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2000年以来自福建省南部海域至广东、海南岛沿海,陆续发生九孔鲍人工培育种苗大量死亡现象一“脱板症”,造成九孔鲍苗的严重短缺。经研究初步认为“脱板症”是一种疑似病毒性疾病。本文针对九孔鲍人工培育种苗疑似病毒性疾病,利用紫外线发生装置消毒海水培育九孔鲍苗,取得了一定的成效,比较药物处理海水培育九孔鲍苗提高出苗率达50%以上。  相似文献   

九孔鲍苗脱板病防治的几点建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,我国南方地区九孔鲍育苗连续出现严重脱板和剥离后暴发性死亡等现象,致使九孔鲍苗育苗量大幅度减少,已严重制约我国南方地区鲍鱼养殖业的发展。为此,笔者根据近年对海南省九孔鲍育苗病害调查及鲍苗病害防治试验结果,对九孔鲍苗“脱板病”的病因进行浅析,并提出几点病害防治的建议,以供科研与生产人员参考。一、应注重亲鲍的培育工作亲鲍培育是繁育优质鲍苗的一项极为重要的前提性工作,没有培育出性腺成熟的亲鲍,就不能获得优质的受精卵,而劣质的受精卵孵化出的幼体容易出现发育不良、大量死亡的现象。培育优质亲鲍可采取如下措施:1.…  相似文献   

武清爽 《齐鲁渔业》2006,23(3):15-15
近年来,随着养鲍业的发展,鲍苗供不应求。下面简要介绍鲍苗的培育技术: 1 亲鲍的选择与诱导产卵应选择健康无损、体质肥壮、足部活动敏捷、雌雄性腺明显的个体,大小在5 cm 以上,池水温度保持在 24~30℃,pH 值8.0~8.2,比重1.08~1.022。每天早晚要用过滤或沉淀海水各换水1次。投喂海带、石莼等藻类。经过120~140天培养,亲鲍便可达性成熟,成熟的雌鲍生殖腺为褐绿色,雄鲍为橘黄色。亲鲍成熟后即可产卵排精,可让其自然排放,生产上一般采用人工诱导方法。诱导方法主要有变温刺激法、阴干诱导法、紫外线照射法、海水诱导法等。其中紫外线照射法是将1支紫外灯管,架于催产和水槽上,水槽规格为78 cm×55 cm  相似文献   

<正>2013年初至今,受成品鲍行情低迷的影响,我国鲍苗产业也是萎靡不振。广东鲍苗年产量仅次于福建,近两年来鲍苗生产和销售情况不容乐观。近期,本刊记者在广东鲍苗主产区汕头、汕尾和揭阳一带走访时发现,目前大部分鲍苗场经营惨淡,很多苗场无奈选择停产或转型。鲍鱼苗种产业正面临着新一轮洗牌。鲍苗大量滞销近年来,由于工厂化养殖商品鲍的成本上升,且难于管理,广东的工厂化养鲍场几乎都转向了鲍苗生产。据本刊记者了解,广东现在有鲍鱼苗种场  相似文献   

采用皱纹盘鲍大连群体与盘鲍日本群体进行杂交育苗试验和鲍苗种生产。结果表明,皱纹盘鲍和盘鲍正、反交组合的受精率和孵化率均低于两亲本自交组,而其苗种成活率高于两亲本自交组(提高达20%以上);皱纹盘鲍和盘鲍的正、反交组合鲍苗的生长情况是,其平均壳长明显高于两亲本自交组鲍苗的平均壳长,最长达2.01 cm ;皱纹盘鲍与盘鲍作为亲本进行鲍苗种生产,经160 d培育,共培育出鲍苗种2020.75万只(平均壳长2.01 cm ),鲍出苗量平均4345.7只/m2。通过鲍种内杂交的育种方法,可以达到改良和优化鲍种质的目的。  相似文献   

鲍是一种经济价值很高的海味珍品,其肉营养丰富,味道鲜美;壳可药用,又是贝雕工艺的优质原料。目前我国福建、山东、辽宁、广东、渐江等省育苗已获成功。现介绍一下渐江省海洋水产研究所培育皱纹盘鲍苗的方法,主要有以下几个步骤;1.亲鲍的精养;2.亲鲍的选择和催产;3.受精、洗卵和孵化;4.鲍幼体的培育;5.稚鲍培育;6.鲍苗的中间育成。  相似文献   

该研究目的是建立一套鲍育苗和养殖的生态化模式,包括鲍苗种生态培育模式、鲍陆基生态养成模式和海上鲍藻套养生态养成模式,以克服目前鲍养殖业存在的病害频发、成活率低下等问题,提高鲍养殖的经济效益,降低养殖风险。鲍苗种生态培育模式通过"光照-微藻-微生态制剂-滤食性动物-鲍苗"构建复合生物体系;鲍陆基生态养成模式通过池内建立"复合生物区系",并在池外设立生态塘和生态渠进行养殖废水处理的方式构建;海上生态养成模式通过"鲍藻套养"构建。共培育鲍苗5批次,培育周期210~240d,共产出鲍苗17.764×104个,平均壳长1.5cm以上,育成率0.78%~1.23%。陆基生态化模式养成商品鲍43.774×104个,平均壳长6.53cm,平均体质量34.6g,成活率87.5%,周期18~20个月。海上鲍生态养成150口网箱,养成商品鲍3×108个,平均壳长6.50cm以上,成活率85%以上,养成时间18~20个月。  相似文献   

选用皱纹盘鲍(♀)与日本盘鲍(♂)进行杂交育种,培育生长快、色泽鲜艳、活力强、抗逆性强杂交鲍苗.从2003年4月20日进行苗种培育,当年11月份鲍苗壳长20mm以上的超过50%,表现出明显的生长优势.  相似文献   

不同技术措施控制杂色鲍暴发性流行病的效果比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
杂色鲍 (Haliotisdiversicolor)鲍苗体长 18.12~ 2 3.82mm ,体重 0 .98~ 2 .5 6g ,在 5种模式下进行养殖 ,即 :1)养殖用海水以不同方式进行前处理 ;2 )以 2 4h不同补水倍数 ;3)不同“倒池”次数 ;4 )不同投喂次数投喂细基江蓠 (Gracilariatenuistipitata) ;5 )不同产地、相同规格的鲍苗比较养殖。模式 1)~ 4 )养殖周期均为 6个月 ,鲍苗取自广东陆丰 ;模式 5 )养殖周期为 1个月 ,鲍苗分别取自福建东山、广东汕尾及广东陆丰的养鲍场。结果显示 ,直接抽取海水的养殖池 2 4h内有机沉积物含量分别为单过滤海水池和双重过滤海水池的 4 .9和 5 .1倍 ,而不同处理海水养殖池中有机沉积物与鲍苗的成活率呈密切相关 ;2 4h内的补水量对水体理化因子及杂色鲍成活率影响极显著 ,未换水组的氨氮含量、弧菌数分别为“5倍补水组”的 1.3和 6 .9倍 ,而死亡率则为后者的 2 1.7倍 ;未“倒池”组单位面积的有机沉积物分别为倒池 1、2、3次的 1.2、3.5和 3.6倍 ,氨氮含量分别为 1.73、2 .3和 3.5倍 ,弧菌数量比实验组要大 2~ 4个数量级 ;投喂方式、次数及停喂对水质影响十分明显 ,“3d投喂 1次 +停喂 1次”组的成活率高于其他组 (x2 >x20 .0 5,P <0 .0 5 ) ,水体中的氨氮比其他各组减少 14 9%~ 4 6 2 % ,而弧菌量减少 1  相似文献   

鲍低温病毒病的防治技术   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
鲍既是美食,又可入药,经济价值极高,是珍贵的海产品。七十年代初由中国科学院海洋研究所与福建省水产研究所、东山县水产局联合攻关,开创杂色鲍(1970)和皱纹盘鲍(1973)人工育苗生产工艺以来,推动了我国养鲍业迅速发展。九十年代福建省自台湾引入杂色鲍的台湾种群----九孔鲍及其集约式养殖技术,使得鲍的养殖规模和产量发展更为迅速,目前已成为我国鲍的最重要养殖区,养鲍场和鲍苗场已遍布我省沿海各地, 2001年我省鲍的养殖面积已超过43万平方米,产量2800t以上,产值约4亿元;我省还是我国的鲍苗主要输出地,2001年生产鲍苗6.7亿粒,产值8646万元。…  相似文献   

真鲷(Pagrosomus major)苗种生产技术的开发研究↑(*)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1991-1993年在中国青岛市对真鲷苗种生产技术进行了连续三年的开发研究,通过改善亲鱼培育及采卵技术、提高轮虫连续培养及稳定供应技术、提高仔鱼开鳔率、加强饵料的营养强化、设置环流及水面集污器等技术措施、改进和完善了真鲷苗种生产工艺。利用 175m3培育水体,三年中共育出真鲷苗种 291. 6万尾,各年度的苗种生产量分别为 51.8万尾、116.4万尾、123.4万尾;培苗成活率分别为25.6%、32.8%、62.5%;平均单位水体出苗量分别为2960尾/m3、6651尾/m3、9872尾/m3。在国内首次实现苗种生产三年连续成功,并连续突破百万尾大关。同时试验证明利用对虾育苗池进行真纲苗种生产是可行的。  相似文献   

选择刺参南方池塘养殖收获时的小规格个体,采用鲍鱼养殖池流水度夏,时间超过6个月。2年刺参度夏存活率分别为70.6%和89.1%;失重率为56.1%和61.8%。度夏后刺参再养殖约150天,成活率分别为94.9%和81.1%;增长率为10.5倍和13.6倍。  相似文献   

三倍体九孔鲍的育种和养成技术研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
严正凛 《水产学报》2002,26(1):54-60
当 5 0 %九孔鲍受精卵出现第一极体后 ,以 6 -DMAP为诱导剂 ,用不同的浓度和不同的持续时间抑制第二极体的释放诱导三倍体 ;并进行了生产性苗种培育和养成试验。结果表明 ,6 -DMAP的诱导浓度为30 0μmol·dm-3 、诱导持续时间为 10min时 ,其胚胎的三倍体率为 90 %以上 ,并且胚胎的孵化率高达 85 % ,幼体的畸形率较低 ,为 5 0 %~ 5 5 % ;经过 7个月培育 ,试验组养成鲍的三倍体率为 6 5 %以上 ;试验组养成鲍的平均壳长比对照组增长 10 % ,平均体重比对照组增重 30 %。与二倍体鲍相比较 ,三倍体鲍在壳长增长和体重增重等方面 ,显示了显著的优势 [t>t0 .0 1( 58) ]。  相似文献   

The viability of placing abalones (Haliotis discus hannai), sea cucumbers (Apostichopus japonicas) and rockfish (Sebastes schlegeli) in a polyculture system, the effect of this mixed species group on the system's nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) budgets, and the growth and food intake of the organisms in the system were examined using a recirculating aquaculture system. Four replicates were set up for each of three treatment groups (abalone only (C), abalone‐sea cucumber (AS) and abalone‐sea cucumber‐rockfish (ASF)) with an experimental period of 60 d. Compared with the C group, in the AS group the abalone survival rate and specific growth rate (SGR) of body weight increased and the harvested abalones from the polyculture system became the main source of N and P output of the polyculture system. However, the N and P output in the water layer did not differ significantly from that in the C group (p > 0.05), and the N utilization rate was significantly higher than that in the C and ASF groups (p < 0.05). Compared with the AS group, in the ASF treatment the SGR of body weight as well as the protease and amylase activities of sea cucumbers were significantly higher (p < 0.05), the water layer and faeces became the main sources of N and P output in the system. These results showed that the AS polyculture mode significantly improved the N and P utilization rates in the system and led to increased aquaculture production.  相似文献   

The food chain dynamics of three species of commercially important abalone — the red abalone (Haliotis rufescens), the green (H. fulgens) and the Japanese (H. discus) — were measured to determine their relative success in the multispecies aquaculture system at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The abalone were fed sea lettuce (Ulva lactuca) used in the polyculture system to remove nutrients regenerated by the bivalves.This polyculture system was operated on a moderate-sized scale during the summer of 1973. Growth and feeding rates of the abalone were measured during a 112-day period and net growth efficiency was calculated (net production/food ingested). All three species grew during the experiment but H. rufescens had the lowest efficiency of 10.2%, and H. fulgens had the highest efficiency of 22.7%. These differences might be due to the temperature regime (16–23°C) during the experiment. H. rufescens is typically found in colder waters whereas H. fulgens is common in warmer Southern California waters. The results suggest the feasibility of the browsing role of abalone in polyculture systems.  相似文献   

为研究皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)经过杂交和南方养殖后,南方群体(杂交群体)是否与北方群体(自交群体)在适温性上是否产生了差异,从而是否更加适应南方高温环境,本研究开展了皱纹盘鲍南北方群体的高温应激和南方地区养殖实验。高温应激实验中:经过30℃应激后,南方群体恢复期所有取样组织中HSP70在0 h的表达量都显著高于北方群体(P0.05),HSP90在外套膜和肝胰脏中的表达量也高于北方群体(鳃中的表达量略低但差异不显著);经过33℃应激后,南方群体HSP70和HSP90在足、外套膜和鳃0 h表达量都显著高于北方群体(P0.05)。养殖实验中:从12月开始至翌年2月水温不超过17.11℃,为北方群体的快速生长期,生长快于南方群体;从3月开始,水温逐渐超过20℃,北方群体生长慢于南方群体,同时北方群体开始出现死亡现象,7月北方群体大量死亡,存活数量不足30粒。综合HSP70、HSP90的高温应激表达和养殖实验结果,可以得出:皱纹盘鲍经过杂交和南方累代养殖后,适温上限有所提高,已与北方群体产生较大差异,可适应较高的水温;30℃水温刺激下南北方群体的HSP70的相对表达量与对高温的耐受性具有正相关性,可以在鲍的抗高温选育种中进行辅助筛选。  相似文献   

Effect of feeding regime on compensatory growth of juvenile abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) fed on the dry sea tangle (Laminaria japonica) was determined. Thirty juvenile abalone averaging 15.7 g were randomly stocked into 18 50‐L plastic rectangular containers each. Six treatments were prepared in triplicate: Abalone were fed the dry sea tangle once a day at a satiation level with a little leftover for 16 wk as the control (Con) and other abalone were fed the dry sea tangle once a day at a satiation level with a little leftover for 15 wk after 1‐wk starvation (S1 treatment), 14 wk after 2‐wk starvation (S2 treatment), 13 wk after 3‐wk starvation (S3 treatment), 12 wk after 4‐wk starvation (S4 treatment), and 10 wk after 6‐wk starvation (S6 treatment), respectively. A linear relationship between weight change of abalone and wk of starvation was observed: Y (Weight of abalone) = ?0.17X (Wk of starvation) + 15.89 (R 2 = 0.9462) (P < 0.0001). The highest survival of abalone was achieved in the S2 treatment, but not different from that of abalone in the Con, S1 and S3 treatments. Weight gain of abalone in the Con treatment was higher than that of abalone in the S4 and S6 treatments. Abalone fed on the dry sea tangle seemed to be able to achieve full compensatory growth up to 3‐wk starvation.  相似文献   

This study compares the effect of three broodstock exchange treatments (exchange every month, two months and three months) versus no-exchange control treatment on year-round seed production and spawning synchrony of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus stocked in 0.4 m3 fiberglass tanks within a recirculating water system. Adult males and females with mean body weights of 161.7 g and 127.6 g, respectively, were stocked at a rate of 4 fish/tank with a male to female sex ratio of 1:3. Water temperature at 29 ± 1.0 °C and photoperiod of 18 h/day were maintained throughout the experiment. The results showed that broodstock in the exchange treatments had higher seed production and spawning synchrony compared with those in the no-exchange treatment. The exchange treatments resulted in 70.5 to 97% increase in seeds kg female–1 day–1. The different spawning parameters of broodstock in the two- and three-month exchange treatments were higher than the one-month exchange treatment. Results suggest that broodstock exchange strategy has a long-term improvement effect on seed production and spawning synchrony, and exchanging all breeders every three months is more profitable in terms of better utilization of breeders and in reducing both the holding/conditioning facilities for broodstock and the labor cost.  相似文献   

The factors influencing half‐pearl (mabe) production in the red abalone Haliotis rufescens were investigated, as a strategy to optimize the technology for the development of a pearling industry in Chile. The effects of abalone size (small, large), implant position (dorsal, central, ventral and their combinations), and number of nuclei (one, two, three) were analysed on the quantity, thickness of the nacre layer and quality (shape, colour, lustre, defects) of the mabe produced. The size of abalone did not exert a clear influence on the quantity and quality of mabe, but the position on the shell (firstly) and number of nuclei (secondly) did. More mabe, with thicker nacre, brighter lustre and fewer defects occurred in small or large abalone implanted with only one nucleus on dorsal position. In contrast, small and large abalone implanted in the ventral position formed less mabe, with thinner nacre, poor lustre and more defects. This likely occurs because mantle tissue folds at the ventral position and does not always cover the nucleus, leaving it partially or totally exposed. Most of the pearls were categories AA in small abalone and A in large abalone; only three AAA gems were produced in large abalone with one nucleus on dorsal position or with three nuclei (DCV). Based on these results, we recommend implanting abalone at 60–100 mm shell length, with only one nucleus on the dorsal position.  相似文献   

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