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In an earlier report in the Veterinary Clinics: Large Animal Practice, the author discussed some basic principles upon which receiving programs for stressed calves should be based. Additional information has been developed in some of the areas covered in that report and in certain other areas. It is the purpose of this article to discuss some of this new information, after a brief review of the basics.  相似文献   

Eighty-three weaned beef calves severely deficient (less than 20 micrograms/L) in blood selenium (Se) were allotted by sex, weight and breed to one of six regimens of Se supplementation for 108 days to examine the efficacy of various Se supplementation programs and to monitor the repletion rate of blood Se concentrations. Cattle in treatment 1 received an IM injection of sodium selenite and an ad libitum feeding of 20 mg Se/kg salt-mineral mixture. Salt-mineral mixtures (treatments 2, 3, 4 and 5) were formulated to contain 20, 40, 80 and 160 mg Se/kg supplement, respectively, and were offered free-choice. Treatment 2 served as the selenium-treated control because 20 mg Se/kg supplement was the maximum permissible by FDA in commercial salt-mineral preparations at the time of this study. Cattle in treatment 6 received a salt-mineral supplement which contained no Se but dried brewers grain (434 micrograms Se/kg) was incorporated in the ration as an organic source of Se and fed at a rate of 1.1 kg/head/day. There was a within group time/treatment interaction (P less than 0.01) among all treatments as blood Se concentrations significantly increased over time. Final mean whole blood Se concentrations for treatments 1-6 were 87.8, 60.6, 95.1, 123.1, 154.2 and 91.4 micrograms/L, respectively. Treatments 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 effectively increased and maintained whole blood Se concentrations at adequate levels (greater than 70 micrograms/L) by day 84. Treatment 2 (control) increased blood Se during the 108-day study, but blood Se concentrations never exceeded marginal levels (50-70 micrograms/L). Cattle consumed less salt-mineral supplement as the concentration of Na selenite increased from 20 to 160 mg Se/kg supplement.  相似文献   

Plasma analysis for albumin, total bilirubin, and total protein values and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), arginase, and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) activities was used for the early and quantitative diagnosis of experimental Fasciola hepatica infections in beef calves. Calves were infected on 3 occasions with 1,000 (n = 5), 100 (n = 5), or 10 (n = 4) metacercariae for a total infective dose of 3,000, 300, or 30, respectively. Albendazole (15 mg/kg of body weight) was administered to 7 infected calves on postinfection (initial) week (PIW) 13. All calves were euthanatized and necropsied on PIW 16 for the determination of fluke infections. Plasma constituents were determined weekly. Significant (P less than 0.05) increases in AST activity occurred as early as PIW 4 and GGT activity at PIW 9, as compared with that in noninfected controls. Fluke burden-related differences were observed in GGT activity from PIW 9 onward. Increases in AST activity reflected parenchymal liver damage, whereas increases in GGT reflected hepatobiliary damage; therefore, differentiation could be made between the migratory and ductal phases of the infection. There was no correlation between arginase activity and fluke infection. As compared with fecal examination results, plasma enzyme analysis gave an earlier and semiquantitative indication of F hepatica infection in experimentally infected calves. Although increases in these plasma constituents were not definitely diagnostic of fascioliasis, useful information on the size of the fluke burden and progress of the disease process could be obtained by these methods. Plasma enzyme analyses of AST and GGT were not indicative of chemotherapeutic success or failure when calves with mature F hepatica (14 weeks old) infections were treated.  相似文献   

Myelodysplasia is a general term referring to abnormal development of the spinal cord. Unless associated with vertebral malformations, it can be difficult to distinguish clinically from other causes of spinal cord disease. These case reports describe the clinical and pathological findings in two calves with a distinctive non-progressive pelvic limb ataxia. The syndrome was observed in two calves on a large, extensively managed beef cattle property near Richmond, north Queensland. Both calves had similar clinical signs, including hindlimb ataxia with swaying of the pelvis and a well-coordinated bilateral hopping-like action. The differential diagnoses are discussed. A focal or diffuse myelodysplasia should be suspected in calves that have exhibited a non-progressive hindlimb ataxia from birth.  相似文献   

A 2-yr study using crossbred male calves (n = 228) evaluated castrating at birth or at 4 mo of age and use of anabolic growth implants (none, zeranol or estradiol-17 beta). Angus, Hereford and Brahman crossbred calves produced in seven cow-calf units that varied by breed component, stocking rate and calving season were allotted to treatment at birth in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement. Growth implants decreased (P less than .01) testicular weight and expression (P less than .05) of male secondary sex characteristics in suckling bull calves at 4 mo. Implanted calves were shorter (P less than .05) at the hips and had shorter front legs (P less than .01) at both 4 mo and at weaning. Cannon bone circumference at weaning was increased (P less than .05) by growth implants. Age at castration did not affect (P greater than .05) calf performance or body characteristics. Calves given growth implants had higher (P less than .05) rates of gain from birth to 4 mo than did nonimplanted calves (.75 vs .71 kg/d). Implanted calves were heavier (P less than .01) at weaning and had higher (P less than .01) ADG from 4 mo to weaning than did nonimplanted calves. These data indicate no benefit from delaying age at castration, but implanting increased weaning weight an average of 8.2 kg.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate plasma concentrations of substance P (SP) and cortisol in calves after castration or simulated castration. ANIMALS: 10 Angus-crossbred calves. PROCEDURES: Calves were acclimated for 5 days, assigned to a block on the basis of scrotal circumference, and randomly assigned to a castrated or simulated-castrated (control) group. Blood samples were collected twice before, at the time of (0 hours), and at several times points after castration or simulated castration. Vocalization and attitude scores were determined at time of castration or simulated castration. Plasma concentrations of SP and cortisol were determined by use of competitive and chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassays, respectively. Data were analyzed by use of repeated-measures analysis with a mixed model. RESULTS: Mean +/- SEM cortisol concentration in castrated calves (78.88+/-10.07 nmol/L) was similar to that in uncastrated control calves (73.01+/-10.07 nmol/L). However, mean SP concentration in castrated calves (506.43+/-38.11 pg/mL) was significantly higher than the concentration in control calves (386.42+/-40.09 pg/mL). Mean cortisol concentration in calves with vocalization scores of 0 was not significantly different from the concentration in calves with vocalization scores of 3. However, calves with vocalization scores of 3 had significantly higher SP concentrations, compared with SP concentrations for calves with vocalization scores of 0. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Similar cortisol concentrations were measured in castrated and control calves. A significant increase in plasma concentrations of SP after castration suggested a likely association with nociception. These results may affect assessment of animal well-being in livestock production systems.  相似文献   

Health and feed performance parameters of 293 beef stocker calves at risk for bovine respiratory disease were compared after metaphylactic administration of one of two antimicrobials (tulathromycin or tilmicosin) with different durations of activity; the antimicrobial was administered 1 day after arrival. Calves that received metaphylactic tulathromycin displayed significant improvement in morbidity, mortality, and first-treatment success rates (P<.05) compared with tilmicosin-treated calves. Tulathromycin-treated calves also showed a significantly improved average daily gain and feed:gain ratio (P<.05) compared with tilmicosin-treated calves. Under conditions of this study, calves receiving tulathromycin were healthier through a 43-day growing phase compared with calves receiving tilmicosin. This health difference likely accounted for the differences in feed performance between the treatment groups.  相似文献   

Repeatabilities of blood constituents were calculated for 104 Angus heifers on two separate experiments fed adequate, protein-deficient, energy-deficient, or both protein- and energy-deficient diets. Four statistical methodologies were compared including analysis of variance, principal component (structural) analysis based on the sample covariance and sample correlation matrix, and maximum likelihood. Of 12 blood constituents tested only seven were considered sufficiently important to be included in the analysis. These blood constituents included blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (Creat), alkaline phosphatase (Alk Phos), total protein (T Prot), total bilirubin (T Bil), cholesterol (Chol) and Iron (Fe). If the standard linear model assumptions were met for heifers on the adequate diet, the estimators appeared to be quite similar for both years except when the correlation coefficient was relatively small. If the assumption of homogeneity of the variance-covariance matrix (compound symmetry) was relaxed, the structural analysis method based on the sample correlation matrix appeared preferable. However, when combining all diets, the maximum likelihood methodology was preferred. Among the specific blood constituents, Alk Phos had the highest repeatability, not only for the heifers on the adequate diet, but also for heifers on other treatments in both years. Repeatabilities for T Prot appeared to be the most consistent over all rations in both years. Repeatability estimates for Fe were high and relative rankings were consistent for both years, while repeatabilities for the other variables were either low and(or) inconsistent.  相似文献   

The effect of Se supplementation before or after calving on Se status in deficient cows and their calves was studied using 72 beef cows in two experiments. In Exp. 1, cows calving in February or March 1997 were supplemented orally for 15 d in late pregnancy with 13.0, 32.5, or 45.5 mg of Se/d as sodium selenite. Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities were measured in red blood cells (RBC) or plasma of cows and calves at d 15 and between d 17 and 88 after calving. In Exp. 2, cows calving in January 1997 were supplemented orally with .0, 13.0, or 32.5 mg of Se/d for 15 d postpartum, and calves were injected with 1.38 mg of Se when 2 d old and at an average age of 49 d. The GSH-Px activities were measured in 30-d-old calves and in cows and calves between d 77 and 115 after calving. In both experiments, Se supplementation resulted in adequate Se status for the dams. The increase in RBC GSH-Px activity was faster with 45.5 mg of Se/d, and GSH-Px activities remained high for up to 98 d after the end of supplementation. The improvement in Se status in calves as a result of maternal supplementation was greater in Exp. 1 than in Exp. 2, suggesting that the placental transfer of Se is more efficient than milk transfer. Prepartum oral Se supplementation of deficient beef cows with 13.0 mg of Se/d for 15 d allowed adequate Se status of dams and calves, and 45.5 mg of Se/d resulted in a faster improvement of Se status. Parenteral administration of 1.38 mg of Se to newborn calves did not sustain normal Se status in calves issued from deficient cows.  相似文献   

The details of a small study on the volume of colostrum and colostral gammaglobulins produced by beef cows at the first milking immediately after calving and the serum concentrations of passively acquired colostral gammaglobulins attained by beef calves are reported. The mean volume of colostrum and colostral gammaglobulins produced were 2990 ± 2100 (SD) mL and 314.75 ± 211.8 (SD) g respectively. The mean serum concentrations of passively acquired colostral gammaglobulins were 29.9 ± 10.1 (SD) ZST units (n = 40, Ranch A) and 19.2 ± 7.5 (SD) ZST units (n = 42, Ranch B). The main reason for this difference appeared to be nutritional; the cows on ranch B being in much poorer condition and almost certainly producing less colostrum than those on ranch A.  相似文献   

On December 2, 1999, 120 pregnant cows were weighed, their body condition scored, and then sorted into six groups of 20 stratified by BCS, BW, breed, and age. Groups were assigned randomly to six, 5.1-ha dormant common bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon [L.] Pers.) pastures for 2 yr to determine the effects of supplemental Se and its source on performance and blood measurements. During the winter, each group of cows had ad libitum access to bermudagrass/dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.) hay plus they were allowed limited access (1 to 4 d/wk) to a 2.4-ha winter-annual paddock planted in half the pasture. Treatments were assigned randomly to pastures (two pastures per treatment), and cows had ad libitum access to one of three free-choice minerals: 1) no supplemental Se, 2) 26 mg of supplemental Se from sodium selenite/kg, and 3) 26 mg of supplemental Se from seleno-yeast/kg (designed intake = 113 g/cow daily). Data were analyzed using a mixed model; year was the random effect and treatment was the fixed effect. Selenium supplementation or its source had no effect (P > or = 0.19) on cow BW, BCS, conception rate, postpartum interval, or hay DMI. Birth date, birth weight, BW, total BW gain, mortality, and ADG of calves were not affected (P > 0.20) by Se or its source. Whole blood Se concentrations and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity at the beginning of the trial did not differ (P > or = 0.17) between cows receiving no Se and cows supplemented with Se or between Se sources. At the beginning of the calving and breeding seasons, cows supplemented with Se had greater (P < 0.01) whole blood Se concentrations and GSH-Px activities than cows receiving no supplemental Se; cows fed selenoyeast had greater (P < or = 0.05) whole blood Se concentrations than cows fed sodium selenite, but GSH-Px did not differ (P > or = 0.60) between the two sources. At birth and on May 24 (near peak lactation), calves from cows supplemented with Se had greater (P < or = 0.06) whole blood Se concentrations than calves from cows fed no Se. At birth, calves from cows fed seleno-yeast had greater (P < or = 0.05) whole blood Se concentrations and GSH-Px activities than calves from cows fed sodium selenite. Although no differences were noted in cow and calf performance, significant increases were noted in whole blood Se concentrations and GSH-Px activities in calves at birth as a result of feeding of seleno-yeast compared to no Se or sodium selenite.  相似文献   

The influence of 2 transport stressors (loading and noise) on several serum and plasma biochemical variables was studied in 4 calves. When calves were loaded and kept for 30 minutes on a motionless transport simulator or were exposed to the noise of the working simulator, increases in plasma epinephrine and serum cortisol and nonesterified fatty acids concentrations were similar to changes observed in calves subjected to simulated transport for 30 minutes. Results indicate that loading and noise have an important role in transport stress.  相似文献   

Over a 2-yr period, effects of genotype and forage on blood metabolites, enzymes, and minerals were determined in Angus, Brahman, Angus x Brahman (sire x dam), and Brahman x Angus cows, and 129 calves from these cows sired by Hereford bulls. Cows and calves continuously grazed either common bermudagrass or endophyte-infected 'Kentucky-31' tall fescue pastures throughout the year. Blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture in April, August, October (weaning), and November (after 30 d in a feedlot) of each year. Plasma urea N concentrations of cows and calves were affected by forage (P < 0.01) and breed (P < 0.05). Plasma cholesterol and FFA concentrations of cows were affected by forage (P < 0.01) and breed (P < 0.05). In calves, antibody titers to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus were not affected by forage but were affected by breed. Serum inorganic P concentrations of calves and cows were affected by forage (P < 0.05). Serum P concentrations and alkaline phosphatase activity of calves were affected by breed (P < 0.05). Calves grazing bermudagrass had higher (P < 0.05) serum concentrations of Fe and total iron binding capacity (TIBC). There was evidence of maternal heterosis for concentrations of free fatty acids, cholesterol, aspartate aminotransferase, Ca, Mg, alkaline phosphatase, ceruloplasmin, Fe, and TIBC. There was evidence of grandmaternal effects for plasma concentrations of urea N, cholesterol, Ca, P, Mg, and alkaline phosphatase. These results suggest that calves and cows grazing tall fescue are generally on a lower plane of nutrition than those grazing bermudagrass and that Brahman x Angus and Angus x Brahman crossbred cows and their calves seen to be more tolerant of the negative effects of tall fescue than the average of their purebred contemporaries.  相似文献   

Two beef calves, with a history of anorexia and absence of feces, were dehydrated and bloated on presentation. Intestinal obstruction was suspected based on clinical and laboratory findings. Hairballs obstructing the small intestine were removed surgically and the calves recovered. Intestinal obstruction due to hairballs has not been described before.  相似文献   

The prevalence of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) was assessed in a population of 10,142 beef calves representing nine pure breeds and three composite populations born in 1983 through 1988. Twenty-four percent of the calves experienced at least one episode of respiratory disease during the 1st yr of life; frequencies over the six birth years ranged from 14 to 38%. The timing of respiratory disease outbreaks differed among birth years; in 4 of the 6 yr, more illness occurred in the pasture before weaning than in the feedlot after weaning. Frequencies of BRD during preweaning and postweaning periods were analyzed separately. Pure breeds and composite populations within a single preweaning location differed in frequency of illness during the preweaning period. However, not all possible breed comparisons could be made because preweaning location differed for the breed groups, and preweaning location had a significant effect on the frequency of respiratory disease in the preweaning period. The preweaning location effect did not carry through to the postweaning period. Pinzgauers had the highest BRD frequency within the feedlot (24.6%). The heritability estimates of BRD during the preweaning and postweaning periods did not differ significantly from 0 (.10 +/- .02 and .06 +/- .07, respectively). Although it is likely that response to selection for resistance to BRD would be slight using the animal's history of BRD as the selection criterion, including information on relatives or additional immune traits may improve the accuracy of an estimated breeding value for BRD resistance.  相似文献   

A study with neonatal calves was conducted to determine the effects of maternal crude protein (CP) and(or) metabolizable energy (ME) malnutrition, cold stress (0 or 21 degrees C), and age on concentrations of selected serum constituents. For each of 2 yr, 60 artificially bred Angus heifers were assigned randomly to a 2 x 2 factorial nutritional plan 150 d before predicted parturition. The diets provided each heifer with either .32 or .96 kg/d of CP and 8.7 or 12.6 Mcal/d of ME. Blood samples were obtained from heifers at parturition and from their calves at birth and at 12, 24, 36, 48, and 72 h of age. Sera were analyzed for concentrations of blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (Creat), iron, total protein (TProt), alkaline phosphatase (AlkPhos), total bilirubin (TBil), and cholesterol (Chol). Mean correlations of these constituents in calf sera between 12-h adjacency intervals were high, but those between longer times (48 or 60 h) were low. Simple correlations of serum constituents between cows and calves at birth were low except for BUN (r = .578 and .295 for yr 1 and 2, respectively). There were significant main treatment effects for maternal CP consumption on BUN levels, for environmental temperature on BUN, Creat, and TBil levels, and for years on BUN, Creat, iron, and AlkPhos levels in calves. Significant polynomial relationships were found over hours of age for all variables. Blood urea N decreased in normal calves but remained relatively constant at a low level in deficient calves. Year x hour of age interactions occurred for iron, TProt, AlkPhos, TBil, and Chol. Protein x year x hour of age interactions were found for iron and Chol. These results suggest that random sampling times are not useful for decision making during the first 72 h after birth. Consideration must be given to multiple samples taken at specific calf ages, to environmental temperatures, and to maternal protein nutritional levels when interpreting calf blood sera data.  相似文献   

Endophyte (Acremonium coenophialum)-infected Kentucky 31 tall fescue was fertilized in mid-August, stockpiled, harvested November 4 to 6 and stored in a concrete stave silo. Ninety-six growing calves (189 kg) were assigned to the following treatments (24 calves/treatment): 1) corn silage (CS) plus .4 kg/d of soybean meal (SBM; 2) fescue haylage plus .4 kg/d of SBM; 3) fescue haylage plus 1.6 kg/d of corn and 4) fescue haylage plus 1.6 kg/d of corn and .4 kg/d of SBM. Daily gains and dry matter (DM) intakes during the 91-d trial were .52, 4.58; .51, 5.22; .59, 6.06; and .63, 6.18 kg for treatments 1 through 4, respectively. Daily gains of calves fed corn silage plus SBM and fescue haylage plus SBM were not different (P greater than .05). However, a difference (P less than .05) existed between treatments 1 and 2 vs 3 and 4. Feed conversion was improved (P less than .05) in calves fed corn silage. Calves in a metabolism trial were fed either 1) 6.2 kg November-ensiled fescue haylage or 2) 6.2 kg November-ensiled fescue haylage plus 1.6 kg/d of corn. Digestibility of DM, N-free extract (NFE) and TDN did not differ (P greater than .05) between treatments. Ether extract digestibility was greater (P less than .05) for the added corn diet, while that of CP was greater (P less than .05) for the fescue haylage diet. Nitrogen retained was higher (P less than .05) for calves fed added corn. A follow-up trial with 96 growing calves (190 kg) compared September- and November-harvested fescue haylages supplemented with either 1.3 or 2.6 kg corn/d.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The pH, partial pressure of oxygen (pO(2)), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO(2)), concentration of bicarbonate (HCO(3)(-)), base excess and oxygen saturation (SO(2)) were measured in venous and arterial blood from 57 newborn calves from 55 dams. Blood samples were collected immediately after birth and 30 minutes, four, 12 and 24 hours later from a jugular vein and a caudal auricular artery. The mean (sd) pO(2) and SO(2) of arterial blood increased from 45.31 (16.02) mmHg and 64.16 (20.82) per cent at birth to a maximum of 71.89 (8.32) mmHg and 92.81 (2.32) per cent 12 hours after birth, respectively. During the same period, the arterial pCO(2) decreased from 57.31 (4.98) mmHg to 43.74 (4.75) mmHg. The correlation coefficients for arterial and venous blood were r=0.86 for pH, r=0.85 for base excess and r=0.76 for HCO(3)(-). The calves with a venous blood pH of less than 7.2 immediately after birth had significantly lower base excess and HCO(3)(-) concentrations for 30 minutes after birth than the calves with a venous blood pH of 7.2 or higher. In contrast, the arterial pO(2) was higher in the calves with a blood pH of less than 7.2 than in those with a higher pH for 30 minutes after birth.  相似文献   

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