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Temporary water bodies are temporally variable ecosystems supported primarily by rainwater. The biota supported by such water bodies present a range of capacities to remain in this environment for all or part of their life cycles. During floods, temporary pools can connect with permanent streams, promoting changes in trophic networks in the aquatic food webs. The aim of this research was to analyse the feeding ecology of a fish community in a temporary pool near of Tlacotalpan, in the Mexican southeast, in order to understand the dynamics of the feeding habits. First, we identified feeding habits that can be interpreted as guilds of the fishes in the temporary pool: the annual killifish Millerichthys robustus (the only autochthonous species) is planktophagous; Cynodonichthys tenuis and Astyanax aeneus are insectivores; Dormitator maculatus and larvae of amphibians (Lithobates sp.) are mainly detritivorous; and Poecilia mexicana is planktophagous and insectivorous. We then estimated the effect of coexistence on niche breadth and overlap. The niches of M. robustus and P. mexicana evidenced overlap, but the breadth was adjusted inversely, suggesting feeding specialisation in M. robustus in response to competition. We documented the existence of two cohorts of M. robustus; the niche breadth of the first and second cohorts suggesting different strategies probably related to competition under variable conditions. The niche of C. tenuis and A. aeneus, and D. maculatus and tadpoles overlapped, following a pattern of feeding generalisation in response to competition.  相似文献   

南黄海三种石首鱼类的食性   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
薛莹 《水产学报》2005,29(2):178-187
根据2000—2002年秋季和冬季在南黄海进行的定点底拖网调查,利用多元统计分析方法,研究了黑鳃梅童(Collichthys niveatus)、皮氏叫姑鱼(Jobnius belengerii)和小黄鱼(Pseudosciaena polyactis)的食物组成及其差异,摄食随海区、季节和体长的变化,以及3种石首鱼类摄食器官的形态差异对摄食的影响。结果表明:(1)3种鱼的优势饵料生物各不相同,食物组成存在显著差异;(2)3种鱼的食物组成均随海区和季节的不同而有显著的差异;(3)3种鱼的食物组成和饵料多样性都有明显体长变化,黑鳃梅童和皮氏叫姑鱼的饵料多样性随体长的增大而升高,小黄鱼则相反;(4)黑鳃梅童和小黄鱼种内不同体长问的食物重叠指数较高,而皮氏叫姑鱼则较低,3种鱼的种问食物重叠指数位于0.50~0.56;(5)主成分分析(PCA)表明,黑鳃梅童和小黄鱼摄食器官的形态特征与皮氏叫姑鱼存在一定的差异。  相似文献   

Abstract— Between March 1992 and February 1993 five piscivorous fish species, Acestrorhynchus lacustris (Reinhardt, 1874), Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794), Rhaphiodon vulpinus Agassiz, 1829, Salminus maxillosus , Valenciennes, 1840 and Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel, 1840), of the high Paranà River floodplain showed a wide total prey spectrum though only three to four taxa were dominant in their diet. Shrimp, Macrobrachium amazonicum , were also common to the majority of species. Seasonal and spatial variations occurred throughout the study period probably due the availability of prey species. The main resources shared by the predators were also the most abundant in the area, with consumption markedly focused on prey about 5.0 cm long. Detrended correspondence analysis was effective in discriminating two groups of predators species that exploited distinct microhabitats. The predators with the least scores consumed small characids that inhabit mid-water or the littoral region, whereas those with the largest scores consumed prey associated to the bottom.  相似文献   

Recovering populations of piscivores can challenge understanding of ecosystem function due to impacts on prey and to potentially altered food webs supporting their production. Stocks of walleye (Percidae, Sander vitreus), an apex predator in the Laurentian Great Lakes, crashed in the mid‐1900s. Management efforts led to recovery by 2009, but recovery coincided with environmental and fish community changes that also had implications for the feeding ecology of walleye. To evaluate potential changes in feeding ecology for this apex predator, we assessed diets in the main basin of Lake Huron and in Saginaw Bay, a large embayment of Lake Huron, during 2009–2011. Walleye switched their diets differently in the main basin and Saginaw Bay, with non‐native round goby (Gobiidae, Neogobius melanostomus) and rainbow smelt (Osmeridae, Osmerus mordax) more prevalent in diets in the main basin, and invertebrates, yellow perch (Percidae, Perca flavescens) and gizzard shad (Clupeidae, Dorosoma cepedianum) more prevalent in diets in the bay. Feeding strategy plots indicated that there was a high degree of individual specialisation by walleye in the bay and the main basin. Bioenergetic simulations indicated that walleye in Saginaw Bay need to consume 10%–18% more food than a walleye that spends part or all of the year in the main basin, respectively, in order to achieve the same growth rate. The differences in diets between the bay and main basin highlight the flexibility of this apex predator in the face of environmental changes, but changes in diet can alter energy pathways supporting piscivore production.  相似文献   

Abstract –  A dietary analysis of largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides ), an exotic, piscivorous species, was conducted in large South Korean river systems (>third order streams, 31 sites). Micropterus salmoides larger than 100 mm exhibited intense piscivory on native Korean juvenile fishes, with levels of piscivory amongst the highest recorded globally, for native and introduced populations. Largemouth bass exhibited an ontogenetic shift in diet, showing a progressive increase in piscivory with size, typical of this species within its native range but unlike several studies on introduced largemouth bass in Europe and Africa. Sampling of fish communities at the same sites used for diet studies showed that native piscivores and the main food fish species of largemouth bass were significantly less abundant ( P  = 0.049 and 0.045, respectively) at sites where bass were present than at sites where no bass were recorded. Largemouth bass may pose a threat to the structure of fish assemblages in Korean river systems and further study of their population interactions and how to minimise their spread is needed.  相似文献   

Abstract The stomach contents of 24 species of fish and unidentified species from four genera in a floodplain lake of the Pantanal were studied. Fish were collected during the dry season when the lake was isolated from the main river. A community food ingestion index (feeding index weighted by consumer biomass, FIWCB, where 0 < FIWCB < 1) was calculated to quantify feeding patterns. Detritus and algae ingested by Curimatidae were responsible for 46.5% of the FIWCB, while that for algae ingested by Loricariidae (armoured catfish) accounted for 13.2%. The importance of detritus in fish diets is discussed as a strategy for shortening food chains, thereby increasing community efficiency, and as a consequence, fish biomass. It was learnt that the main route of energy flow in this perennial lake was through the detritus chain. The floodplain lakes function as a dry season feeding ground for small-sized species of fish, which are potential prey for the more highly valued larger species of fish.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The feeding habits of skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis juveniles (8.5–66.8 mm standard length) were examined, collected from the tropical western Pacific in October to December 1994, and their habits were compared with those of the other tuna Thunnus spp. juveniles (9.8–55.3 mm standard length). The indices, frequency of occurrence of each food item in the total number of stomachs examined (% F ), percentage of number of each food item to the total number of all food items identified (% N ), percentage of wet weight of each food item to the total wet weight of all food items identified (% W ), and relative importance of each food item ( IRI ) were estimated in the north equatorial current (NEC) and the north equatorial countercurrent (NECC) areas. The most dominant prey item of skipjack juveniles in the two areas was fish larvae. Other major prey items in the NEC area were Euphausiacea, Amphipoda, and Copepoda; whereas those in the NECC area were Copepoda, Cephalopoda, Euphausiacea, and Amphipoda. In the other tuna juveniles, the IRI of fish larvae in the two areas was remarkably high. Other prey, Euphausiacea and Cephalopoda in the NEC area only and Cephalopoda in the NECC area, were also found. These results indicate that the skipjack juvenile is primarily a piscivorous feeder although they also depend on various other prey organisms, whereas the other tuna juveniles are stronger piscivorous feeders.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to assess the community structure of planktonic rotifers and their relation to the environmental impact of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linaeus, 1758), aquaculture activities (ponds and net‐tanks), associated with a Neotropical semiarid reservoir in Brazil. Our hypothesis was that the ecological attributes of the rotifer community were different when considering the influence of fish aquaculture activities. We identified 28 species, with 10 species from the Brachionidae family. The average density and diversity index of rotifers were higher in reservoir stations, with mean values in the ponds approximately 50% lower than those of the reservoir. The microphagous species dominated during all the time, while the raptorial species were accidental in all studied environments. The ponds were represented by four significant indicator species: Brachionus caudatus, B. leydigi, Dicranophoroides caudatus and Testudinella patina and the reservoir by three: B. falcatus, B. havanaensis and Conochilus dossuarius. In general, nine species were significantly associated with some categories of environmental conditions, such as high or low turbidity and low values of conductivity and TDS. Four of the five best bioindicator species belonged to the microphagous genus Brachionus. B. havanaensis indicated five environmental conditions (IndVal > 93.1%), and it appeared to be a key species in this Neotropical semiarid reservoir influenced by aquaculture activities. The dominance of microphagous rotifers suggests a functional redundancy of species in the studied environments. We found that these systems and their management affected the planktonic rotifer community in this region of Brazil by increasing the species richness.  相似文献   

Abstract  Stomach content and stable isotopes of tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier), were use to determine seasonality of energy sources in a floodplain lake in the central Amazon. The turnover time of carbon in young tambaqui was fast enough to detect a broad seasonal variation both in stomach content and tissue isotopic signal of carbon and nitrogen. The relative importance of food items varied with water level. C3 plants (seeds and fruits) contributed between 55% and 95% of the biomass fraction of tambaqui. Zooplankton contributed a minimum of 26% of the nitrogen fraction during periods of flooding, and a maximum of 67% in the dry season. C4 plants (macrophyte leaves and roots) contributed a maximum of 26% of the biomass fraction and 13% of the N fraction mainly during the flooding period. The feeding habits and behaviour of tambaqui are complex and linked to the flood pulse.  相似文献   

Standard CalCOFI (California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations) ichthyoplankton bongo net sampling was conducted every 2 h over 11 days at a single fixed station off central California in February 1995. A conductivity, temperature, and depth cast was completed after each tow to record corresponding hydrographic information. Larval Pacific hake, shortbelly rockfish, and other rockfish were enumerated and length measurements were recorded. Time–depth contours of water density showed a clear boundary, defining the mixed layer along the σ = 25.0 isopycnal, that appeared to fluctuate vertically on a 12‐h cycle centered around 50 m depth. Temperature–salinity plots showed a distinctly different pattern in the mixed layer when compared with water below the pycnocline. Length–frequency distributions plotted by survey day indicated a relatively continuous input of small rockfish larvae into the survey area rather than a resident population growing progressively larger each day. Catches of rockfish larvae were much higher in nighttime tows and varied by survey day, but were unaffected by the depth of the 25.0 isopycnal. In contrast, catches of Pacific hake did not vary significantly on a diel basis, but were significantly variable by survey day and were influenced by the depth of the mixed layer. Catches of Pacific hake larvae were significantly higher during warm‐saline periods (spicy water), while shortbelly rockfish were significantly less abundant under these conditions. Spectral analysis showed a clear 12‐h cycle in the depth of the 25.0 isopycnal and a 24‐h cycle in the catches of rockfish larvae, while Pacific hake catches and spiciness of the mixed layer appeared to have lower frequency cycles in excess of 48 h.  相似文献   

Abstract – The feeding ecology and habitat of the threespine stickleback ( Gasterosteus aculeatus microcephalus Girard, 1854) was studied from November 1996 to May 1997 in a remnant population of northwestern Baja California, México. The analysis of the stomach content of 179 individuals (25 to 56 mm standard length [SL]) showed a diet dominated by cyclopoid copepods (43.8%) and chironomid larvae (39.1%). Diet in relation to size and sex of the fish was dominated by copepods in autumn and winter and by chironomid larvae during spring. Diet overlap (Schoener's index) was significant (≥60%) between fish size-classes in January, March and April and between sexes for most sampling months. The average size of prey consumed was independent of fish mouth size. The feeding strategy of the threespine stickleback shifted from opportunist in winter to specialist in spring.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Feeding habits of Favonigobius gymnauchen , Repomucenus spp. and Tarphops oligolepis were examined during the period from May to August in 1999, 2000 and 2001 at a sandy beach in the central Seto Inland Sea, Japan. The three species of fish accounted for more than 60% of all fish collected in terms of number of individuals. All three species mainly consumed small crustaceans. However, the major prey of F .  gymnauchen and Repomucenus spp. differed from that of T .  oligolepis . F .  gymnauchen and Repomucenus spp. mainly consumed mysids and small crangonid shrimp (<12 mm in body length), which predominated in the study area. T .  oligolepis actively selected only epifaunal mysids Nipponomysis ornata and avoided crangonid shrimp and gammarids . The frequencies of occurrence of fish in the guts of the three dominant species were very low, and larval and juvenile Japanese flounder were not observed in any of the three fish species. The diet of juvenile Japanese flounder was similar to that of the three species. From these results, it appears that these three fish are competing species for the flounder.  相似文献   

Juvenile sea bass, 1.5 years old, of mixed sex, held on long photoperiods were fed early on the photoperiod and late on the photoperiod, using different diets. Fish fed natural diets showed a daily rhythmicity of plasma insulin, liver c-AMP, plasma glucose, liver glycogen and muscle glycogen content, however, fish fed a commercial diet did not show this daily rhythmicity except for plasma insulin levels. In addition, these fish had significantly lower levels of plasma insulin, liver c-AMP and plasma glycerol than the group fed on the natural diets at similar feeding times. The time of feeding also induced different rhythmicity patterns in hormones and metabolites as well as a significant change in their mean levels. These facts are discussed in relation with the pre-feeding activity and increased appetite exhibited by the fish fed late on the photoperiod and with their implications on fish culture.  相似文献   

A new enteric microsporidian was found to be associated with the mass mortality of hatchery‐bred juvenile groupers, Epinephelus spp., in China. The outbreak usually occurred during the rainy season between May and November when water temperature ranged from 26 to 30 °C and salinity from 28 to 34 ppt, although this microsporidian can be detected year round. External clinical signs included severe emaciation, white faeces syndrome, anorexia, sinking to the bottom of culture ponds and mass mortality (up to 90%). Upon necropsy, severe intestinal oedema and thin and transparent intestinal wall could be observed. The mature spores are tiny, measuring 1.3–1.5 (1.35 ± 0.13) × 1.6–2.4 (2.16 ± 0.31) μm and can be found in the cytoplasm and the nucleoplasm of most enteric epithelial cells of host. Epidemiological investigation showed that this species was distributed throughout most of the culture area of grouper fingerlings in Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan and Guangxi provinces in China, with maximum prevalence of 95%. Molecular analysis based on the partial small subunit rRNA sequence (1045 bp) placed this species within the Enterocytozoonidae, but sequence identities to other species were below 90%. The exact taxonomic position warrants study of the ultrastructural characteristics of the developmental stages.  相似文献   

Triplicate groups of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.), of initial weight 90 g, were fed four practical‐type diets in which the added oil was 1000 g kg?1 fish oil (FO) (control diet), 600 g kg?1 rapeseed oil (RO) and 400 g kg?1 FO, 600 g kg?1 linseed oil (LO) and 400 g kg?1 FO, and 600 g kg?1 olive oil (OO) and 400 g kg?1 FO for 34 weeks. After sampling, the remaining fish were switched to the 1000 g kg?1 FO diet for a further 14 weeks. Fatty acid composition of flesh total lipid was influenced by dietary fatty acid input but specific fatty acids were selectively retained or utilized. There was selective deposition and retention of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6n‐3). Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 20:5n‐3) and DHA were significantly reduced and linolenic (LNA; 18:3n‐3), linoleic (LA; 18:2n‐6) and oleic (OA; 18:1n‐9) acids significantly increased in flesh lipids following the inclusion of 600 g kg?1 RO, LO and OO in the diets. No significant differences were found among different treatments on plasma concentrations of prostaglandin E2 and prostaglandin F2α. Evaluation of non‐specific immune function, showed that the number of circulating leucocytes was significantly affected (P < 0.001), as was macrophage respiratory burst activity (P < 0.006) in fish fed vegetable oil diets. Accumulation of large amounts of lipid droplets were observed within the hepatocytes in relation to decreased levels of dietary n‐3 HUFA, although no signs of cellular necrosis was evident. After feeding a FO finishing diet for 14 weeks, DHA and total n‐3 HUFA levels were restored to values in control fish although EPA remained 18% higher in control than in the other treatments. This study suggests that vegetable oils such as RO, LO and OO can potentially be used as partial substitutes for dietary FO in European sea bass culture, during the grow out phase, without compromising growth rates but may alter some immune parameters.  相似文献   

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