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热带森林森林在许多国家的经济发展以及全球环境保护中发挥着十分重要的作用。国际社会关于森林和环境保护的焦点最初集中在热带林的毁林问题上,并于80年代中期先后创立了两个国际性的政府间协作计划,即热带林业行动计划和国际热带木材协定1983。热带林业行动计划...  相似文献   

ITTO项目实施效果好文/罗晓宁中国海南热带森林分类经营永续利用示范项目(简称ITTO)第一、二期工程,经过近4年的努力实施,现已基本完成,取得了显著成绩,受到国际热带木材组织执行主席FREELALAH先生的充分肯定。他认为,海南热带森林分类经营永续...  相似文献   

我国林业软科学领域又获研究成果“森林环境资源核算及补偿政策研究”通过部级鉴定“森林环境资源核算及补偿政策研究”属FAOFORSPA资助研究项目,是课题组负责人孔繁文研究员在他多年来主持研究森林资源经济领域中的一个重要组成部分,是在研究森林资源价值、价...  相似文献   

日文林业文献的若干特征任锋,宋起图(河北林学院,保定071000)关键词文献;林业;语种;日文;被引率中图分类号G257.3:S7THECHARACTERISTIESOFFORESTRYLITERATURESINJAPANESERenFengSong...  相似文献   

森林气候生产潜力研究李建国(中国林科院林业研究所,北京100091)关键词森林,气候生产潜力,估算模型中国分类号S716.3STUDIESONPRODUCTIONPOTENTIALOFFORESTCLIMATELiJianguo(Researchln...  相似文献   

切花月季无性繁殖苗根系分布的研究徐振华赵少坡尹新彦郭伟珍王超(河北省林业科学院,石家庄050061)关键词切花月季;扦插苗;嫁接苗;组培苗;根系分布中图分类号S685.99ROOTSDISTRIBUTIONOFASEXUALLYPROPAGATEDP...  相似文献   

生根粉对红富土苹果幼树栽植的影响刘玉珍(邢台县浆水镇林业站,邢台054013)郭素萍(河北林学院林业经济管理系,保定071000)关键词ABT生根粉,幼树,红富士苹果中国分类号S661.11EFFECTOFROOTINGPOWDERONPLANTIN...  相似文献   

热带林是全球森林资源的重要组成部分。然而,每年有1,100多万公顷热带森林从地球表面消失,这已经成为当前世界林业领域内的三大挑战之一。为此,联合国粮农组织最近制定出“热带林五点行动计划”。该计划全面分析了热带森林消失的原因,并提出一整套解决办法。世界银行与联合国开发计划署等国际机构与粮农组织积极合作,针对每项行动的特点以及内容,规划出宏大的投资计划。如果整个计划能够得以实施,人类赖以生存的热带森林将能得到拯救,这很可能会成为本世纪的一大奇迹,有人大胆地进行预测,称之为“第二次绿色革命”。本文概要介绍“全球热带林行动计划”,并侧重地谈  相似文献   

通过搜集社区村民生活与森林的关系, 分析林业发展在乡村中的作用, 而设计的一种调查评估方法, 称为社区林业评估 ( 简称 C F A) 。它的工作程序及内容有: 社区林业评估组的建立、项目区的选择、编制项目投资供选菜单、确定受益人和选择造林树种、造林设计、确定经营形式并签订合同、投资与效益分析, 最后提供社区林业评估文件和设计成果。文章详尽地介绍了采用社区评估法在世行贷款云南省贫困地区林业发展项目设计中的应用情况, 总结了 C F A 的特点及应用中注意的关键问题。  相似文献   

关于《统计学原理与林业统计》课程教学改革的思考刘仲兰(河北林学院林业经济管理系保定071000)关键词统计学原理与林业统计,教学改革,统计教学中图分类号G642.0THINKSONTHEEDUCATI0NALREFORMFORTHECOURSEOFT...  相似文献   

世界热带林现状及发展战略(续篇)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
作者认为世界工业人工林发展的基本战略趋势是:布局基地化、林工一体化、培育定向化、经营集约化、效益综合化和市场国际化。  相似文献   

工业人工林经营理论与实践──进展与问题   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
工业人工林以其能有效地缓解工业用材不足日益受到广泛关注,综述了近几十年来国内外工业人工林的研究成果;分析评价了在工业人工林的概念、特征、发展背景与条件等方面所取得的研究进展;指出工业人工林经营与发展的实践中所面临的问题;展望了工业人工林的发展趋势;提出我国应加强工业人工林技术经济评价研究、提高经营管理水工的对策性建议.  相似文献   

印度是个千年古国,在发展林业方面有着独到之处。几百年来印度林业经历了森林破坏阶段、巩固和保护阶段、开发和扩大阶段、集约经营阶段和生态林业阶段。作者对于印度发展社会林业、森林发展公司,以及缓解薪炭材危机所采取的对策作了重点介绍,同时还指出了存在的问题和采取的措施。  相似文献   

由于吉林泉阳泉国家森林公园是中国北方最大的森林矿泉景观区,其自然环境优美,景观资源丰富并且地缘优势突出,开发条件优越,具有较高的生态旅游开发价值。着重分析了吉林泉阳泉国家森林公园的自然资源与旅游资源的现状,采取定性和定量评估方法,对吉林泉阳泉国家森林公园的自然属性和生态价值进行了科学的评估,结果表明:吉林泉阳泉国家森林公园综合评估分为80分,故建议保留国家级森林公园,同时以勘察数据为基础整合优化自然资源,科学、高效推进保护地建设。以期为编制《吉林省自然保护地整合优化预案》和《吉林省自然保护地“十四五”规划》等提供重要依据。  相似文献   

In the early 1990s, public involvement in forest planning was recognized and implemented both at a political and technical level in Europe, whereas in Italy, the participatory approach in forest planning, particularly at landscape level, has become widespread over the last decade. Several actors have been involved and the need to consider the objectives and targets expressed by different stakeholders has progressively increased. More consideration has been given to the outcomes of this involvement for the decision-making process. In the first part of the article, the forest-planning framework in the Italian context is presented, illustrating the role of the different levels of planning: the National Forest Programme (NFP), the Forest Landscape Management Plan (FLMP), and the Forest Unit Management Plan (FUMP). In the second part, the public participation process model, developed by the authors in Italy for the landscape scale, is analyzed by underlining four key attributes: procedure, moment of participation, learning interaction, and delegation of power. Regarding procedure, the five stages of participation adopted—communication and information, stakeholder analysis, first consultation stage, synthesis and preparation of the scenarios, and second consultation stage—are presented in order to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the methodological approach.  相似文献   

Shifting cultivation is one of the main factors that has caused forest degradation in many tropical countries. In Sabah, Malaysia, the government has granted land titles to local farmers outside the Forest reserve, and introduced tree cash crops to reduce farmers’ dependence on shifting cultivation. Granting land titles, however, was not always an incentive for farmers to plant tree cash crops. Farmers often planted tree cash crops on land without secure legal rights. The Land Ordinance and illegal logging had introduced exclusive and (semi-)permanent rights to land into this region, and the Forest reserve also was divided among villagers. The Land Ordinance stipulates that planting trees confers permanent heritable and transferable rights of use and occupancy but not within Forest reserves. Local farmers who were anxious about their land rights believed that they could obtain those rights even within the Forest reserve, and applied for land titles. Farmers planted tree cash crops not only for future income but also to secure their land rights. At present, the policy of Forest reserve has nearly collapsed in this region and it is impossible to neglect or remove local farmers if the government utilizes Forest reserves for any purpose. Lands in the interior regions will be reclassified in the near future out of necessity.  相似文献   


In 1997, the US Forest Service initiated public involvement processes in three national forests in the northeastern United States-the Finger Lakes National Forest in central New York, the Green Mountain National Forest in Vermont, and the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire and Maine. Citizens' perspectives were sought on forest management prior to determining the changes needed for revising the Land and Resource Management Plans (Forest Plans) as well as to exchange information on management of these three forests. These processes represent a pro-active effort by the US Forest Service to engage communities of interest in dialogue about the management of these national forests. The Forest Service has emphasized the principles of ecosystem management and community partnership in developing these plans. The paper describes the policy framework for forest planning and an outline of the Plan Revision process as developed in the Northeast. It further offers a preliminary analysis of this approach, including lessons to date, their implication for subsequent phases of plan revision processes in the Northeast, and possible relevance for agencies embarking on similar public planning initiatives.  相似文献   

GANE  M. 《Forestry》1976,49(2):91-98
The scope of the contribution to the national economy and welfarethat has come to be expected from forests has grown substantiallythis century. Forest policy declarations in many countries havenot kept up with the times in this respect. A few countries have avoided inflexibility (e.g. Britain andAustralia) and have policy statements that are broad enough,or open-ended enough, to allow sufficiently wide interpretations,to accord with society's changes in expectations. In these countriesthe main problems are how to interpret the declared aims andtranslate the policy into operational terms. Forest policy is being interpreted in relation to nature conservationin Britain through consultation between the Forestry Commissionand the Nature Conservancy Council. Sites of high conservationimportance have been selected on ecological premises and conservationobjectives receive precedence when deciding their use. Future interpretation, with national welfare as its goal, willdepend on the development of wider criteria for nature conservationand other non-commercial aspects.  相似文献   

Forest cover change is one of the defining contemporary environmental changes that validate the proposition of the Anthropocene narrative. Forest transition is a well-recognized global phenomenon, which has been studied and explained in well elaborated forest transition theory. Forest transition has been observed in over 30 countries, and it has been a trend in multiple countries in Asia. Forest transition is most relevant for the Anthropocene narrative, as it suggests that forest cover decline may eventually be followed by a forest cover increase at the global scale. The paper reviews evidence of forest transition in eight Asian countries and juxtaposes this with global forest cover trends. In Asia countries like China, India, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, and Japan and Vietnam are among the countries that have experienced an increase in the area under some kind of tree cover. Complex interplays of forest cover, population growth, economic development, demand for forest goods and services and governance effectiveness are the driving forces of forest transition. While it is not possible to extrapolate Asia's forest transition to the global scale, the Asian experience makes it possible to make statements on possible global forest cover scenarios. Ultimately, forest transition theory in general, and the experience of forest transition in Asia also support the concept and related narrative of the Anthropocene.  相似文献   

世界森林可持续经营发展近况、趋势及我国的原则   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
本文对世界森林可持续经营的近况,特别是环发大会以来的进展情况进行了总结,对森林可持续经营的发展趋势,如林业科技发展趋势和法律化趋势进行了分析,并提出了我国针对森林可持续经营的有关问题应采取的原则和立场。  相似文献   

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