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Reproductive efficiency is imperative for the maintenance of profitability in both dairy and cow-calf enterprises. Bovine viral diarrhea virus is an important infectious disease agent of cattle that can potentially have a negative effect on all phases of reproduction. Reduced conception rates,early embryonic deaths, abortions, congenital defects, and weak calves have all been associated BVDV infection of susceptible females. In addition, the birth of calves PI with BVDV as a result of in utero fetal exposure is extremely important in the perpetuation of the virus in an infected herd or spread to other susceptible herds. Bulls acutely or PI with BVDV may bea source of viral spread through either natural service or semen used in artificial insemination. Management practices including elimination of PI cattle, biosecurity measures and strategic use of vaccination can be implemented to reduce the risk of BVDV related reproductive losses.Development of vaccines and vaccine strategies capable of providing better protection against fetal infection would be of benefit.  相似文献   

The cytopathic (CP) TVM-2 strain of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) induced in calves a severe disease, characterized by the clinical picture which is usually reported for the acute primary infection observed under natural conditions. In contrast, the calves inoculated with a different biotype of BVDV, the non-cytopathic (NCP) New York-1 strain, remained clinically normal with the only evidence of virus replication in these calves being the recovery of the virus from their pharyngeal swabbings and blood and also the detection of specific neutralizing antibody in their serums. When calves were immunosuppressed with dexamethasone (DMS), they underwent an overt systemic disease of such a severity that in most of the cases it ended with the death of the animals. This result was obtained with either the CP and the NCP strain of BVDV. Finally, the mixed infection that was obtained in the calves with the CP and the NCP BVDV did not result in any particular unexpected pathological situation. It was speculated that the immunosuppressive activity of BVDV could be a property peculiar to certain isolates of the virus.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody (MAb) D89 against bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) was used in conjunction with fluorescein-conjugated anti-mouse immunoglobulin in an indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) procedure on frozen tissue sections and cell culture. During the 2-year study, BVDV was isolated from specimens submitted in 460 cases. The D89 Mab detected all but 2 BVDV isolates, both cytopathic. In 316 of the cases in which BVD virus was detected by IFA, specimens were inoculated on bovine turbinate cells and examined for BVDV antigens at 3-5, 10, and 20 days postinoculation. The BVDV was detected in 238/316 cases (75%) after 3-5 days incubation. The remainder were not detected until 10 or 20 days postinoculation. Virus isolation was enhanced in the early test if plates were centrifuged at the time of inoculation. Results suggest that D89 monoclonal antibody is a suitable diagnostic reagent for the detection of BVDV isolated from diagnostic specimens. The D89 MAb can be used for the detection of BVDV in both cell culture and tissues. Combination of D89 with another BVDV MAb (C17) did not improve the ability to detect BVDV in tissues compared to using D89 only, and the combined Mab's resulted in an increase in nonspecific fluorescence when used on tissues. Although pooling of different BVDV monoclonal antibodies may be necessary to detect all strains of BVDV in cell culture, pooling should be used with caution on tissues. Early detection of BVDV in cell culture by this IFA procedure permits faster confirmation of BVDV diagnosis when compared to the usual routine testing for noncytopathic BVDV at termination of first passage in cell culture.  相似文献   

Production of cattle immunotolerant to bovine viral diarrhea virus.   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Inoculation of bovine virus diarrhea virus into 58 to 125 day old fetuses of bovine virus diarrhea virus seropositive pregnant cows, or inoculation of bovine virus diarrhea virus into seronegative cows 42 to 114 days pregnant, may produce clinically normal calves which are persistently infected with the specific isolate of bovine virus diarrhea virus yet seronegative to the homologous and heterologous isolates. Reinoculation of these persistently infected cattle with their homologous isolate produced no neutralizing antibody response to bovine virus diarrhea virus. These persistently infected cattle were immunocompetent as they developed neutralizing serotiters to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, parainfluenza-3 viruses and agglutinating serotiters to Pasteurella hemolytica .  相似文献   

A procedure for the purification of radioactively labeled bovine viral diarrhea virus was critically evaluated. Purification of virus from artificial mixtures of unlabeled infected and labeled noninfected cells indicated that the extent of purification was approximately 100-fold with respect to host proteins. Residual host proteins were found to contaminate the viral preparation even after extensive purification by differential and isopycnic zonal centrifugation. Co-electrophoresis of 3H-labeled virus with 14C-labeled host cell material in neutral sodium dodecyl sulfate-7.5% polyacrylamide gels provided a means to distinguish viral specific proteins from host cell protein contaminants. Four major electrophoretic components were identified as being of viral origin; molecular weights of the components were estimated from their migration rates relative to protein markers of known molecular weight. Two viral components (VC), VC 1 and VC 3, migrated heterogeneously and had molecular weights of 93,000 to 110,000 and 50,000 to 59,000 daltons, respectively. Molecular weights of VC 2 and VC 4 were 70,000 and 25,000 daltons, respectively.  相似文献   

Evolution of bovine viral diarrhea virus vaccines.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Control of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection is economically important to the cattle industry because the virus causes a variety of clinical diseases that adversely affect essentially all stages of the production cycle. Production losses primarily stem from reproductive failure and from immunosuppression during acute BVDV infection, which predisposes calves to respiratory or enteric diseases. Control is achieved by implementing herd health pro-grams focused on limiting exposure by avoiding persistently infected (PI) carrier cattle and by optimizing protective immunity through immunization. Vaccination cannot be relied upon solely to protect against fetal infection and losses due to BVD. This is because no single BVDV vaccine has been shown to give complete fetal protection. In addition to strategic use of vaccines, herd management practices should also be implemented to identify and eliminate PI carrier cattle and to avoid exposure to BVDV infection.  相似文献   

Nine steers persistently infected with noncytopathic bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus were allotted into 3 groups (3 cattle/group). Cattle in group A were vaccinated with a modified-live BVD virus vaccine of porcine cell origin, cattle in group B with a modified-live BVD virus vaccine of bovine cell origin, and cattle in group C with a killed BVD virus vaccine of bovine cell origin. Detrimental effects due to vaccination were not seen. Six weeks after vaccination, the steers were challenge exposed with a cytopathic BVD virus. All steers developed mucosal disease after challenge exposure, produced antibodies that neutralized various isolates of BVD virus, and remained persistently infected until death. Steers given killed virus vaccine had a minimal neutralizing-antibody response and developed mucosal disease as quickly as reported for challenge-exposed, nonvaccinated, persistently infected cattle. Steers given modified-live virus vaccines had higher neutralizing-antibody response and longer intervals from challenge exposure to development of mucosal disease. The specificity of the neutralizing-antibody response differed between groups of vaccinated cattle.  相似文献   

Single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products is a genetic screening technique for rapid detection of nucleotide substitutions in PCR-amplified genomic DNA or cDNA. It is based on the observation that partially formamide-denatured double-stranded DNA migrates as 2 single-stranded DNA molecules when electrophoresed in nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels. The mobility depends on the 3-dimensional conformation of the strand under the conditions used. It is possible to discriminate between DNA strands differing in only 1 nucleotide. The method was applied to the analysis of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) isolates. Reference and Argentinian strains were assessed for variations in their 5' untranslated region (5'-UTR). The PCR products of the 5'-UTR ends were formamide denatured and compared by SSCP analysis in nondenaturing 15% polyacrylamide and 15% polyacrilamide-5% glycerol gels. The reference strains SD-1, Singer, and Oregon C24V had differences in electrophoretic patterns. Despite the high conservation among the 5'-UTR of pestiviruses, the method allowed discrimination among all 9 Argentinian isolates. The 5'-UTR of a fetal kidney-derived isolate (1R93) was PCR amplified and cloned in a plasmid vector; the SSCP analysis of 30 PCR products obtained by direct amplification over randomly selected clones produced 5 different banding patterns, indicating the existence of viral quasispecies. The results show that SSCP may be used to identify and differentiate among BVDV isolates.  相似文献   

Twenty-three susceptible pregnant heifers were inoculated with bovine viral diarrhea virus at 150 +/- 1 days of gestation. Seven additional heifers were inoculated between 65 and 115 days of gestation. Acute ocular lesions were seen in fetuses taken 17-21 days after inoculation of the dams at 150 days. By the fourth week, the acute lesions were beginning to resolve, and in newborn animals focal to total retinal atrophy was seen. The acute lesions were characterized by a mild to moderate retinitis that resulted in various degrees of destruction of the different layers, mononuclear cuffing of inner retinal vessels, proliferation of pigment epithelium, and choroiditis. Residually there was an absence of cellular elements in the atrophied areas of the retina, frequently a loss of layering and various numbers of pigment-containing cells. Moderately severe acute inflammation was seen in the retina of the fetus taken at 22 days after inoculation of its dam at 95 days. Ocular lesions did not occur in the other fetuses taken from heifers inoculated at earlier stages of gestation.  相似文献   

It could be argued that bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is one of the most economically significant infectious pathogens of feedlot cattle. Although the direct economic losses caused by this virus have not been well quantified, the role it plays as an immunosuppressive agent and as a potentiator for other diseases, most notably bovine respiratory disease, have been well documented. It is also a difficult disease for the feedlot veterinarian to control effectively.Individual cattle persistently infected with BVDV often serve as the source of infectious virus within a group of feedlot cattle, and the ultimate responsibility for preventing persistent infections in cattle rests with the cow-calf producer and not with the feedlot owner. The enormous impact of the virus on the livestock industry has led the Academy of Veterinary Consultants to draft a position statement that resolves that the beef and dairy industries adopt measures to control and target eventual eradication of BVDV from North America.  相似文献   

An immunodiffusion test (IDT) was developed for detecting bovine viral diarrhea virus antibodies in bovine serum. The antigen utilized in the IDT was prepared from bovine viral diarrhea virus-infected monolayer cultures. Results of the IDT were obtained within 48 hours and correlated with the virus-neutralization test.  相似文献   

The complex and unique nature of bovine viral diarrhea virus(BVDV) continues to present challenges to infectious disease re-searchers, veterinarians, and the cattle industry. In addition, the BVDV pathogen will undoubtedly continue to change and present itself in many different configurations.  相似文献   

Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infections cause substantial economic losses to the cattle industries. Persistently infected (PI) cattle are the most important reservoir for BVDV. White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are the most abundant species of wild ruminants in the United States and contact between cattle and deer is common. If the outcome of fetal infection of white-tailed deer is similar to cattle, PI white-tailed deer may pose a threat to BVDV control programs. The objective of this study was to determine if experimental infection of pregnant white-tailed deer with BVDV would result in the birth of PI offspring. Nine female and one male white-tailed deer were captured and housed at a captive deer isolation facility. After natural mating had occurred, all does were inoculated intranasally at approximately 50 days of pregnancy with 10(6) CCID(50) each of a BVDV 1 (BJ) and BVDV 2 (PA131) strain. Although no clinical signs of BVDV infection were observed or abortions detected, only one pregnancy advanced to term. On day 167 post-inoculation, one doe delivered a live fawn and a mummified fetus. The fawn was translocated to an isolation facility to be hand-raised. The fawn was determined to be PI with BVDV 2 by serial virus isolation from serum and white blood cells, immunohistochemistry on skin biopsy, and RT-PCR. This is the first report of persistent infection of white-tailed deer with BVDV. Further research is needed to assess the impact of PI white-tailed deer on BVDV control programs in cattle.  相似文献   

The past 20 years have witnessed dramatic improvements in laboratory methods for diagnosing bovine viral diarrhea virus(BVDV) infections. However, improvements in diagnostic technology have not necessarily led to improved diagnosis of BVDV at the individual animal or herd level. This article reviews BVDV laboratory diagnostic methods in the context of their rational application for improved detection of BVDV in the field.  相似文献   

Infection of cattle with BVDV results in a variety of clinical illnesses costly to the cattle industry worldwide. The reservoir and primary source of transmission is cattle born PI with BVDV after transplacental infection in early gestation. It is a challenge to determine with certainty whether or not BVDV is circulating among a herd of cattle. If the virus is present in a herd,then biocontainment strategies are used to eliminate the virus by testing to removing PI cattle, preventing exposure of pregnant cattle to the virus, and increasing resistance to infection using vaccination. If it is clear that the virus is not present in a herd then, biosecurity actions must be taken to prevent introducing the virus into the herd.  相似文献   

To investigate the hematologic abnormalities observed with noncytopathic type 2 bovine viral diarrhea virus (ncpBVDV-2), calves 6 to 8 mo old were inoculated with an isolate of either high virulence (HV24515) or low virulence (LV11Q); control animals received the same volume of uninfected cell-culture supernatant. Peripheral blood neutrophil, lymphocyte, and platelet counts decreased in all the virus-inoculated calves but were significantly lower and remained decreased longer in the calves given HV24515. For each isolate, a decrease in the number of mature myeloid cells in the bone marrow coincided with the development of neutropenia, but the depletion persisted significantly longer (4 to 6 d) in the calves given HV24515. In the bone marrow of calves given LV11Q, the number of proliferating myeloid cells increased in proportion to the decrease in the number of mature myeloid cells. In the calves inoculated with HV24515, BVDV antigen was observed in bone marrow cells when the peripheral blood counts were lowest. Megakaryocytes were the predominant cell type exhibiting positive BVDV staining; myeloid cells rarely stained positively. Viral antigen was not observed in the bone marrow of calves given LV11Q. These experiments demonstrated that ncpBVDV-2 isolates of both high and low virulence caused decreased leukocyte and platelet counts, but only the high-virulence HV24515 isolate caused a delay in the production of myeloid proliferating cells. The delay may contribute to the ability of certain ncpBVDV-2 isolates to induce severe disease.  相似文献   

The effect of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) and non-cytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus (ncpBVDV) infection on selected bovine alveolar macrophage (AM) functions was investigated. Alveolar macrophages were harvested from 2- to 6-month-old calves seronegative for BRSV and BVDV and inoculated with approximately 1 median cell culture infective dose of virus per AM. Control, BRSV infected, ncpBVDV-infected and BRSV-ncpBVDV coinfected AM cultures were evaluated for Fc receptor expression, phagosome-lysosome fusion, superoxide anion (O2-) production, and chemotactic activity on Days 1, 3, 5, and 7 post-infection. Both single and combined viral infections significantly depressed AM Fc receptor expression, phagosome-lysosome fusion, and secretion of chemotactic factors with a more significant synergistic depression seen in BRSV-ncpBVDV coinfection. Production of O2- by AM was not decreased by either BRSV or ncpBVDV infection, but was significantly decreased by coinfection with BRSV-ncpBVDV. The present study confirms previous reports of BRSV effects on AM functions and indicate that ncpBVDV affects AM functions in vitro. Coinfection with BRSV-ncpBVDV produced a synergistic depression on AM functions.  相似文献   

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