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大豆疫霉侵染大豆引起的根腐病是大豆生产上的毁灭性病害之一。本研究以Ypt1基因作为靶标,利用环介导等温扩增(LAMP)技术,设计了特异性检测体系,整个过程仅需60 min,即可通过肉眼直接目测检测结果。反应后经浊度仪验证浊度变化、琼脂糖凝胶进行电泳验证和在扩增前加入染料HNB(羟基蔡酚蓝)作为反应指示剂验证扩增结果。特异性检测中,111个大豆疫霉菌株均能产生浊度曲线和扩增到梯形状的条带,同时HNB显色观察到天蓝色的阳性反应,而其它疫霉、腐霉和真菌供试菌株中均没有观察到这些现象;在灵敏度检测中,PsYpt1-LAMP技术最低检测限达到100 pg·μL~(-1),比普通PCR技术的最低检测限高出10倍;在田间应用方面,PsYpt1-LAMP检测技术明显提高了检测效率。本研究建立的LAMP检测体系可用于口岸和田间对大豆疫霉的快速检测。  相似文献   

<正>小麦条锈病是西藏小麦生产的重要病害之一。明确西藏当前主要小麦品种的抗条锈病基因及抗锈特性,对抗源材料的合理布局和利用以及持久抗条锈病品种的选育具有重要的意义。目前,国际上已正式命名了60多个小麦抗条锈病基因,而且这些基因都有可供检测的分子标记,利用分子标记可以快速检测到对应的抗条锈病基因[1]。当前,只有Yr5、Yr10、Yr15、Yr18和Yr26等基因对西藏乃至全国的条锈菌流行小种有  相似文献   

PCR primers were designed based on the sequence of Ras-related protein gene (Ypt1) of P. capsici. According to the multiple sequence alignment, Ypt1 has the sufficiently polymorphic intron region for the development of P. capsici-specific primers (PcYpt1F/PcYpt1R). One primer pair was developed which can amplify one P. capsici-specific fragment of 156 bp. Using the primer pair, the P. capsici infected plants and soils were detected. Additionally, Ypt1 has an appropriate region for the development of Phytophthora genus-specific primers (Ypt1F/Ypt1R), which can amplify a fragment of about 540 bp from 14 different Phytophthora specices and a fragment of about 350 bp in Pythium species, with no amplification from fungal species. By PCR optimization using P. capsici genomic DNA, the detection sensitivities of 10 pg and 10 fg DNA were achieved in standard PCR (PcYpt1F/PcYpt1R) and nested PCR (Ypt1F/Ypt1R and PcYpt1F/PcYpt1R), respectively. The developed primers were proved to be efficient in detection of Phytophthora pathogens from diseased plant tissues and residues in soils.  相似文献   

绿木霉Sm1基因的克隆、原核表达及蛋白纯化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木霉菌(Trichoderma spp.)是土壤内普遍存在的习居菌,具有多种生物防治功能,其中诱导植物免疫反应是重要的生物防治功能之一[1].木霉菌Sm1蛋白(small one protein)是从绿木霉(Trichoderma virens)中分离得到的一种低分子量、富含半胱氨酸的疏水性蛋白,属于蛋白类激发子,与Cerato-platanin基因家族有很高的同源性,具有诱导植物免疫抗性的作用[2].  相似文献   

基于环介导等温扩增技术检测雪松疫霉根腐病菌   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雪松疫霉根腐病菌(Phytophthora lateralis Tucker et Milbrath)是一种重要的毁灭性植物病原菌,也是我国进境植物检疫性有害生物。目前,我国未有该病害发生的报道,为了防止P.lateralis的传入和扩散,需对其进行快速、准确的检测。本文利用环介导等温扩增技术(loop-mediated isothermal amplification,LAMP),以Ypt1基因为靶标序列,设计LAMP特异性引物,建立LAMP反应体系,并对灵敏度和特异性进行检测。结果表明:整个检测过程仅需80 min,即可通过肉眼观察直接判定检测结果。在特异性检测中,P.lateralis菌株都能观察到天蓝色的阳性反应,而其他疫霉菌和真菌供试菌株均呈阴性反应。在灵敏度检测中,最低检测限为100 pg/μL。该方法的建立为P.lateralis的检疫鉴定及其所致病害的快速诊断提供了新技术。  相似文献   

为建立高效、快速、准确的甘蔗抗褐锈病鉴定方法,提高抗褐锈病育种效率。本研究以5个已知含抗褐锈病基因Bru1和5个高感褐锈病的甘蔗品种为试材,通过优化PCR反应体系、酶切体系和循环条件,构建了甘蔗抗褐锈病基因Bru1的分子检测体系。经反复验证,该体系能高效、稳定、准确地检测出抗褐锈病基因Bru1。22份生产品种抗褐锈病基因Bru1的PCR检测结果显示,‘闽糖69-421’、‘闽糖70-611’、‘粤糖86-368’、‘新台糖10号’、‘新台糖16号’、‘新台糖22号’、‘新台糖25号’、‘桂糖11’、‘桂糖21’、‘云蔗71-388’、‘云蔗81-173’、‘云蔗89-151’、‘云瑞99-601’、‘赣蔗95-108’等14份抗褐锈病品种含抗褐锈病基因Bru1,另8个抗褐锈病品种未检测到抗褐锈病基因Bru1。研究结果为深入开展甘蔗抗褐锈病育种,选育和推广优良抗病品种,有效防控甘蔗褐锈病提供了关键技术和优良抗源材料。  相似文献   

利用抗条锈病基因Yr10、Yr18以及1BL/1RS易位的SCAR或STS标记,对2006-2010年75份国家审定的小麦品种进行了分子检测,以明确Yr10、Yr18以及1BL/1RS易位在我国2006-2010年审定小麦品种资源中的分布。结果显示:75份材料中有13份检测到Yr10基因的标记,1份检测到Yr18基因的标记,分别占参试材料的17.3%和1.3%,只有‘西农928’能同时检测到Yr10和Yr18基因;25份含有1BL/1RS易位片段,占参试材料的33.3%。表明1BL/1RS易位在我国小麦育种中利用率仍然较高,对目前流行条锈菌小种有良好抗性,而表现慢锈性的Yr18在小麦育种的利用率较低,建议在我国小麦育种中加强利用。  相似文献   

马铃薯金线虫的分子检测技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究通过利用随机引物OPK-4对马铃薯金线虫和白线虫及甜菜胞囊线虫进行RAPD-PCR,供试马铃薯金线中5个群体能产生630bp的特异性的片段,将特异性片段进行测序后发现5个不同来源的马铃薯金线虫产生的特异性片段序列完全一致。根据测定的DNA序列设计出特异性探针,可有效地用于马铃薯金线虫的分子检测。  相似文献   

甘蔗褐锈病是目前中国蔗区发生最普遍、危害最严重的病害之一,选育和种植抗病品种是防治该病最为经济有效的措施。为明确近年国家甘蔗体系育成的50个新品种(系)对甘蔗褐锈病的抗性,确定其应用潜力,本研究通过在甘蔗褐锈病高发蔗区云南德宏、保山2个区域化试验站,采用田间自然抗性调查与分子标记辅助鉴定抗性基因的方法,于2014年和2015年对中国近年选育的50个优良新品种(系)及2个主栽品种进行抗褐锈病基因Bru1的分子检测及自然抗性评价。田间自然发病调查结果表明,50个优良新品种(系)及2个主栽品种中,高抗至中抗的有34个,占65.38%。其中15个材料表现高抗,占28.85%,16个材料表现抗病,占30.77%,3个材料表现中抗,占5.77%;分子检测结果显示,共29个抗病材料含有抗褐锈病基因Bru1,出现频率为55.77%,表明中国近年选育的优良新品种(系)中抗褐锈病性主要由Bru1控制;其余5个抗病材料均不含抗褐锈病基因Bru1,暗示除了Bru1外,可能还有其他抗褐锈病基因存在。不同系列品种田间感病品种的频率和含抗褐锈病基因Bru1的频率不同,粤糖系列品种感病品种的频率最高达到60%,含Bru1的频率最低,只有30%,抗性最弱;云蔗系列品种感锈病品种的频率最低只有12.5%,含Bru1的频率最高,达到81.25%,抗性最好。本研究结果为深入开展甘蔗抗褐锈病育种,选育和推广优良抗病品种,有效防控甘蔗褐锈病提供了科学依据和优良抗性新品种(系)。  相似文献   

大蒜紫斑病菌是一种严重危害大蒜生产的真菌性病害,是中国大蒜出口中需要检疫的一种病害。根据1,3,8-三羟基萘还原酶基因(Brn1)的部分序列,设计出一对大蒜紫斑病菌特异性引物AP4/CTU,该引物特异性好,能专一扩增出480 bp电泳条带,而供试大蒜上的其他病害、不同属的真菌及空白对照均无扩增条带,建立了大蒜紫斑病菌的PCR鉴定方法。该方法灵敏度较高,DNA检测灵敏度为4 ng。该方法快速简便,适用于出入境检验检疫及大蒜健康检测领域。  相似文献   

A species-specific PCR assay was developed for rapid and accurate detection of the pathogenic oomycete Phytophthora capsici in diseased plant tissues, soil and artificially infested irrigation water. Based on differences in internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of Phytophthora spp. and other oomycetes, one pair of species-specific primers, PC-1/PC-2, was synthesized. After screening 15 isolates of P. capsici and 77 isolates from the Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Deuteromycota and Oomycota, the PC-1/PC-2 primers amplified only a single PCR band of c . 560 bp from P. capsici . The detection sensitivity with primers PC-1/PC-2 was 1 pg genomic DNA (equivalent to half the genomic DNA of a single zoospore) per 25- µ L PCR reaction volume; traditional PCR could detect P. capsici in naturally infected plant tissues, diseased field soil and artificially inoculated irrigation water. Using ITS1/ITS4 as the first-round primers and PC-1/PC-2 in the second round, nested PCR procedures were developed, increasing detection sensitivity to 1 fg per 25- µ L reaction volume. The results suggested that the assay detected the pathogen more rapidly and accurately than standard isolation methods. The PCR-based methods developed here could simplify both plant disease diagnosis and pathogen monitoring, as well as guiding plant disease management.  相似文献   

A PCR-based 'molecular tool box', based on a region of the ras-related protein gene Ypt 1, was developed for the identification of 15 Phytophthora species that damage forests and trees: P. cactorum , P. cambivora , P. cinnamomi , P. citricola , P. europaea , P. inundata , P. lateralis , P. megasperma , P. nemorosa , P. kernoviae , P. pseudosyringae , P. psychrophila , P. quercina , P. ramorum and P. ilicis . Most primers proved highly specific in blast analyses and in tests with DNA from 72 isolates of 35 species of Phytophthora and nine species representative of Pythium . Exceptions were primers designed for P. cactorum and P. ilicis , which cross-reacted with P. idaei and P. nemorosa , respectively. Amplification with Phytophthora -genus-specific primers before amplification with the various species-specific primers (nested PCR) increased the sensitivity of detection over amplification with species-specific primers only: detection limits ranged between 100 and 10 pg target DNA µ L−1 in the latter, compared with 100 fg µ L−1 in nested PCR. Using existing methods for rapid extraction and purification of DNA, single-round amplification was appropriate for detection of target Phytophthora species in leaves, but nested PCR was required for soil and water samples. The quarantine pathogens P. ramorum and P. kernoviae were detected in a number of naturally infected leaves collected in England and Wales, whereas P. citricola was commonest in water and soil samples from natural Scottish ecosystems.  相似文献   

利用伏马毒素合成基因对玉米种子寄藏镰刀菌的分子检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国玉米种子普遍受到拟轮生镰刀菌(Fusarium verticillioides)的侵染,该菌产生的伏马毒素对国家种质库中玉米种质的安全保存有着潜在的影响。fum1基因是F.verticillioides等镰刀菌中伏马毒素生物合成的必需基因。选用3对已知引物Fum5F/Fum5R、P1/P2和P3/P4分别对从玉米种子中分离出的9株镰刀菌和1株阴性对照菌链格孢菌进行PCR扩增检测,在F001和F003菌株中扩增出相应的特异性表达片段。测序表明,这些片段的长度分别为846bp、888bp和703bp,与已知fum1基因(AF155773)的同源性达99%以上。3对引物的检测灵敏度达到88pg/mL。结果表明,这3对引物都能够有效地检测产生伏马毒素的镰刀菌菌株,但引物Fum5F/Fum5R所扩增片段完全来自fum1基因内部,具有更强的特异性。在此定性检测基础上,需要进一步研究定量检测方法并进一步研究伏马毒素对农作物种质保存的影响。  相似文献   

蝉棒束孢Isaria cicadae为药用真菌蝉花的无性型,在防治同翅目害虫上具有重要作用。在自然状态下蝉棒束孢多以孢梗束状态存在,其子实体阶段极为少见。交配系统是真菌有性生殖过程中的决定因素,因此可从交配型的角度探究蝉棒束孢有性子实体稀少的原因。本研究运用RACE技术首次从蝉棒束孢中克隆出MAT1-1-1MAT1-2-1全长cDNA序列,并进行生物信息学分析。根据cDNA序列设计并优化得到蝉棒束孢交配型鉴定引物,并对采集自安徽地区40株蝉棒束孢交配型进行鉴定,结果表明交配型MAT1-1菌株14株、MAT1-2菌株26株,并没有检测到同时含有两种交配型或两种交配型全部缺失的现象,因此蝉棒束孢有性型子实体几无发生的现象并不完全归因于交配型因素。  相似文献   

Six primers based on the sequence of the flanking and coding regions of the elicitin gene ParA1 of Phytophthora nicotianae were tested for specific detection of the fungus by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). One combination, IL7/IL8, with IL7 in a flanking region and IL8 in a coding region of the gene, gave an intense 378 bp signal with a diverse collection of isolates of P. nicotianae, that included some from black shank disease of tobacco and others from a variety of hosts. The sequence of the amplification product obtained with an isolate that produces elicitin and one that does not, was homologous with the known sequence of the ParA1 gene. The same primer combination gave no signal with sixteen other Phytophthora species tested except for two isolates P. palmivora with which it gave a weak 800 bp signal. It gave no signal with DNA from healthy tobacco and tomato plants but P. nicotianae was detected in inoculated tobacco and tomato plants. Small numbers of zoospores (>100) trapped onto a nitrocellulose membrane after filtration from suspension were also detected after two successive rounds of PCR.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for the specific detection of Phytophthora nicotianae and P. citrophthora in citrus roots and soils. Primers were based on the nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed space regions (ITS1 and ITS2) of 16 different species of Phytophthora. Two primer pairs, Pn5B–Pn6 and Pc2B–Pc7, were designed specifically to amplify DNA from P. nicotianae and P. citrophthora, respectively. Another primer pair (Ph2–ITS4) was designed to amplify DNA from many Phytophthora species. All primer pairs were assessed for specificity and absence of cross-reactivity, using DNA from 118 isolates of Phytophthora and 82 of other common soil fungi. In conventional PCR, with a 10-fold dilution series of template DNA, the limit of detection was of 1pgl–1 DNA for all the primer pairs (Ph2–ITS4, Pn5B–Pn6, and Pc2B–Pc7). In nested PCR, with primers Ph2–ITS4 in the first round, the detection limit was of 1fgl–1 for both the primer sets (Pn5B–Pn6 and Pc2B–Pc7). Simple, inexpensive and rapid procedures for direct extraction of DNA from soil and roots were developed. The method yielded DNA of a purity and quality suitable for PCR within 2–3h. DNA extracted from soil and roots was amplified by nested PCR utilizing primers Ph2–ITS4 in the first round. In the second round the primer pairs Pn5B–Pn6 and Pc2B–Pc7 were utilized to detect P. nicotianae and P. citrophthora, respectively. Comparison between the molecular method and pathogen isolation by means of a selective medium did not show any significant differences in sensitivity.  相似文献   

新疆几种裂腹鱼类系统发育关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过PCR扩增获得了分布于新疆的裂腹鱼亚科(Schizothoracinae)4属7种鱼类的线粒体细胞色素b基因712bp序列.结果表明:Cytb基因片段的T,C,A和G碱基组成平均为30.1%,27.4%,25.6%和16.9%,共出现201个变异位点,其中简约信息位点162个,序列变异度为22.8%,转换/颠换为1...  相似文献   

四纹豆象是口岸检疫中经常截获的种类,本文以四纹豆象及其近缘种为研究对象,测定分析了COI基因516 bp碱基序列。序列分析结果表明:保守位点为353个,变异位点为163个,简约信息位点为134个,自裔位点为29个。基于Kimura 2-parameter模型分析遗传距离,结果显示:种内遗传距离介于0.001~0.013之间,平均遗传距离为0.008,种间遗传距离介于0.114~0.193,平均遗传距离为0.161。采用邻接法构建的COI基因序列系统发育树显示,同一物种聚为同一小支,且分支自展值均为100%。结果表明应用COI基因片段对四纹豆象及其近缘种进行分子鉴定具有可行性。  相似文献   

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