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Pulmonary coccidioidomycosis in horses can often lead to severe systemic disease and its treatment has previously been expensive and has carried a poor prognosis. This paper describes the successful treatment of two horses with pulmonary coccidioidomycosis with a fluconazole product produced by a compounding pharmacy.  相似文献   

In five healthy mongrel female cats used, four cats (Cats 1-4) were experimentally inoculated with 100-123 larvae (L(3)) of Dirofilaria immitis. Cat 5 was an uninfected control. Only Cat 1 became microfilaremic on Day 201 after inoculation and the diurnal changes in the microfilaria population were monitored every 2 h for 24 h on Day 237 when a sufficient number of microfilaria were detected in the circulation. The maximum number of microfilaria in the blood (1,350/ml) occurred at 9:00 p.m. and then gradually decreased to the minimum of 300/ml at 7:00 a.m., indicating that the number of microfilaria shows a nocturnal sub-periodic pattern of diurnal rhythm even in peripheral blood of cats as an abnormal host. On postmortem examination, 10 live adult worms (three males and seven females) in Cat 1 and one live adult worm (one male) in Cat 2 were detected.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old Quarter Horse mare was presented to the Texas A&M University Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital for evaluation of a rectal tear. On initial evaluation, rectal palpation and colonoscopy revealed a grade IIIb rectal tear. Analysis of peritoneal fluid revealed a modified transudate. Preliminary supportive care included fluid therapy and mineral oil administration via nasogastric tube. Approximately 48 hours after presentation, a second abdominocentesis was performed, and cytologic examination of the fluid revealed a marked suppurative exudate. Round clear nonrefractile material observed within neutrophils and macrophages and in the background stained bright pink to red with Oil Red O, confirming the material as lipid, likely from leakage of mineral oil through the rectal tear. The condition of the mare deteriorated and euthanasia was elected due to the poor prognosis. At necropsy, gross and histologic findings included peritoneal effusion and a full-thickness rectal tear with transmural necrotizing pyogranulomatous colitis and fibrinous peritonitis. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first reported case of Oil Red O-positive lipid vacuoles in the peritoneal fluid of a horse from presumed leakage of mineral oil through a transmural rectal perforation. The frequency of this occurrence in horses is unknown, but it is important for cytopathologists to be familiar with the appearance and significance of lipid-type droplets in phagocytic cells in cytologic fluid analysis specimens.  相似文献   

Sera collected from apparently healthy 6-12-month-old cats (n = 31) presented to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Veterinary Clinic in Bloemfontein for neutering were tested for antibodies reactive to Bartonella henselae (Houston-1 strain) by indirect fluorescent antibody testing. Whole blood collected from the cats was used in isolation experiments and subsequent identification of Bartonella species was based on comparison of the nucleotide base sequence of polymerase chain reaction-amplified citrate synthase gene fragments. While none of the cats had antibodies reactive with B. henselae at titres > or =1/64, an organism with a partial citrate synthase gene sequence identical to that of B. henselae (Houston-1) was isolated from 1 cat.  相似文献   

Polycythaemia vera was diagnosed in a three-year-old domestic shorthaired cat referred because of seizures and a high packed cell volume (PCV). Laboratory examination revealed severe erythrocytosis (PCV 79 per cent). Diagnosis was reached by excluding causes for relative and secondary absolute polycythaemia. As phlebotomy proved impossible for initial treatment due to hyperviscosity, four leeches were used to suck blood and the PCV was consequently reduced to 64 per cent. A further 24 hours later, when bleeding at the sites of sucking had stopped, the PCV was 56 per cent. Long-term management of the condition was achieved with hydroxyurea (100 mg/cat once daily) and intermittent phlebotomy. Initial treatment using leeches in cases of polycythaemia vera is a simple, non-invasive, well tolerated and effective method where phlebotomy is not possible.  相似文献   

A pure growth of Group Eugonic Fermenter-4 bacteria (gram-negative) was isolated from the lungs of an 11-year-old male domestic cat that had been ill for 2 days before death. Clinical signs included anorexia, severe dyspnea, and salivation. The lungs contained several firm, slightly raised, yellowish-gray, spherical nodules of various sizes. Purulent exudate was found in the pericardial sac and left pleural cavity. Histologic evaluation revealed multifocal suppurative pneumonia.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: The most common cause of death as a direct result of colic is acute circulatory failure secondary to intestinal ischaemia. Early and accurate recognition of ischaemic bowel is essential to decrease complications and increase survival. Blood to peritoneal lactate values have been evaluated as a prognostic indicator, but lactate values characterised by type of lesion have not been reported. HYPOTHESIS: Plasma and peritoneal lactate values are higher in horses with intestinal ischaemia secondary to a strangulating obstruction (ISSO). METHODS: Venous blood and peritoneal fluid were collected sequentially from 20 clinically healthy horses and 189 horses admitted for colic during a one-year period. Blood gas, pH, electrolyte (K+, Na+, Ca++, Cl-), glucose and lactate values were determined for blood and peritoneal fluid samples; other values recorded for peritoneal fluid included gross appearance, total protein and nucleated cell count. Information regarding diagnosis, treatment and outcome was retrieved from the medical records. RESULTS: Peritoneal and plasma levels of lactate were lower in control compared to clinical cases. Horses with ISSO had a higher peritoneal lactate value (8.45 mmol/l) than those with nonstrangulating obstruction (2.09 mmo/l). Factors with the strongest correlations with the presence of ISSO were changes in the gross appearance of the peritoneal fluid and values of peritoneal fluid chloride, pH and log10 lactate. CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of peritoneal fluid gross appearance, pH, lactate and chloride can be used for diagnosis of ISSO. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Peritoneal fluid lactate is a better predictor of ISSO than blood lactate and may aid in early detection of catastrophic peritoneal lesions such as intestinal strangulation and rupture.  相似文献   

A paramyxovirus was isolated from cerebrospinal fluid of a dog with a history of incoordination and posterior paresis. The virus apparently was not related to canine distemper virus (CDV), considering the lack of virus neutralization with CDV-specific antibody, negative immunofluorescence with CDV-specific conjugate, and avirulence for ferrets. The virus was antigenically related to a prototype strain of canine parainfluenza virus, as determined by positive immunofluorescence with canine parainfluenza virus-specific conjugate and virus neutralization tests.  相似文献   

The analysis of peritoneal fluid is of value in the differential diagnosis of equine colic but its characteristics have not been evaluated in grass sickness. Peritoneal fluid was collected from 15 normal horses and from 11 cases of medical colic, 11 cases of surgical colic, 20 cases of acute grass sickness and 13 cases of subacute grass sickness. The fluid was analysed for its appearance, total and differential white cell count, specific gravity, total protein concentration and total and intestinal alkaline phosphatase activity. Fluid from cases of medical colic was normal in these respects. Surgical cases were unique in having bloodstained fluid with a high alkaline phosphatase activity. Grass sickness cases had a higher specific gravity and protein content than the cases of medical colic although the appearance of the fluid was similar. Grass sickness cases were distinguishable from cases of surgical colic on the basis of the appearance of the fluid and its lower alkaline phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

A feline strain of Chlamydia psittaci was isolated in tissue culture from nasal and conjunctival swabs from a free range domestic cat with bilateral conjunctivitis and rhinitis, living in the Liverpool area of the UK. The isolate was identified as C psittaci on the basis of its characteristic inclusion morphology in cell culture and by means of specific indirect immunofluorescence with known C psittaci specific antiserum. The isolate could be differentiated from other chlamydiae of non-feline origin by its amino acid nutritional requirements.  相似文献   

Summary A cat with weight loss, pyrexia and recurrent lethargy and depression was found to have pleural and peritoneal eosinophilic effusions, peripheral eosinophilia, eosinophilic lymphadenitis and a massively enlarged mesenteric lymph node. Visceral mast cell neoplasia was diagnosed after histopathological examination of a biopsy of the mass. Palliative chemotherapy was attempted unsuccessfully and the cat was euthanased.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old spayed female Whippet was examined for cough and respiratory distress. Lung lobe torsion with pleural effusion was diagnosed, and lung lobectomy was performed. Pleural effusion recurred during the following 27 months; conventional bacteriologic cultures of pleural effusion did not result in bacterial growth. A second lung lobectomy, pleuroperitoneal shunt placement. and pericardectomy were subsequently performed. Mycobacterium kansasii was eventually isolated from pleural fluid and identified by polymerase chain reaction amplification and DNA sequencing. The dog was euthanatized before therapeutic response could be evaluated. To our knowledge, this is the first report of M. kansasii infection in a dog. Additionally, this is the first report of mycobacterial isolation from pleural fluid, and one of few reports of antemortem mycobacterial isolation from a body fluid, as opposed to identification in specimens during histologic examination. Routine bacteriologic culture methods are insufficient to isolate mycobacterial agents, and special methods are indicated in dogs with persistent pleural effusion.  相似文献   

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