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农田土壤Nmin对马铃薯块茎形成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确农田土壤矿质氮(Nmin)含量对马铃薯块茎形成的影响,在内蒙古阴山北麓马铃薯主产区大田条件下,利用主栽马铃薯品种‘克新1号’,通过设置不同供氮水平,研究了薯田土壤Nmin含量对块茎形成的时间、数量以及重量的影响。结果表明:土壤Nmin含量在1850 mg/kg范围内时均可形成块茎,且在18.6450 mg/kg范围内时均可形成块茎,且在18.6419.94 mg/kg可较早形成块茎,超过50.57 mg/kg时,不形成块茎;较高的土壤Nmin含量会降低块茎形成的数量,在内蒙古阴山北麓地区,马铃薯出苗39 d以后,块茎数量不再增加;虽土壤Nmin含量的增加推迟了块茎的形成时间,但较高的土壤Nmin有利于马铃薯生育后期单株块茎重量的增加。  相似文献   

Potato tubers provide people not only with carbohydrates but also with other essential compounds for human health. Several investigations have compared the quality of crops grown under organic and conventional farming systems. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the concentrations of vitamins C, B1 and B2 as well as glycoalkaloids (α-solanine and α-chaconine) in potato tubers of different genotypes and to estimate the farming system (conventional and organic) impact on the content of these compounds. Twenty potato genotypes were grown under organic and conventional farming systems in Priekuli (Latvia) during 2010 and 2011. The concentrations of vitamins C, B1 and B2 as well as glycoalkaloids (α-solanine and α-chaconine) were significantly influenced by the potato genotype. The vitamin B1 concentration of potato genotypes grown in the organic field exceeded that of potato genotypes grown in the conventional field. A significant negative correlation was found between the vitamin C concentration and tuber yield only in the conventional field. No significant correlations were found between the other potato characteristics, such as starch content, tuber taste after boiling and glycoalkaloids, vitamins C, B1 and B2. The high broad-sense heritability for all tested traits (vitamin C 93%, vitamin B1 92%, α-solanine 88%, α-chaconine 84% and vitamin B2 70%) demonstrated that the high genetic diversity in the potato genotype population accounted for the phenotypic expression. The present study suggested that the breeding of new potato varieties with improved nutritional quality can be launched, and that the varieties that will be developed can be produced in an environmentally friendly way.  相似文献   

For organic potato producers the two main challenges are disease and nutrient management. Both factors are limited by regulations that on the one hand prohibit the use of chemical fertilisers, especially nitrogen and, on the other hand, most synthetic pesticides. Late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans is commonly thought to be the factor most limiting yield. However, because there is no really effective fungicide available to control late blight, there are virtually no yield loss data available for organic farming conditions. In this paper the state of the art of organic potato management with respect to disease and nutrient management is summarised. In a second part, the interactive effects of N-availability in the soil, climatic conditions and late blight were studied in the presence and absence of copper fungicides from 2002–2004 for the mid-early main-crop potato cv. Nicola. From the experimental work it became clear that copper fungicides in most cases do slow down epidemics adding an average of 3 days to the growth duration. However, only 30% of the variation in yield could be attributed to disease reduction. A model including disease reduction, growth duration and temperature sum from planting until 60% disease severity was reached, and soil mineral N contents at 10 days after emergence could explain 75% of the observed variation in yield. However, the model failed when N-supply was extremely high. The implications of the results on the management of organic potatoes with respect to cultivar choice, nutrient and disease management are discussed. In conclusion, several points emerge from the results: In organic farming, yields are foremost limited by nutrient availability in spring and early summer. The effects of late blight on yields may often be overestimated and cannot be deducted from results in conventional farming because of the strong interaction with nutrient status. Resistance clearly remains the most important strategy against late blight in organic potato production. However, as important or even more important than resistance is the early development and bulking behaviour and the ability of a cultivar to make use of organic nutrients efficiently. In the absence of efficient organic pesticides it is possible to reduce blight pressure to a certain extent by arranging the crop in small narrow fields perpendicular to the main wind direction neighboured either by non-hosts or completely resistant potatoes.  相似文献   

马铃薯纺锤块茎类病毒(PSTVd)的检测与防治研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕典秋 《中国马铃薯》2005,19(6):361-365
详细阐述了马铃薯类病毒(PSTVd)鉴定技术的研究进展,比较了几种鉴定技术(指示植物、往返电泳、核酸斑点杂交及RT-PCR)的优缺点,并对类病毒的防治措施进行了论述。  相似文献   

我国北方一季作区马铃薯纺锤块茎类病毒病的发生与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张希近 《杂粮作物》2004,24(4):249-249
2003年的马铃薯生育期间,农业部薯类产品质量监督检验测试中心(张家口)的全体工作人员在农业部的统一安排布置下,对我国华北地区的内蒙古、山西和河北省的脱毒马铃薯主栽区域进行了田间实地抽样调查.从调查的结果看,华北地区马铃薯罹感病毒病的类型主要有普通花叶病毒病(PVX)、重花叶病毒病又称条斑坏死(PVY)、卷叶病毒病(PLRV)和纺锤块茎类病毒病(PSTVd).但对马铃薯产量影响较大,世代传递力强,茎尖分生组织培养难以脱除的是马铃薯纺锤块茎类病毒.这对我国马铃薯病毒病研究提出了新的课题.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(2):138-143

Potato tuber initiation and its growth are key processes determining tuber yield, which are closely related to stolon growth, and are influenced by many factors including N nutrition. We investigated the influences of different forms of nitrogen (N) on stolon and tuber growth in sand culture with a nitrification inhibitor during 2010 – 2011, and using two potato cultivars. Plants supplied with NO3-N (N as nitrate, NO3-) produced more and thicker stolons than those supplied with NH4-N (N as ammonium, NH4+) at tuber initiation stage. In the plants fed NO3-N, the stolon tips swelled or formed tubers earlier and produced more tubers than in those fed with NH4-N. However, no significant difference was observed among N forms in terms of tuber yield at harvest, this may have been because of the shoot growth rate at tuber initiation stage was lower in the plants fed NO3-N. During the tuber bulking stage, the difference in shoot DWs among N forms began to decrease, and the shoot DW of plants fed NO3-N was even heavier than those fed NH4-N in some cases. The influence of N form on potato plant growth may therefore vary with the potato growth stage.  相似文献   

商品马铃薯中主要含有2种糖苷生物碱,α-卡茄碱和α-茄碱,是由相同的糖苷配基茄啶组成的三糖。这2种物质占马铃薯块茎中糖苷生物碱的95%,其水解产物,β-、γ-形式的糖苷生物碱以及茄啶所占的比例相对很低。采用改正的HPLC法测定了马铃薯块茎中α-卡茄碱和α-茄碱的含量,条件为柱子,Inertsil NH2(5μm,4.0 mm×250 mm);流动相,乙腈/20 mmol KH2PO4(80??20,v/v);流速,1.0 m L/min;柱温,室温;二极管阵列检测器,210 nm;进样量,20μL。结果表明,重量为116.98 g,1/4表皮发绿长有一个5 mm芽的‘陇薯3号’马铃薯块茎当中α-卡茄碱的含量为150.07 mg/kg,α-茄碱的含量为57.80 mg/kg,2种糖苷生物碱的总和为207.87 mg/kg。该改正的HPLC法可用于准确测定马铃薯块茎中糖苷生物碱的含量。  相似文献   

赤霉素对马铃薯块茎形成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赤霉素 (GA ,Gibberellins)广泛存在于马铃薯植株体内 ,不同部位和发育时期的GA种类、含量及活性变化受块茎形成时环境条件的影响。GA通过参与马铃薯块茎形成时细胞分裂及细胞骨架的调整、光周期诱导块茎形成时的信号传递、以及碳水化合物的合成代谢时多种酶活性的影响等对马铃薯块茎形成进行调控。外源添加GA能促进马铃薯茎、叶和匍匐茎的生长 ,而抑制块茎的形成。添加GA生物合成抑制剂可降低植株体内GA水平和活性 ,促进块茎形成  相似文献   

The potato genotypes (Solanum tuberosum L.) with russet tuber skin are generally resistant to powdery scab (Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea or Sss). Lipoxygenase (LOX; EC and patatin are two key storage proteins that are known to offer resistance to several diseases and insects. The objective of this study was to find out the relationship of these proteins in stored tubers with potato tuber powdery scab resistance, especially in russet skinned potatoes. An evaluation of potato germplasm with different tuber characteristics in a greenhouse environment over several years (2006–’11) suggests that russet skinned tuber genotypes (Mesa Russet, Centennial Russet and Russet Nugget) with negligible tuber disease severity index (DSI) and 100 % marketability were resistant to powdery scab. Higher physiological levels of LOX protein (on a dry weight basis) were negatively correlated with tuber DSI and positively correlated with tuber russet skin. Tuber total protein and patatin-lipase levels did not have a significant relationship with tuber powdery scab resistance. The proposed role of LOX protein in suberin- and/or non-suberin-mediated mechanisms of powdery scab resistance in russet skinned tubers are discussed here. The physiological levels of LOX protein can be considered as a useful marker for powdery scab resistance in potato breeding programs.  相似文献   

云南省马铃薯黑痣病大田发生情况及防控试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对云南省马铃薯主产区由丝核菌侵染引起的黑痣病的发生情况进行调查,并开展了病害防治田间药效试验。云南省马铃薯主产区均有黑痣病的发生,部分地区发病较为严重,最为严重的昆明地区发病率达到36.00%;曲靖、昭通、丽江、迪庆、大理五个地区的发病率分别为29.75%、29.01%、27.28%、20.91%和12.36%,全省马铃薯黑痣病最轻发生地区为宣威,发病率亦达到12.00%。因此,开展20%辣根素水乳剂、"蔬得康"、10%噻唑膦颗粒剂(福气多)和3%呋喃丹颗粒剂的田间防控试验。20%辣根素水乳剂按照每667m2用药1,3和5 L兑水44~45 L,于马铃薯播种前开沟实施沟内土壤泼洒施药、盖膜7 d揭膜后播种,其对马铃薯出苗安全,出苗率达90.28%~94.90%,优于其它药剂处理和空白对照;辣根素三个剂量处理能够降低平均病薯率和平均病情指数;其中以20%辣根素水乳剂5 L/667m2处理防病效果达到65.67%,增产幅度达16.85%,为供试药剂中防控马铃薯黑痣病和增产效果最好的药剂处理,值得在生产中进一步示范推广。  相似文献   

用NASH方法检测马铃薯纺锤块茎类病毒   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用荧光素标记制备马铃薯纺缍块茎类病毒(PSTVd)特异性探针,采用核酸斑点杂交(NASH)技术对大田马铃薯和马铃薯试管苗进行检测,经放射自显影表达检测结果,结果清晰,重复性好,该方法可检测类病毒最低为0.33pg,灵敏性很高。  相似文献   

Calcium plays a major role in plant growth and development and in the maintenance and modulation of various cell functions, especially related to membrane structure and function and to cell wall structure. Calcium stabilizes cell membranes by bridging polar head groups of phospholipids at the membrane surface. Calcium is also an integral part of the cell wall where it provides stable intra-molecular linkages between pectin molecules, resulting in cell wall rigidity. A change in the cytosolic calcium concentration is also known to provide a cellular signal that regulates metabolism and mediates plant responses to stresses.  相似文献   

Early potatoes are typically produced using less nitrogen than a full season potato crop as high rates of nitrogen may delay tuber set and lead to excessive vine growth that is difficult to terminate prior to harvest. Bintje and Ciklamen potato cultivars were grown with preplant soil nitrogen levels of 34 to 38, 67, and 101 kg N ha-1 in 2013 and 2014 near Paterson, Washington. Nitrogen rate had little impact on the number of tubers and stems per plant of both cultivars, but increasing nitrogen rate tended to increase leaf area of both cultivars. Vine desiccation of Bintje with diquat was less complete as nitrogen rate increased, while Ciklamen vine kill was reduced by higher nitrogen in 1 of 2 years. Tuber skinning injury, tuber weight loss, and tuber size distribution were not affected by nitrogen rate. Tuber skinning injury and tuber weight loss were reduced in both cultivars by harvesting at 4 weeks after initial vine kill compared to harvesting at 2 weeks after vine kill. Total tuber yield was lower for both Bintje and Ciklamen in 1 of 2 years at the 34 to 38 kg N ha-1 rate. Tuber nitrogen and zinc levels tended to increase with increasing nitrogen rates, while most other nutrients, vitamin C, total phenolics, and antioxidant capacity showed little response. It appears that 67 kg N ha-1 provides adequate nitrogen to produce a good tuber set and yield of small tubers while not producing excessive vine growth that may be more difficult to kill.  相似文献   

Sixteen vine kill programs were tested on Bintje and Ciklamen potato cultivars grown for early potato production over a three year period near Paterson, Washington. Mechanical (flail chopping, flail chopping and undercutting), chemical (glufosinate, diquat, sulfuric acid, carfentrazone, pyraflufen-ethyl), and physical (flaming) vine kill methods, and sequential combinations of the three were effective in killing rapidly growing potato vines of Bintje and Ciklamen. Rolling and crimping did not kill vines as completely and more vine regrowth occurred than with most other methods tested. Tuber skinning injury was greatly reduced when harvesting at 4 weeks after initial vine kill than at 2 weeks. None of the vine kill programs were able to hasten skin set enough to allow tubers to be harvested at 2 weeks after initial vine kill without significant tuber skinning injury. Glufosinate treatments that were applied several days earlier than other initial vine kill treatments tended to average less skinning injury at the early harvest possibly due to more time elapsing between initial vine kill and harvest. Total tuber yield and size distribution were similar among most vine kill treatments, with the exception of the earlier applied glufosinate treatments, which tended to reduce total yield, but still yielded a similar mass of desired 25 to 35 mm diameter tubers. Tubers from vine-killed plots tended to average greater N, P, K, Fe, and Ca content than tubers from non-killed control plots of both cultivars. Tuber ascorbate levels were also greater in non-killed controls, whereas total phenolic content tended to be greatest in earlier-applied glufosinate treatments. Nonchemical vine kill methods, chemical vine kill methods, and combinations of the two were identified that killed vines well, had low skinning injury at the 4 week harvest, and yielded similar amounts of 25 to 35 mm diameter early potato tubers.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) contamination of the soil may affect the quality of potato tubers. When assessing the processing quality of potato cultivars, specific gravity (SG) is the measurement of choice for estimating dry matter (DM) and starch concentrations in the potato tubers. In this study, effects of the As concentration in the soil on quality parameters (SG, DM, starch concentration and total soluble solids (TSS)) of 11 potato cultivars in Bangladesh were investigated in an outdoor pot experiment with a randomized complete block design (RCBD) and three blocks, at Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, from November, 2012 to March, 2013. The results showed highly significant differences between cultivars in quality parameters, except SG. Both As levels (25 and 50 mg As kg?1 soil) reduced the DM and starch concentration in the tubers of the potato cultivars compared to the control (0 mg As kg?1 soil), but had no significant effects on SG and TSS. ‘Lady Rosetta’ showed the highest SG (1.093 g cm?3), DM (23.02%) and starch concentration (16.60%). The lowest SG (1.065 g cm?3), DM (17.04%), and starch concentration (10.96%) was found in ‘Granola’. Highest TSS (5.91) was found in ‘Jam Alu’ while ‘Meridian’ had the lowest °Brix value (3.76). Bangladeshi potato farmers will benefit from the information generated regarding potato cultivation under As affected areas.  相似文献   

块茎大小与马铃薯淀粉粒度分布的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
淀粉粒度是衡量马铃薯淀粉品质的一个重要指标。测定了5个马铃薯品种不同大小块茎淀粉的平均粒径及离散度,得出以下结论:克新13号、克新19号、克新21号块茎质量大于250 g时其淀粉的平均粒径最大,克新18号、克新20号块茎质量在150~250 g之间其淀粉的平均粒径最大;5个品种均是块茎质量小于75 g时的淀粉平均粒径最小。5个品种之间比较表明,克新20号淀粉的平均粒径最小,克新13号在块茎质量大于75 g时其淀粉的平均粒径最大。克新13号、克新18号、克新19号、克新21号在块茎质量大于250 g时淀粉的粒度分布最均匀,克新20号块茎质量在150~250 g之间时淀粉的粒度分布最均匀。  相似文献   

Tuber dormancy and sprouting are important traits in commercial potato varieties. Since wild Solanum species can contribute new alleles in breeding, we combined Solanum chacoense and S. berthaultii species in a mapping population to develop a linkage map with genome wide markers and identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for tuber dormancy and sprouting. There was genetic variation for the evaluated traits and high correlation (0.80) between dormancy and apical dominance release. QTL for tuber dormancy and sprouting traits were mapped to the same or similar positions on chromosomes 2, 3, 5, and 7, explaining from 9.5% to 16.3% of the phenotypic variance. We identified candidate genes associated with all major phytohormone regulation in close linkage with the QTL. The QTL on chromosomes 2, 3 and 7 are good candidates for marker assisted breeding, since they were associated with dormancy and apical dominance release and should be useful to delay or accelerate tuber sprouting.  相似文献   

脱毒种薯个体大小与后代产量和产值有着密切的关系[1]。种薯过小如5g以下者,其生长势显著较差,丰产性也差。当种薯增至5~20g,产量及净产值增加,分别比对照高26.7%~36.2%和37.6%~40.6%。而且该个体薯重区间的产值差异不明显。根据田间生长量和生长速度测定表明,虽然5g重的脱毒种薯出苗迟,发根慢,但生活力旺盛,能很快形成发达的根系和地上部,因此从种薯合理微型化考虑,今后生产上选用5~15g重的脱毒小薯作种,将是比较合适的。  相似文献   

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