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本文介绍了美国农业部林务局(USDAFS,简称美国林务局)的林业计划体系及其计划分析工具,论述了美国林务局林业计划体系的组织形式和执行方式,特别是在制订不同层次的复杂的林业计划时所采用的民主、科学的管理手段,很值得我们学习与借鉴。  相似文献   

森林城市群是在市域尺度开展森林城市建设的基础上,进一步适应我国城市群发展的新趋势和新需求,在区域尺度上开展森林、湿地等自然生态系统建设的创新实践。文中通过回顾我国森林城市群的发展历程,明确了我国森林城市群的发展阶段,从空间尺度、生态系统和建设模式3个方面总结了我国森林城市群的现状特点,为森林城市群总体规划的精准设计提供了一定的依据;归纳梳理了国际上较为成熟的典型城市群在跨区域的生态建设中的规划经验,并提炼出了值得我国森林城市群建设总体规划编制工作的借鉴之处;从全方位构建规划理念、建立系统完善和可操作性强的评价指标体系、构建基于自然条件和发展需求的功能分区与空间布局等3个方面,对森林城市群建设提出了具体对策建议。森林城市群建设总体规划是针对城市群发展对林业生态、产业、文化等多种服务功能需求,以及有效应对区域性生态环境问题社会期待的顶层设计,是落实森林城市群建设具体实践工作的重要依据。该文旨在引起学术研究同仁和实践领域工作者对不同森林城市群建设在自然、人文和社会等方面复杂性的高度重视,强调森林城市群建设的总体规划应与实际情况相结合,唯有充分注重区域特点,方能做到科学规划和有效引领。  相似文献   

Ample research on private forest owners (PFOs) has established high heterogeneity in owners' objectives, motivations and management decisions. Such heterogeneity is, however, rarely taken into account in forest scenario modelling. This study, in contrast, conducts a detailed forest owner mapping that feeds into simulations of ecosystem services (ES) under alternative future scenarios. First, we identify four private forest owner types (FOT) – Forest Businessmen, Household Foresters, Passive Forest Lovers, and Ad Hoc Owners through in-depth interviews and qualitative analyses on a case study area in western Lithuania. Next, each forest estate and forest compartment is assigned a FOT by combining the property registry and forest characteristics with opinions of two types of local experts: state forest managers and inspectors from the State Forest Service. Third, a set of forest management (FM) programmes is specified using field interviews and desktop research, FM records, and expert judgement for each forest compartment. Finally, ES provision is projected using a behavioural matrix combining management styles of FOTs with details of FM programmes. We simulate the dynamics of profits from forestry activities, accumulated carbon in live biomass and tree species diversity under a reference scenario without substantial changes; and a policy intervention scenario. The study demonstrates that treating forest owners as a homogenous group overestimates profits from timber and underestimates the provision of the other analysed ES, potentially misinforming policy decisions.  相似文献   

Ownership is a multidimensional phenomenon that includes legal, social, and emotional aspects. In addition to legal aspects, the social and emotional aspects, “feelings of ownership,” potentially have behavioral effects. Nevertheless, these aspects are often overlooked in the research influencing the forest owners' behavior and thus their forest management decisions. This article examines how private forest owners with inherited forest holdings construct feelings of ownership toward their forests and how these constructions are reflected in their forest management decisions. Forest ownership is addressed through the theory of psychological ownership. On the basis of 15 thematic in-depth interviews, we suggest that a sense of identity and control, as dimensions of psychological ownership, can influence whether forest management decisions are guided by tradition, economic incentives, or responsibility toward property. Based on the results, a forest owner typology (restricted, indifferent, informed, and detached forest owners) was constructed, further enabling us to understand the differences among private forest owners and the roots of their forest management decisions. More generally, the study highlights the important role of emotions in forest management decisions.  相似文献   

森林火灾扑救消防车装备的种类及使用技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林消防车作为大型森林消防设备,包括森林消防推土机、森林消防越野车和森林消防指挥车,是扑救中高强度火和控制大面积森林火灾的主力。森林消防推土机能开辟通道和防火隔离带,扑救地下火;森林消防越野车具备良好的越野性能,能承载数吨水或灭火剂扑救中高强度的火灾;森林消防指挥车能实现多种通信方式互联,完成高清图像和视频的实时传输,辅助指挥人员进行扑火指挥调度和决策,提高扑火效率,保障扑火人员安全。森林消防车在火灾扑救中发挥了优越的响应性能、灭火性能、运载性能、越野性能和行车清障性能以及通信性能。高新技术和新型材料的应用,以及多功能、全地形森林消防车的研制将进一步提高森林消防车的技术性能。  相似文献   

森林生态补偿是通过协调森林生态公共产品受益者与提供者之间的利益关系,提高生态服务供给水平和供给效率的重要途径。文中对合作治理模式的核心要素和实现条件进行分析;探讨构建政府、企业、环保组织和林农等行为主体合作治理的区域多层次复合市场化森林生态补偿模式,在运作方式、组织机构设置与责任机制、投融资体系和补偿方式等方面进行思路创新;提出实施区域多层次复合市场化森林生态补偿模式的保障机制。  相似文献   

选用分析系统递阶层次结构的层次分析法作为数学工具。对山西省秋千沟林场的林种、树种结构进行了研究。结果表明,该法对于“目标结构比较复杂,缺乏必要数据的结构优化问题”比较适用,可按兼顾生态效益、社会效益、经济效益,又有所侧重的原则,将各林种、树种的面积比例落实到合理的水平上。  相似文献   

吉林临江瀑布群森林公园是国家林业局于2009年批复的国家级森林公园,亦是吉林森工集团所属八大国家级森林公园之一。临江森林公园的森林景观具有典型、鲜明的区域代表性和突出的东北山区森林景观特色,极具开发潜力及价值。  相似文献   

The Kyoto Protocol brought a new forest function into focus: forests as carbon sinks. This new forest function may lead to new conflicts, because on the one hand, Switzerland has decided to account for forest management under Kyoto Protocol (Article 3.4), and on the other hand, Swiss Forestry statistics and the Swiss National Forest Inventory indicate that increasing amounts of wood are being harvested. This trend seems likely to continue. In this study, we used the empirical forest model MASSIMO and the soil model YASSO to analyse four different forest management scenarios. These scenarios basically feature different levels of harvesting frequencies and different rotation length, as well as their impact on regional potentials for carbon sequestration and harvesting amounts. Results were analysed both for the whole of Switzerland and for two very different regions: The Swiss Eastern Plateau and the Swiss Eastern Alps. The results indicate that Swiss forests can provide an increasing amount of harvested wood (+18% in relation to the base year 1996) for approximately 20 years and act as a carbon sink accountable under the Kyoto Protocol (0.5 million tons carbon per year). The corresponding forest management strategy aims for a sustainable and harvestable increment and may, therefore, avoid spurious carbon maximization in forests that can happen by accounting for only forest systems, and not for the effect of substitution of non-wood products and fossil fuels by forest products. The regional results indicate that (1) the carbon sink effect of Alpine forests in Switzerland might be limited, because generally, Alpine forests have low growth and yield and (2) a large increase in harvesting may lead to regional carbon sources and necessitate regional monitoring of increment to avoid overexploitation. As MASSIMO does not include the impacts of climate change, the conclusions of this study cannot be interpreted as actual predictions into the future but portray the impact of the applied management actions on the respective trends in carbon stocks and stock changes. They are, therefore, a contribution to support future management decisions. Further studies should focus on interactions with additional forest functions such as the preservation of biodiversity, increase the consideration of forest damage and account for the effect of climate change.  相似文献   

指出了森林景观资源是科学规划森林旅游发展的基础,石燕湖有着得天独厚的森林资源优势,对其森林景观资源特征的长远发展和科学研究很有必要。深入调查了该区域森林景观资源的类型、特点、结构、潜力等基本情况,采取元胞自动机原理的分析方法,对石燕湖森林景观资源特征进行了定量和定性分析,构建了森林景观资源特征指标体系,为进一步开发和利用提供依据。  相似文献   

分析浙江省天台县森林城市建设的国际、国内和区域背景,介绍总体规划中的范围、现状,阐述规划的指导思想与原则,对城市绿色屏障、森林生态廊道绿化,城区绿地系统、村庄绿化等建设规划内容进行分析与阐述,认为总体规划充分体现了生态文明的建设观念,将构建起层次分明、结构合理、功能完善的森林生态体系。  相似文献   

从树种组成、林分结构、树种多样性、林分活力和干扰程度5个方面选择树种(组)株数组成、树种(组)断面积组成、径级结构、林木分布格局、树种隔离程度、顶极树种优势度、林层结构、树种多样性指数、树种均匀度指数、林分更新状况、林分蓄积量、林分郁闭度、枯立木状况及采伐强度和次数14个指标,采用层次分析法和熵权法相结合的方法,提出基于林分状态特征的森林自然度评价方法,并以甘肃小陇山林区8类典型林分类型为例对该评价方法进行验证.各类林分自然度表现为:未受人为干扰的锐齿栎天然林(0.839)>皆伐后天然恢复锐齿栎天然林(0.752)>择伐后自然恢复锐齿栎林(0.646)>带状割灌改造华山松林(0.546)>带状割灌改造油松林(0.484)>全面割灌改造华山松林(0.483)>全面割灌改造油松林(0.459)>全面割灌改造日本落叶松林(0.317).  相似文献   

河南省森林生态服务功能价值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中国林科院发布的《中国森林生态服务功能评估》报告为基础,对河南省森林生态服务功能价值进行了分析,提出了促进河南省森林生态服务功能价值提高的对策和建议,为河南省发展现代林业提供参考依据。  相似文献   

对福建东山赤山林场木麻黄防护林现存的主要配置模式进行了筛选。选取对海岸带防护林体系建设有重要影响的生态防护价值、经济价值、社会价值3大类8个指标,建立评价指标体系,运用应用层次分析法进行定性分析、定量评价。结果表明:在策略层各评价因子中,生态防护功能依然占首位,社会经济价值指标也占了较高的比例。在综合效益上,各配置模式排序为:木麻黄与相思类混交(D1)>林果复合经营(D6)>木麻黄与多树种混交(D4)>木麻黄与桉树类混交(D2)>木麻黄与其他树种混交(D5)>木麻黄与灌木(D7)混交>麻黄与松树类混交(D3)。并根据海岸带立地条件的差异对各模式的梯次配置进行分析。研究结果对海岸带防护林的可持续经营与管理有一定的指导价值。  相似文献   

With their ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, many countries have established forests on previously non-forested land with the view of offsetting greenhouse gas emissions. While these forests indisputably result in increased carbon storage in above-ground biomass, consideration of other major implications is often neglected. Forest establishment results in changes in albedo and soil carbon storage, reduced runoff and downstream water supply, and effects on biodiversity. Such effects of forest establishment may be less desirable from environmental, economic and social perspectives. While there have been many studies of the impacts of forest establishment on individual aspects, policy makers need to be able to integrate the benefits and consequences to assist in making decisions on land management. Further, the relative magnitude of the effects of forestry needs to be considered in the context of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide partial pressure and climate change resulting in increasing temperature and changes in the amount and distribution of rainfall. This introductory review highlights the major benefits and consequences of forest establishment and demonstrates progress in integrating across the services provided by forests. New modelling approaches are being developed that allow analysis of benefits, consequences and trade-offs to assist policy makers in decisions to manage the provision of multiple resources.  相似文献   

梳理社会背景及国内外研究成果,基于层次分析法,从生态维度、康养维度、需求维度3个层面筛选评价指标,构建城郊森林公园康养资源评价体系,对郑州市文博森林公园进行实践评价。评价结果表明,文博森林公园康养总得分85.84分,资源等级为二级,其优势在于森林覆盖率、森林健康、空气负离子浓度等方面。根据评价结果从林木资源合理规划和科学开发经营园区资源等方面提出康养资源优化路径。  相似文献   

An insight of the EFI Programme on Forest Products, Markets and Socio-economics should consider that Forest Economics research is generally done by small groups of scientists dispersed around Universities and Research Institutes. EFI has provided the European forest economists a new arena—laboratory, an encounter place, where they can meet, find new opportunities and challenges through co-operation and joint research work. The three main themes of research considered by the Programme have been: (i) market analysis; (ii) forest related industries and regional development; (iii) business management and accounting. An extensive list of publications demonstrate the outstanding quantity of research work undertaken during the last decade. All in all, it has to be acknowledged also that the quality of the research work, undertaken according to the tradition of forest economists, open to both scientific innovation and attention to the real world. The ability to attract human and financial resources in forestry economics research must also be acknowledged. A shortcoming is the poor coverage of certain regions of Europe. However, it should be mentioned that the large spectrum of nationalities involved in the most recent years as well as the launch of Regional Project Centres are now paying major attention to regional issues. Relationships with EFI members have been essential to the Programme: when research has been done by networking with members, an added value can always be seen and the light of the ‘diamond’ can be fully appreciated. Otherwise, it has remained shadowed by regional narrow perspectives missing the main scope of EFI.  相似文献   

选用层次结构的层次分析法作为数学工具,对山西省秋千沟林场的林种和树种结构进行了研究.结果表明:该法对于“目标结构比较复杂,缺乏必要数据的结构优化问题”比较适用,可按兼顾生态效益、社会效益和经济效益,又要有所侧重的原则,将各林种、树种的面积比例落实到合理的水平上.  相似文献   

Forest cover change is one of the defining contemporary environmental changes that validate the proposition of the Anthropocene narrative. Forest transition is a well-recognized global phenomenon, which has been studied and explained in well elaborated forest transition theory. Forest transition has been observed in over 30 countries, and it has been a trend in multiple countries in Asia. Forest transition is most relevant for the Anthropocene narrative, as it suggests that forest cover decline may eventually be followed by a forest cover increase at the global scale. The paper reviews evidence of forest transition in eight Asian countries and juxtaposes this with global forest cover trends. In Asia countries like China, India, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, and Japan and Vietnam are among the countries that have experienced an increase in the area under some kind of tree cover. Complex interplays of forest cover, population growth, economic development, demand for forest goods and services and governance effectiveness are the driving forces of forest transition. While it is not possible to extrapolate Asia's forest transition to the global scale, the Asian experience makes it possible to make statements on possible global forest cover scenarios. Ultimately, forest transition theory in general, and the experience of forest transition in Asia also support the concept and related narrative of the Anthropocene.  相似文献   


Climatic warming may lead to increased or decreased future forest productivity. However, more frequent heat waves, droughts and storms and accompanying pathogen attacks are also expected for Europe and are considered to be increasingly important abiotic and biotic stress factors for forests. Adaptive forestry can help forest ecosystems to adapt to these new conditions in order to achieve management goals, maintain desired forest ecosystem services and reduce the risks of forest degradation. With a focus on central Europe, this paper presents the following management strategies: (1) conservation of forest structures, (2) active adaptation, and (3) passive adaptation. The feasibility and criteria for application of the different strategies are discussed. Forest adaptation may entail the establishment of “neonative” forests, including the use and intermixing of native and non-native tree species as well as non-local tree provenances that may adapt better to future climate conditions. An integrative adaptive management concept is proposed that combines (1) species suitability tests and modelling activities at the international scale, (2) priority mapping of adaptation strategies at the national to regional scale, and (3) implementation at the local scale. To achieve this, an international experimental trial system is required to test suitable adaptive measures throughout Europe and worldwide.  相似文献   

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