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To characterize effects of plant roots on preferential flow(PF),we measured root length density(RLD)and root biomass(RB) in Jiufeng National Forest Park,Beijing,China.Comparisons were made for RLD and RB between soil preferential pathways and soil matrices.RLD and RB declined with the increasing soil depth(0–10,10–20,20–30,30–40,40–50,50–60 cm) in all experimental plots.RLD was greater in soil preferential pathways than in the surrounding soil matrix and was 69.5,75.0 and72.2 % for plant roots of diameter(d) \1,1 \ d \ 3 and3 \ d \ 5 mm,respectively.Fine root systems had the most pivotal influence on soil preferential flow in this forest ecosystem.In all experimental plots,RB content was the sum of RB from soil preferential pathways and the soil matrix in each soil depth.With respect to 6 soil depth gradient(0–10,10–20,20–30,30–40,40–50,50–60 cm) in each plot,the number of soil depth gradient that RB content was greater in soil preferential pathways than in the soil matrix was characterized,and the proportion was68.2 % in all plots.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of tree species identity and diversity on soil respiration in a 3-year-old tropical tree biodiversity plantation in Central Panamá. We hypothesized that tree pairs in mixed-species plots would have higher soil respiration rates than those in monoculture plots as a result of increased primary productivity and complementarity leading to greater root and microbial biomass and soil respiration. In addition to soil respiration, we measured potential controls including root, tree, and microbial biomass, soil moisture, surface temperature, bulk density. Over the course of the wet season, soil respiration decreased from the June highs (7.2 ± 3.5 μmol CO2/(m2 s−1) to a low of 2.3 ± 1.9 μmol CO2/(m2 s−1) in the last 2 weeks of October. The lowest rates of soil respiration were at the peak of the dry season (1.0 ± 0.7 μmol CO2/(m2 s−1)). Contrary to our hypothesis, soil respiration was 19–31% higher in monoculture than in pairs and plots with higher diversity in the dry and rainy seasons. Although tree biomass was significantly higher in pairs and plots with higher diversity, there were no significant differences in either root or microbial biomass between monoculture and two-species pairs. Path analyses allow the comparison of different pathways relating soil respiration to either biotic or abiotic controls factors. The path linking crown volume to soil temperature then respiration has the highest correlation, with a value of 0.560, suggesting that canopy controls on soil climate may drive soil respiration.  相似文献   

The contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration is one of the most interesting, important, and methodologically complicated problems in the study of the carbon budget in soils. A trenching method and a root biomass regression method were used to determine the contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration in a subtropical forest ecosystem. The average root respiration contributions were 37.15% with the range of 13.04–51.23% by trenching method and 31.80% with the range of 10.64–56.10% by root biomass regression method from August 2005 to July 2006. In growing season, the contributions of root respiration were 47.25 and 43.53% estimated by trenching method and root biomass regression method, respectively. There was no significant difference between the monthly attributions of root respiration to soil respiration estimated by two methods. Our results showed that trenching and root biomass regression methods were both suitable to estimate the root respiration in this forest.  相似文献   

Soil pH declined from 5.9 to 5.0 in 8 years beneath plantations of Eucalyptus saligna (Sm.) in Hawaii. In stands of Albizia falcataria, (L.) Fosberg, the soil pH change was more dramatic, declining from 5.9 to 4.6. We measured several components of soil acidity beneath four mixtures of the two tree species to gain insight on the processes responsible for the decline in soil pH. These components were studied using an empirical method of comparing acid quantity, degree of neutralization (depletion of base cations), and acid strength. The decline in soil pH differed between species as a result of differences in the degree of neutralization of the soil exchange complex; the larger decrease in soil pH under Albizia was produced by greater acidification of the exchange complex. Empirical titration curves suggested that differences in acid strength moderated the divergence in soil pH beneath the species. Had the acids accumulating in the soil under Albizia been as strong as those in the Eucalyptus soil, the difference in soil pH would have been greater. Though the two species had contrasting effects on soil pH, the differences in degree of neutralization, responsible for the pH decline, were small compared with differences in the amount of cations stored in tree biomass. Continued supply of nutrient cations (from weathering or fertilization) will ultimately control both the extent of soil pH decline and the level of productivity sustained by the forest.  相似文献   

For northern Europe’s climate, models predict an increase in periods of drought and waterlogging. Knowledge of variation between genotypes of Betula pendula (birch) and Populus tremula (aspen) to drought and excess soil moisture are unavailable but relevant for future development of forest ecosystems. We studied variation between genotypes to soil moisture in birch and aspen with plant material representing naturally regenerated populations and showed differences in acclimation to soil moisture conditions. Genotypes showing most growth and biomass accumulation across treatments maintained most leaf area, high gas exchange and water-use efficiency and grew most root mass but had the lowest root length per unit root dry mass compared to other genotypes. This indicates that these genotypes are more efficient in harvesting water from the soil under adverse conditions. We also showed that birch and aspen employ different strategies to cope with soil moisture conditions, with aspen investing more in perennial parts, while birch efficiently maintains foliar processes. When the expression of some known drought responsive genes was measured, only ACC oxidase was induced by the drought treatment at the beginning of the experiment, while surprisingly LEA5, RD22 and ADH1 did not respond to drought, but were up-regulated in prolonged wet conditions indicating oxidative stress and hypoxia and that these genes are responding to multiple stress factors. We conclude that in plants micro-propagated from naturally regenerated birch and aspen populations, there is variation between genotypes in acclimation efficiency to soil moisture conditions.  相似文献   

刺槐林是中国北方丘陵半干旱区典型的生态防护林树种之一。通过自然降雨径流场定位观测试验,本文对辽宁西部地区(1850-12225E,4024-4234N)刺槐生态防护林及其采伐迹地的产流、产沙特征和土壤水分动态变化规律进行了定量研究。采伐迹地与刺槐林地相比二者之间的产流量和产沙量存在显著差异,采伐迹地的产流量和产沙量比刺槐林地分别增加40%-177%和180%-400%。典型降雨产流水文过程线显示,刺槐林地径流峰值比采伐迹地低1.0-2.5?0-3m3穝-1,且径流峰值出现的时间比采伐迹地滞后10-20min。谐波分析表明,刺槐林地与采伐迹地土壤含水量随年内降水量变化分干、湿两季,呈周期性变化,刺槐林地土壤年平均含水量比采伐迹地高2.3%。研究结果表明:刺槐生态防护林具有涵养水源、增加土壤水分、减少地表径流与土壤侵蚀的重要作用。图2表4参12。  相似文献   

采用碎石、草坪、麦秆、木屑作覆盖材料,对树盘进行覆盖,测定土壤温湿度变化,探讨覆盖处理对绿地土壤的影响。结果表明:麦秆覆盖和木屑覆盖能有效调节土壤温度、提高土壤湿度,土壤有机质含量比对照提高56.3%、37.5%,碎石覆盖后的效应与对照(露地)相似,草坪覆盖仅对土壤温度有一定的调节能力。    相似文献   

Vegetation cover in the Gran Sabana highlands (southern Venezuela) appears as a complex mosaic of tall to low forests, bush vegetation and savannas. In this study we described the changes in structure and floristic composition along a forest-savanna gradient consisted of tall forest (TF), medium forest (MF), low forest (LF) and open savanna (S), and analyse the possible reasons for the observed changes. The results showed no obvious differences in the soils properties along the vegetation gradient. All sites presented shallow soils (<50 cm depth) with high percentage of sand and with dominance of quartz, kaolinite and oxides of iron and aluminum. The soil chemical characteristics were unfavorable and similar along the vegetation gradient. The major soil difference was related with the presence of an organic layer on the soil surface of TF and MF and their absence on the soils of LF and S. Abundant residues of large trees were found on the forest floor of TF, MF and LF. These residues presented no signs of burning in TF, while in MF and particularly in LF were charred. This observation joined to the presence of charcoal within the mineral soil of S and the absence of the organic surface layer in LF and S indicated that fire has affected with different intensity or frequency the studied vegetation gradient. Large differences in the structure and floristic composition were found between TF, MF, LF and S. These differences could not be explained by changes in the mineralogical and chemical characteristics of the soil but only by fire which triggers the conversion. We concluded that the studied vegetation gradient represents stages in a temporal change from forest to savanna caused by fire, and this change has implied an impoverishment of tree species, a drastic reduction of biomass in terms of basal area, a drastic change of the floristic composition and the loss of the organic surface layer, which play an important role to maintain the fertility of these soils.  相似文献   

Lack of information concerning root growth of trees limits our knowledge of plant development and fertilizer response. The objective of this work was to study root growth dynamics of an E. urophylla forest after harvesting and the supply of nutrients from the roots and the soil to the new sprouts originating from the stumps. About 7-year-old eucalypt trees were felled and the sprouts and roots were sampled at 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 330 days after harvesting. The roots were separated into fine roots (<1 mm), medium roots (1–3 mm), coarse roots (>3 mm), and taproot. Nutrient supply to sprouts from the old roots and the soil was calculated based on the change in nutrient content of the roots with time and accumulation of nutrients in the sprouts. Fine, medium and coarse root biomass increased with time after harvesting. However, the increase was more pronounced with fine roots. Between harvesting and day 60 of the new growth, all nutrients allocated to the sprouts, excluding potassium, were supplied by the soil. K was the nutrient most dependent on root reserves for the initial growth of sprouts. The contribution of the old roots to N, P, Ca, and Mg accumulation in the sprouts increased between day 60 and 120. At 330 days after harvesting, about 9.2, 23.9, and 12.6% of the N, K, and Mg, respectively, that had accumulated in the sprouts were supplied by the roots, while all P and Ca were supplied by the soil.  相似文献   

The long-term nature of forest crop rotations makes it difficult to determine impacts of forestry on soil nutrients that might be depleted by forest growth. We used small scale, highly stocked plots to compress the length of the rotation and rapidly induce nutrient depletion. In the study, two species (Pinus radiata D. Don and Cupressus lusitanica Miller) are compared under two disturbance regimes (soil undisturbed and compacted), and two fertiliser treatments (nil and plus fertiliser), applied in factorial combination at 33 sites, covering the range of climatic and edaphic variation found in plantation forests across New Zealand. To assess our ability to rapidly highlight important soil properties, foliar nutrient concentrations were determined 20 months after planting. It was hypothesised that the densely planted plots, even at a young age, would create sufficient pressure on nutrient resources to allow development of relationships between properties used as indicies of soil nutrient availability and foliar nutrient concentrations. For both species significant relationships between foliar nutrients and 0–10 cm layer soil properties from unfertilised plots were evident for N (total and mineralisable N) and P (total, acid extractable, organic, Bray-2 and Olsen P). With the exception of Ca in C. lusitanica, foliar K, Ca and Mg were correlated with their respective soil exchangeable cation measures. The results thus confirm the utility of the experimental approach and the relevance of the measured soil properties for forest productivity.

In unfertilised plots foliar N and P concentrations in P. radiata exceeded those in C. lusitanica, the differences being eliminated by fertiliser application. Foliar N/P ratios in P. radiata also exceeded those in C. lusitanica. In contrast to N and P, foliar K, Ca and Mg concentrations were all higher in C. lusitanica, the difference being particularly marked for Ca and Mg. P. radiata contained substantially higher concentrations of the metals Zn, Mn and Al than C. lusitanica, whereas the latter contained higher B concentrations. Possible reasons for differences between species in foliar nutrient concentrations are discussed.  相似文献   

Multipurpose tree species (MPTs) were studied in an agroforestry arboretum under subtropical humid climate in Northeast India. Out of 12 MPTs planted under agroforestry systems, Acacia auriculiformis in spacing of 2 m × 2 m (2500 stems·hm^-2) could have the potentiality to meet the timber/fuelwood requirement due to its high wood production of 635 m^3·hm^-2 with mean annual increment (MAI) of 2.54×10^-2 m^3.treel.a^-1 in a short rotation period of 10 years. Thus, A. auriculiformis is a short rotation forest tree species suitable to grow in subtropical humid climate. On the other hand, at 16 years of age, Eucalyptus hybrid and Michelia champaca in spacing of 3 m × 3 m (1111 stems.hm^2) produced appreciably high timber volume of 315 m^3.hm^-2 and 165 m^3.hm^-2 with MAI of 1.77×10^-2 m^3.tree^-1·a^-1 and 0.92×10.2 m^3.tree^-1.a^-1, respectively. At 16 years of age, Gmelina arborea produced a timber volume of 147 m^3.hm^-2 with MAI of 1.47×10^-2 m^3.tree^-1.a^-1 followed by Samania saman (140 m^3.hm^-2), Albizziaprocera (113 m^3·hm^-2) and Tectona grandis (79 m3.hm^-2) with MAI of 1.40, 1.13 and 0.78 × 10^-2 m^3 .tree^-1a^-1, respectively in 4 m × 4 m spacing (625 stems.hm^-2). Gliricidia maculata and Leucaena leucocephala could be used as live fences around the farm boundary to supply their N-rich leaves for mulch as well as manure to crops. In agroforestry arboretum, direct seeded upland rice (Oryza sativa - variety, AR-11), groundnut (Arachis hypogaea - variety, JL-24) and sesamum (Sesamum indicum - variety, B-67) were grown during the initial period upto 8 years of tree establishment. Under other MPTs, there was a reduction in crop productivity as compared to open space. After 8 years of tree establishment, horti-silvi and silvi-pastoral systems were developed and pineapple (Ananas comosus - variety Queen), turmeric (Curcuma longa -variety RCT -1) and cowpea (Vigna sinensis - variety Pusa Barsati) as forage crop were raised. The productivity of p  相似文献   

谢菲  梁军 《林业科学研究》2019,32(3):121-126
[目的]研究毛竹林的立地条件和枯梢病发生的关系。[方法]对江西省不同立地条件的60块毛竹样地开展了监测调查,分析了坡度、坡位、坡向、海拔高度和土壤层厚度5个立地因子对毛竹林枯梢病感病指数的影响。[结果]表明,毛竹枯梢病的感病指数在不同坡度、不同海拔、不同土层厚度下均存在极显著的差异,且感病指数与坡度及海拔高度呈极显著正相关关系,与土层厚度呈极显著负相关关系;感病指数与坡向呈负相关关系;坡位对毛竹枯梢病的感病指数无显著影响。同时,为了探究这5个立地因子对毛竹枯梢病感病指数的综合影响,利用数量化理论,以这5个立地条件为自变量,毛竹枯梢病的感病指数为因变量,建立多元线性回归预测方程,该预测方程复相关系数R=0.854,复相关系数的F检验得F=10.432F_(0.01)(11.48)=2.64,经T检验,与毛竹枯梢病感病指数关系最大的立地因子是土层厚度,其次是海拔高度和坡度,这3个因子是影响毛竹枯梢病的主导因子。[结论]综合分析得出,在急险坡、上坡位、阳坡面、高海拔、薄土层的立地条件下,毛竹枯梢病的感病指数最大;在平缓坡、下坡位、阴坡面、丘原、肥土层的立地条件下,毛竹枯梢病的感病指数最小。  相似文献   

Populus species, characterized by fast growth and easy vegetative propagation, are widely used in agroforestry practices. The substantial water requirement of poplars make them interesting subjects for water balance studies. No information exists on soil moisture requirements for initial root and shoot growth of Populus cuttings. This study on leafless hardwood cuttings of Populus x euramericana (Dode) Guinier cv. Robusta examined the dynamics of water use during propagation, as influenced by two initial soil water potentials (–0.006 and –0.06 MPa). Differences in the initial water potential of the cuttings was achieved by three pretreatments i.e., fresh, soaked and dried. Initial shoot was –1.45, –0.10 and –2.10 MPa in fresh, soaked and dried cuttings, respectively. Soil moisture had a major effect on rooting. Water-stressed cuttings took a longer time to root and had fewer roots. Pre-soaking of cuttings stimulated rooting, particularly under the drier soil moisture conditions. Initially the water potential of cuttings decreased with time and with the formation of roots it stabilized in all the pretreatments. The reduction in water potential of cuttings after planting was related to an increase in resistance to water flow in the xylem.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

对如东县海堤防护林地土壤水分的动态特征进行 3a定位研究 ,结果表明 ,各地类土壤水分动态变化主要取决于气候 (降雨量的多少 )条件和季节变化 ;不同地类土壤含水量的季节变化趋势基本一致 ,有林地的土壤含水量高低次序是柳杉林地 >水杉林地 >刺槐林地 ,无林地 (少水年或平水年 )土壤含水量高于水杉林地和刺槐林地 ,丰水年则低于有林地 ;根据土壤水分季节变化划分为土壤水分相对稳定期、消耗补偿期、亏损期和积累期 ;依据土壤水分变化变异系数大小 ,将土壤水分垂直分布划分为土壤水分活跃层、次活跃层和稳定层 ,土壤水分与降雨的相关性虽较低 ,但对各地类表土层水分影响最为明显  相似文献   

在印地安具有亚热带潮湿气候特点的东北地区,本文对几种多种用途的树种进行研究。选择12种多用途树种种植在农林系统中,耳果相思(Acacia auriculiformis),种植间距为2m×2m(2500 个·hm-2),有很大的生长潜力。在 10 年期的短期轮伐中,每年有很高的产量(635 m3·hm-2),平均每年增涨量为 2.54×102 m3·tree-1·a-1,可以满足薪碳材的需要。所以,耳果相思(Acacia auriculiformis)是一种短期轮伐树种,适合种植在潮湿亚热带气候地区。另一方面,16年树龄的桉树(Eucalyptus hybrid)和黄兰(Michelia champaca) 种植间距为3m×3m (1111个·hm-2),分别有较高的生长量(315 m3·hm-2和165 m3·hm-2),平均每年每棵树增长量分别为1.77×10-2 m3和0.92 × 10-2 m3。16年树龄的印度石梓(Gmelina arborea) 木材产量为147 m3·hm-2,每年每树的增长量是 1.47×10-2 m3。其次为 Samania saman(140 m3·hm-2)和柚木(Tectona grandis (79 m3·hm-2)),平均每年每树的增长量分别是 1.40,1.13和0.78×10-2 m3。毒鼠豆属植物(Gliricidia maculate) 和银合欢(Leucaena leucocephala) 可以用作农厂的围栏并提供农作物的肥料。在植物园,种植树木的最初 8 年间,可以种植高地水稻(Oryza sativa–variety, AR-11), 落地花生(Arachis hypogaea–variety, JL-24)和胡麻(Sesamum indicum–variety,B-67)。由于林下郁闭度太大,在耳果相思(Acacia auriculiformis)林下的农作物产量不高,与空旷地的农作物比较产量有所降低。树木种植 8 年后,种植草料作物如,凤梨、姜黄、豇豆,它们的产量在印楝(Azadirachta indica)林下很高。高产量的农作物和园艺植物与具有高产量多种用途树种一起种植构成了有发展前景的农林系统,并改变土壤特性,改善土壤酸度,提高土壤有机质,降低土壤腐蚀度,提高土壤含水量。  相似文献   

In this paper, the incidence of the A. chilensis disease syndrome in the “16 de Octubre” Valley (Chubut, Argentinean Patagonia) was related to landscape climatic, topographic and edaphic attributes, using remote sensing, geographic information systems and statistical methods. A strong relationship between the occurrence and incidence of the A. chilensis disease syndrome and site variables related to poor soil drainage was found. Non-allophanized soils with fine textures on flat and wavy soil phases, geomorphologies associated to alluvial processes, and low elevations and gentle slopes were positively related to the incidence of the disease. These relationships at a landscape scale agree with previous studies carried out at the stand level. A logistic predictive model of diseased occurrence was developed for the study area considering aspect, elevation, slope, mean annual precipitation and soil phase (classified according to predominant slopes).  相似文献   

Logging operations can cause soil profile disturbance and compaction. Soil profile disturbance and compaction change soil physical properties, which may reduce site productivity, increase soil erosion and degrade catchment water quality. This study was undertaken to measure the effect of logging on physical properties of the 0–100 mm surface soil in the Victorian Central Highlands, southeastern Australia. Soil physical properties were measured in the snig tracks, log landings, general logging areas (disturbed areas which were not occupied by snig tracks or log landings) and undisturbed areas. Within the general logging areas, measurements were made for three levels of soil profile disturbance: litter disturbed, topsoil disturbed and subsoil disturbed.

The results indicated that logging significantly increased bulk density and decreased organic carbon and organic matter content, total porosity and macroporosity on over 72% of the coupe area. However, on 35% of the coupe area, the snig tracks, log landings and subsoil disturbed areas of the general logging area, bulk densities and macroporosities reached critical levels where tree growth could be affected. On these areas, organic carbon decreased between 27 and 66%, bulk density increased between 39 and 65% and macroporosity decreased between 58 and 88%.

Saturated hydraulic conductivities decreased to critical levels for runoff to occur on over 72% of the coupe area (topsoil and subsoil disturbed areas of the general logging area, snig tracks and log landings). On this area, the reduction in saturated hydraulic conductivity varied between 60 and 95%.  相似文献   

Effects of three methods of site preparation, i.e. trench (30 cm deep and 30 cm wide dug across the plots), pit (30 cm × 30 cm × 30 cm) and augerhole (15cm diameter and 90 cm deep) on raising Prosopis juliflora plantations on a highly alkali soil (pH2 10.3) were studied in a field experiment at Gudha Experimental Farm of the Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal. A uniform dose of gypsum of 3 kg per plant was mixed with the excavated soil before trenches/pits/augerholes were refilled and Prosopis planted. The study indicated that mean plant height and girth growth, recorded at 2 year intervals from planting up to 8 years, were greatest with the augerhole method. Similarly, the air dried shoot and root biomass accumulated by Prosopis in 6 years was maximum in augerhole planting. In trench and pit planting, most of the roots were confined to surface layers (0–60 cm), whereas in augerhole the roots were able to pierce the hard CaCO3 layer (caliche bed) and were nearly 2.5 m deep 2 years after planting. Differential site preparation techniques showed little effect on N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S and Na concentrations in plant parts (leaf, branch and stem) of Prosopis both at 2 and 6 years after planting. Total removal of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S through Prosopis parts at 2 and 6 years after planting was maximum in auger planting and minimum in trench planting. The augerhole was also superior to other techniques in pod production, litter yield and nutrient additions to the site. However, litter quality remained unaffected owing to planting techniques. In general, there was marked decrease in pH and electrical conductivity and appreciable improvement in organic carbon and available N status of the experimental soil owing to Prosopis growth, but effect of different site preparation methods was not significant. This study showed that site preparation for planting Prosopis in high pH soils in the vertically downward direction is more important than reclamation of surface soil in the horizontal direction.  相似文献   

土壤水分梯度对阔叶红松林结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2002年8月,在吉林省白河林业局红石林场(12755E,4230N),沿着一个山坡设置了一个长宽为112m8m、包含14个样方的样带。调查了群落结构、0-10cm和10-20cm的土壤含水量、枯落物现存量及其C、N、P含量,主要树种的叶片和枝条的C、N、P含量。沿着山坡的不同位置土壤含水量的不同导致阔叶红松林的群落结构发生变化。蒙古栎的比例随着土壤含水量的下降而逐渐升高,而其他主要阔叶树种则逐渐减少乃至消失。枯落物的水分变化趋势与土壤一致。在不同坡位枯落物的分解状况不同,干重差异显著。坡下枯落物含量较坡上的丰富,部分原因在于群落结构的变化。水分和养分含量的变化影响了枯落物的成分、降解及其养分的释放,进一步影响了林木的生长速度和林分结构并最终影响整个生态系统。图7表2参14。  相似文献   

The effects of three postharvest organic matter removal treatments on fermentation-humus (FH) layer and soil characteristics were compared in replicated trials in four second rotation New Zealand Pinus radiata plantation forests, planted 8–16 years prior to sampling. All sites were sampled in early 2002 and 2003. Increasing organic matter removal significantly decreased the mass of the FH layer in the treatment plots, the moisture content in the FH layer and mineral soil, the concentration of carbon in the FH layer and mineral soil, the pool of carbon stored in the FH layer, the concentration of nitrogen in the mineral soil and the pool of nitrogen stored in the FH layer. Mineral soil pH was significantly increased with increasing organic matter removal. The persistence of the significant differences in the FH layer and mineral soil characteristics strongly suggested that variations in organic matter removal have long-term effects on forest floor properties, and significantly influences carbon storage over the life of the rotation.  相似文献   

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