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阿坝县草地鼠害及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地处川西北草原的阿坝县天然草地广阔 ,草质优良 ,但啮齿动物危害日益严重。对该地啮齿动物种类 ,分布特点进行论述 ,根据危害程度估计损失 ,并提出了以生物生态防治为主的综合防治对策  相似文献   

辽宁省草场的少花蒺藜草及其危害   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍了少花蒺藜草的生物生态学特性,及其在辽宁省草场上的分布和对畜牧业的危害。  相似文献   

地处川西北草原的阿坝县天然草地广阔,草质优良,但啮齿动物危害日益严重.对该地啮齿动物种类,分布特点进行论述,根据危害程度估计损失,并提出了以生物生态防治为主的综合防治对策.  相似文献   

四川省紫茎泽兰监测报告   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采取路线调查、样方测定与"3S"技术等方法,组织有关部门对四川省外来入侵生物--紫茎泽兰Eu-patorium adenophorum进行了监测,摸清了紫茎泽兰在四川省的最新分布、危害现状与规律,提出了防治建议.结果显示:紫茎泽兰已广泛分布在四川省凉山、攀枝花、雅安、宜宾、泸州、乐山、甘孜7个市(州)42个县(区),分布面积96万hm2;对生物多样性、生态系统产生严重影响,对畜牧业、农业、林业造成了巨大危害;紫茎泽兰每年以20~30 km的速度向北向东传播蔓延,对成都平原及长江中下游地区生态安全构成严重威胁.  相似文献   

西藏当雄县草地鼠害及防治对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭万军 《草业科学》1999,16(5):48-50
对西藏当雄县天然草地主要啮齿动物种类、分布特点进行了论述,并根据危害程度和估计损失,提出了以生物、生态防治为主的综合对策。  相似文献   

麦田恶性杂草节节麦在中国的发生发展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
节节麦是世界恶性杂草,目前在我国冬小麦部分种植区成为危害最重的杂草之一,发生面积正在迅速扩大,给我国小麦生产和贸易带来严重影响,造成巨大经济损失。本文结合多年实地调查研究,从命名、分类、形态特征、分布与传播、生物生态学、育种应用、危害影响和防除等8个方面对节节麦进行了综述。  相似文献   

灰蜗牛是我国蚕区较为常见的一种危害生物,学名Fruticicoldravida(Benson),在我国主要蚕区江苏、浙江、安徽、四川、广西、广东等都有分布。食性杂,主要通过幼体和成体取食桑树嫩芽、嫩叶危害,严重发生时对桑叶产量有较大影响,取食嫁接苗叶危害较重,明显影响嫁接成活率。现有研究还表明:对于蚕种场桑园,桑园灰蜗...  相似文献   

生物入侵是指某种生物从外地自然传入或人为引种后成为野生状态,并对本地生态系统造成一定危害的现象。这些生物被叫做外来物种。外来物种是指那些出现在过去或现在的自然分布范围及扩散潜力以外(即在其自然分布范围以外或在没有直接或间接引入或人类照顾之下而不能存在)的物种、亚种或以下的分类单元,包括其所有可能存活、继而繁殖的部分、配子或繁殖体。  相似文献   

桑褐刺蛾的发生与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对危害桑树、果树和园林树木的褐刺蛾的分布与危害、形态特征、生物学特性、桑褐刺蛾幼虫致病物质成分的分析以及褐刺蛾质型多角体病毒研究总结,提出了刺蛾类害虫发生与防治的措施,表明铲除越冬茧、摘除虫叶、灯光诱杀是据其生物学特性制定的有效农业防治措施。生物治虫、天敌保护是防除刺蛾的必然趋势。喷雾法、打孔注药法构成了化学防治的核心内容。以化学防治为主体,农业防治和生物防治为配合的防治技术是目前行之有效的综合治理措施。  相似文献   

豚草在我国的生物防治研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
豚草是世界性恶性杂草,危害人类健康,严重影响农牧业生产。目前我国对豚草的防治方法主要有人工拔除、化学除草以及生物防治,人工拔除需要耗费大量的人力,化学除草则对环境和生态平衡造成严重的影响,因此,生物防治则受到了越来越多的关注。本文综述了豚草的分布、生物学特性以及在我国的传播扩散和危害,主要从利用病原菌、天敌昆虫、植物替代三方面介绍了生物防治豚草的研究进展,讨论了存在的问题及应对策略。  相似文献   

青藏高原"黑土滩"形成的自然因素与生物学机制   总被引:76,自引:7,他引:69  
李希来 《草业科学》2002,19(1):20-22
“黑土滩”的形成有其特定的海拔范围、区域特征和独特的气象条件。整个过程的主导因素是人为过度放牧,导致秃斑地的形成;害鼠破坏、风蚀、水蚀和冻融剥离等自然因素起到加速“黑土滩”的形成作用。  相似文献   

草地狼毒研究进展   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
刘英  龙瑞军  姚拓 《草业科学》2004,21(6):55-61
综述了瑞香狼毒Stellera chamaejasmee的分布、毒性、危害,化学成分,药用特性、临床疗效及药理活性,异株克生和开发利用以及防治措施等方面的研究进展.为进一步探索其利用途径和防除控制提供参考.同时,提出了瑞香狼毒有效利用和控制的主要措施.  相似文献   

云南岩溶区的石漠化与综合治理   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
对云南岩溶石漠化分布现状、成因和危害进行分析,指出石漠化土地在云南省各地州市均有分布,不同地区石漠化分布规模和危害程度不同;石漠化具自北向南分布面积逐渐增多、石漠化程度逐渐加重的特点,滇东较滇西严重;强烈的人类活动为石漠化的主导驱动力;石漠化加速了生态环境恶化,主要表现为水土流失、河道淤积和自然灾害频繁,导致土地资源丧失和非地带性干旱等。在综合西南岩溶石漠区治理经验的基础上,总结出封山育林植被恢复、草地畜牧业、生态移民模式,以及坡改梯、立体生态农业和“养殖-沼气-种植”三位一体的生态农业模式适于云南岩溶不同石漠区推广应用。  相似文献   

利用内蒙古通辽市科尔沁区1980—2009年最高气温、最低气温、平均气温等气象资料和30年产量面积数据,对科尔沁区1980—2009年的玉米不同发育阶段的生长所受的低温冷害影响进行了综合分析,得出玉米发育阶段热量指数、热量指数与玉米产量的关系、冷害指数、热量及冷害变化趋势、热量指数时空分布、冷害频率的时空分布,为玉米发育期的生长阶段提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

A 9-year-old, spayed female, Airedale Terrier was euthanatized and necropsied after a progressive clinical course that included Horner's syndrome of the left eye and unilateral atrophy of the masticatory muscles. Although gross lesions were limited, a polyradiculoneuritis and ganglionitis that was most severe in the trigeminal nerves and ganglia were confirmed histologically. The inflammatory infiltrate consisted predominantly of macrophages and B and T lymphocytes that were phenotypically confirmed by immunostaining. Horner's syndrome was the result of damage to postganglionic sympathetic fibers that were incorporated in segments of the inflamed trigeminal nerve and its ophthalmic branch. Histologically, the character and distribution of the inflammation was similar to previously described syndromes of suspected immune-mediated etiology in humans and animals.  相似文献   

紫茎泽兰及其危害研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
紫茎泽兰属菊科泽兰属多年生草本或成半灌木状植物,原产美洲的墨西哥至哥斯达黎加一带,于解放前后侵入我国,半个世纪以来造成了巨大的生态危害。由于其顽强的生命力和对其他植物的化学互感作用,已广泛分布于云南、贵州、四川、广西、西藏等地,且仍在不断地朝华中和华东方向蔓延,给国民经济造成巨大的损失,已被国家环保总局列入首批入侵国内16 种外来物种之首。文章着重介绍了紫茎泽兰的生物学特性、分布、危害、动物中毒临床症状与机理、防除与利用的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are commonly injected intralesionally for treatment of soft tissue injuries in the horse. Alternative routes of administration would be beneficial for treatment of lesions that cannot be accessed directly or to limit needle‐induced iatrogenic damage to the surrounding tissue. Objectives: The purpose of our study was to evaluate MSC distribution after intra‐arterial (IA) and intravenous (IV) regional limb perfusions (RLP) using scintigraphy. We hypothesised that MSCs would persist in the distal limb after tourniquet removal and that both techniques would lead to diffuse MSC distribution. Methods: Six horses were used in the study. MSCs were labelled with hexamethyl propylene amine oxime (HMPAO) and technetium‐99m. RLP was performed through the median artery of one forelimb and the cephalic vein of the opposite limb under general anaesthesia. The tourniquet was left in place for 45 min. Scintigraphic images were obtained at 0, 45, 75 min, 6 h and 24 h post injection. Results: Distribution of labelled MSCs through the entire distal limb was achieved with all 6 IA RLP, but 3 out of 6 IV RLP showed poor or absent uptake distal to the metacarpus. Mesenchymal stem cell persistence was 39% (30–60%) and 28% (14–50%) (median [minimum–maximum]) at 6 h for IA and IV RLP, respectively. Severe arterial thrombosis occurred in one horse after IA RLP. Conclusions: Both IA and IV RLP of the distal limb result in MSC persistence in perfused tissues. The IA perfusion resulted in more reliable cell distribution to the pastern and foot area. Potential relevance: Regional limb perfusion of MSCs might be used in cases where intralesional injection is not possible or in order to avoid iatrogenic needle damage. Further work is needed to assess the safety of IA RLP before its clinical use.  相似文献   

明确修文县猕猴桃桑盾蚧的发生规律与空间分布,为控制桑盾蚧的危害提供依据。以修文县“贵长”猕猴桃为试材,采用定点定株方法掌握桑盾蚧在修文县的发生规律,平行跳跃方法调查猕猴桃园桑盾蚧分布,随机取样与五点取样相结合方法调查桑盾蚧在猕猴桃树上不同方位的分布。桑盾蚧在修文“贵长”猕猴桃园中一年发生两代,以受精雌成虫在枝条上越冬,5月上旬和8月上旬为产卵盛期,桑盾蚧对“贵长”猕猴桃树的方位侵害程度表现为:南>东>北>西,其危害对猕猴桃树上的方位有一定的选择性。  相似文献   

为了探索施钾对苜蓿(Medicago sativa)叶茎根碳水化合物的分配与苜蓿抗蓟马的关系,本试验以紫花苜蓿‘甘农3号’和‘甘农9号’为材料,以牛角花齿蓟马(Odontothrips loti)为研究对象,在网室盆栽条件下,评价不同钾水平下苜蓿的受害程度,并测定了叶茎根中可溶性糖和淀粉含量。结果表明:施钾后,苜蓿的受害指数下降,各器官中的可溶性糖与淀粉含量及其根冠比均升高。随着受害时间的持续,各钾水平下苜蓿叶中可溶性糖含量在受害10 d时最高,茎中可溶性糖含量在受害15 d时最高,根中可溶性糖含量及各器官中淀粉含量均持续增加;可溶性糖的叶茎比在受害10 d时最高,淀粉的叶茎比变化不显著,可溶性糖和淀粉的根冠比均持续升高。施钾提高了苜蓿的碳水化合物含量,并调控其在苜蓿各器官中的合理分配,进而增强了苜蓿对蓟马的耐害性。‘甘农9号’抗性表现较‘甘农3号’好,本试验中最适施钾量为0.6 g·(10 kg)-1土。  相似文献   

The number of neurons in the coeliacomesenteric ganglia and the myenteric and submucosal plexuses of the jejunum, ileum and small colon, and the pathological changes induced in them, were studied in various types of equine dysautonomia. In all forms of dysautonomia, severe and extensive neuron loss and damage occurred in the ileum. In acute and subacute dysautonomia, jejunal neuron loss and damage were severe, but in chronic cases significantly less loss or damage occurred. The damage followed the same pattern in the small colon but it was always less obvious than in the jejunum. The distribution of the damage was uniform within a segment of the intestine. In fatal cases of dysautonomia, the clinical severity and duration of illness seems, in most instances, to be related to the amount of neuronal disruption occurring in the jejunum. Severe disruption results in acute/subacute dysautonomia, while milder damage leads to the chronic form.No case of dysautonomia was encountered in which enteric neuron loss and damage occurred without significant neuronal disruption also occurring in the coeliacomesenteric ganglia.Ileal neuronal damage and loss are not invariably worse than that in the jejunum, and the possible reasons for this, together with the relationship between neuronal damage and possible causes of dysautonomia, are discussed.Abbreviations H&E haematoxylin and eosin Deceased. Formerly of the Moredun Research Institute, 408 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh, EH17 7JH, UK  相似文献   

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