变异中的作用,本试验克隆了该基因包含外显子2在内的部分编码区,并进一步采用RT-PCR技术对其在猪胚胎和初生仔猪中的表达进行了分析。结果表明,在35d的猪胚胎中,后肢、牙龈、脑、肝脏、肾脏、胸椎、腰椎各组织均有明显的表达,而在前肢、眼、心脏、肺脏中的表达较弱,在颈椎和荐尾椎中没有观察到GDF11的表达。在45d猪胚胎的后肢、脑、眼、胸椎组织中GDF11的表达较强,而在前肢、牙龈、肺脏、肾脏、腰椎和荐尾椎的表达相对较弱,在肝脏中的表达极其微弱。在心脏和颈椎中没有检测到GDF11的表达。在55d的猪胚胎中,前肢、后肢、脑、眼、肝脏、颈椎、胸椎、腰椎组织中有明显的表达,肺脏和肾脏组织中的表达较强,牙龈和荐尾椎中的表达较弱,而在心脏中没有检测到GDF11的表达。3d仔猪的后肢、牙龈、脑、肾脏和腰椎组织中GDF11有明显的表达,脾脏组织的表达量较高,前肢、肝脏、心脏、背腰最长肌和肺脏中的表达相对较弱,在眼、颈椎和荐尾椎中的表达极弱,在胸椎中没有检测到表达。在所检测的不同时期的所有组织中,脑和肾脏组织表达明显地高于其他组织。  相似文献   

Twenty-four dogs with a parasitologically and serologically established diagnosis of leishmaniasis were studied to investigate the atrophy of the masticatory muscles which commonly occurs in this disease, and to compare the lesions in the masticatory muscles with those in the cranial tibial muscles. The 24 animals were divided into three groups of eight, group A dogs with no muscular atrophy, group B dogs with different degrees of atrophy in the masticatory and skeletal muscles, and group C dogs with similar degrees of atrophy in the masticatory and skeletal muscles. Increased activities of creatine phosphokinase and lactate dehydrogenase were recorded in only some of the dogs in groups B and C, but there were no significant differences between the mean activities in the three groups. Electromyographic changes indicating myopathy and involving both the temporalis and cranial tibial muscles, were observed in two of the dogs in group A, seven of those in group B, and in all the dogs in group C. Muscle histopathology revealed a variable degree of muscle fibre necrosis and atrophy, mononuclear infiltrates and neutrophilic vasculitis in all the dogs except two in group A. Leishmanial amastigotes were found within macrophages and myofibres in 16 of the dogs, some in each group. IgG immune complexes were detected in muscle samples, and circulating antibodies against myofibres were detected in serum samples from all the 24 dogs.  相似文献   

An anabolic steroid, nandrolone decanoate, was shown to produce increases in the weight, cross-sectional area, tension-generating capacity and mean fibre diameter of a limb muscle, tibialis anterior (TA), in female rabbits. Despite suggestions in the literature of an exerciserelated effect of such drugs, hypertrophy was not observed in TA muscles subjected to chronic electrical stimulation, but was seen in the contralateral control muscles and in the muscles of both hind limbs in unoperated sedentary animals. The effect was confirmed in the TA of female guinea pigs, rats and mice, and could not be explained in terms of an increase in body weight. Compared to TA some other muscles, like EDL, plantaris and soleus in the rabbit, were less sensitive to treatment; others, like pubocaudalis in the rat and mouse, and temporalis in the guinea pig, were more responsive. The myotrophic effects were undiminished in adrenalectomised female rats, and could not therefore have been mediated by interference with the catabolic actions of circulating glucocorticoids, as had been proposed in an earlier hypothesis.  相似文献   

The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are the members of superfamily of nuclear hormone receptors. A great number of studies in rodent and human have shown that PPARs were involved in the lipids metabolism. The goal of the current study was to investigate the expression pattern of PPAR genes in various tissues of chicken. The tissue samples (heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, stomach, intestine, brain, breast muscle and adipose) were collected from six Arber Acres broilers (8 weeks old, male and female birds are half and half). Semi-quantitative RT-PCR and Northern blot were used to characterize the expression of PPAR-alpha and PPAR-gamma genes in the above tissues. By semi-quantitative RT-PCR, the results showed the expression level of PPAR-alpha gene was higher in brain, lung, kidney, heart and intestine, medium in stomach, liver and adipose than in spleen, and it did not express in breast muscle. The expression level of PPAR-gamma gene was higher in adipose, medium in brain and kidney than in spleen, heart, lung, stomach and intestine, but it did not express in liver and breast muscle. Northern blot results showed that PPAR-alpha gene expressed in heart, liver, kidney and stomach, and the intensity of hybridization signal was the stronger in liver and kidney than in other tissues, however, PPAR-gamma gene only expressed in adipose and kidney tissues. The results of this study showed the profile of PPAR gene expression in the chicken was similar to that in rodent, human and pig. However the expression profile of chicken also have its own specific trait, i.e. compared with mammals, PPAR-alpha gene can not be detected in skeletal muscle and PPAR-gamma gene can be stronger expressed in kidney tissues. This work will provide some basic data for the PPAR genes expression and lipids metabolism of birds.  相似文献   

Epidemiology, pathology, and immunohistochemistry were investigated in layer hens affected with H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza, which occurred for the first time in 79 years in Japan. The farm, which had a total of 34,640 chickens, experienced up to 43.3% mortality before the chickens were depopulated. Clinically, the affected chickens exhibited mortality without apparent clinical signs. Histologically, hepatocytic necrosis; necrosis of ellipsoids and follicles with fibrin in the spleen; necrosis with glial nodules in the brain stem, cerebrum, and cerebellum; necrosis of acinar cells in the pancreas; and necrosis of lymphoid tissues in intestinal lamina propria were seen. Occasionally, mild bronchiolitis, degeneration of smooth muscle fibers in the cecum, and mild tubulonephrosis were noted. Immunohistochemically, influenza virus antigens were detected often in the liver and spleen, heart, intestine, gizzard, proventriculus, and oviduct. In addition, antigens were seen also in the brain, kidney, pancreas, and ovary, but seldom in the lung and trachea. Virus antigen was mainly detected in the capillary endothelium and parenchymal cells. This suggests that virus excretion from the respiratory tract was not as prevalent as that from the digestive tract in the present cases.  相似文献   

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