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为探究枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)培育生物絮团对浮游生物的影响,以枯草芽孢杆菌作为试验菌种,以养殖池塘水为试验用水,在有机玻璃水族箱(100 cm×60 cm×50 cm)中进行为期40 d的生物絮团培育试验。试验以添加葡萄糖为处理组I,同时添加枯草芽孢杆菌和葡萄糖为处理II组,仅添加枯草芽孢杆菌为处理III组,对照组不添加任何物质。试验过程中每5 d对各组水体取样,对形成的絮团物质进行显微观察,同时对各组水体中浮游生物进行定性和定量分析。结果表明,本试验条件下,处理I组和处理II组在第15天左右形成成熟生物絮团,生物絮团形成前期(试验开始至第15天),生物絮团组(处理I组和处理II组)水体中浮游植物丰度显著高于处理III组和对照组,而絮团形成后期(第15~40天),生物絮团组水体中蓝藻门的微囊藻属(Microcystis)、鞘丝藻属(Lyngbya)和绿藻门的扁藻属(Platymonas)、盘藻属(Gonium)和团藻属(Volvax)的丰度显著低于处理III组和对照组,表明生物絮团的形成前期对浮游植物有明显促作用,生物絮团形成后期对蓝藻门中的微囊藻属、鞘丝藻属和绿藻门的扁藻属、盘藻属和团藻属有明显抑制效果;生物絮团形成后期,生物絮团组水体中轮虫、枝角类和桡足类浮游动物丰度显著高于处理对照III组和对照组,表明生物絮团对轮虫、枝角类和桡足类有明显促进作用。  相似文献   

Water quality variables and plankton were monitored and compared between ponds that were stocked or not stocked with golden shiners in order to determine what changes occur in the plankton community and water quality of ponds managed for intensive production. Ponds with shiners had significantly lower phosphate and carbon dioxide concentrations and lower carbonate alkalinity than ponds without shiners. No significant difference in nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, temperature, secchi disk readings, or turbidity levels was found between the treatments. The standing crop of phytoplankton was nearly twice as great in ponds with fish. Ponds with fish had significantly fewer copepods but more rotifers than fishless ponds. Although the fish were offered a commercial feed with 29.5% protein and 1.5% crude fat at 3% of their biomass daily, they apparently continued to feed on crustacean zooplankton.  相似文献   

Two experiments in 4 m diameter, plastic lined pools were conducted nt two densities, 20 shrimp/ m2 and 47 shrimp/m2, to determine the effects of water exchange rate on the production of the penaeid shrimp Metapenaeus macleayi (Haswell) and on water quality variables. Water exchange rates ranged from 0–40%/d for the 9 wk low density experiment and 0–20%/d for the 8 wk high density experiment. With the exception of mass mortality after prawns escaped from one pool (0% water exchange) on the last day of the high density experiment, shrimp performance indices (survival, weight gain, biomass gain and food conversion ratio) were not significantly affected by water exchange rate. During both experiments water exchange significantly reduced the concentrations of phosphorus and plant pigments (chlorophyll a, b and c and pheophytin) but had no significant effect on pH or the concentration of ammonia or nitrite plus nitrate. Data from this study suggest that while production ponds should not be managed for extended periods without water exchange, simply increasing daily water exchange rates may not necessarily increase shrimp growth or survival. Water exchange can reduce nutrient concentrations and phytoplankton densities but most of the reduction occurs at water exchange rates of between 0–5%/d.  相似文献   

围圈内外水质变化不大;浮游植物分别为48种和40种;浮游动物分别为20种和19种;浮游植物平均密度分别为7.14×105个/L和9.84×105个/L,生物量分别为1.07 mg/L和2.05 mg/L;浮游动物平均密度分别为393个/L和686个/L,生物量分别为0.79 mg/L和1.15 mg/L.结果表明,围圈养鱼对水质和浮游生物种类影响不大,但对浮游生物的数量有影响.  相似文献   

在湖北省公安县崇湖渔场3口面积均为0.268hm2的主养草鱼池塘中,施用剂量0.0375mL/m3的阿维菌素后,于第2、3、4、5、6d采样,测定池塘水质及浮游生物群落结构的短期变化。研究结果表明,阿维菌素可使池塘水体硝态氮水平显著下降,亚硝态氮、铵态氮和总氮水平显著上升;而对总磷、可溶性磷酸盐和pH值的影响不显著。施用阿维菌素前共镜检出浮游植物6门80种,浮游动物32属41种;用药后共检出浮游植物7门94种,浮游动物38属48种。其中,原生动物消失10种、新增9种,轮虫消失5种、新增10种,桡足类新出现3种成体。绿藻消失9种、新增10种,硅藻消失1种、新增8种,裸藻消失2种、新增7种,甲藻和金藻各新增1种。施用阿维菌素后,浮游动植物优势种显著变化,小型浮游植物种类增多。阿维菌素导致原生动物和枝角类的密度和生物量显著下降,桡足类数量显著上升,而对轮虫密度和生物量影响不大;同时裸藻、蓝藻、甲藻等部分浮游植物密度和生物量剧烈波动;使用阿维菌素的池塘易发生裸藻水华,应慎用阿维菌素。  相似文献   

利用EM复合菌调控草鱼高产池塘水质试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡庆杰 《现代渔业信息》2010,25(6):22-23,26
本文介绍采用EM符合菌来调控草鱼高产池塘水质。通过试验,改善了草鱼池塘养殖的各项水质指标,提高了草鱼养殖产量,增加了养殖效益。  相似文献   

Threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense, or fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, were co‐cultured with channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, in earthen ponds to determine the effects of planktivory on plankton community dynamics and catfish fillet quality. Fathead minnows had no effect on the plankton community structure or catfish fillet flavor, color, and fatty acid composition. Fillet color was also unaffected by the presence of threadfin shad. Small differences were found in fillet fatty acid composition for catfish from ponds with shad, but these differences probably have no biological significance. Threadfin shad did, however, have important impacts on the plankton community structure and catfish flavor. Size‐selective filter‐feeding by shad reduced cyanobacterial abundance relative to ponds with catfish‐only and fathead minnows. Relative abundance of smaller phytoplankton in the groups Chlorophyta, Cryptophyta, Bacillariophyceae, and Euglenophyta increased in ponds with shad. Relative abundance of small zooplankton (rotifers) also increased in shad ponds. Reduced abundance of large, colonial cyanobacteria that are known to produce odorous metabolites caused a corresponding reduction in off‐flavor prevalence and intensity in catfish from ponds with threadfin shad when sampled in September. Although threadfin shad dramatically reduced catfish off‐flavor prevalence during the warm season, they apparently caused a high prevalence of “fishy” off‐flavors in the February sample. This undesirable flavor appeared to be caused by catfish foraging on shad killed during a preceding period of exceptionally cold water temperatures. Use of threadfin shad for phytoplankton biomanipulation therefore presents a dilemma: catfish–shad polyculture reduces prevalence of cyanobacteria‐related off‐flavors in warm months but may cause undesirable forage‐related off‐flavors in the colder months. Catfish farmers must consider these benefits and risks when deciding to use threadfin shad as a management tool.  相似文献   

After preliminary six week experiments showed that shrimp pond effluent from an intensive culture growout pond had the capacity to nearly double shrimp growth in laboratory tanks, an 18 day experiment was designed to determine if similar results occurred in the presence of high quality feeds. The results presented here corroborate the hypothesis that autochthonous factors in shrimp pond water stimulate shrimp growth. These results revealed that performance of currently available shrimp feeds is greatly improved in the presence of pond effluent, regardless of feed quality. Increased feed performance did not appear to be an artifact of supplemental feed availability in pond effluent. The implications from these experiments are that, even in intensive culture systems (above 40 shrimp per m2), in-situ sources of nutrition play an important role in shrimp growth.  相似文献   

Three channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) ponds were treated at two-week intervals with sodium nitrate at 2 mg NO3 ?-N/L per application and three ponds served as controls. Average concentration of nitrite-nitrogen measured midway between application dates never exceeded 1.2 mg/L in treated ponds, but on most sampling dates, nitrate concentrations were greater than those in control ponds (P < 0.1). Disappearance of nitrate-nitrogen from waters of treated ponds resulted primarily from nitrate reduction to free nitrogen gas. Soluble reactive and total phosphorus concentrations tended to be higher (P < 0.1) in treated ponds than in control ponds. There were no differences (P > 0.1) in pH and concentrations of total alkalinity, total ammonia nitrogen, and dissolved oxygen between treated and control ponds. The higher chlorophyll a concentration (P < 0.1) suggested that greater availability of nutrients in treated ponds resulted in more phytoplankton growth than in control ponds. Because of greater phytoplankton biomass, turbidity was higher and Secchi disk visibility less in treated ponds as compared to control ponds (P < 0.1). There were no obvious differences in phytoplankton community composition with respect to treatment—blue-green algae dominated the phytoplankton community in both treated and control ponds. Redox potential in sediment during crops was higher in ponds treated with sodium nitrate than in control ponds, indicating less anaerobic conditions. However, catfish survival, production, and feed conversion ratio did not differ (P > 0.1) between treatment and control.  相似文献   

采用沸石和硝化细菌进行了改善养鱼池水质的试验,结果表明,这两种物质对养鱼池水质均有明显的改良作用,其中沸石降解氨氮迅速,基本不受外界环境因素的影响,但作用的时间较短;硝化细菌降解氨的速度较慢,受水环境因素的影响较大,但作用的时间较长。  相似文献   

试验池塘4口,每口面积0.8hm2,水深1.8m,放养体质量50g的草鱼12000尾,体质量24~100g的鲢鱼500尾,体质量150g的鳙鱼100尾,常规管理,其中2口池塘放养1龄河蚌两万只,2口对照塘不放河蚌,定期采集水样,测定水中浮游植物种类和数(生物)量。结果表明,鱼蚌混养塘中有浮游植物6门48属94种,而对照塘中仅有6门42属91种。混养塘与对照塘水体中均以绿藻门的种类为主,分别占总数的47.8%和41.8%。鱼蚌混养组中以绿藻为优势种群,出现频率较高的优势藻类为:硅藻门的小环藻、针杆藻,绿藻门的小球藻、栅藻、新月藻;而对照组中的优势种不仅有试验组中的优势种类,还包含了蓝藻门的平裂藻、螺旋藻、微囊藻以及硅藻门的直链藻、舟形藻、双壁藻,绿藻门的梭形藻等。鱼蚌混养组与对照组中浮游植物多样性指数分别为1.24~1.41和1.26~1.36,鱼蚌混养组中浮游植物多样性指数均略高于对照组。鱼蚌混养组浮游植物密度为539.23×104个/L~1289.53×104个/L,生物量为6.68~12.47mg/L;对照组浮游植物密度为669.57~1608.50×104个/L,生物量为8.40~18.62mg/L,鱼蚌混养组浮游植物的密度和生物量略低于对照塘,且差异显著(P0.05)。结果表明,鱼蚌混养模式可有效控制塘中浮游植物的繁殖与生长,浮游植物的多样性指数提高,池塘生态系统更加稳定。  相似文献   

Three different pond bottom treatments were evaluated in 12 earthen ponds. Bottoms of four ponds on the Auburn University Fisheries Research Unit, Auburn, Alabama, were dried for 1 mo and tilled with a roto-tiller (dry-till treatment). Four other ponds were dried and tilled, and after filling with water, enough gypsum (calcium sulfate) was applied to give a total hardness of about 200 mg/L. Gypsum was reapplied as needed to maintain the hardness (dry-till with gypsum treatment). Four ponds were not subjected to bottom drying, tilling or gypsum treatment (controls). Channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus fingerings were stocked at 15,000/ha. Selected water quality variables were measured at 1- to 2-wk intervals during the growing season. Concentrations of most variables increased over time because feeding rate was increased progressively as fish grew. Compared to the controls, both treatments had lower concentrations of total phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus, and higher concentrations of dissolved oxygen ( P < 0.05). In addition, ponds of the dry-till with gypsum treatment had in addition lower concentrations ( P < 0.05) of chlorophyll a , chemical oxygen demand, gross primary productivity, and total alkalinity than control ponds. The reduction in chlorophyll a concentration suggested less phytoplankton in gypsum-treated ponds, and this effect was probably related to lower phosphorus availability because of calcium phosphate formation. Secchi disk visibility, total suspended solids concentrations, and turbidity did not differ significantly among the treatments ( P < 0.05). Total fish production and survival rate did not differ significantly ( P < 0.05) among the treatments. These findings suggest that water quality improvement can be achieved by drying and tilling pond bottoms between crops, and benefits possibly may be increased by treating low hardness waters with gypsum.  相似文献   

研究围垸养殖对洪湖自然保护区水质的影响,从浮游生物视角评价水质现状及发展规律,以期为洪湖自然保护区科学管理及水生态修复提供基础数据。2019年6月在洪湖自然保护区不同方位水面布设10个采样点,开展水质及浮游动植物现状调查和分析,计算生物多样性,并与环境因子做CCA分析。调查共检出浮游植物6门57属74种,以蓝藻门的微囊藻、硅藻门的颗粒直链藻、绿藻门的单角盘星藻为主要优势种;浮游动物61种,以萼花臂尾轮虫和广布中剑水蚤为主要优势种。浮游植物Shannon-Wiener生物多样性指数均值为2.26,浮游动物均值为2.12,水质为中度污染状态,但有重度污染的趋势。CCA分析表明,浮游植物分布与SD呈正相关,与WT、CODMn等呈负相关;部分轮虫及大部分原生动物与SD、As呈正相关,与WT、Chl-a等呈负相关。洪湖自然保护区水体处于中富营养型状态。围垸养殖会导致洪湖水体有机物沉积、水质恶化,并对浮游生物种类组成和数量产生重要影响。  相似文献   

为比较单养、混养草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idella)养殖池塘的水质与生物组成特点,采取水质分析、环境DNA与传统鉴别方法对草鱼单养、混养(80:20)两类池塘的水质变化、浮游生物、底栖生物、菌群结构进行了分析。结果表明,混养池塘的水质优于单养池塘,混养池塘水体中总氮(TN)、硝态氮(NO3--N)、氨氮(NH4+-N)、亚硝态氮(NO2--N)的浓度比单养池塘分别低10.15%、3.78%、5.07%、80.18%,总磷(TP)和活性磷(SRP)的浓度分别低27.14%和56.26%;两类池塘中浮游植物均以绿藻门(Chlorophyta)、蓝藻门(Cyanophyta)、隐藻门(Cryptophyta)为优势种,但单养池塘中的藻类密度为30×106cells/L,低于混养池塘104×106cells/L;两类池塘中的浮游动物均以轮虫和原生动物为优势种,枝角类和桡足类生物数量较少,单养池塘中浮游动物密度高于混养池塘;在底栖动物方面,单养池塘存在螺类、水蚯蚓和摇蚊幼虫,而混养池塘仅有螺类和摇蚊幼虫。在菌群组成方面,单养池塘水体中以厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)为优势类群,混养池塘水体中以变形菌门(Proteobacteria)为优势类群;但在两类池塘底泥中,均以变形菌门为优势类群。以上结果表明,草鱼混养有利于改善养殖池塘水质,增加浮游植物丰富度,改变养殖水体菌群的结构。本研究为优化草鱼池塘养殖结构,改善水质,构建高效池塘养殖模式提供了依据。  相似文献   

Several significant differences in water quality, primary production, production of plankton, or yield of striped bass, "Morone saxatilis," fingerlings were found between ponds fertilized with either rice bran and inorganic fertilizer or those ferilized with cottonseed meal and inorganic fertilizer. Ponds fertilized with rice bran had the lowest ammonia concentrations and Secchi disc readings and the highest concentrations of cladocerans and crustracean zooplankton. At harvest, after 82 days of culture, striped bass fingerlings from ponds fertilized with rice bran were significantly larger than were those from ponds fertilized with cottonseed meal. Numbers of fingerlins produced per hectare did not differ by treatment but ferilizer cost were US$94.78/ha less for ponds fertilized with rice bran.  相似文献   


The effects of renovation on the production of white river crayfish, Procambarus acutus acutus were evaluated in ten 0.1-ha earthen ponds. The bottoms and levees of five ponds were reshaped with heavy equipment prior to planting sorghum-Sudan grass forage during the de-watered phase of the culture cycle. Five non-renovated ponds served as a control. The mean total length (TL) of the crayfish harvested from renovated ponds was significantly larger than those crayfish harvested from non-renovated ponds. The renovated pond harvest contained an estimated 43.2% carryover crayfish (>95 mm TL) in comparison to 7.6% in the harvest from non-renovated ponds. By weight, carryover crayfish constituted an estimated 69.3% of the harvest from renovated ponds, compared to 21.0% from non-renovated ponds. No difference was observed in the harvest between treatments; however, the low proportion of young-of-the-year crayfish in the renovated pond harvest may adversely impact future production.  相似文献   

太湖渔产量与水质的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太湖渔业总产量与湖水化学耗氧R(COD)、太湖产量最高的刀鲚(Coilia ectenes)和虾类产量与湖水TN/TP、富营养化指数(TSI)与渔业总产量和刀鲚产量之间具有显著相关,并建立相应的回归方程;太湖富营养化加深与渔业总产量的增加,渔民人均收入的提高和经济发展是相一致的,湖泊富营养化程度增加对鱼类小型化具有促进作用。  相似文献   

河口区中国对虾虾塘浮游生物调查研究报告   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
戴习林  朱正国 《海洋渔业》1992,14(3):111-113
<正> 对虾养殖成败的关键问题之一是水质的好坏。水质恶化对对虾的生长不利,容易患病,甚至有可能导致全部死亡。观察虾池水色,是鉴定水质好坏的一种简单易行的方法。水色主要由浮游生物的种类和数量以及水中泥沙含量所决定,因此,研究虾池中浮游生物的种类和数量变化,探讨虾池水质的生物学指标,有助于提高对虾养殖技术。而  相似文献   

Hatchery ponds were manipulated by timing of filling to increase the efficiency of production of fingerling largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. The effects on pond productivity of fertilizing with chicken manure versus plant meals (consisting of equal parts by weight of cottonseed meal, alfalfa meal, and wheat shorts) were also examined. When ponds were filled in stages, more favorable water temperatures for largemouth bass were achieved, and desirable dissolved oxygen concentrations were maintained. Chlorophyll a levels and plankton community respiration rates were higher in ponds that were fertilized with the plant meals than in ponds fertilized with chicken manure (25% dry matter). Secchi disk visibility was relatively greater in chicken manure ponds than in ponds fertilized with the plant meals; however all differences were not significant. Zooplankton densities were comparable among treatments. Filling ponds in stages had no significant effects on chlorophyll a, plankton community respiration rate, Secchi disk visibility, or zooplankton abundance and population dynamics. Daily production of largemouth bass was greater in ponds filled in stages and fertilized with plant meals than in other treatment ponds. Yield was highest in stage-filled ponds fertilized with plant meals and lowest in full ponds fertilized with chicken manure. Filling ponds in stages reduced the fertilizer cost per kilogram of largemouth bass by 50% in ponds fertilized with plant meals and by 65% in manure-fertilized ponds.  相似文献   

淡水鱼养殖对水质的要求及生产管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘靖 《现代渔业信息》2005,20(3):29-29,25
淡水鱼养殖是一门综合性学科,涉及的因子很多。本文着重概述淡水鱼养殖对水质的要求及淡水鱼养殖生产管理。  相似文献   

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