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近30多年来,世界苹果栽培制度发生了深刻的变化,从乔砧稀植一乔砧密植一矮砧密植。矮砧密植栽培因生长势一致、易管理、果品质量高,已成为世界现代苹果栽培发展趋势。欧美等苹果发达国家矮砧密植果园已达90%以上,然而至今我国矮砧密植果园仅占12%,山西省作为一个苹果大省,矮砧苹果面积仅占苹果总面积的5%,严重制约了广大农民增收增效。所以,大力发展矮砧密植果园已成为我国今后苹果产业发展的当务之急。  相似文献   

苹果矮砧密植栽培相比乔砧栽培具有明显的优点。文章结合济南市林果技术推广实际经验,分析总结苹果矮砧密植栽培模式技术要点,以期为该栽培模式在济南市加快推广提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

苹果矮砧集约高效栽培模式   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
苹果栽培制度在苹果生产中起着至关重要的作用,近三十多年来,世界苹果栽培制度发生了深刻的变化,目前矮砧密植是世界苹果栽培发展的方向。我国苹果在20世纪80年代和90年代初大发展时期,主要推广了乔砧密植栽培方式,目前我国90%果园为乔砧密植。此种方式是在当时的社会、经济、技术水平下采用的,  相似文献   

<正>乔砧栽培与矮砧栽培是苹果生产中的两种主要方式,它们之间存在着较大的差别。我国从上世纪60年代开始试验推广矮砧苹果,其间反反复复,几起几落,始终没有成为苹果生产的主流。矮砧苹果在我国发展缓慢的原因是多方面的,但管理中套用乔砧苹果管理模式是导致种植失败的主要原因之一。根据矮砧苹果生长特性及在我国栽培的表现,我们认为乔砧苹果与矮砧苹果在栽培中存在以下明显区别,在生产中应认真对待,以加快矮砧苹果在我国发展步伐,促  相似文献   

正乔砧栽培与矮砧栽培是苹果生产中的两种主要方式,它们之间存在着较大的差别,我国从上世纪60年代开始试验推广矮砧苹果栽培,几起几落,始终没有成为苹果生产的主流。回顾矮砧苹果栽培的发展历程,其在我国发展缓慢的原因是多方面的,但管理中套用乔砧苹果管理模式是导致种植失败的主要原因之一。根据矮砧苹果生长特性及在我国栽培的表现,我们认为矮砧苹果与乔砧苹果在栽培中存在以下明显区别,在生产中应认  相似文献   

主要从乔砧稀植、乔砧密植、矮砧密植3个方面论述了苹果栽培模式、树形、修剪整形的变革,以期为相关人士提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,冀南太行山山区苹果发展迅猛,但生产上普遍存在产量低而不稳,果实外观品质差等弊端。矮砧密植栽培是世界苹果发展的趋势和方向,是现代苹果产业发展的重要标志[1].乔砧苹果树根系较深,适应性强,适合山区缺水的果园栽培。但是乔砧密植园结果晚,早期土地资源利用率低;树体高大,对修剪技术要求高;树冠交接,成龄果园易郁闭,通风透光条件差,容易发生病虫害,不利于果品安全生产。  相似文献   

目前,欧洲许多国家苹果矮密化栽培面积占总面积90%以上,美国主要大量发展优良短枝型品种,1989年统计,日本的苹果矮密面积占21%.中国矮化密植栽培起步较晚,60年代以前,主要是乔砧稀植,70年代以后,开始大量推行矮化密植,但由于受矮化砧木及栽培条件等因素的制约,我国目前生产上大量采用的仍是乔砧苹果密植栽培.由于苹果幼树生长势强,树冠扩大快,早期成花难,这是乔砧苹果密植栽培中的最大问题.  相似文献   

正河北省邯郸市苹果园建园普遍存在着成园难、成形难、早丰产难等诸多问题。笔者根据亲身参与果园管理的经验,并结合苹果园的园主栗林宗先生40年的苹果栽培经验,以邯郸市姚寨乡120 hm~2苹果园建设作为示范基地,总结了邯郸市矮砧密植苹果栽培技术要点。一直以来,乔砧稀植作为我国苹果栽培的传统形式,普遍存在产量低、果实品质差、费工且技术推广难  相似文献   

<正>苹果矮砧栽培包括矮化自根砧栽培与矮化中间砧栽培两种类型。矮砧栽培树体比单一乔砧栽培的矮小,可有效地控制树冠大小,成花容易,适宜密植,从而实现早结果、单位面积产量高的生产目标。为此,发达国家早在几十年前就开始利用矮砧,实行苹果密植栽培。目前,国外大都已经成功实行苹果矮砧密植栽培,中国  相似文献   

A single-plant-plot design was found very suitable for a study of growth and yield effect of tree density, rectangularity and row orientation on a wide range of intra and inter-row planting-distances.Densities from about 250 to 40 000 trees per hectare were studied in 2 apple cultivars on 2 weak-growing rootstocks over a period of 8 years. On unpruned trees a maximum yield of 80 tons per hectare of ‘James Grieve’ and about 95 tons of ‘Spartan’ was recorded. At the highest densities these yields were reached 2–3 years after planting.As early as the second to third year the growth was restricted at densities over about 1000 trees per hectare. A higher yield per tree at medium densities than at lower densities for the first fruiting-years is supposed to be an effect of growth resulting in earlier fruiting.A high rate of rectangularity reduced the yield only on densities of 1200–1550 trees per hectare. The lack of a significant effect on lower and higher densities is discussed.The growth and yield of rows oriented North—South were 17% higher than of those oriented East—West.  相似文献   

为了探究双主干并棒(Bibaum?)树形‘富士’系苹果在中国渭北黄土高原地区的生长和结果表现,以M9-T337矮化自根砧长枝型‘富士’系‘富姬酷’(‘Fujiko’)为试材,调查了并棒形(1.2 m×3.5 m)与高纺锤形(1.0 m×3.5 m)幼树树体生长、枝(梢)类组成、成花率、果实品质和产量等指标。结果表明:并棒形树高、干径小于高纺锤形,砧木粗度大于高纺锤形,2016年东西方向冠幅(行间冠幅)及平均冠幅小于高纺锤形;单株枝量及单位面积枝量2016年高纺锤形较高,2017年无差异;并棒形2016—2017年间树高、干径、砧木粗度以及单位面积枝量的年增长速率大于高纺锤形;并棒形2016年中枝(5~15 cm)比例、果台副梢长枝比例高于高纺锤形,2017年营养长枝(> 30 cm)比例低于高纺锤形,同时并棒形2018年枝梢成花率高于高纺锤形;两种树形果实品质及单位面积产量无差异,并棒形单株果实数量、2017年单株产量以及2016—2017年单位面积产量在增长速率大于高纺锤形。综合认为,矮化自根砧‘富士’系幼树采用并棒树形,可以显著削弱树体高度,减小行间冠幅,树体生长及枝量增长速...  相似文献   

<正> 一、我国苹果生产的现状 苹果是建国以来发展面积最大、产量增长最快的一种果树,也是我国水果市场上最重要的一种水果,它几乎可以周年供应市场,在解决我国人民所需水果方面占有极重要的地位。据统计,1984年我国苹果栽培面积达1135.3万亩,相当于全国果树栽培面积的1/3左右,较1952年的苹果栽培面积  相似文献   


Yield and fruit quality parameters were studied during three years in a rootstock trial with ‘Mutsu’ apple. M.9 provided the highest total yield per tree as well as the highest quantity of intermediate and yellow fruit as compared with J.9, M.26 and B.9. Within similar colour categories, significant differences among rootstocks were also recorded for fruit starch degradation pattern (SDP), firmness, titratable acidity (TA), and soluble solids concentrations (SSC). Generally, the lowest SDP and highest fruit firmness was found in fruits from trees on rootstocks M.26 and B.9. The highest TA was found in fruits from trees on rootstocks M.26 and J.9 and the highest SSC in fruits from trees on rootstocks J.9 and B.9. However, considerable variations among years were also recorded. Correlation coefficients between rootstock and several yield and quality parameters revealed high correlation to SSC for green fruit and TA for medium and yellow fruit and some correlation to yield and number of fruits per tree.  相似文献   

在苹果矮化密植栽培中,良好的砧穗组合,对早果、丰产、优质起着决定性的作用。本项工作以着色系富士品种嫁接于6种营养系矮化自根砧上,通过6年的观察表明,长富6号与M26砧木是较理想的砧穗组合,能够达到3年结果、5年丰产的要求。此外,MM系的106、104、111等组合亦优于对照M7,而MMl06组合上的果实品质最佳。  相似文献   


The apple rootstocks M.9, M.26, and MM.106 were evaluated for their efficiency in bringing ‘Discovery’ apple trees into production. The experiment, carried out over a ten- year period compared two planting densities at 1666 and 3333 trees per ha. Tree vigour differences between rootstocks were measured in term of trunk growth, tree volume, weight of branches pruned off and final weight of the above-ground parts of the trees. Fruit production is presented both as total yield and as the weight of first class fruit. Fruit colour development is also shown. Cropping efficiency is calculated and presented in relation to the different vigour measurements. The results confirm that ‘Discovery’ is slow to come into production. M.9 was the most productive rootstock, but due to vigour differences MM.106 gave the same yields per tree, although the latter had the lower yield efficiency. M.26 performed poorly; its vigour was similar to M.9 but it produced the lowest yields.  相似文献   

苹果矮化自根砧嫁接苗繁育技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓丰产  马锋旺 《园艺学报》2012,39(7):1353-1358
 研究了田间条件下苹果矮化砧木苗和自根砧嫁接苗繁育的农艺参数。结果表明:锯末堆埋对砧木生根效果明显好于土和废弃菌棒,砧木生根率和生产量分别为87.33%和124 854 株 · hm-2;6 月1日和7 月1 日基质堆埋对砧木生根效果明显好于5 月1 日和8 月1 日,砧木生根率分别达到80.33%和87.33%,砧木生产量分别达到121 172 和124 854 株 · hm-2;矮化砧木G41、M9、Pajam1 和T337 在锯末基质中表现出较强的生根能力,生根率均达到80%以上,明显好于Pajam2 和M26;栽植密度分别为75 000和90 000 株 · hm-2 的小区,嫁接苗生产量分别为65 110 株和68 670 株 · hm-2,显著高于栽植密度分别为60 000 株和105 000 株 · hm-2 的小区;秋季嫁接‘富士’品种的生长量和嫁接苗生产量显著高于春季,其侧枝数、干径和生产量分别为11.44 个、13.77 mm、和68 670 株 · hm-2。论:在苹果矮化自根砧嫁接苗繁育中,矮化砧木繁育用锯末在6 月1 日-7 月1 日堆埋,砧木品种可选G41、M9、Pajam1 和T337,苗圃中砧木栽植密度为75 000 ~ 90 000 株 · hm-2,在栽植当年的秋季嫁接‘富士’,第2 年出圃嫁接苗生产量达到65 110 ~ 68 670 株 · hm-2  相似文献   

1988—1990年桃树高度密植栽培试验结果表明:多主枝自然形整形修剪,树高1.3—1.6m,结果枝比率高,花芽质量好,丰产、稳产;集约化整形修剪树体内膛通风透光虽好,但对提高结果枝比例和花芽质量无显著促进作用,可用于树冠部分交替更新;机械化整形修剪经重短截后,剪口萌发的新梢木质化程度与花芽着果率均低,经一年培育能形成良好树冠,宜用于隔年结果栽培制度.试材所用3个品种中以锦绣密植栽培表现最佳,果实质量较好,3年生树累积产量每666.7m~2为3382.7kg,金晖最差仅336.0kg,雨花露为1158.7kg.锦绣密植园栽后3年累积经济收入比同期种植的传统园高26倍.因此高效省工的桃树密植栽培制度有广泛推广应用价值.  相似文献   

To the 11th leaf the influence of two planting systems on yield and fruit size of apple cultivars ‘Golden Delicious, Weinsberg’ and ‘Jonagold, Rubinstar’ grafted on the dwarfed rootstocks M 9 and P 16 was investigated. The planting systems “Slender Spindle” (3.25 × 1.25 m) and “Güttinger-V-System” (3.50 × 0.60 m) were compared. In average of both cultivars and rootstocks the “Güttinger-V-System” let to significantly higher yields than the planting system “Slender Spindle”. The difference between the planting systems amounted to 121.7 t/ha from the 3rd to the 11th leaf. In this period the annual per-hectare yield of the “Güttinger-V-System” was in average 13.5 t higher than the yield of the “Slender Spindle”. The simple fruit weight of the 3rd to the 11th leaf was affected by the planting system. For both rootstocks and cultivars the simple fruit weight of the “Slender Spindle” was significantly higher than that of the “Güttinger-V-System”. However the fruit size sorting showed for both cultivars no mentioning differences between the planting systems. To the additional yield of the “Güttinger-V-System” face additional costs for the installation of the orchard and for the formation of crown. Thus the decision for this planting system will be influenced in a high measure from the producer price.  相似文献   

In autumn 2008, in the research orchard of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, the apple cultivar ‘Topaz’ was planted on the rootstocks M9 (clone T337) with and without ‘Rubinola’ as interstem, M26, M7 grafted at 25?cm and at 55?cm respectively, M111 and ‘Bittenfelder seedling’, trained as spindles and tested for eight years according to organic production rules. The trees on seeding grew very vigorously, followed by MM111 and M7 normally grafted; the M7 highly grafted trees showed less vigor, comparable with M26, while the trees on M9 with and without interstem grew very weakly. Tree losses were only observed on M9 without interstem. The highest yields per hectare were found on M7 normally grafted, followed by M26, M7 highly grafted and M9 without interstem. M7 highly grafted showed the highest single fruit weights, followed by MM111, at the other end were M9 with and without interstem, and M26. The rootstock M7 grafted at 55?cm combines a medium growth with high yield and good fruit quality and therefore can be recommended for dry areas like our site. M9 without interstem showed a higher specific yield and fruit firmness after storage compared to the variant with interstem. Whether these advantages for ‘Topaz’ on M9 can be combined with a higher grafting height as effective preventive method to control Phytophthora cactorum, has to be examined in further research.  相似文献   

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