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葵花秆制层压材的方法本发明专利属于木材加工领域,涉及一种葵花秆制层压材的方法。本层压材是由葵花秆、粘合剂及一些填充材料压制而成的。其各项性能指标均高于目前的人造板材,接近于木材。它可在许多领域取代木材,且造价较低。葵花秆制层压材的方法...  相似文献   

试论单层压机的安装质量与调整(100013)北京林业机械研究所何泽龙单层压机在人造板生产中得到了广泛的应用,其突出优点是进出料装置结构简单,且由于采用机械和电气厚度控制装置,从而提高了板厚尺寸精度,减少了砂光余量及锯边损失等。但单层压机安装调整要求精...  相似文献   

朱瑞华 《木材工业》2001,15(1):18-20
通过对刨花板压机升压闭合时压力-位移的试验研究,建立了压力-位移的近似计算公式,以指导刨花板压机液压系统的设计,现已成功地应用于刨共板多层压机和单层压机的液压系统设计。  相似文献   

2014年10月11日,林野厅(Forestry Agency)国土交通省(Ministry ofLand,Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism)向公众发布2014财年至2016财年"交叉层压木材推广规划(Roadmap for the Spread ofCLT(Cross Laminated Timber))"。目标是促进关于交叉层压木材(CLT)推广的计划措施和政策。目前,有必要推进以下三项措施:1)编制建设标准(标准强度和设计方法),2)编制建设案例作为证明,3)发展交叉层压木材(CLT)生产系统。关于第二个措施,国土交通省网站上可以看到一个交叉层压木材(CLT)制造的全尺寸3层建筑的振动测试。本财年林野厅(Forestry Agency)正在协助  相似文献   

至今国内外压机专家对单层压机框架的合理间距问题,尚无完整资料提供,本文作者以板面压力场的均匀为原理,提出单层压机框架合理间距是:框架间距应相等,b=c,外伸段与框架间距比值为a/b=0.408248,且b=L/)n-0.183504),依此作为压机总体设计的公式,并对西德“BISON”压机框架间距提出改进意见,用具体数据对比,此文将对提高单层压机精度,降低压机造价,产生影响。  相似文献   

论述了我厂在年产I5000m ̄3刨花板生产线层压机上实施“无垫板热压工艺技术”的设计思路与方案,技术特性与原理,实施效果与效益。为提高国产多层压机生产刨花板的技术水平,探索出一条适合我国国情的新路子。  相似文献   

纸塑粘合剂专利号:93106807该产品主要用于印刷品的复膜(BO-PP薄膜与印刷品之间层压复合所用的粘合剂),其特点是使用时无毒,不污染环境,不危害人体健康,粘合牢度高,光亮度及透明度优良,单组份使用,具有热塑性能,完全干燥后层压,不易产生气泡,生...  相似文献   

层压硬质纤维板湿贴微薄木的生产工艺郑忠福(福建省永安纤维板厂永安366000)为了克服硬质纤维板一面有网痕和自然翘曲的不足,为提高产品的档次和使用价值,经过反复试验,笔者对硬质纤维板先层压后湿贴微簿膜的生产工艺进行了探讨,并取得了较好的结果。产品生产...  相似文献   

技改的主要目的有三:一是扩大生产规模;二是提高产品质量;三是降低成本。1扩大生产规模热压机是刨花板生产线产量计算的基点,扩大生产规模应以提高热压机生产能力为先导。如以多层压机取代单层压机,原有多层热压机增加层次,并改有垫板装卸为无垫板装卸工艺。改用热...  相似文献   

<正>我国与欧美浸渍纸层压木质地板标准的比较浸渍纸层压木质地板是我国重要的木地板产品之一,分析我国与美国、欧洲标准体系中,浸渍纸层压木质地板的标准结构及技术内容的主要差异,为我国浸渍纸层压木质地板的标准的制修订和贸易,提供参考。[张玉萍,彭立民,吕斌,等.我国与欧美浸渍纸层压木质地板标准的比较.木材工业,2012,26(2):41~45.]  相似文献   

本文论述了采用SAP90程序对斜腿变截面刚架的受力分析。对今后进一步应用,开发9AP程序解决复杂结构的力学分析有一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

采用湘林—90无性系杨1~5年生根桩萌条的1年生苗扦插造林,研究萌条的根桩年龄对杨树扦插造林效果的影响。结果表明:造林时的胸径、苗高、材积在不同年龄根桩的萌条苗间均有显著差异,造林后的第1年、第4年,胸径、树高、材积在不同年龄根桩萌条苗的造林地间虽有差异,但差异均不显著。试验结果表明1~5年生根桩萌条的1年生苗都适宜扦插造林。  相似文献   

The beneficial effects of shelterbelts and windbreaks have been convincingly demonstrated in the temperate regions of the world. Investigations conducted on the biological effects of windbreaks are relatively few in arid and semiarid zones. In the semiarid regions of Haryana under Social Forestry programmes large scale plantations along roads, canals, fields, etc. were undertaken. In this region, an area having a windbreak of Dalbergia sissoo (18 years old) was selected and cotton was raised in the agricultural fields. The tree belt is able to reduce the windspeed by 15 to 45% depending upon season and wind speed. Observations on morphological characters and crop yield revealed that the belt height had a significant effect on plant growth. In general growth and cotton productivity increased upto distance of four times the tree height to the leeward of belt. Depending upon the orientation of tree belt, an increase in cotton yield was found to be 4 to 10%. Plant growth (in terms of leaf area, leaf number, plant height) and yield (seed cotton production) were observed to be high in sheltered area as compared to open fields. The results indicate that windbreak establishment should be adopted and integrated to a whole farming system, in semiarid regions.  相似文献   

根据对根河地区自然、社会条件分析,根据笃斯越橘市场需要量较大、经济效益良好,而野生天然笃斯越橘日益减少的实际情况,提出笃斯越橘良种培育的可行性方案,做出前景分析。  相似文献   

本文按照联合国粮农组织林业署提出的林产品最新分类法,论证了我国东北林区各林业局生产的林产品结构应朝着畅销原木、胶合板、协议坯料、协议半成品或成品方向调整。实践证明,调整后的产品结构方案,不仅能提高企业的经济效益,而且还能提高可采蓄积的利用率。  相似文献   

林木低磷胁迫适应机制研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤有效磷缺乏在自然环境中是一种非常普遍的现象,近年来世界各国针对植物的觅磷和耐磷机制进行了大量研究,然而目前相关的综述性报道多限于农作物,对林木低磷胁迫适应性的综述性报道尚不多见。在长期进化过程中,林木为利用土壤中现有的含量极低的有效磷,形成了各种适应低磷胁迫的机制。文中从林木根系的形态学变化、根系分泌物对土壤难溶性磷的活化作用、林木对土壤低浓度有效磷的吸收利用以及应对低磷胁迫的遗传调控等方面综述了低磷环境中林木的适应机制,为揭示林木对缺磷环境的适应机理、发掘林木自身对土壤有效磷高效率的吸收利用能力、以及进一步筛选林木的磷高效品种和合理经营管理人工林提供参考。  相似文献   

International calls for sustainable development advocate that forest management should be carried out in a multi-stakeholder environment. The importance of community participation is acknowledged in theIndonesian Act No. 41 on Forestry (1999). However, it is not clear how to achieve this in areas already allocated to a concession holder. Current regulations offer little flexibility for concessionaires to develop site-specific management, or to involve local communities in forest management. The research reported here examines the application of simulation techniques to explore scenarios of sustainable forest management addressing those limitations. Several scenarios have been developed using multi-agent simulation to examine social and biophysical issues. Of the four scenarios examined in this study, collaborative forest management involving both the concessionaire and the local community appears to offer the most promising pathway toward sustainability. The authors wish to acknowledge that this paper has been produced with financial support from Department for International Development of the UK, and the Asian Development Bank under RETA Grant 5812 and CIFOR. The views expressed here are those of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the donors or of CIFOR. The authors also thank Bruce Campbell for his inputs to the paper.  相似文献   

13种观赏竹种引种驯化研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
竹子喜温暖、湿润气候,主要分布于我国南方大部分地区。我国自20世纪60-70年代以来开展了大量的"南竹北移"工作,将一些抗性较强的竹种引种到黄河流域以北地区。但北方竹类仍存在品种单调、成林效果差等问题。为丰富北方观赏竹种类,从上海、江苏宿迁和山东淄博引入13个竹种,在山西农业大学苗圃内进行引种驯化研究。引种适应性研究结果显示,刚竹属的淡竹、早园竹、青竹、箬竹和赤竹属的菲白竹适合在引种地种植,而佛肚竹、观音竹和罗汉竹则不适合种植。  相似文献   

二乔刺槐愈伤组织超低温保存及适宜降温方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二乔刺槐叶片在添加5 mg·L-16-BA的MS培养基上诱导出愈伤组织.将愈伤组织在冻存液(MS+10%DMSO+0.5 mol·L-1蔗糖)中于4℃预冷2 h,置人程序降温仪以1℃·min-1的速率降温至-7℃停留1 h,再以0.1℃·min-1的冷却速率将样品冷却至-20℃,平衡1 h,接下来以0.3℃·min-1的冷却速率将样品冷却至-40℃投入液氮保存,是适宜的降温方法.液氮保存1天后以38℃温水浴解冻.解冻后将愈伤组织用液体培养基(MS+6-BA 5 mg·L-1+30 g·L-1蔗糖)洗涤后转入恢复培养基暗培养,14天后放于光照下培养.光培养3天后冻后愈伤组织上开始长出新生愈伤组织颗粒,成活率最高可达52%,新生愈伤组织可诱导成苗.  相似文献   


Fluctuations in the ambient relative humidity are often cyclic of nature, composed of a wide variety of frequencies. Variations may be as fast as one minute or as slow as a complete season. A wooden object exposed to these fluctuations exchanges moisture with the air, resulting in a change in the local moisture content of the wood. Since moisture penetration is affected by the timescale of the changes in ambient conditions, so are processes caused by moisture content variations. Moisture content variations cause dimensional changes of a wooden object, which, if mechanically restrained, lead to a buildup of stresses and ultimately to damage. It is therefore important to predict the frequency behavior of moisture content and expansion in wood. In the presented study, experiments are conducted in which the moisture content and expansion of oak cubes with different sizes is measured during sinusoidal relative humidity fluctuations with different frequencies. The amplitude in moisture content and expansion is shown to be simply scalable based on sample size only. Derived diffusion coefficients are in agreement with literature values, although the experimental frequency behavior is shown to deviate qualitatively from diffusive frequency behavior.  相似文献   

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