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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate a potential screening programme that would raise awareness of welfare consideration of pet dogs visiting a veterinary practice. METHODS: The questionnaire asked owners to provide biographical information about their dog, assess the resources they provided their dog (comfort, exercise, diet, mental stimulation and companionship) from the perspective of their dog's wellbeing and choice, score a range of behavioural and medical signs on visual analogue scale, rate how willing they would be to take on the life of their dog on a visual analogue scale and suggest changes that would improve the quality of life of their dog. RESULTS: Twenty-seven owners completed the questionnaire on consecutive days. There was good correlation for all the parameters between the two days (P<0.05). Of the 16 expected correlations to test internal consistency, nine were significant (P<0.05). Twenty-six per cent of owners scored in the top 10 mm of the visual analogue scale for being willing to "take on the life their dog was living". More exercise was the most commonly suggested change to improve quality of life (14 owners). CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The questionnaire was found to be repeatable, feasible and to have good internal consistency and validity, making it suitable for use in veterinary practice to assess welfare.  相似文献   

The death of three cats, from two separate households, was linked to toxic concentrations of sodium nitriterused as a preservative, in a commercial pet food. Post-mortem examination of the three cats revealed a brownish discoloration of the blood suggestive of methaemoglobinaemia. Analysis of two samples of the pet food fed to the cats revealed a mean concentration of 2850 mg of total nitrite per kg of food (as fed). In a further incident, ataxia and weakness was noticed in two of four dogs after they were fed the same brand of pet food. One dog was successfully treated for methaemoglobinaemia with intravenous methylene blue.  相似文献   

The death of three cats, from two separate households, was linked to toxic concentrations of sodium nitrite used as a preservative in a commercial pet food. Post-mortem examination of the three cats revealed a brownish discoloration of the blood suggestive of methaemoglobinaemia. Analysis of two samples of the pet food fed to the cats revealed a mean concentration of 2850 mg of total nitrite per kg of food (as fed). In a further incident, ataxia and weakness was noticed in two of four dogs after they were fed the same brand of pet food. One dog was successfully treated for methaemoglobinaemia with intravenous methylene blue.  相似文献   

Using a computer-generated data base of rankings of 56 breeds of dogs on 13 behavioral traits, a factor analysis was performed to determine the extent to which a few general underlying behavioral tendencies are manifested in specific characteristics. Three factors, referred to as reactivity, aggression, and trainability, accounted for 81% of the variance in the 13 behavioral traits. Subsequently, a cluster analysis was performed to generate 7 clusters of dog breeds on the basis of similarity in scores for each of the 3 main factors. The clusters reflected to some degree the conventional groupings of dogs into working, sporting, hound, and terrier breeds. A quantitative analysis of the ranking of male dogs vs female dogs for the 13 characteristics revealed that males differed from females on 10 traits. It was concluded that these gender and cluster profiles will allow people to select a breed or gender of dog that is most likely to match the emotional and physical needs of the person who will provide a home for the pet.  相似文献   

子宫内膜炎是观赏犬生殖系统的常见病 ,也是观赏犬繁殖障碍的重要原因。用碘伏治疗 ,具有操作简便、疗效确实、无其他并发症等许多优点。1 临床诊断 从病犬阴门排出灰黄色或红褐色或灰白色脓性分泌物 ,具有臭味。阴门稍肿大、松弛 ,病犬爱用舌舔。体温有时 40℃以上 ,精神不振 ,喜卧 ,频频排尿 ,但每次排尿少。食欲减退或拒食 ,常常转为慢性经过。2 阴道检查 阴道内有不洁分泌物、异臭。子宫颈口充血、肿胀、松弛、开张 ,并可见有分泌物从中流入阴道内。3 腹壁触诊 可感子宫缺乏弹性 ,子宫壁增厚 ,当子宫腔有炎性分泌物蓄积时 ,则有波…  相似文献   

The development and validation of the maximal electro-shock (MES) model using phenobarbital (Pb) as the positive control is described. This approach builds on previous work in rodent model systems, and has been adapted to dogs as a tool for pharmaceutical dose selection. Dogs, like rodents, exhibit generalized convulsions which manifest as progressive clinical signs in a dose (electrical current) dependent fashion. At the limit (300 mA, 200 msec) animals underwent clonic-tonic convulsions consistent with complete generalized (Grand Mal) seizures with a grade 3 clinical score (CS) and a menace response time of 98.5 +/- 24.4 sec (n = 8). Pretreatment of animals with Pb at 3, 10, and 30 mg/kg, in a 4-by-4 complete block crossover design (Latin-Square), resulted in a dose-dependant reduction in CS and menace response time. Estimates of plasma Pb concentration taken prior to MES induction showed a similar dose-dependent reduction in CS and menace response time with concentration. Using a cumulative logistic regression model, a predicted 50% probability of a CS = 1 was approximately 11.4 mg/kg. In addition, plasma Pb concentrations predicted a 50% probability of a CS = 1 occurs at plasma Pb concentration of approximately 16.0 mug/mL. Combined these data suggest that MES is a useful model for evaluating generalized convulsions in canines and may provide a tool for dose selection of novel pharmaceutical compounds.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a radioimmunoassay (RIA) for measuring canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (cPLI) in serum obtained from dogs. SAMPLE POPULATION: Serum samples from 47 healthy dogs. PROCEDURES: Canine pancreatic lipase (cPL) was purified from pancreatic specimens of dogs. Antibodies against cPL were raised in rabbits and purified by use of affinity chromatography. A tracer was produced by iodination of cPL with 125I. An RIA was established and validated by determination of sensitivity, working range, dilutional parallelism, spiking recovery, and intra- and interassay variability. A reference range for cPLI in serum was established by use of the central 95th percentile for samples obtained from 47 healthy dogs. RESULTS: Sensitivity and upper limit of the working range were 0.88 and 863 microg/L, respectively. Observed-to-expected ratios for serial dilutions ranged from 84.9 to 116.5% for 4 samples. Observed-to-expected ratios for spiking recovery ranged from 82.8 to 128.6% for 4 samples. Coefficients of variation for intra-assay variability for 4 serum samples were 18.3, 4.2, 3.5, and 8.9%, whereas interassay coefficients of variation were 29.2, 6.2, 3.9, and 4.4%, respectively. The reference range was 4.4 to 276.1 microg/L. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: We conclude that the RIA described is sensitive, linear, accurate, precise, and reproducible, with limited accuracy in the high end of the working range and limited precision and reproducibility in the low end of the working range. Additional studies are needed to evaluate whether this degree of accuracy, precision, and reproducibility will negatively impact clinical use of this assay.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop and analytically validate a radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantification of canine calprotectin (cCP) in serum and fecal extracts of dogs. Sample Population-Serum samples (n = 50) and fecal samples (30) were obtained from healthy dogs of various breeds and ages. PROCEDURES: A competitive, liquid-phase, double-antibody RIA was developed and analytically validated by assessing analytic sensitivity, working range, linearity, accuracy, precision, and reproducibility. Reference intervals for serum and fecal cCP concentrations were determined. RESULTS: Sensitivity and upper limit of the working range were 29 and 12,774 microg/L for serum and 2.9 and 1,277.4 microg/g for fecal extracts, respectively. Observed-to-expected ratios for serial dilutions of 6 serum samples and 6 fecal extracts ranged from 95.3% to 138.2% and from 80.9% to 118.1%, respectively. Observed-to-expected ratios for spiking recovery for 6 serum samples and 6 fecal extracts ranged from 84.6% to 121.5% and from 80.3% to 132.1%, respectively. Coefficients of variation for intra-assay and interassay variability were < 3.9% and < 8.7% for 6 serum samples and < 8.5% and < 12.6% for 6 fecal extracts, respectively. Reference intervals were 92 to 1,121 microg of cCP/L for serum and < 2.9 to 137.5 microg of cCP/g for fecal extracts. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The RIA described here was analytically sensitive, linear, accurate, precise, and reproducible for the quantification of cCP in serum and fecal extracts. This assay should facilitate research into the clinical use of serum and fecal cCP measurements in dogs with inflammatory bowel disease.  相似文献   

Disorders of fear and anxiety are significant behavioral and physiological concerns in veterinary medicine. Thus, the present studies sought to develop and validate novel preclinical laboratory models for the development of anxiolytics for the veterinary market. Specifically, noise-induced sensitivity and aversion using thunderstorm recordings on an open-field task in Beagle dogs was used to establish this model. This thunderstorm task was based on the open-field tests previously described for the dog, except that a thunderstorm recording, compiled from desensitization compact discs, played during the middle of the test was used to elicit anxious or fearful responses in laboratory dogs. Initially, we compared the behavioral response on this test with that on an open-field test, in which no sound stimulus was provided. When compared with the open field, the thunderstorm recording increased inactivity duration and frequency, which was related to freezing behaviors and near-door duration. This suggests that we can objectively characterize a fear and anxious response to noise. We then attempted to pharmacologically validate this model by testing 0.5, 1, or 2 mg/kg doses of diazepam on this behavioral outcome. In test-naïve subjects, diazepam reduced the increase in inactivity seen at washout compared with that seen at baseline, suggesting that this paradigm may be useful for establishing the effect of drugs that reduce or prevent sensitization to fear-invoking events. In test-experienced subjects, diazepam reduced inactivity compared with both baseline and washout, indicating that this model may be useful for screening drugs counteracting fear and phobia, as well as anticipatory anxiety responses. Interestingly, diazepam stimulated behavioral activity as measured with the Actiwatch method. The test described here provides a laboratory method for testing therapeutics targeted at reducing either anxiety or fear related to noise sensitivity and aversion in pet dogs.  相似文献   

A scale to assess the severity of pruritus in dogs was further validated. Comparison of the scale with one containing visible numerical markings demonstrated that owners were heavily influenced by the presence of numbers, resulting in a loss of the scale's ability to generate continuous data. The presence of a traditional visual analogue scale was therefore essential. The scale was tested on 713 owners who presented their dogs for veterinary attention. Pruritus scores in 408 dogs with skin disease covered the full range of possible values (0 to 10). In 305 dogs with no skin disease, 90 owners gave a score greater than zero. Comparison of the scores seen in pruritic dogs, and dogs with no evidence of skin disease, allowed a 'normal range' of 0–1.9 to be established. The scale was able to discriminate between conditions typically regarded as pruritic or non-pruritic. When the scale was assessed for its ability to detect changes in pruritus score following treatment, a median reduction of 4.4 points was observed. The scale was also used to determine what magnitude of response owners would expect following treatment of their pruritic dogs. Only 12% would have been satisfied with a 50% reduction, a figure that is typically quoted as a satisfactory response in clinical trials of anti-pruritic drugs. As a result, alternative methods of assessing clinical trials are proposed. This study has shown the scale to be a valuable tool for clinical assessment of patients, and for monitoring treatment responses in clinical trials.  相似文献   

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