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晋宁县1986年与1995年两次森林资源二类调查,其森林资源变化情况为:有林地面积加了59.9%无林地减少了53.7%,森林覆盖率由27.7%增加到44.4%,增加了16.7%,但每公顷蓄积量由51m^3降为31.1m^3,林分质量也降低。  相似文献   

路南县森林资源动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用云南省路南县1986年和1996年两次森林资源二类调查资料,对十年来森林资源动态变化情况进行了分析。结果是有林地面积增加12766.2hm^2,增24.7%,无林地减少7077.8hm^2,减90.7%,疏林地减少11999.9hm^2,减56.3%;森林覆盖率由34.1%增至40.9%(含灌木林);活力木蓄积量净增258200m^3,增20.0%;年林木生长量79820m^3,年消耗量378  相似文献   

资源概况美国森林资源十分丰富,有寒带林、温带林和热带雨林。全国森林面积3亿公顷,草地面积3.2亿公顷,森林覆盖率约33%,森林蓄积236.5亿立方米。国有森林约1亿公顷,其中,国家林务局管理的有5625万公顷,土地管理局管理的有1480万公顷,国家公园、能源和国防部门管理的有3000万公顷。非国有林地1.97亿公顷,其中州有林地2200万公顷,县、市、公司和私有林1.75亿公顷。根据2000年森林资源调查,美国有动物3000多种,高等植物1万多种,林区公路2000万公里。年开采矿藏资源35亿美元…  相似文献   

墨江县森林资源动态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用墨江县 1985年和 1998年两次森林资源二类调查资料,对 13年间森林资源动态变化情况进行分析结果:有林地面积增加 101854.8hm2,增 77.8%,无林地减少 18560.4hm2,减少 47.7%,森林覆盖率由32.5%增至49.4%(含灌木林);活立木蓄积净增加4841270m3,增53.6%,森林资源消长比为1:1.5,已达到“年生长量大于消耗量”的要求。在此基础上对森林资源发展趋势进行了预估,并对今后林业发展提出了抓好天然林保护;加大封山育林力度;强化科技兴林;多渠道筹集资金,提高林业产值等建议。  相似文献   

在8月12日,自治区林业局召开的全区林政资源管理工作暨森林资源二类调查动员会上记者了解到:根据森林资源连续清查第七次复查结果,我区有林地面积1509.4万公顷,其中森林面积1252.5万公顷,占林地面积的82.9%,森林覆盖率52.7%;活立木总蓄积5.1亿立方米。森林覆盖率居全国第4位,活立木总蓄积量居全国第7位,人工林面积居全国第1位。  相似文献   

为给林草湿数据与第三次全国国土调查数据对接融合背景下的森林资源管理提供参考,以横州市为例,通过GIS空间叠加技术和地类转移矩阵,对各类林地资源变化进行对比分析。结果显示,横州市林地面积净增加14 227.61 hm2;乔木林地面积增加15 370.60 hm2;有1 709.23 hm2其他无立木林地转化为非林地;国家级公益林面积减少1 485.01 hm2;国有林地面积减少417.06 hm2。在探讨因技术标准不统一造成林地范围变化的基础上,分析当前森林资源管理面临的问题;提出完善技术标准、统筹资源调查和划定管理范围等建议。  相似文献   

通过对平坝县1985年、1995年和2005年连续3次森林资源二类调查资料和2013年平坝县林地变更调查数据的比较分析表明:平坝县的林地面积、森林面积蓄积和森林覆盖率均稳步提高,森林资源保持了高速度增长;但也存在森林资源结构不合理,森林资源整体质量和森林资源管理水平较低等问题。针对问题提出了科学制定森林可持续发展规划、推进森林分类经营等措施,以期保障平坝县森林资源的可持续发展。  相似文献   

朱君 《辽宁林业科技》2011,(6):51-52,62
1993年和2005年进行两次二类森林资源调查,通过两次调查数据的对比可以看出:林业用地面积、有林地面积和灌木林面积呈增长趋势,疏林地、未成林地、苗圃地和无林地呈减少趋势;活立木总蓄积和林分蓄积呈现增长趋势,森林覆盖率提高。  相似文献   

山川雄奇、风情浓郁的小金县,位于四川省西北部、阿坝藏族羌族自治州南端,闻名遐迩的四姑娘山就坐落在这里。全县国土总面积55.7万多公顷,林业用地面积近26.5万公顷,其中有林地面积近12.8万公顷,疏林地面积265.1公顷,灌木林地面积近12万公顷,未成林造林地面积365.3公顷,固定苗圃地面积17.9公顷,总蓄积3514万立方米。森林覆盖率为42.5%,是全省重点林区县之一。全县森林资源主要分布在2800—4000米的阴坡、半阴坡、半阳坡。2800米以下地区由于干旱、风大,基本为干旱河谷地段,植…  相似文献   

1993年和2005年进行2次二类森林资源调查,通过2年调查数据的对比可以看出:林业用地面积、有林地面积和灌木林面积呈增长趋势,疏林地、未成林地、苗圃地和无林地呈减少趋势;活立木总蓄积和林分蓄积呈现增长趋势;森林覆盖率上升。掌握了全县森林资源基本情况,以及森林资源消长变化规律,为县政府制定适应新时期的林业发展方针、政策...  相似文献   

Community forestry, promoted as a “win–win” forest management strategy yielded a variety of results that includes both failure and relative success. The willingness of government to hold control over forest resources while transferring only part of property rights to local communities is one of the major constraints. Therefore, there is a need to explore alternative approaches, which enhance the position and accountability of local communities in community forest management. This study evaluated socio-economic and ecological outcomes of community forestry in a context of important property rights conceded to local communities. The study was conducted using focus groups discussions, forest income evaluation and assessment of forest resources and their dynamics. Findings showed that institutional design with important property rights conceded to local communities partially empowered local communities and reduced threats while improving the condition of forest resources. The approach also yielded positive economic outcomes that enabled bordering populations to make up to 25% of their global annual income from the forest. However, the sustainability of this scheme of forest management was mostly limited by the financial dependency on local non-governmental organization, by local institutions and discrepancy in forest benefits sharing among local forest users.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the relationship between forest resources, refugees, and the host population. The findings of the research suggest that the host population are heavily dependent on the local forest for their daily needs such as fuelwood, timber, grazing area, fodder for domestic animals, foods, and medicine in addition to cultural and esthetic needs. The forest has also been relied upon for agricultural needs such as manufacture of agricultural tools, maintenance of irrigation water systems, erosion control, and fertilizer needs. The forest was under a sustained demand as any other Terai forest of Nepal. After the arrival of refugees in 1992, the demand for forest resources increased substantially. Initially, the construction of the refugee camps decreased the total forest area and also required some felling of trees. More significantly, the refugees themselves became active users of the forest resource, which generated extra pressure on the forest and created scarcity of forest resources. Before the arrival of the refugees, forest management and monitoring of illegal use of the forest resources were carried out by the government through its local forester office. The local residents were active users of the forest resources, but were passive in managing and maintaining the forest resource. However, competition from the refugees instilled a desire in the local population to safeguard and protect the dwindling resource against the external threat by creating the Humse Dumse Community Forest.  相似文献   

We examined the local community incentive programs to improve traditional forest management in three forested villages in Baneh city, Kurdistan province in the northern Zagros forests of western Iran. Zagros forests cover 6.07 million ha and support rich plant and animal diversity. Changes in local community social and economic sys-tems and the inefficiency of traditional forest management led to a criti-cal situation in the stability of forest regeneration in recent decades. Due to a shortage of productive and arable lands and resulting unemployment and poverty, people overexploited the Zagros forests. Outside interven-tion in traditional forest management creates conflicts between local peoples and forest management organizations. To achieve sustainable forest management, including forest resources conservation and im-provement of natural resource based livelihoods of communities, it is desirable to implement Forestry Incentive Programs (FIP) based on the important functions of forests. Detailed information on the so-cio-economics of communities, the effect of forests on local livelihoods, and lists of products extracted from the forest were obtained from a sur-vey of local communities though questionnaire, interview and observa-tion. We studied 276 households in three villages and completed 76 ques-tionnaires by householders in the quantitative analysis. Sampling was performed by simple random sampling (SRS). The needs of rural com-munities, such as livestock husbandry, mainly arise from the characteris-tics and environmental features of villages. We identified the driving forces, pressures, status, impacts and responses (DPSIR) to design incen-tive programs, by DPSIR analysis and interaction analysis. Evaluation of local community benefits from forests showed that in order to improve forest management, 319 dollars per year would be needed by each family as an incentive in 2010 to prevent lopping and firewood collecting, the main causes of forest degradation.  相似文献   

Collaborative Forest Management (CFM) of local forest users and governments promoted to achieve sustainable forest Social-Ecological Systems (SESs) by consolidating strengths of these actors. Although much of the writings on CFM acknowledge its potential to deliver sustainable SESs, knowledge about what specific role of government can strengthen local forest management and utilization is still poor at best. This study aims to fill the gap by analyzing meta-data from International Forestry Resources and Institutions (IFRI) database for 77 SESs (IFRI sites) in seven countries. We used Ordinal logistic regression to model association between government's Forester Department involvement in important forest management activities and sustainability of forest SES. Our result shows that Forester Department involvement in planting, forest maintenance activities and forest benefit sharing among forest users are associated with sustainable SESs while their involvement in monitoring, sanctioning and transfer of local people harvest right are associated with unsustainable SESs. Our finding has important implications for the ongoing local to global level discourse on how to structure appropriate government interventions to achieve positive social and environmental outcomes from local forest management. However, we suggest precaution not to overstretch the implication of our findings as a panacea for CFM.  相似文献   

勐腊县在1980~1985年实行农民参与式森林代管.代管期间,全县乱砍滥伐、毁林开荒面积由1978年的2 973.3hm2下降到1985年的271.3hm2;森林火灾次数和受害面积降低,分别是实行代管前的11.9%和39.4%.农民的造林积极性提高,造林面积年平均为1110.7hm2,是代管前的2.72倍,集体或农户造林面积占96.3%;妇女从事林业生产活动时间增加,由1980年每人的40天增加到1985年的100天.农户采集和销售的非木质林产品数量增加,1984年全县干竹笋采集量为86t,分别是1978年的3.55倍和1988年的1.72倍,全县收购的紫胶、竹笋、木耳和藤篾分别是是代管前的1.86、2.67、2.21和2.85倍;销售森林产品和代管森林所获得的收入由1980年的110元增加到1985年的320元,提高291%.说明农民参与森林管理有利于森林资源的保护和农村经济的发展.以此对勐腊县森林管理实行农民代管的原因、方法及存在问题进行了总结.  相似文献   

The patterns of forest resource use in South Korea have been overviewed along with the forest resource availability to the forest users and in relation to the socio-economic conditions of local people. In South Korea, forest income arises more from non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and forest ecosystems services than from timber. The relationship between availability of forest resources and income of residents in mountainous villages was addressed with statistical analysis of results of household surveys conducted in Gangwon-do Province. The result indicates that the mere existence of forest resources and related cultural heritages is not enough for local communities to obtain income from forest land. Proper arrangements for local communities in accessing the forest resources and knowledge of making use of the resources is required to make the relationship constructive for people's livelihood. Joint management agreement between forest communities and the forest owner serves both parties for sustainable forest management in Korea as seen in the case of maple sap collection within Seoul National University Forests. The traditional knowledge held by local residents is of value for income generation for forest dependent communities and is considered as an integral part of sustainable forest management as seen in the case of native honey bee keeping near protected forest areas managed by the national forest authority. However, traditional cultural values may be positive or negative for ecologically sound forest management as seen in the pest management policy of the Korean government formulated based on cultural value rather than considerations of ecosystem health.  相似文献   

Decentralised forest management is believed to hold potential for increased economic and social equity. Implications of the associated local forest law enforcement on livelihoods, however, are not well understood. This paper explores the impacts of local forest law enforcement with a focus on the poorest forest users in community-managed forests. A case study including 14 community forest groups in western Nepal was conducted in 2008. Methods included review of archival data, a stakeholder survey (n?=?211), and recall of forest crimes by a random household sample (n?=?252). Local forest law enforcement was found to detect far more crimes than district-level enforcement. Crimes are primarily small-scale unauthorised appropriation of products for subsistence use by poorer households and rules are lightly enforced. It is argued that local law enforcement, while apparently not economically harmful to the poorer in the short term, may be used to perpetuate existing wealth and cast-based social inequities.  相似文献   

关于完善地方森林资源监测体系的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述地方森林资源监测体系的地位和作用,分析存在的主要问题,并对完善地方森林资源监测体系提出6点建议,即:地方监测与国家监测要相互协调,抽样调查与区划调查要互为补充,高新技术与传统技术要有机结合,公益林地与商品林地要各有侧重,资源监测与政绩考核要紧密关联,林业数表与队伍建设要齐抓共管。  相似文献   

Decentralized forest policy has been moderately successful in delivering resource-use rights to local people. At the same time, it is possible that decentralization leads to recentralization because governments never give their authority over forest resources. Recentralization studies have paid little attention to the potential of local dynamics to lead to institutional arrangements that affect forest outcomes. This paper uses a case study of Community-based Forest Management (CBFM) in the Philippines to explore how local realities lead to the development of effective institutions for forest management. In this case study, local informal regulations of forest resource use were created through the process of settling local conflicts among competing CBFM interests, including members and non-members of people’s organizations, and frontline foresters who are working at local level. Frontline foresters played a role as coordinator of institutional arrangements that regulate local forest exploitation within the CBFM implementation process. The behavior of frontline foresters affected by their own personalities and existing social relations among residents, can deter recentralization in some ways. More attention is needed on the role of frontline foresters and non-members of people’s organization as influential negotiators in state-society relations concerning forests.  相似文献   

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