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磐石市森林生态旅游以"吉林官马莲花山国家级森林公园"为主打品牌,以开发自然景观为主,建设人文景观为辅,全面开发旅游资源.针对目前存在的主要问题,提出了进一步发展的对策.  相似文献   

杨树是广大群众喜欢栽植的树种,具有速生丰产、轮伐期短、见效快、经济效益好等特点。杨树在工农业生产上被广泛应用,而且在环境绿化工程中占有十分重要的位置,因此在2002年退耕还林工程中广大农民群众大都选择杨树作为主要还林树种。但在还林过程中我市却出现了意想不到的杨树大面积死亡现象。本文就杨树在磐石境内成活情况进行了调查,分析了原因,为今后杨树造林提供借鉴。1磐石市区域概况及调查方法1 1地理概况我市位于吉林省中南部,吉林地区西南部,地处北纬42°39′~43°27′,东经125°38′~126°41′,处于长白山西麓,为松嫩平原向长白…  相似文献   

调查了抚州地区森林植物区系,森林植被类型和主要树种。  相似文献   

省实验林场主要森林植被类型调查综述王云华(辽宁省林业学校110101)省实验林场位于辽宁省的东部清原县城东南,其地理位置,位于东经125”18’,北纬41“51’。属长白山系千山山脉龙岗支脉的北坡,是浑河发源地之一。海拔高多在500~800m,地势较...  相似文献   

从店子林区的自然状况调查入手,对分布较为广泛的乔木层、灌木层、草本类植物进行了描述,分析了店子林区不同类型地块的植被情况及存在问题,提出了林区植被恢复的途径。  相似文献   

冷水江市矿产资源十分丰富,是典型的“先有工矿后有城市”的资源型工业城市,经过近百年“掠夺式”开发的工业化进程,境内森林植被遭受严重破坏,生态状况整体恶化趋势未根本得到缓解,通过植被恢复实施生态综合治理已迫在眉睫。本文在客观分析工矿区森林植被现状与破坏成因的基础上,探讨了森林植被恢复、实施生态综合治理的对策。  相似文献   

分析论述了安徽省森林植被的水平分布及垂直分布的规律性。  相似文献   

湖州市不同森林植被生物量的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对浙江省湖州市5种森林植被的生物量进行研究,结果表明:湖州市不同森林植被的平均生物量分别是,毛竹林121 14t/hm2,杉木林111 77t/hm2,马尾松林51 48t/hm2,常绿阔叶林104 95t/hm2,松阔混交林99 42t/hm2。该地区5种森林植被的总生物量为17475213 08t。  相似文献   

Vegetation and bird community dynamics in fragmented coppice forests   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Deconchat  M.; Balent  G. 《Forestry》2001,74(2):105-118

利用城市森林服务"经营城市"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经营城市的关键在于改善城市环境,可利用城市森林建设为城市的发展提供匹配的自然生态条件和生产、生活、休闲环境。通过提高生态环境质量,强化城市形象、优化城市品质、提升城市的经济吸引力和社会召唤力。  相似文献   

丽水市生态公益林建设之思考   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
丽水市以生态公益林建设为主体的生态林业建设,在浙江省乃至整个华东地区的生态建设中占有十分重要的地位,本文通过对近几年丽水市生态公益林建设情况的深入调查,分析了当前生态公益林建设存在的主要矛盾和问题及成因,提出了若干建议和对策。  相似文献   

以位于黄河中下游分界处的黄河郑州段为例,通过对黄河防护林的背景情况分析,简要论述了黄河防护林之景观生态林带、生态防护林带、生态经济林带森林模式和建设要点.  相似文献   

长白落叶松、红松是辽东山区的乡土树种。根据对新宾县关家林场的长白落叶松与红松混交林的林分生长调查,红松与长白落叶松混交形成的林分较稳定且长势较好,在生长过程中,林分内侵入一部分阔叶树种。林龄24a生时,树种组成为5长白落叶松4红松1杂,进行第1次抚育间伐,抚育后,林分蓄积年均增长6 63 hm2·a。林龄38a生时,树种组成为6红松3落叶松1杂,与同龄、立地条件相似的长白落叶松、红松纯林相比,林分蓄积量增加20 6805 hm2和38 3730 hm2。  相似文献   

Heavy logging leads to regrowth of dense forest, which may adversely affect the flight and foraging activities of bats. We compared insectivorous bat activity and insect abundance at three heights (understorey, subcanopy and canopy), two locations (forest and track) and three time periods (evening, night and dawn), in old and young regrowth sites in south-eastern Australia (456 detector-hours). We measured activity levels of all bats and four echolocation guilds—one open-space and three edge-space aerial-foraging guilds. Mean bat activity in the subcanopy and canopy was up to 11 times that in the understorey of forests, a pattern opposite to that of insect abundance. However, bat activity in the two upper strata was lower in young regrowth than in old regrowth. Vegetation was more cluttered in young regrowth at these upper heights (closer stems and less vertical space in the subcanopy). Mean activity on the track was 2–5 times higher than in the forest, particularly at understorey level (17 times higher for all bats), where vegetation was less cluttered (more distant understorey trees and shrubs, and less cover of ground vegetation). Time of night had little effect on bat activity. The negative response of bat guilds to increased clutter was strongest in the open-space guild and weakest in the edge-space guild with the highest frequency calls. There was an interaction between insect abundance and an index of vegetation openness, with high values of both variables producing high bat activity levels for all bats and the two highest frequency call guilds. Our results highlight the need for management practices in logged forests that increase or preserve the amount of flight and foraging space available to bats.  相似文献   

邵阳市森林生态系统净化大气的功能价值估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以湖南省邵阳市为研究对象,采用生产成本法、影子价格法、替代工程法等,估算了邵阳市森林净化大气服务功能价值。研究结果表明:邵阳市森林生态系统净化大气功能的总价值为81.98×108元.a-1,其中森林固定CO2的价值为24.06×108元.a-1,释放O2的功能价值为11.4×108元.a-1,净化SO2的功能价值为0.61×108元.a-1,滞尘功能价值为40.09×108元.a-1,过滤净化空气的功能价值为5.82×108元.a-1。研究结果可为邵阳市生态环境保护和管理经营,核算绿色GDP以及森林资源的生态价值量化提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Changes to vegetation and soil were assessed in primeval forests of the Eastern Carpathians after a period of 59-68 years. We hypothesized that forest ecosystems were acidified through the long-distance transport of air pollutants. A total of 141 relevés and 20 soil profiles that had been studied in 1938 in spruce- and beech-dominated forests along an altitudinal gradient ranging from 1085-1575 m a.s.l. were re-surveyed from 1997 to 2006. Relevés were analyzed using multidimensional statistics and plant community characteristics (Shannon-Wiener’s index, equitability, fidelity, Ellenberg indication values - EIV); soil reaction and sorption complex properties were analyzed in soils.A total of 159 vascular plant taxa were recorded in 1938, of which 35 were not found during the repeat survey. During the later survey, 137 taxa were found, of which 13 were new findings. The upper mineral (A) as well as cambic or spodic (B) horizons were considerably acidified in both forest types. Both active and exchange soil reaction decreased by 0.1-0.3 units on average, exchangeable acidity significantly increased and the sum of base cations decreased in both soil horizons and forest types. Base saturation decreased by more than half of original values, with a maximum decrease of 68% found in the B-horizon of spruce forests. Whereas the herb layer developed along with soils in beech-dominated forests, EIV values for soil reaction increased in spruce-dominated forests, probably due to the movement of broadleaf woody species to higher elevations or due to the higher resistance of herb species to soil acidification. Significant changes to EIVs also occurred in the beech- and/or spruce-dominated forests for the factors of nitrogen, light moisture and temperature.There was an expansion of the lower tree and shrub layers, primarily Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies and Sorbus aucuparia in intermediate and higher elevations, which can be explained by reduced cattle grazing. Also, the dissipation of Juniperus communis and marked decline of Abiesalba are interpreted as being related to gradual changes in landscape management along with the effect of acid deposition. Since 1938, all stands have shown a significant increase in nitrophilous taxa such as Rubusidaeus, Athyrium distentifolium, Urtica dioica, Calamagrostis arundinacea, Stellaria nemorum. Significant decreases in the number of species, Shannon-Wiener’s index and equitability were only observed in spruce-dominated forests. Neophyte taxa were not detected in either the 1930s or the 1997-2006 period.  相似文献   

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