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Twenty-five Pyrus communis L. cultivars including eight traditional Portuguese pears, and four commercial Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm.) Nak. (Japanese pear or `nashi') cultivars were analysed by RAPD and AFLP techniques focusing on their molecular discrimination and the assessment of their genetic relatedness. Twenty-five primers generated 324 RAPD markers, among which 271 (84%) were polymorphic. The AFLP technique, using seven primer combinations, revealed a similar level of molecular polymorphisms (87%), representing 418 polymorphic bands among a total of 478 scored in autoradiographs. The high reproducibility of RAPD and AFLP techniques was confirmed comparing DNA samples from different extractions and different digestions of DNA from the same plant. Three genetic similarity matrices and respective dendrograms were elaborated on using RAPD, AFLP or joint RAPD and AFLP data. Both molecular marker techniques proved their reliability to assess genetic relationships among pear cultivars. P. pyrifolia cultivars exhibit a closer genetic relatedness, clustering apart from P. communis cultivars. Within P. communis, `William's', as well as `Doyenne du Comice', cluster close to their hybrids. Most of the Portuguese cultivars tend to cluster together, indicating to constitute a relatively independent genetic pool, which can be of interest in pear breeding programs.  相似文献   

The genetic relationships were assessed for the first time in Turkish durum wheat cultivars using AFLP markers. In the analysis, 18 AFLP primer combinations resulted in a total of 189 polymorphic loci. All of the selective primers used are Eco and Mse primers with three nucleotide extentions on the 3 ends. The number of polymorphic markers per primer combination ranged from 4 to 24. The relationships, among nine winter and six spring type durum wheat cultivars, obtained with various algorithms are in accordance with the known pedigree information of the cultivars. Based on `Nei72' genetic distance analysis, the most distant two cultivars are `Berkmen-469' (winter type) and `Diyarbakìr-88' (spring type), and the closest two are `Selçuklu-97' and `Sofu', with the values of 0.793 and 0.115, respectively. The closest two winter type cultivars are `Akbasak-073-44' and `Kunduru-414-44' (0.128).  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers (SSR) were used to fingerprint a total of 105 local potato cultivars from Spain. A set of 41 cultivars from Tenerife Island, 19 from the island of La Palma, and 45 local varieties from peninsular Spain were analysed. Some of these varieties represent relicts of the early introductions originating from South America and have been characterised previously morphologically and ecophysiologically. We observed within our materials a total of 76 SSR alleles. Only seven of them were present in all varieties. Several accession and group specific alleles were detected. Similarity coefficients were computed from the molecular data and cluster analyses were performed. The obtained dendrogram was generally in good agreement with previous classifications of the accessions as Solanum tuberosum L. subsp. andigena (Juz. et Bukasov) Hawkes S. tuberosum L. subsp. tuberosum and S. chaucha Juz. et Bukasov genotypes. Also cultivar groups with identical or related common names showed the same SSR patterns or clustered closely together. In addition we performed Principal Coordinate Analysis with the set of genotypes. Results of both analysis methods were generally in good agreement, but also some smaller differences were detected in the associations of groups and genotypes. According to the molecular patterns for some accessions misleading or confounded names were evident, and in some cases the molecular patterns showed also discrepancies with previous species assignments, suggesting the need for a more detailed comparative study of these accessions.  相似文献   

Most beetroot (Beta vulgaris) cultivars in South Africa are exotic and were specifically bred for root-knot (Meloidogyne species) nematode populations in their countries of origin. Due to the widespread distribution of different Meloidogyne species and races, exotic cultivars should be matched with nematode populations in importing countries. The objective of this study was to determine the interrelations between exotic beetroot cultivars ‘Detroit Red Dark’ and ‘Crimson Globe’ with Meloidogyne species in the predominant beetroot-producing regions in South Africa. Different inoculum series of M. incognita and M. javanica were used on the two beetroot cultivars. At 56 days after initiating the treatments, roots of both cultivars had small undeveloped root galls, with the reproductive factor values of M. incognita on ‘Detroit Dark Red’ being above and below unity at low (≤125 inoculation) and high (≥250 inoculation) nematode levels, respectively. Growth of ‘Detroit Dark Red’ was significantly stimulated and inhibited at low and high nematode infection levels, respectively. In contrast, RF values for M. javanica on ‘Crimson Globe’ were below unity, without any significant effects on plant growth. In conclusion, ‘Detroit Dark Red’ was tolerant to M. incognita, whereas ‘Crimson Globe’ was resistant to M. javanica.  相似文献   

A total of 82 grapevine genotypes were sampled from several areas of the Italian region of Sicily where vineyards are widely spread. The grapevines were characterized using six microsatellite markers (VVS2, VVMD5, VVMD7, VVMD27, VrZAG62 and VrZAG79) to evaluate genetic diversity. Thirty-seven of the 82 cultivars sampled had their names quoted in historical and literary sources, while 45 cultivars from old vineyards did not have their names reported in ancient literature. According to their genetic profiles at SSR loci, 70 different cultivars were found, while interesting cases of synonymies (Regina and Moscato bianco, Alicante and Dolcetta or among different clones of Zibibbo and Catarratto) and cases of homonymy (Frappato and Nerello Mascalese) were discovered. Several genetic parameters were calculated to assess the efficacy of the loci chosen in this work. Pairwise genetic distances between all cultivars were calculated. A dendrogram representing the genetic similarities among cultivars was depicted using the UPGMA method to investigate their relationships, explaining them from a historical point of view. The cluster distribution of cultivars clearly does not reflect their current geographical distribution, suggesting successive introductions of cultivars in Sicily from different areas of origin.  相似文献   

Choix, a plant in the tribe Maydeae of the grass family, has been cultivated in Asia for several thousand years. It is a potential gene resource for improvement of other cereal crops because of its nutritional value and tolerance to stress. Genetic variation and relationships among 21 Choix lachryma-jobi L. accessions were characterized by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. A total of 205 DNA fragments across all materials were amplified with 31 random primers, averaging 6.61 per primer. Among amplified fragments, 115 showed polymorphism averaging 3.71 per primer. Of amplified markers, 56.1% were polymorphic, indicating considerable variation at the DNA level among these accessions. Some fragments were accession-specific. Pair-wise genetic similarity (GS) among 21 accessions ranged from 0.809 to 0.301. The 21 accessions clustered into two major groups. Three exotic Choix accessions clustered together. Three other Choix accessions, collected from Guangxi, China, clustered into a cohesive subgroup. Four wild types of Choix clustered into the same subgroup. These results indicated that the classification by RAPD data reflected the differences in geographic origins and evolution in Choix.  相似文献   

为研究蚯蚓密度与土壤化学肥力主要参数之间的定量关系,利用数据分析蚯蚓密度与pH值、电导率(EC)、有机质、全氮、碱解氮、全磷、有效磷、全钾、有效钾、有效钙、有效镁及阳离子交换量(CEC)之间的定量关系。结果显示,蚯蚓密度与pH值呈极显著的负相关关系(P<0.001),与有机质、全氮和全磷含量呈极显著的正相关关系(P<0.002),与其他指标的相关性比较弱。研究表明,根据这种关系可以将蚯蚓密度与土壤化学肥力主要指标的定量关系分为5个等级,可为准确地评价蚯蚓对土壤化学肥力的影响提供参考。  相似文献   

Brassica oleracea L. includes various types of important vegetables that show extremely diverse phenotypes. To elucidate the genetic diversity and relationships among commercial cultivars derived by different companies throughout the world, we characterized the diversity and genetic structure of 91 commercial B. oleracea cultivars belonging to six varietal groups, including cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi, kale and kai-lan. We used 69 polymorphic microsatellite markers showing a total of 359 alleles with an average number of 5.20 alleles per locus. Polymorphism information content (PIC) values ranged from 0.06 to 0.73, with an average of 0.40. Among the six varietal groups, kohlrabi cultivars exhibited the highest heterozygosity level, whereas kale cultivars showed the lowest. Based on genetic similarity values, an UPGMA clustering dendrogram and a two-dimensional scale diagram (PCoA) were generated to analyze genetic diversity. The cultivars were clearly separated into six different clusters with a tendency to cluster into varietal groups. Model-based structure analysis revealed six genetic groups, in which cabbage cultivars were divided into two subgroups that were differentiated by their head shape, whereas cauliflower and kai-lan cultivars clustered together into a single group. Furthermore, we identified 18 SSR markers showing 27 unique alleles specific to only one cultivar that can be used to discriminate 22 cultivars from the others. Our phylogenetic and population structure analysis presents new insights into the genetic structure and relationships among 91 B. oleracea cultivars and provides valuable information for breeding of B. oleracea species. In addition, we demonstrate the utility of SSR markers as a powerful tool for discriminating between the cultivars. The SSR markers described herein will also be helpful for Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) test of new cultivars.  相似文献   

The genetic origin of cultivated papaya is not clear. Wild relatives of papaya (Carica papaya) from central southern America were investigated using isozyme and RAPD analysis. Seven other species (including six from the genus Carica) were found to be relatively distant from papaya providing no indication of the genetic origin of papaya. Isozyme and RAPD data gave similar measures of genetic similarity within this group. C. papaya was about 70% dissimilar to the other Carica species by both methods. The other Carica species had average dissimilarities around 50%. Two species, C. pubescens and C. stipulata were much closer to each other with similarities of 87% by isozyme analysis and 82% by RAPD analysis. Although both methods gave similar measures for genetic distance the large number of RAPD markers available made RAPD analysis more reliable for analysis of the extremes (e.g. closely related taxa may show no isozyme differences and distant taxa may show no isozyme similarities).  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is an area of concern for sustaining crop yield. Information on genetic relatedness/diversity among Gossypium arboreum L. cultivars/genotypes is scanty. We have used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis to assess the genetic divergence/relationship among 30 genotypes/cultivars of G. arboreum. Of 45 primers surveyed, 63% were polymorphic. Out of the total number of loci amplified, 36% were polymorphic. The calculated genetic similarity between the cultivars/genotypes was in the range of 47.05–98.73%. Two genotypes, HK-244 and Entry-17, were the most distantly related. The average genetic relatedness among all the genotypes was 80.46%. However, most of the cultivated varieties showed a close genetic relationship, indicating a narrow genetic base in comparison to the non-cultivated germplasm. The calculated coefficients were used to construct a dendrogram using the unweighted pair group of arithmetic means (UPGMA) algorithm, which grouped the genotypes/cultivars into two major and three smaller clusters. The study is the first comprehensive analysis of the genetic diversity of G. arboreum germplasm and identifies cultivars that will be useful in extending the genetic diversity of cultivated varieties and future genome mapping projects.  相似文献   

红茶与绿茶感官品质与其化学组分的相关性   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对茶叶感官审评分属性与其化学组分的相关性进行探讨,该文以不同等级、产地红茶和绿茶为代表,利用传统感官审评方法鉴定茶叶品质(外形、香气、汤色、滋味和叶底),并对各品质指标进行相关性分析,筛选出对茶叶品质影响最重要的品质指标,即滋味。在利用尺度评价法对茶叶滋味品质的10个分属性(浓度、厚度、甘度、鲜度、醇度、涩度、嫩度、陈味、纯正度、火工度)进行更为细致的评定和对茶叶中主要呈味物质—茶多酚、咖啡碱、茶氨酸进行定量分析的基础上,对不同等级、不同产地茶叶的滋味分属性进行差异分析,并对化学组分与滋味分属性进行相关性分析,结果表明,各种茶样之间的产地和等级间差异主要是鲜度和涩度,而与之相关的组分主要是茶氨酸和咖啡碱,茶多酚的影响还有待进一步考察。该研究实现了茶叶感官品质的定量分析,提高了感官审评结果的客观性和确定性,为茶叶原产地保护和分等分级提供核心技术和标准支撑。  相似文献   

Many stress-related interactions such as pathogen infection, insect tolerance, salt tolerance, auxin degradation, cell wall lignification, tissue suberization, and plant senescence involve various isoforms of peroxidases. Peroxidase gene polymorphism (POGP) markers have been used to estimate diversity, relationships and population structure among 80 Citrus and their relatives in Aurantioideae by using unweighted pair group method arithmetic average (UPGMA) and bayesian substructuring analysis. Fourteen primers produced a total of 148 fragments and 147 of them were polymorphic. The UPGMA analysis demonstrated that the accessions had a similarity range from 0.27 to 0.98 and were distinguished. The results of this study were mostly consistent with previous reports of different marker systems, but few different findings were also detected. The subtribe Clauseninae (tribe Clauseneae) did not clearly separate from the subtribes of the tribe Citreae. Substructuring analysis indicated that there were six subpopulations among the accessions studied. This study revealed that the POGP markers can be utilized to estimate genetic diversity, relationships and population structure in Citrus and related species in the Aurantioideae subfamily.  相似文献   

不同区域尺度烟叶化学成分与品质的关系初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在贵州2个主要烟叶产区,系统采集214个烟叶样品,研究了不同区域尺度烟叶化学成分与品质的关系。结果表明,县级尺度间烟叶的化学成分含量、品质指标及吸食品质差异较大,地级尺度间的差异缩小。在县级尺度,影响烟叶品质的主要化学成分组成较为相似,化学成分主成分分布较为集中,第1主成分主要包括总糖、还原糖、烟碱、糖碱比、氮碱比,化学成分与品质的显著相关性因子较少(1-2个因子),可用较少的化学成分来揭示烟叶品质。在地级尺度,烟叶化学成分与品质的关系复杂化,需用较少的化学成分(碳水化合物、含氮化合物)反映烟叶的主要品质特征,并需用更多的化学成分(K2O、P等矿质成分)才能反映烟叶品质的特有差别。如遵义的吸食总分与总氮、氮碱比、烟碱显著相关,杂气与总氮、氯显著相关。在省级尺度,烟叶化学成分与烟叶品质的关系更为复杂,需用更多的化学成分(碳水化合物、含氮化合物及矿质养分)才能综合反映烟叶的品质,如吸食总分与总氮、糖碱比、氮碱比、磷、镁显著相关,杂气与总氮、糖碱比、氮碱比、磷、镁和还原糖显著相关。说明从县级尺度到省级尺度可用从少到多的化学成分种类表征相应区域尺度的烟叶品质。  相似文献   

本文采用偏最小二乘回归和灰色关联度分析方法,以克服烟叶化学成分指标间线性相关性的干扰,研究了四川烟区烟叶化学成分与纬度的关系,为四川烟叶种植适宜区的选择提供参考。结果表明:四川烟区的纬度跨度为N26°02′~N31°20′;四川烟区烟叶化学成分总体上表现为:总糖和还原糖偏高,淀粉含量略微偏高,氯含量偏低,烟碱、总氮和钾含量处于较适宜范围内,且烟碱、氯和淀粉的变异系数较大;烟叶化学成分与纬度的偏最小二乘回归分析模型如下:上部叶(纬度=28.762 0.146x1 0.214x2 0.005 23x3 0.172x4+0.316x5 0.232x6 0.046 4x7)、中部叶(纬度=28.762 0.117x1 0.088x2+0.009 9x3 0.127x4+0.288x5 0.328x6 0.041 3x7)、下部叶(纬度=28.762 0.026x1 0.123x2+0.25x3+0.010 3x4+0.271x5 0.237x6 0.136x7),其中x1~x7分别代表总糖、还原糖、烟碱、总氮、钾、氯和淀粉。烟叶化学成分与纬度的相关性强弱分析显示,同一部位间,烟叶中钾含量呈高度正相关,总糖、还原糖和氯含量与纬度呈高度负相关,即随着纬度的升高(从川南到川北),烟叶中钾含量呈增加趋势,而总糖、还原糖和氯含量呈现降低趋势;不同部位间,烟碱、总氮和淀粉与纬度的相关性强弱表现的不一致;化学成分各项指标与纬度的关联序为:还原糖>总糖>总氮>钾>淀粉>烟碱>氯。  相似文献   

The genetic variation and relationships among 31 accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris L., and two representatives of Vigna unguiculata L., were evaluated by AFLP analysis. A total of 263 DNA fragments across all materials were scored using nine primer combinations, averaging 32 per primer. More than 95% of the amplification products showed polymorphism, indicating high variation at the DNA level among these accessions. Pair-wise genetic similarity (Jaccard's coefficient) ranged from 0.553 to 0.840, with a mean of 0.765. Twenty-three accessions (70%) clustered into three groups. A majority of the commercial cultivars (91%) clustered within a single group, whereas the landraces were distributed along all the variation. An apparent correlation with phaseolin types was detected. Results of this study suggest that Brazilian landraces truly represent the overall genetic variability of Phaseolus vulgaris, confirming the multiple origins of these materials, and their potential as a source of variation for breeding programs.  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - The cultivated strawberry [Fragaria × ananassa (Duchesne ex Weston) Duchesne ex Rozier] is one of the most valuable small fruits worldwide....  相似文献   

水稻生物化学参数与高光谱遥感特征参数的相关分析   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
通过不同氮素营养水平的水稻田间试验,研究稻叶生物化学成份(叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、蛋白质、纤维素、淀粉含量) 与水稻冠层高光谱遥感特征参数之间的关系,结果表明,随着叶位的下移,叶片叶绿素含量与光谱特征变量之间的相关性明显减弱,绿峰反射率、红谷反射率、红边波长、蓝边面积和“三边”面积构成的植被指数等变量与上叶叶绿素含量、类胡萝卜素、纤维素、叶鞘淀粉含量之间有较好的相关性,而蛋白质含量与各种变量的相关系数均非常低。兰边面积、兰边面积和红边面积构成的植被植数与上叶叶绿素含量之间,红边面积 、绿反射峰与红反射峰构成的植被指数与叶鞘淀粉含量之间的相关系数都达到了0.01极显著检验水平,因此,可利用这些变量建立上叶叶绿素a、纤维素和叶鞘淀粉含量的估测模型。  相似文献   

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