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企业流程再造是企业管理的一种创新,正确地选择关键流程进行再造是企业改善取得成功的基础。首先阐述流程再造及层次分析法的概念,其次分析层次分析法在流程择优应用中的优势,最终选取层次分析法作为关键流程选择的科学方法。通过A公司选取关键流程的实例表明,层次分析法很容易被企业决策者掌握,企业通过此方法选择关键流程具有较强的实用性,适用于大多数实施流程再造的企业,对当今企业如何选取核心业务流程、成功实施流程再造具有现实的指导意义。 相似文献
为获得碳汇收益与达成应对气候变化的目标,对碳汇林经营进行风险识别与管理具有重要的实践价值。通过实地调研与文献分析,发现碳汇林在经营过程中面临着自然风险、人为风险、政策风险与市场风险四大类风险。利用专家评分与层次分析法进一步对碳汇林面临的风险进行识别与评估,通过构造判断矩阵并利用MATLAB R2013b 进行分析,结果表明碳汇林经营中最主要的风险来自于政策风险(0.51)和市场风险(0.31)。对18 种具体风险因素进行综合总权重评估计算的结果表明,碳排放权交易政策(0.245)、碳市场价格(0.202)与森林碳汇交易政策(0.133)是对碳汇林经营影响最大的3 种风险因素。 相似文献
以南方沿海省份森林资源为研究对象,构建森林健康的三大类15个指标。建立上下层两两判断矩阵,通过层次分析法和熵权法对定性指标进行量值处理,对各评价指标进行权重计算。由最大隶属度原则获得的研究结果表明,该省森林健康综合评价值为0.3605,对应的评价等级为良好级,即该省的森林资源呈现出一个良好状态,森林生态系统较好,二级评价指标中森林结构完整性程度较低,主要是林种结构和林龄结构存在一定的缺陷,天然林较少,森林功能性和环境性风险较低。 相似文献
研究采用AHP法对景观空间视觉吸引要素评价指标进行量化分析,针对甄别景观空间视觉吸引要素实验提取的7类吸引要素构建模型假设、比较判别矩阵和求解,分析模型的优缺点,计算出层次单排序和总排序的结果并进行一致性检验,得出该7类视觉吸引要素在各类景观空间中对风景资源的影响比重按从大到小排序为尺度和距离(0.293 7)、实体(0.217 8)、色彩(0.191 2)、植物(0.115 2)、瞬逝自然景象(0.093 5)、水体(0.045 1)、质地(0.043 6)。模型计算结果与经验判别法的结果基本一致,说明AHP法对景观空间视觉吸引评价具有客观量化描述的准确性并具有一定的科学意义,这为景观空间视觉吸引评价提供了理论依据。 相似文献
基于层次分析法的家具设计方案评价模型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
将层次分析法(AHP)引人家具设计的方案评价与决策中.用层次分析法原理确立家具设计方案评价指标层次结构,计算与分析家具方案评价各层次指标的权值.第一,家具设计方案评价各属性的权值:美观属性(MG),42.86%;实用属性(SY),44.81%;经济属性(JS),12.34%;第二,家具设计方案评价二级评价指标的权值:家具造型(Kx),0.150 8;家具色彩(KS)0.127 0;家具装饰(KZ),0.150 8;家具功能(KG),0.150 8;家具材料(KC),0.146 5;家具工艺结构(KY),0.150 8;家具价格定位(KJ),0.123 4.同时构建了家具设计方案评价模型,用于指导家具设计. 相似文献
以乐东拟单性木兰14个种源试验林幼林为材料,利用层次分析方法对其进行综合评价。研究结果表明:乐东拟单性木兰树高、胸径、树冠浓密度、叶面积、造林保存率和叶色6个性状地理种源差异显著,改良潜力大;这6个性状的广义遗传力分别为0.835、0.811、0.857、0.823、0.950、0.708,说明环境因子对这些性状的影响较小,而遗传因子对其影响较大。通过层次分析法对14个乐东拟单性木兰种源进行分析,乐东拟单性木兰种源优劣排序为:SC >XN >LQ >JL >SZ >RS > CJ >MX >QY >LP >RJ >LN >LD >JFL。其中福建顺昌、湖南新宁、浙江龙泉和福建将乐4个种源在浙北地区具有推广和应用价值,而江西龙南、海南乐东及海南尖峰岭3个种源在浙北地区的生长、适应和观赏性状表现较差。 相似文献
层次分析法在森林土壤持水评价中的应用 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
不同森林类型的持水功能是当今研究的热点问题之一,针对小兴安岭南部山区3种主要森林类型土壤和枯落物持水性能,从层次选择模型和判断矩阵的构建入手,在设定多层次指标体系的基础上采用AHP法计算各指标权重,以确定森林的持水能力强弱。结果表明:在总排序中,所构建的判断矩阵的随机一致性比率(Consistency Ratio)CR=0.03337414〈0.10,具有满意的一致性和可靠性。选择出的土壤持水性能较强的森林类型与现实生产实际相吻合,说明层次分析法在不同森林类型土壤持水性能的定量化选择上的应用是可行的。 相似文献
改进层次分析法在BOT高速公路风险评价中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在高速公路BOT项目风险评价问题中,评价过程是否合理,评价结果是否准确是BOT项目能否成功的关键。本文运用层次分析法原理,在此基础上用指数标度进行改进,对BOT高速公路项目风险进行综合评价。通过此方法在哈尔滨绕城高速公路上的应用,证明评价结果符舍实际所面临的风险问题,验证改进层次分析法在BOT高速公路项目风险评价中的有效性和可操作性,可为投资者和项目决策者提供科学合理的参考依据。 相似文献
T. Heinonen T. Pukkala V.-P. Ikonen H. Peltola A. Venlinen S. Dupont 《Forest Ecology and Management》2009,258(7):1567-1577
Wind is the major abiotic risk factor in Finnish forests. Therefore, tools that help managers to assess the risk of wind damage are required. This study developed simple regression models for predicting the critical wind speed needed to uproot Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch trees at the stand edges in Finnish conditions, using the characteristics of the retained forest both downwind and upwind stands as predictors. Using information on the prevailing wind conditions in the region, the critical wind speeds were converted into probabilities of wind damage, from which a mean risk index was calculated. The mean risk index was used as an objective variable in heuristic optimisation. The results of minimizing the mean risk index were compared to other objective variables such as minimal height differences between adjacent stands. The residuals of the regression models of critical wind speeds were small, especially in Scots pine and birch. Increasing tree height of the downwind stand or area of the upwind stand (gap size) decreased the critical wind speed regardless of tree species, whereas increases in the dbh/height ratio of the downwind stand increased the critical wind speed. The shelter effect of upwind stand height was stronger in Norway spruce than in other tree species, whereas the effect of tree height of the downwind stand was larger in Scots pine and birch. Minimization of the mean risk of wind damage within forest landscapes led to smooth and non-fragmented landscape structures in terms of tree height. Incorporating even-flow constraints into the planning model led to a slight increase in the mean risk of wind damage. Of the surrogate methods for risk assessment minimization of height differences between adjacent stands performed well but not equally well as minimization of the mean risk index. 相似文献
The current forest planning system of Japan has been in place since the formulation of the Forest Law back in 1897. During this time, although addressing specified forests as demonstrated in the system for protection forests, in a more general sense, the execution of the forest planning system has placed forestry management at the core. In other words, it has instead been forest administration delivered in a manner relevant to forestry management. This trend is exhibited in, for instance, policies for the reorganization of common forest, the forest management planning system, forest owners associations, the proceeds-sharing reforestation system, cooperative silviculture management, and valley forestry revitalization; which have all been implemented.In this paper I review the results of these practices and explore the contemporary forest owners pattern of behavior. I also discuss the passive attitudes among forest owners, especially in comparison with the attitudes prevalent during the postwar reforestation era, continuing up to the 1960s, and the current tendency towards neglect in the afforested areas, as well as the increasing number of forest owners giving up forestry practice.In the postwar era (up to the 1960s), forestry had been following an upward trend of development that motivated forest owners to afforest, as this was the optimal choice for increasing the familys stocks for future generations (in the manner of holding an asset), and thus a rapid expansion of plantation forests resulted. By the 1970s, when domestic wood supply became less than a half of all domestic wood demand (it is still declining now), forest owners gradually began to lose interest in reforestation and care of the forest as a method of increasing assets. The current share of domestic wood supply in total consumption has dropped to 20%, and the annual cut volume is only 23% of the annual volume increment.Forests are as much a public property as they are private and, moreover, represent a globally significant resource. Active stewardship, such as materializing internationally agreed notions of sustainable forest management, promoting forest certification systems, and complying with the Kyoto Protocol, are now important issues, both domestically and internationally.The paradoxical gap between current forestry trends and public aspirations for forests is widening with each year, thus creating a grave social problem. I have been focusing on forestry revitalization as the primary step towards the resolution of this issue. As the logical basis for executing this policy, I review the relations between forest resource policies and forestry policies.At the same time, by reviewing the forest planning system and its developmental process, I sought to investigate what new policies would fulfill the need to realize the public functions of forests while revitalizing forestry, form the point of view of forestry policies and their influence on the forest planning system. I have concluded that there is a case for separating forest management from forest ownership in units of forest compartments; namely to establish an incorporative management system by which forest owners can invest in their stands. 相似文献
针对兴安落叶松人工林采伐迹地的基本情况和主要特点,运用可拓层次分析法构建兴安落叶松人工林采伐迹地的火险评级指标体系。通过不同层次的分析,建立了兴安落叶松人工林采伐迹地火灾危险等级评价模型,给出了有效的可拓区间数,确定了各个火险评级指标在兴安落叶松人工林采伐迹地火险等级评价中的权系数,为构建兴安落叶松人工林采伐迹地火险等级的动态评估演化模型、促进林地更新、实现科学管理提供理论依据。 相似文献
动物运动场的地被植物对动物福利、展示效果、生态效益有着重要意义。为了科学地开发利用现有地被植物资源,提高动物运动场的生态展示效果,实施更有针对性的管护手段,对北京动物园动物运动场地被植物进行实地调查。利用层次分析法对地被植物的生长状况、观赏特性及适应性进行综合评价及分级。结果表明,涝峪薹草等25种地被植物开发利用价值高,泥胡菜等27种开发利用价值较高,天名精等20种开发利用价值较低,枸杞等11种不具有开发利用价值。根据评价结果对7个具有代表性的动物场馆的23个室外运动场进行聚类分析,按不同管护特征将其分为易于管理、较好管理、不好管理、难以管理四类。 相似文献
The forest planning system of large Swedish forest owners follows a three step procedure: long-term, medium-term, and short-term planning. The system is sequential and hierarchical in the sense that longer-term plans form the framework for shorter-term plans, and that top-level management prepares the long range plans and the lower management levels develop plans with successively shorter horizons. Studies indicate that this approach does not fully use existing knowledge within the organization. Problems associated with the top-down approach are also recognized in the general literature on organization and management. A proposal for a bottom-up approach is developed that aim at the use of local level knowledge to enhance accuracy and applicability of the forest plans. After top-level management has issued some fundamental planning directives, medium-term planning is conducted by the districts. Then the district plans are consolidated at the top-level for coordination and revision. A simulated planning process provides an illustration of the approach. The Heureka system is used here to optimize harvests and road costs with a mixed integer programming model of the problem, spanning 10 years with three seasons per year. The importance of detailed local knowledge to the outcome of planning is indicated, and needs for continued decision support systems development is discussed. 相似文献