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Satellite telemetry from 26 loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and 10 olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) sea turtles captured and released from pelagic longline fishing gear provided information on the turtles’ position and movement in the central North Pacific. These data together with environmental data from satellite remote sensing are used to describe the oceanic habitat used by these turtles. The results indicate that loggerheads travel westward, move seasonally north and south primarily through the region 28–40°N, and occupy sea surface temperatures (SST) of 15–25°C. Their dive depth distribution indicated that they spend 40% of their time at the surface and 90% of their time at depths <40 m. Loggerheads are found in association with fronts, eddies, and geostrophic currents. Specifically, the Transition Zone Chlorophyll Front (TZCF) and the southern edge of the Kuroshio Extension Current (KEC) appear to be important forage and migration habitats for loggerheads. In contrast, olive ridleys were found primarily south of loggerhead habitat in the region 8–31°N latitude, occupying warmer water with SSTs of 23–28°C. They have a deeper dive pattern than loggerheads, spending only 20% of their time at the surface and 60% shallower than 40 m. However, the three olive ridleys identified from genetics to be of western Pacific origin spent some time associated with major ocean currents, specifically the southern edge of the KEC, the North Equatorial Current (NEC), and the Equatorial Counter Current (ECC). These habitats were not used by any olive ridleys of eastern Pacific origin suggesting that olive ridleys from different populations may occupy different oceanic habitats.  相似文献   

The neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii), which is the target of an important North Pacific fishery, is comprised of an autumn and winter–spring cohort. During summer, there is a clear separation of mantle length (ML) between the autumn (ML range: 38–46 cm) and the winter–spring cohorts (ML range: 16–28 cm) despite their apparently contiguous hatching periods. We examined oceanic conditions associated with spawning/nursery and northward migration habitats of the two different‐sized cohorts. The seasonal meridional movement of the sea surface temperature (SST) range at which spawning is thought to occur (21–25°C) indicates that the spawning ground occurs farther north during autumn (28–34°N) than winter–spring (20–28°N). The autumn spawning ground coincides with the Subtropical Frontal Zone (STFZ), characterized by enhanced productivity in winter because of its close proximity to the Transition Zone Chlorophyll Front (TZCF), which move south to the STFZ from the Subarctic Boundary. Hence this area is thought to become a food‐rich nursery ground in winter. The winter–spring spawning ground, on the other hand, coincides with the Subtropical Domain, which is less productive throughout the year. Furthermore, as the TZCF and SST front migrate northward in spring and summer, the autumn cohort has the advantage of being in the SST front and productive area north of the chlorophyll front, whereas the winter–spring cohort remains to the south in a less productive area. Thus, the autumn cohort can utilize a food‐rich habitat from winter through summer, which, we hypothesize, causes its members to grow larger than those in the winter–spring cohort in summer.  相似文献   

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