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张皓钰  刘竞  易军  刘秀芸  陈露  刘目兴  张海林 《土壤》2022,54(2):396-405
为探究生物质炭添加对农田土壤水力性质的影响,以我国10个地区农田耕层土壤为供试土样,通过室内模拟试验,研究4种生物质炭添加比例下(C0、C5、C10和C15,生物质炭体积占比分别为0%、5%、10%和15%)土壤饱和导水率(Ks)、水分特征曲线及van Genuchten模型拟合参数和水分常数的变化特征。结果表明:生物质炭添加对土壤渗透性能的影响与土壤质地密切相关;添加生物质炭后,砂粒含量较高的风砂土和黄绵土的Ks显著降低,C15的降幅分别为89.2%和85.0%;而黏粒含量较高土壤的Ks普遍升高,C15处理下赤红壤的增幅高达158.9%。生物质炭添加改变了土壤的持水能力,且变幅随着生物质炭添加量的增加而增大。生物质炭添加提升了各类土壤的饱和含水量(0.7%~17.6%)和低吸力段的持水能力;生物质炭添加对中、高吸力水平下各类土壤持水能力的影响存在差异,大致表现为砂质土持水能力提升、残余含水量增大、α值降低;而壤质、黏质土持水能力下降,残余含水量、田间持水量及凋萎系数均降低。研究结果可为考虑生物质炭施用的平衡模拟提供水力学基础参数,并为各地区农田生物质炭的合理施用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为揭示长期耕作对黑土耕地水文退化的作用,以典型黑土区不同纬度带的未经机械耕作的林地与长期耕作的耕地土壤进行对比,研究沟垄耕作对土壤垂直和水平方向物理性质和水力性质的影响。结果表明:长期耕作使得总体物理与土壤水力性质严重退化,与林地土壤相比,耕地土壤质地未发生变化,有机质含量显著降低,容重从1.03(0.84~1.17)g·cm-3显著提高至1.31(1.20~1.46)g·cm-3,穿透阻力显著增加,持水供水与导水性显著降低,有效含水量从0.19(0.14~0.23)cm3·cm-3降至0.15(0.10~0.21)cm3·cm-3。物理质量指数S值从0.061(优)降至0.025(差)。长期沟垄耕作使得犁底层的饱和导水率(6.61 cm·d-1)仅为耕作层的1/10.。耕作导致耕作层垂直方向导水率(64.67 cm·d-1)低于水平方向(82.84 cm·d-1)。犁底层的穿透阻力(897.04 kPa)为耕作层的1.89倍,造成了耕作层与犁底层水力性质分层。长期耕作导致的耕地土壤水力性质分层和方向分异是促进耕地坡面径流“沟渠效应”而加速侵蚀退化的重要原因。  相似文献   

Fifteen soil profiles were taken from Ar-Ramtha wastewater treatment plant, 65 km north of Amman. Twelve of them represent soil planted with barley and irrigated with wastewater for the past 2, 5, and 15 years. The remaining three profiles represented a control area that has been only rainfed. Soil samples were collected in four replicates from each depth in each soil profile. Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to study the effect of irrigation with treated wastewater on hydraulic properties of surface and subsurface vertisols. Soil infiltration rate (IR), hydraulic conductivity (HC), and water retention (at 33 kPa and 1.5 MPa) were measured. The application of wastewater for 2, 5, and 15 years reduced soil hydraulic conductivity, whereas the infiltration rate decreased for 2 and 5 years, compared with non-irrigated area. Sites irrigated for 15 years with treated wastewater are characterized by higher percentages of large cracks, therefore revealed the highest infiltration rate. Soil available water changed due to wastewater application in decreasing order of: control (rainfed), 15, 5, 2 years of wastewater application.  相似文献   

两种非饱和导水参数推求方法在紫色土上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤非饱和导水参数的难于获取,限制了非饱和水流数值模拟技术的实际应用。本研究选择颇具代表性的土壤水分特征曲线推求法和简单入渗法两种方法,分别推求不同质地紫色土导水参数,并进行了分析比较。结果显示,土壤水分特征曲线推求法和简单入渗法,推求的非饱和导水率与计算值均具有较好的一致性。鉴于土壤水分特征曲线的易测优势和简单入渗法实验简便省时特点,采用这两种方法进行紫色土非饱和导水参数的推求或预报是可行的。  相似文献   

土壤非饱和导水参数的难于获取,限制了非饱和水流数值模拟技术的实际应用。本研究选择颇具代表性的土壤水分特征曲线推求法和简单入渗法两种方法,分别推求不同质地紫色土导水参数,并进行了分析比较。结果显示,土壤水分特征曲线推求法和简单入渗法,推求的非饱和导水率与计算值均具有较好的一致性。鉴于土壤水分特征曲线的易测优势和简单入渗法实验简便省时特点,采用这两种方法进行紫色土非饱和导水参数的推求或预报是可行的。  相似文献   

The effects of tillage treatment and axle load resulting from wheeled traffic on tilled soil (0 to 20 cm) were evaluated by measuring the changes in soil physical properties (bulk density and infiltration rate) and by measuring the impact on water retention in comparison with controlled plots. Data obtained from the experimental plots showed that infiltration rate was strongly affected by tillage treatments in 0‐ to 20‐cm depths. Dry bulk density was affected in 0‐ to 20‐cm depths by tillage treatments and axle load. Tillage system changed the ability of the soils to hold moisture and decreased the plant‐available water capacity.  相似文献   

Agricultural application of anaerobic digestates can play an important role in plant nutrition. The effects of digestate treatment were studied in pot experiments, using sandy and loamy textured soils with distinct characteristics. Three different treatments were studied and compared: control, digestate, and irrigation treatments. Nitrogen loading was calculated on the bases of the digestate analysis. The same amounts of digestate and irrigation water were applied in the different treatments before sowing and at the V4–V6 stages of maize. Besides the conventional soil chemical analysis, invertase, dehydrogenase, catalase, and the abundance of some cultivable microbes were measured in two consecutive years. According to our results, irrigation and digestate treatments had greater impact in the case of sandy soils than in loamy textured soils. Digestate provides more effective phosphorus and potassium sources than nitrogen. Based on the results of discriminant analysis, the digestate application had a greater influence on soil chemical properties, followed by microbiological parameters.  相似文献   

外源钾对三种不同土壤钾转化影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用盆栽试验,在黄棕壤,砖红壤,黑土三种土壤上种植烟草,研究了外源钾对土壤中钾转化的影响,结果表明:在黄棕壤,黑土上,0.0-0.8 g kg-1施肥范围内,随着施钾量的增加,土壤中速效钾和缓效钾的总增量、作物的含钾量均在增加,尤其是在0.8 g kg-1施肥水平时,二者超出了施肥的增加量,说明施钾促进了其它钾的释放;三种土壤中粘土矿物含量为:黑土>黄棕壤>砖红壤。  相似文献   

测定尺度对所测土壤导水参数及其空间变异性的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
用 3种盘径 (14.4,2 0 ,30cm)的负压入渗仪在 2个供水负压 (1和 10cm)下 ,在 65个测点测定了田间水分入渗。基于入渗数据 ,计算了宏观毛管上升高度和 2个基模吸力的导水率。导水率和宏观毛管上升高度的值呈对数正态分布。用大盘径负压入渗仪测定获得的导水率和宏观毛管上升高度的空间连续性最好。当供水负压为 1cm ,盘径为 14.4cm(小盘径 ) ,导水率和宏观毛管上升高度的空间连续性没有表现出来。导水率的均值随测定尺度增加而趋于减少 ,宏观毛管上升高度的均值和标准偏差均随测定尺度增加而趋于减小。导水率和宏观毛管上升高度的样本半方差 ,半方差金砖方差 (nugget)和平台方差 (sill)随测定尺度增加而减少  相似文献   

徐仁扣 《土壤》2006,38(3):233-241
低分子量有机酸是土壤中广泛存在的,它们参与土壤中许多化学过程,在营养元素活化、解铝毒和矿物风化等方面发挥重要作用。本文综述了可变电荷土壤和矿物对低分子量有机酸的吸附及这类有机酸对土壤的表面电荷、动电性质和土壤吸附无机阴、阳离子的影响,为从事相关研究工作的同志提供参考。  相似文献   

Sorption of anionic surfactants Aerosol-OT (AOT) and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS), as well as cationic surfactant Hyamine1622 on two soil surfaces were investigated. Batch equilibriumtechniques were used under laboratory conditions to observe the amount of surfactant adsorbed and desorbed to and from thesoil surfaces. Data obtained were fitted to two sorption isotherms in order to characterise the sorption process. The nature of the sorbate (i.e. the surfactant) was found to be important in the sorption process. Anionics adsorbed via hydrophobic bonding, whereas `cation-exchange' mechanism was dominant in the sorption of cationic Hyamine 1622. Anionic AOT,with a double chain, and hence a higher critical packing parameter, adsorbed more strongly onto the surface compared tothe singly-chained SDS.  相似文献   

Used with one of two surfactants (SDS, an anionic surfactant, and Triton X-100, a nonionic surfactant), the ligand, I? was evaluated as a washing agent for the desorption of Cd from naturally and artificially contaminated soils. Increasing amounts of the ligand, I?, with a surfactant, specifically removes higher levels of Cd but not Cu, Zn and Pb. After seven washings, the ligand, I? with the nonionic surfactant, Triton X-100, removed 65 and 90% of the Cd from soils I and II, containing respectively, to 15 and 1275 mg of Cd/kg. The ligand, I?, and the anionic surfactant, SDS, removed 35 and 70% of the Cd from soils I and II, respectively. Before washing, the carbonate fraction of soil I contained the most Cd (48%) while the exchangeable and carbonate fractions of soil II contained 29 and 33% of the total Cd, respectively. For soil I, SDS with/ without the ligand desorbed Cd mainly from the carbonate and oxide fractions, while only Triton X-100 with ligand I? could remove Cd from the exchangeable fraction. For soil II, Cd was desorbed from the exchangeable fraction only when either surfactant was used in combination with the ligand. Thus, a surfactant with ligand can extract specific heavy metals from soils and selective sequential extraction is useful in identifying which fraction can be targeted by the surfactant – ligand agent.  相似文献   

In this study, the formation of complexes between surfactants and the helical chains of amylopectins was confirmed. Nonionic surfactants with hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups of appropriate size and chemical structure enhanced the swelling and gelatinization processes of starch granules. Hydrophobic groups form complexes with the amylose and linear chains of amylopectin by becoming inserted into the hydrophobic inner area of the helical structures. The hydrophilic groups help the approach of the hydrophobic groups into the hydrated molecular chains and thus aid the formation of the complex. Among the anionic surfactants tested, SDS and sodium n‐decyl benzenesulfate caused maximum swelling and gelatinization peaks. The average length of the amylopectin exterior chains is almost the same as that of the hydrophobic chains of SDS (16.9 Å) and of sodium decyl benzenesulfate (18.2 Å). This suggests that these anionic surfactants form rigid complexes with the exterior of the amylopectin by fitting their hydrophobic chains to the hydrophobic inside of the helical structures of these short exterior chains. This process was clarified by NMR analysis and by a decrease in the complex with the addition of iodine. The hydrophobic alkyl chains of anionic and cationic surfactants fix to the edge of the starch molecular chains by forming inclusion complexes with the helical chains of the amylopectin. Cationic ions interact with the starch molecular chains, causing a negative charge that results in a more rapid and efficient swelling of the starch granules. A decrease in setback value occurs due to the inhibition of rearrangement among the starch molecular chains. With SDS, the complex molecular chains become more extensively developed through the repulsion effects of the anionic ions resulting in a larger swelling power and gelatinization peak.  相似文献   

The adsorption isotherms indicated that the adsorption of boron (B) increased with its increasing concentration in the equilibrium solution. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm was curvilinear and it was significant when the curves were resolved into two linear parts. The maximum value of adsorption maxima (b1) was observed to be 7.968 mg B kg?1 in Garhi baghi soil and the bonding energy (k) constant was maximum at 0.509 L mg?1 in Jodhpur ramana soil. The Langmuir isotherm best explains the adsorption phenomenon at low concentrations of the adsorbent, which of course was different for different soils. There was significant correlation between b1 and clay (r = 0.905**), organic matter contents (r = 0.734*), and cation exchange capacity (CEC; r = 0.995**) of soils. A linear relationship was observed in all the soils at all concentration ranges between 0 and 100 mg B L?1, indicating that boron adsorption data conform to the Freundlich equation. Soils that have a higher affinity for boron adsorption, like Garhi baghi, tended to desorb less amount of boron, that is, 43.54%, whereas Ballowal saunkhari desorbed 48.00%, Jodhpur ramana 48.42%, and Naura soil 58.88% of the adsorbed boron. Boron desorption by these soils is positively and significantly correlated with the sand content (r = 0.714**) and negatively with clay content (r = ?0.502*) and CEC (r = ?0.623**). The maximum value of 37.59 mg kg?1 for desorption maxima (Dm) was observed in Garhi baghi soil and also a constant related to B mobility (Kd) was found to be maximum in Garhi baghi (0.222 L kg?1) soil Note: *P<0.05; **P<0.01.  相似文献   

陕北石油污染对土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为了研究石油污染对土壤理化性质的影响,对安塞县8个类型油井井场周围土壤中的石油烃含量和理化性质进行分析测定。结果表明,井场周围土壤石油烃含量变化范围为0.08~71.49 g/kg,其中井场外0~5 m区域和5~20 m区域内土壤污染严重。石油污染导致土壤含水率、pH值、硝态氮、速效磷、全钾和速效钾含量显著降低,容重、有机质和铵态氮含量显著升高,全氮和全磷含量无显著变化;石油污染土壤中的石油烃含量与含水率、容重、有机质、铵态氮、速效磷和速效钾均呈极显著相关,与pH值和全钾呈显著相关,与全氮、硝态氮和全磷无显著相关关系。  相似文献   

保护地土壤养分特点   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
保护地蔬菜土壤养分状况与大田露地土壤有很大差别.土壤有机质含量高于露地,一般在15~40g/kg,土壤有酸化的趋势.土壤中有效氮的含量明显高于露地土壤,硝态氮的平均含量超过190mg/kg.土壤有效磷的含量158.8mg/kg,比露地土壤高出6倍多.土壤有效钾的平均含量274.52mg/kg,比露地土壤高出2.56倍.土壤中交换性钙和镁的含量在临界指标以上,但某些情况下作物出现缺钙和缺镁症.化肥施用量大,决定了保护地蔬菜土壤养分的特点.  相似文献   

生物质炭引起的土壤碳激发效应与土壤理化特性的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物质炭添加到土壤中将引发不同的激发效应,然而生物质炭激发效应与土壤性质之间的关系还不明确.将等碳量的13C稳定性同位素标记的小麦秸秆及其制成的生物质炭分别添加到4种不同性质的土壤中,室内培养1年,测定生物质炭及秸秆中碳元素在不同土壤中的降解量及其对土壤原有机碳的激发效应量.结果表明:生物质炭在黑土水稻土以及下位砂姜土...  相似文献   


Synergism and antagonism cause interactions between plant nutrients. The sum of equivalents of cations in a soil solution is equal to the sum of soluble anions. Therefore, the amount of cations in a soil solution is maintained by a synergetic effect of anions. The relations between cations are determined by the relation between the exchangeable cations, according to a derived Gapon equation. An over-optimal concentration of a cation acts antagonistically to the effect of other cations on plant nutrient uptake. Sometimes the soil solution reactions are complicated, and antagonism between anions becomes obvious.

When describing interactions between plant nutrients by synergism and antagonism, it is valuable to develop analytical methods to determine activities and concentrations in defined extracts of soils. The theory and procedure are described in this paper.  相似文献   

A computer solution to the one-dimensional soil moisture flow equation was used to show how changes in the wet end of the Ψ-θ-K relations affect infiltration and the conductivity-gradient interactions between a crust and the underlying A-horizon of a hypothetic loess soil. Variations in the θ(Ψ) and K(Ψ) relations between 0 and 10 cm water tension caused three-fold differences in simulated steady-state infiltration rates. A crust having many pores that drain at low tensions (i. e., big pores) limited infiltration more than did a crust with the same saturated conductivity, but having few easily drainable pores. With either crust, the infiltration rate was higher when the hydraulic conductivity of the underlying A-horizon was greater over the low suction range. Both crusts limited infiltration more when the underlying A-horizon contained many easily drainable pores than when the A-horizon had only few big pores. Therefore, the wet end of the Ψ-θ-K relation of a tilled surface layer has an important effect upon infiltration, even when overlain by a dense surface crust. The calculations emphasize that estimates of infiltration and runoff are very sensitive to variations in the hydraulic input functions in the low tension range where precise measurements are very difficult. The model results also show how tension gradients and conductivities near the surface can produce infiltration rates that are considerably higher than the saturated conductivity of the crust.  相似文献   

灌溉方式对土壤水分运动参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实测和拟合的方法研究了不同灌溉方式对土壤饱和导水率及非饱和土壤水分运动参数的影响。结果表明:膜下滴灌明显改善了土壤导水性能,0-10 cm各土层土壤饱和导水率明显高于地面漫灌,并且两种灌溉方式下土壤饱和导水率都高于裸盐地;不同灌溉方式下,相同含水率所对应的非饱和导水率及非饱和扩散率均不同,0-100 cm各土层都表现为膜下滴灌>地面漫灌>裸盐地。膜下滴灌对土壤水分运动参数的影响,并不是由土壤质地、容重、温度、盐分等因素作用而引起,可能是由于膜下滴灌改变了土壤的团粒结构或土壤中盐分的离子组成而造成的。  相似文献   

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