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Dorsal displacement of the soft palate is a common cause of upper airway obstruction in racehorses and is of unknown aetiology. To determine whether the palate may displace for structural reasons, knowledge of the normal soft palate is required. The present study aimed to describe, qualitatively and quantitatively, the structure of the normal equine soft palate using histomorphometry. In soft palates from 12 Thoroughbreds, glandular tissue predominated (ca. 40% of total area), located mainly in the rostral and ventral regions. Rostrally, muscles attached to a tendinous aponeurosis located dorsal to the glandular tissue. Muscle was most abundant in the dorsal mid region and decreased caudally. The oral mucosa consisted of a non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium whereas the nasopharyngeal mucosa was pseudostratified, columnar and ciliated. Elastin fibres were observed in the nasopharyngeal submucosa, becoming more prevalent caudally. The palates were bilaterally symmetrical although the proportion of tissue types varied considerably between individuals.  相似文献   

In a study with 15 neonatal foals (5 per treatment group), foals were fed within 4 hours of birth as follows: 250 ml of colostrum, 250 ml of lyophilized serum reconstituted at 5 times the original concentration, or 250 ml of a mixture (1:1) of colostrum and lyophilized serum. Foal serum samples were tested for immunoglobulin (Ig)G concentration and titrated for anti-equine rhinovirus 1 and anti-equine influenza A1 and A2 antibodies at 0 and 24 hours after foals were born. Except in a foal which had suckled the dam before treatment, there was no evidence of IgG or specific viral antibodies in the samples taken at birth. There were no significant differences found in the serum IgG concentrations and antibody titers among the 3 treatment groups. Seemingly, IgG was absorbed efficiently from both serum and colostrum, so that the use of reconstituted lyophilized serum as a prophylactic measure of conferring passive immunity to a newborn foal deserves serious consideration.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: The presence of abnormal respiratory sounds is commonly associated with obstructions of the upper respiratory tract. In order to establish their clinical significance measurements are required of both normal and abnormal respiratory sounds produced by horses exercising over-ground. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether high quality recordings of respiratory sound can be made during over-ground exercise, and to develop a convenient measurement system that can be used to obtain respiratory sounds from horses exercising in field conditions. METHODS: A range of prototypes was evaluated against the requirements that the system must be easy to use under field conditions and produce high-quality recordings of respiratory sound. The chosen design incorporated a miniature microphone and an air-flow direction sensor mounted on a lightweight plastic face mask. The mask was attached to the horse's head using nylon straps secured by velcro fastenings. Sound and flow signals were recorded on a portable minidisc player carried by the jockey. RESULTS: The system fulfilled the design criteria. High quality recordings of respiratory sounds were obtained from Thoroughbred horse exercising on a training gallop under a variety of weather conditions. Intermittently occurring abnormal sounds were readily identified from the data. CONCLUSIONS: High quality measurements of respiratory sounds during over-ground exercise can be made relatively easily. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The system enables measurement of respiratory sounds outside a laboratory environment creating new opportunities for scientific research and clinical assessment. The study demonstrated that diagnostic systems based on respiratory sound analysis could potentially be manufactured at relatively low cost and be convenient and simple to use.  相似文献   

This case report describes the endoscopic findings and outcome in 6 horses diagnosed with dynamic epiglottic retroversion (ER) during exercise. Horses included 2 showjumpers, one eventer, one pleasure riding horse and 2 Thoroughbred racehorses. All were adults (age range: 4–10 years). Dorsal angulation of the epiglottis was identified at rest in one horse. However, resting endoscopy was unremarkable in the remaining 5 horses. Exercising endoscopy was performed during high‐speed treadmill exercise in 3 horses and during ridden exercise in the other 3. Intermittent ER occurred during inspiration in all horses and the frequency increased with increasing speed. In 2 horses the epiglottis retroverted beyond the rima glottidis. All horses made an abnormal respiratory noise described as a ‘grunt’ when retroversion of the epiglottis occurred. Poll flexion was found to be an exacerbating factor in the nonracehorses. Two horses continued in work but abnormal inspiratory noise persisted. Surgical treatment, in the form of subepiglottic resection, was attempted in one horse. However, it never raced again after the procedure. Of the remaining horses, 2 were retired and the third was subjected to euthanasia.  相似文献   

Bilateral hypoplasia of the soft palate and aspiration pneumonia occurred in a Standardbred foal. The filly was presented with a history of illthrift, dyspnoea, coughing and bilateral nasal discharge. Abnormal sounds (crackels and wheezes) were auscultated over all lung fields and the cervical trachea. Endoscopy revealed a shortened soft palate with a uvula-like mass protruding from the free border into the nasopharynx. Mucopurulent material was present in the trachea. Samples obtained by tracheal wash were submitted for cytology, culture and sensitivity testing. Results indicated a septic inflammatory process. On lateral radiographs of the thorax there were patchy areas of consolidation and air bronchograms. The foal was euthanased. Necropsy confirmed the presence of a palatal defect and aspiration pneumonia of moderate severity. No other congenital abnormalities were present.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Although well documented in racehorses, there is paucity in the literature regarding the prevalence of dynamic upper airway abnormalities in nonracing performance horses. Objective: To describe upper airway function of nonracing performance horses with abnormal respiratory noise and/or poor performance via exercising upper airway videoendoscopy. Methods: Medical records of nonracing performance horses admitted for exercising evaluation with a chief complaint of abnormal respiratory noise and/or poor performance were reviewed. All horses had video recordings of resting and exercising upper airway endoscopy. Relationships between horse demographics, resting endoscopic findings, treadmill intensity and implementation of head and neck flexion during exercise with exercising endoscopic findings were examined. Results: Dynamic upper airway obstructions were observed in 72% of examinations. Head and neck flexion was necessary to obtain a diagnosis in 21 horses. Pharyngeal wall collapse was the most prevalent upper airway abnormality, observed in 31% of the examinations. Complex abnormalities were noted in 27% of the examinations. Resting laryngeal dysfunction was significantly associated with dynamic arytenoid collapse and the odds of detecting intermittent dorsal displacement of the soft palate (DDSP) during exercise in horses with resting DDSP was only 7.7%. Exercising endoscopic observations were different from the resting observations in 54% of examinations. Conclusions: Dynamic upper airway obstructions were common in nonracing performance horses with respiratory noise and/or poor performance. Resting endoscopy was only helpful in determining exercising abnormalities with recurrent laryngeal neuropathy. Potential relevance: This study emphasises the importance of exercising endoscopic evaluation in nonracing performance horses with abnormal respiratory noise and/or poor performance for accurate assessment of dynamic upper airway function.  相似文献   

An 8-week-old male Miniature Schnauzer had nasal discharge of milk, food, and water since birth, especially during eating. Examination of the oral cavity revealed a short soft palate. Numerous unsuccessful surgical procedures were performed to construct a shelf of tissue to prevent oronasal reflux. The dog was euthanatized.  相似文献   

A 26-day-old entire male alpaca was referred for surgical treatment of a cleft soft palate. Mandibular symphysiotomy and three-layer closure of the palatal defect resulted in primary intention healing. Despite complications related to anaesthesia the alpaca made a full recovery.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The relationship between dorsal displacement of the soft palate (DDSP) and swallowing is unclear. Objective: To quantify the relationship between DDSP and swallowing in horses at exercise. Hypotheses: The frequency of swallowing increases immediately prior to DDSP in horses at exercise. Methods: Videoendoscopic and upper airway pressure data were collated from horses with a definitive diagnosis of DDSP at exercise. Horses with no upper airway abnormalities were matched by age, breed and sex and used as controls. Sixty‐nine horses were identified with a definitive diagnosis of DDSP during the study interval. Airway pressure data were available for 42 horses. Results: The majority of horses displaced at high exercising speeds while accelerating; a smaller number displaced during deceleration after peak speed had been reached. Horses swallowed significantly more frequently in the 1 min immediately preceding DDSP than in the control horses at equivalent speeds. DDSP at exercise results in a significant increase in tracheal expiratory pressure, a significant decrease in pharyngeal expiratory pressure and a significantly less negative pharyngeal inspiratory pressure compared to matched controls and compared to the pressures during the 1 min interval prior to DDSP. There was no significant difference between any measure of airway pressure before or after a swallow when examined at each time interval in the DDSP population. Conclusions: The frequency of swallowing decreases with increasing speed in normal horses. In contrast, the frequency of swallowing increases immediately prior to onset of DDSP. This is not a result of pharyngeal and tracheal pressure changes. Potential relevance: The increased frequency of swallowing observed prior to DDSP may be related to the aetiology of the disease.  相似文献   

Exercising upper airway endoscopic evaluation was performed in 7 horses with a history of poor performance after partial arytenoidectomy. Treadmill endoscopy revealed axial deviation of the ipsilateral aryepiglottic fold in all horses. Dynamic collapse of one or more additional upper airway structures was also observed. In 4 horses, laser resection of soft tissue structures that obstructed the upper airway was performed. After laser surgery, 3 horses raced and one performed adequately as a riding horse. Of the remaining 3 horses, 2 raced at a lower class and one performed adequately as a riding horse. In this population of horses, dynamic endoscopy of the upper airway was critical for case management. Based on our observations, horses post arytenoidectomy can have dynamic collapse of the ipsilateral aryepiglottic fold and laser resection of the fold may help resolve the performance problem.  相似文献   

Veterinary Research Communications - Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have attracted great attention for therapeutic applications. Since cells derived from different tissues have different...  相似文献   

Endoscopic examination of a 7-year-old gelding with weight loss indicated a palatal defect with a prominent tissue mass at the caudomedial margin of the defect. At necropsy, the condition was determined to be bilateral hypoplasia of the soft palate.  相似文献   

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