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<正> 1982年,舟山地区水产研究所在普陀对虾塘里放养了鲻鱼,探索对虾与鲻鱼混养的途径。当时有人耽心,混养后对虾会被鲻鱼吃掉,对虾饵料会被鲻鱼抢  相似文献   

为研究如何充分利用凡纳滨对虾养殖池的水体、底质空间和饵料资源,降低养殖成本,提高养殖经济效益,进行了凡纳滨对虾与方格星虫的混养试验。试验池塘1口,面积2800 m2,放养体长0.8~1.0 cm的凡纳滨对虾苗22万尾,放养体长2~3 cm、平均体质量0.402 g的方格星虫苗种6万条。经过117~123d养殖,收获凡纳滨对虾2 453 kg,规格66尾/kg,成活率73.6%,产值58 872元;收获方格星虫268 kg,规格159条/kg,成活率71.0%,产值17688元。试验总产值76560元,利润36218元。  相似文献   

在室内条件下进行了玉足海参与凡纳滨对虾的混养实验,分析了单养与混养两种条件下养殖水体营养盐结构以及底质成分的变化,测定了对虾与海参的存活率与生长性能。结果显示,混养海参可以明显改变养殖系统的营养盐结构,可使水体中的磷酸盐和硝酸盐浓度有所升高,同时也可有效地控制系统中氨氮浓度。混养海参也可以大幅度地降低沉积物中有机质和硫化物含量,实验结束时混养组硫化物含量为(7.71±1.33)mg/kg,仅相当于单养组浓度的1/3。混养海参对对虾生长及存活具有明显的促进作用,其中混养组对虾体长特异增长率为(0.69±0.13)%/d,显著优于单养组(0.45±0.06)%/d;混养组对虾成活率可达72.5%±22.9%,显著高于对照组55.0%±17.5%。在混养系统内,对虾不会对海参的生存造成负面影响,海参能够有效地选择摄食和利用沉积物中的营养物质(对食物中有机质的同化率可达36.36%±13.79%),并以较快的速度生长。结果表明,在对虾养殖系统中混养玉足海参具有明显的环境与经济效益。本研究可为我国海水养殖业的可持续发展提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

<正>糙海参(Holothuria scabra),在两广和海南地区俗称沙参,粤港澳地区也称为秃参。糙海参属热带海参,为广温和广盐南方海参品种,温度13~35℃,盐度20~40‰的水质都能生存,适合我国南方人工养殖,且已有不少养殖成功的报道。湛江市是凡纳滨对虾养殖大市,虾池分布广泛。糙海参与凡纳滨对虾池塘混养可解决对虾养殖品种单一从而提高虾池利用率和综合经济效益,为广大对虾养殖户提供一条新思路。  相似文献   

利用6 口微咸水土池中进行凡纳滨对虾与瓯江彩鲤的混养试验,各池对虾的放养密度均为5万尾/667 m2,瓯江彩鲤夏花的放养密度分别为0、0、100、200、400、800 尾/667 m2.试验结果表明:混养瓯江彩鲤的池塘,对虾产量及养殖经济效益明显好于单养池,而瓯江彩鲤夏花鱼种的混养密度以200 尾/667 m2为最好.  相似文献   

在水温27.6~33.6℃下,在0.2 hm2池塘中放置21个24 m2(4 m×6 m×水深1.5 m)围隔,放养体质量3.4 g的凡纳滨对虾Litopenaeus vannamei 1 728尾(即7.2 x 105尾/hm2),分别混养体质量65 g的卵形鲳鲹Trachinotus ovatus 0尾(C 组)、...  相似文献   

锯缘青蟹大眼幼体与凡纳滨对虾混养试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用3口池塘共1.14 hm2进行锯缘青蟹大眼幼体与凡纳滨对虾的混养试验,投放锯缘青蟹大眼幼体8500只,凡纳滨对虾苗2.03×105尾,经96~129 d的养殖,收获锯缘青蟹729.1 kg,凡纳滨对虾2804.3 kg;锯缘青蟹平均312 g/只,凡纳滨对虾57.5尾/kg;锯缘青蟹大眼幼体成活率27.5%,凡纳滨对虾成活率79.4%。试验结果表明,锯缘青蟹大眼幼体可以直接投入池塘中与凡纳滨对虾混养,将为今后大规模发展锯缘青蟹养殖摸索出一条有效途径。  相似文献   

于2015年8—12月对混养奥尼罗非鱼的凡纳滨对虾池塘进行对虾体表固着类纤毛虫的研究。在显微镜10×10倍视野下纤毛虫个体数量处于1级(≥30个)情况下,试验池1~#、2~#和3~#池分别放养奥尼罗非鱼苗体长10.0 cm密度4 500尾/hm~2、体长2.1 cm密度15 000尾/hm~2、体长6.0 cm密度9 000尾/hm~2均可以使凡纳滨对虾体表的固着类纤毛虫个体数量降低到4级(≤3个),通过控制饲料的投喂量和投喂频率,每15天测定试验池对虾体表虫体个数,均处于4级(≤3个)水平,1~#、2~#和3~#池净利润分别为75 489、46 625、55 682元/hm~2。试验结果表明:混养一定数量的奥尼罗非鱼对凡纳滨对虾固着类纤毛虫疾病具有防治作用,为该类寄生虫导致的疾病防治提供参考。  相似文献   

采用养殖生态学方法,研究了不同水温下鲻鱼对凡纳滨对虾养殖沉积物的摄食与吸收。选择大、中、小3种规格鲻鱼,体质量分别为(16.25±0.88)g/尾,(29.00±1.73)g/尾,(42.93±1.08)g/尾,将养殖沉积物收集后投喂鲻鱼,在自然水温为21.5~25.5℃流水系统中养殖46d,然后测定其特定生长率、摄食率、排粪率以及有机质和氮、磷吸收率。试验结果表明,(16.25±0.88)g/尾鲻鱼特定生长率显著高于(42.93±1.08)g/尾,特定生长率与鲻鱼体质量呈负相关。3种规格鲻鱼摄食率和排粪率与水温呈正相关,水温升至25.5℃时均最高,(29.00±1.73)g/尾鲻鱼摄食率和(16.25±0.88)g/尾鲻鱼排粪率整体最高。(29.00±1.73)g/尾鲻鱼对有机质和氮、磷吸收率最高,分别为60.63%,82.15%,44.24%。鲻鱼对养殖沉积物中有机质和氮、磷的移除量分别为0.619g/(kg·尾),0.043g/(kg·尾),2.746mg/(kg·尾)。研究表明,鲻鱼摄食凡纳滨对虾养殖沉积物的生长效果良好,不但可以利用养殖环境中有机物和营养物质,同时为鱼虾混养模式中的鲻鱼规格搭配提供科学依据。  相似文献   

A comparative study was carried out to compare the effect of caging mullet and tilapia in a shrimp polyculture system. In six shrimp tanks (three tanks for each fish species), either mullet, Mugil cephalus (CCT‐SM), or tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (CCT‐ST), was stocked in cages. In three other tanks, mullets were allowed to roam freely in shrimp tanks (D‐SM). White shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei (0.50 g), was cultured as the predominant species were distributed randomly into nine fibreglass tanks (5 m3) at a density of 300 shrimp/tank, while fish (1.50 g) were stocked at the same density of 10% of the initial total shrimp biomass. The results showed that water quality parameters were not significantly different among treatments (p > .05), except for total suspended solids (TSSs). System performances based on parameters such as total weight gain (2,808.15 g/tank) and nutrient recovery were higher in D‐SM treatment (39.80% for nitrogen and 27.40% for phosphorus) than in CCT‐SM and CCT‐ST treatments (p < .05). These system performance parameters were significantly affected by the mullet‐holding strategy; however, they were not affected by fish species. The addition of mullet or tilapia in shrimp tanks did not affect shrimp growth differentially. Fish growth performances based on parameters such as final weight (98.43 g/fish) and DGR (1.29 g/day) were significantly higher in D‐SM treatment and were significantly different among D‐SM, CCT‐SM and CCT‐ST treatments (p < .05). It is concluded that in shrimp–fish polyculture with a stocking density of fish at 10% of the initial total shrimp biomass, tilapia is more effective than mullet, when caged. However, under free‐roaming conditions, the use of mullet is more effective in terms of system performances relative to a system holding caged tilapia.  相似文献   

用放在海水池塘中的8个陆基围隔(50m×50m×18m),研究中国对虾(Penaeuschinensis)与不同密度海湾扇贝(Argopecteniradians)投饵混养的放养方式、生产力和极限放养量。对虾体长(285±016)cm,扇贝壳长(110±012)cm,放养密度分别为60尾/m2和0,15,45,75粒/m2,用投饵和施肥(鸡粪和化肥)饲养。结果表明,扇贝密度为0和15粒/m2时,对虾的成活率无显著差异。混养(扇贝15粒/m2)时对虾的出塘体长、体重和产量分别比单养高25%,38%和65%;当扇贝密度高于15粒/m2时,对虾的平均体长、体重和产量随扇贝密度的增加而显著减少(P<005)。扇贝密度为15和75粒/m2时,其产量由470kg/hm2增至1236kg/hm2;当扇贝密度高时,去壳后湿重占体重的百分数从(4284±344)%降至(3788±426)%。扇贝的极限放养量为600~800kg/hm2,适宜放养密度为10~15粒/m2。  相似文献   

中国对虾与海湾扇贝投饵混养的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
用放在海水池塘中的8个陆基围隔(5.0m×5.0m×1.8m),研究中国对虾(Penaeuschinensis)与不同密度海湾扇贝(Argopectenirradians)投饵混养的放养方式、生产力和极限放养量.对虾体长(2.85±0.16)cm,扇贝壳长(1.10±0.12)cm,放养密度分别为6.0尾/m2和0,1.5,4.5,7.5粒/m2,用投饵和施肥(鸡粪和化肥)饲养.结果表明,扇贝密度为0和1.5粒/m2时,对虾的成活率无显著差异.混养(扇贝1.5粒/m2)时对虾的出塘体长、体重和产量分别比单养高2.5%,3.8%和6.5%;当扇贝密度高于1.5粒/m2时,对虾的平均体长、体重和产量随扇贝密度的增加而显著减少(P<0.05).扇贝密度为1.5和7.5粒/m2时,其产量由470kg/hm2增至1236kg/hm2;当扇贝密度高时,去壳后湿重占体重的百分数从(42.84±3.44)%降至(37.88±4.26)%.扇贝的极限放养量为600~800kg/hm2,适宜放养密度为1.0~1.5粒/m2.  相似文献   

在河蟹青虾混养池塘构建封闭式循环水养殖系统,并对其净化效果和养殖效益进行了初步研究。结果表明:该系统对水体TN、TP、NH4+-N和CODMn的平均净化效率分别为27.33%、56.14%、43.91%和39.59%。经湿地净化后的水质能够达到GB3838-2002地表水Ⅲ类排放标准,平均纯收益达53769元/hm2。  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to examine the effects of a polyculture system on the control of the external parasites of western white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. To this end, the western white shrimp postlarvae (PLs) were stocked in nine earthen ponds (600 m2) at a density of 20 PLs m?2 and reared for 4 months. After 40 days of shrimp stocking, Mullets, Mugil cephalus, were stocked at various densities including: control (0 fish/100 m2 pond), treatment 1 (T1: 2 fish/100 m2 pond) and treatment 2 (T2: 4 fish/100 m2 pond). Over the course of the experiment, the external parasites of shrimps were investigated by the preparation of a wet mount from the gill tissue. Based on the obtained results, totally two genera of protozoan parasites, i.e. Zoothamnium sp. and Epistylis sp., were identified over the course of the experiment. In all experimental groups, the incidence and abundance of Zoothamnium sp. was significantly higher than Epistylis sp. (< 0.05). Also, mean incidence per cent and mean abundance of Zoothamnium sp. and Epistylis sp. were significantly lower in the polyculture treatments (T1 and T2) compared to the monoculture group (control) (P < 0.05). Throughout this experiment, the total organic matter (TOM %) content of the bottom sediments and biological oxygen demand (BOD5 mg L?1) of water samples in the polyculture ponds were significantly lower than the monoculture group (P < 0.05). In contrast, the polyculture ponds had a higher concentration of water dissolved oxygen (O2 mg L?1) compared to the monoculture (P < 0.05). In conclusion, our results show that mullet as a secondary farmed species can reduce indirectly the parasitic pollution of western white shrimp probably through reducing the total organic matters in water and sediments and improving the water quality parameters.  相似文献   

盐碱地池塘不同养殖模式的能量利用比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于1998年4—9月采用围隔实验生态学方法,为鲤、草鱼、罗非鱼、淡水白鲳及鲢、鳙设计了4种混养模式。经测定,淡水白鲳模式(FP)、草鱼模式(GC)和罗非鱼模式(TH)模式的光能利用率都随吃食性鱼类放养密度的增大而升高,GC和TH的光能利用率相对较高;总能量转化率以鲤模式(CC)和FP较高,TH最低;饲料能转化效率在FP最高,TH最低,而且各放养模式都随吃食性鱼类放养密度的增大而下降;FP的N利用率很高,TH最低,N和P利用率在4种模式都随吃食性鱼类放养密度的增大而减小;各模式的产投比都随吃食性鱼类放养密度的增大而增大,CC、TH的产投比在吃食性鱼类放养密度最大时有所下降。  相似文献   

以河蟹单品种养殖池塘为对照,通过河蟹、青虾和塘鳢混养模式,检测养殖水体水温(WT)、pH值、透明度(SD)、溶解氧(DO)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、化学需氧量(CODMn)和氨氮(NH4+-N)的变化,比较单养各混养模式的水体动态变化及产出效果。结果表明:混养池水温(WT)变化范围为19.1~31.5℃,pH值6.8~7.7,SD 35.0~60.0 cm,DO 5.1~7.6 mg/L,TN 1.53~1.79mg/L,TP 0.135~0.235 mg/L,CODMn7.86~8.59 mg/L,NH4+-N 0.35~0.48 mg/L,符合渔业水质标准(GB11607-89)和国家三类水指标(GB3838-2002)。方差分析结果显示,除水温和pH值外,混养模式与单养模式水质差异性显著。混养池平均纯收益为89 735元/hm2和91 860元/hm2,单养池平均纯收益为65 250元/hm2。混养比单养池多26 610元/hm2。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To quantify the contribution by cocultured animals to waste assimilation in an intensive shrimp farm in Thailand, the food web structures of the macrobenthos in a reservoir pond, a shrimp culture pond and water treatment ponds were examined using the stable C and N isotope ratio technique. Seawater for aquaculture was drawn from a creek, and stored in a reservoir pond, used for farming the banana prawn Fenneropenaeus merguiensis in culture ponds, and then recycled through treatment ponds where the green mussel Perna viridis was cultured to remove organic wastes discharged from the farming. The clam worm Nereididae sp. and the mud creeper Cerithideopsilla cingulata in the culture pond had δ 13C values of −21.0‰ and −18.4‰, respectively, suggesting that shrimp feed (mean δ 13C = −20.7‰) was the main food source for these species. The δ 13C analysis also suggested that sediments (−23.7‰) in the reservoir pond and particulate organic matter (POM) (−24.0‰) and/or sediments (−25.0‰) in the treatment pond supplied carbon for most macrobenthic animals. However, green mussels in the treatment pond had a mean δ 13C value of −20.5‰, suggesting that shrimp feed was the main food source for this species.  相似文献   

采用套网试验法在长江口渔场对25 mm桁杆虾拖网网囊网目的选择性进行了试验。结果表明:当网囊网目内径为25 mm时,网囊与套网内脊腹褐虾的体长范围在30~80 mm之间,其中网囊内虾的优势体长在46~70 mm之间,套网内虾的优势体长在41~60 mm之间;50%选择体长L0.5为50.53 mm,选择范围SR为9.86 mm;逃逸虾的平均存活率为96.25%。  相似文献   

采用套网试验法在长江口渔场对25 mm桁杆虾拖网网囊网目的选择性进行了试验.结果表明:当网囊网目内径为25 mm时,网囊与套网内脊腹褐虾的体长范围在30~80 mm之间,其中网囊内虾的优势体长在46~70 mm之间,套网内虾的优势体长在41~60 mm之间;50%选择体长L0.5为50.53 mm,选择范围SR为9.86 mm;逃逸虾的平均存活率为96.25%.  相似文献   

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