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金融风险管理是一项复杂并且技术性很强的工作.为了有效地管理各种金融风险,人们必须借助各种专门的管理工具,运用各种专门的管理策略.全面风险管理是一个将企业风险管理融入到企业战略、组织结构、业务流程等各个环节的过程,它需要全员的参与.为了让全员参与到全面风险管理中去,除了通过制度、绩效考核等手段外,更重要的是应该在商业银行内部形成全面风险管理的企业文化和意识.  相似文献   

辽宁省苏家屯供电分公司认真落实县供电企业管理提升工作要求,紧密结合安全生产、电网建设、经营服务等核心业务,以“正确引导、全员参与、普遍提高、有所突破”为前提,全面梳理分公司在决策层、管理层、执行层3个层面上存在的工作短板。深刻剖析影响企业发展的突出问题,以问题促整改、达提升。  相似文献   

随着发达国家风险管理理念在全球的推广和辐射,很多国家和企业开始关注社会和企业的风险管理。美国COSO是国际公认的制定内部控制标准的权威机构,COSO认为风险管理应发挥6大作用:衔接风险容量与战略、增进风险应对决策、抑减经营意外和损失、识别和管理贯穿于企业的多重风险、抓住机会、改善资本配置。而全面风险管理框架有三个维度,第一维是4大目标,即战略目标、  相似文献   

正3月26日,2020齐鲁大工匠颁奖典礼暨首届山东省全员创新企业发布仪式在济南举行。山东省委常委、统战部部长、省总工会主席张江汀等领导出席。仪式上,时风集团等50家企业获评首届山东省全员创新企业。全国劳动模范、时风集团党委书记、董事长刘成强作为首届山东省全员创新企业装备制造行业的企业家代表参加活动。据介绍,为贯彻落实国家创新驱动发展战略,引导企业发挥创新主体作用,动员激励广大企业、职工全面参与创新,最大程度释放全社会创新动能,  相似文献   

我国自70年代末期推广全面质量管理(TQM),多年来的实践证明,它是一种最有效的广泛适用的管理方法。但是,由于长期计划经济思维制约,企业缺乏市场竞争压力和动力,我国对于全面质量管理方法的应用出现了重形式而轻实效的现象。企业应结合自身的实际情况,建立有效的质量体系,制定合理的战略计划和具体的推行步骤,进行全过程的质量管理,提高企业文化素质,注重全员参与,提高顾客满意度,创造最好的经济效益,通过全面质量管理,提高企业质量管理的水平。  相似文献   

农电企业培育质量文化、强化质量管理,是市场经济条件下,企业履行社会责任并促进自身发展的重要要求,广泛开展QC小组活动无疑提供了一个全员参与质量管理的有效途径。  相似文献   

周村供电所营造全员参与标准化建设的氛围,在安全、营销、服务等方面务实创新,扎实开展工作,全面提升了供电所标准化建设水平  相似文献   

正国网山东五莲县供电公司以实现全员参与、自主创新为主线,依托专业管理创新,全面推进班组建设的实施。随着电力体制改革的不断深化,传统的班组管理模式逐渐不适应新形势的要求。对此,国网山东五莲县供电公司以实现全员参与、自主创新为主线,依托专业管理创新,全面推进班组建设的实施。主要做法班组大讲堂以"技术课堂+现场实训"培训双结合的创新培训模式。  相似文献   

QMIS是质量管理信息系统的英文缩写(Quality质量、Manage管理、Information信息、System系统),是约翰·迪尔佳联收获机械有限公司最新开发采用的一套质量管理信息系统。QMIS是基于ISO9000:2000版标准八大质量管理原则中“全员参与”、“持续改进”和“基于事实的决策”原则而策划实施的。运行半年来,效果显著,有效地促进了企业质量体系的持续改进。该质量管理信息系统是全面质量管理理念在信息时代的新演绎,是ISO9000:2000标准管理原则同先进的计算机技术的最佳结合。ISO9000:2000版标准的灵魂是…  相似文献   

安全是供电企业赖以生存和发展的基石。河南省襄城县供电局在全员中强化"以人为本"的安全管理理念,推行企业、员工、家庭"三位一体"管理模式,使遵守安全工作规程成为作业人员的根本准则。重点理顺安全生产"三位一体"模式中企业、员工与家庭之间相辅相成的关系,制定安全生产全过程流程和标准,坚持全员都是安全责任主体,由过去的被动监督抓安全改变为现在的全员主动保安全,实现全员、全面、全方位、全过程安全管理。1深化企业安全责任,保证规章制度执行的刚性1.1强化安全责任落实建立安全生产工作领导小组,推行有效的目标管  相似文献   

齐媛媛  廖昕  胡雨萌 《湖南农机》2011,38(9):112+114
近十年来,VBM理论已受到财务管理、薪酬、战略等众多理论研究的支持.文章从VBM的内涵出发,牵引出企业财务管理目标的选择问题.通过对比分析,选出一个VBM下合理的目标,并对该目标实现的驱动因素进行探讨.  相似文献   

郭人菡  叶丽娟 《湖南农机》2012,(9):140-142,146
当今社会越来越多的企业利用金融衍生工具理财,对金融衍生工具的研究已经成为财务管理理论界和实务界研究和关注的热点问题。文章从研究企业利用金融衍生工具理财的基本原理出发,概括了金融衍生工具的定义及其分类,阐述了企业利用金融衍生工具理财的必然性,并以具体案例为载体,重点论述了金融衍生工具在企业筹资管理和投资管理中的具体运用,最后分析了企业理财中选择金融衍生工具应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

Recent changes in agricultural and flood defence policies create new opportunities for involving rural land use, in particular agriculture, in flood risk management. This paper presents the results of a case study on land management and flooding in the Laver and Skell catchments in North Yorkshire. The perceptions of local stakeholders were explored through interviews with farmers and discussions among stakeholders that were held, supported by the Floods and Agriculture Risk Matrix (FARM) tool, during a stakeholder workshop. These stakeholder perceptions are reviewed against scientific evidence. Temporary storage of runoff water on farmland was found to have potential to mitigate flooding, but the participating stakeholders thought that this was beyond farmers’ responsibility of good farming practice. During the stakeholder workshop, it was therefore agreed among all participants that targeting funding is needed, as well as stakeholder engagement and demonstration farms, in order to successfully involve farmers in flood risk management.  相似文献   

The Livestock Gross Margin Insurance for Dairy Cattle is a federally reinsured insurance program that enables US dairy producers to establish minimum levels of milk income net of feed cost. Given the structure of this program there are an infinite number of possible contract designs based on the choice of deductible level and proportion of production insured. Adding to this complexity, producers vary in their risk preferences, which affect the incentive to insure their margin. It is unclear as to how producers may adopt this program for revenue risk management. This paper investigates the interplay between producer risk preferences, contract design and the subsidization of premium in determining program coverage. We undertook this analysis within an expected utility framework. Optimal contracts under different rates of constant relative rate of risk aversion and subsidies were analyzed using a nonlinear optimization model. We found that total optimal coverage increased significantly with the level of risk of aversion at lower deductibles but as deductible level increased, the level of risk aversion had a lesser impact on total optimal coverages. As expected, at the same deductible and risk aversion levels, inclusion of a premium subsidy increased the total optimal coverage.  相似文献   

为研究苹果蠹蛾在辽宁省发生的风险和寻求有效的管理对策,参照国际有害生物风险分析原则,对苹果蠹蛾在辽宁省的传播风险进行定性和定量相结合的综合分析。结果表明,苹果蠹蛾的综合风险性综合评价值为2.21,属于高度危险的有害生物,结合实际提出风险管理对策。  相似文献   

Fumonisins constitute a group of carcinogenic metabolites produced mainly by Fusarium verticillioides, the most common fungi associated with maize grain. The limits fixed for fumonisins in maize for food and feed by the European Union (EU) could represent a serious problem for maize areas in the south of Europe where F. verticillioides encounters extremely favourable meteorological and environmental conditions for its life cycle. Prevention strategies through pre-harvest agronomic management can achieve the quality and safety standards required by EU regulations.On the basis of results from agronomic field trials conducted in the North of Italy, the first version of an agronomic decision tool has been created to help farmers, collectors and processors manage fumonisin contamination in order to respect the EU fumonisin limits and the constraints required by a given market outlet. The tool is based on the concept of agronomic exposure to fumonisin risk (AEFR), which is a qualitative evaluation of the impact that a crop management system can have on fumonisin contamination.The validation has shown the validity of the decision tool, which was able to correctly classify the crop management systems of real farms according to their agronomic exposure to fumonisin risk: increasing levels of fumonisin contamination corresponded to increasing AEFR levels.  相似文献   

现如今,在进行病险水库治理过程中,重点突出了治理效果,对于常住居民生活、当地环境、社会环境等都没有涉及,因此研究基于风险分析的除险加固优化技术是非常必要的.本文结合中国病险水库治理现状,以龙潭水库病险加固为例,构建了事件树法决策模型,对龙潭水库修筑前后产生的风险进行了评估,评选出了风险小、投资少、花费少的修筑方案,提出了基于风险分析的病险水库除险加固方案设计方法,对今后病险水库修筑具有理论指导意义.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》2007,92(1-3):157-178
The Moore Catchment, which lies to the north of Perth in Western Australia, suffers from a number of problems related to water management. Farmers want to manage salinity and waterlogging problems through the use of drains, but this has possible negative off-farm impacts on both the environment and flood risk. Views on responsibilities for managing water within the catchment differ between farmers, local communities and government agencies. This paper reports the results from surveys of attitudes towards catchment management, for two community groups: residents of Perth and residents of rural towns in the catchment. These surveys elicited general attitudes towards the environment and agriculture, and views on responsibilities for managing the catchment. It also included a choice modelling section, where the attributes under consideration included the area of land under salt and trees, ecological risks to off-farm wetlands and risk of flooding, farm incomes and personal financial contributions to a management fund. Preliminary results indicate that residents of both rural towns and Perth are willing to pay to avoid damage to the natural environment, both on and off-farm, as well as the risk of flooding. Perhaps more surprisingly, whether farmers’ incomes were being negatively affected in a choice set has a very strong impact on the choice made.  相似文献   

李利萍 《湖南农机》2012,39(3):216+218
文章根据当前企业的需求,让学生更好地适应企业,从企业干部的培养、增强凝聚力、融入企业文化、企业氛围的营造等几个方面阐述了仿真企业班级管理,主要是培养学生的竞争意识和团队精神,适应社会发展的需求.  相似文献   

随着我国教育事业的改革与发展,农业高等学校农机科研工作发展很快,学校财务也面临着更加复杂的局面,如何进一步强化财务管理,为农机科研工作服务,促进农机科研事业的发展,从而更好地服务于社会主义新农村建设,是摆在财务人面前的一项重要课题。本文就农业高校在财务管理方面如何全方位采取有效措施,促进农机科研事业的快速发展,进行了探讨和提出了一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

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