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Two varieties of hulled rice artificially contaminated with aflatoxins at five different levels were processed by dehulling and polishing methods. Contamination levels ranged from 356 to 818 microg/kg and from 244 to 645 microg/kg in medium and long grain rice, respectively. After physical processing, four different milled fractions were obtained (hull, bran, polished broken grains, and polished whole kernels). The fractions were analyzed for total aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, and G2) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Aflatoxins were removed in fractions intended for human consumption (polished broken grains and polished whole kernels) at rates up to 97%. They were found throughout all fractions, but higher contamination levels were detected in hull and bran fractions than in unprocessed kernels and polished fractions. Regardless of the rice variety, the aflatoxin distribution pattern depended on the initial contamination level and type of milled fraction but not on the duration of polishing.  相似文献   

During rice milling, the bran and germ are successively removed from the caryopsis (kernel). Because bran and germ contain large quantities of lipid, the amount of lipid remaining on the kernel surface may be used as a method for the assessment of milling quality. Bulk samples of rice pureline varieties and an experimental hybrid were milled for 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 s. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that brown rice kernels had large contours of linear protuberances and depressions running lengthwise along the kernel surface. The protuberances were abraded successively during milling, but varying amounts of material remained in the depressions. Light microscopy combined with the lipid-specific probes Nile Blue A or Sudan Black B demonstrated that the material in the depressions observed with SEM was lipid. Sections of whole, milled rice kernels, prepared using a modified sectioning technique and stained with Nile Blue A, showed that portions of the embryo remain after milling and that lipid is located on or near the surface of the kernel. Differences in quantity and distribution of residual lipid as milling duration increased were documented photographically to indicate the extent to which the bran and embryo components were removed during milling. This paper provides proof of concept that residual lipid is a robust measure of the degree of milling.  相似文献   

不同模拟储藏条件下粳米胚乳显微结构变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了弄清大米在储藏过程中胚乳结构的变化,从而探索其品质变化的机理。在模拟我国典型储粮环境条件下,利用Hitachi S3000N扫描电镜对储藏的粳米胚乳横断面、胚乳细胞表面以及胚乳淀粉颗粒形态进行观察。结果显示:随着储藏时间的延长和储藏温度的升高其胚乳横断面的放射状排列趋于模糊,胚乳细胞的破裂程度增加,尤其是在中心部位;胚乳细胞表面光滑度下降,小孔数量增多加大,其表面蛋白质膜有不同程度的翘起,膜的厚度有所下降;裸露的单粒淀粉增加,淀粉颗粒间的裂缝增多,部分复合淀粉颗粒表面的蛋白质膜变得模糊和粗糙。通过对储藏过程中胚乳微观结构及形态的变化与大米蒸煮和食味品质劣变的机理分析,解析出胚乳微观结构及形态的变化是导致大米主要品质变化的重要原因,为大米储存品质的控制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The presence of free fatty acid (FFA) is an important factor in determining rice quality for brewing. FFA formation in milled rice during storage was monitored, and a two-parameter semiempirical kinetic model giving product concentration as a function of time is proposed to describe FFA formation on milled rice during storage. The model was tested using sets of data obtained from partially milled rice samples stored at 24, 37, and 50 degrees C and fully milled rice stored at 37 degrees C and 70% relative humidity. The predicted values provide very good fits (R(2) >or= 97%) of the experimental data at all storage temperatures. A two-substrate reaction mechanism representing a two-phase process is also presented. Milled rice FFA at a given storage time varied with storage temperatures. The kinetic model and mechanisms proposed could be useful in describing and predicting FFA contents of milled rice during storage and transportation.  相似文献   

The relationships among potassium (K), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and manganese (Mn) contents in milled rice (Oryza stavia L.) of 274 genotypes and the relationships between these mineral element contents and other rice quality traits including 3 cooking quality traits, 17 amino acid contents, and protein content were investigated. The results showed that there were significant correlations among most of mineral element contents. Mg, Fe, and Mn contents were significantly correlated with most of the other mineral element contents, while Cu content had significantly negative associations with the K and Mg contents of rice. The relationships between mineral element contents and cooking quality traits showed that gel consistency (GC) was significantly correlated with K, Cu, and Mn contents of rice. Amylose content (AC) was significantly associated with K, Na, Mg, Cu, and Mn contents. The alkali spreading value (ASV) had closely positive relationships with Ca, Mg, and Mn contents. In addition, 8 mineral element contents had obvious correlations with different amino acid contents. Mg, Ca, and Zn contents were significantly correlated with most of the 17 amino acid contents, but Na content did not correlate with amino acid contents except aspartic acid of rice. Furthermore, significant associations were found between protein content and Na, Mg, Zn, Cu, or Mn content. Six principal components were extracted to explain 84.50% of the total variances and contained the information provided by the original 29 variables according to the principal component analysis.  相似文献   

  【目的】  探究实现水稻高产、优质和氮肥高效的密度与施氮量协同组合。  【方法】  于2018—2019年,在黑龙江省五常市龙凤山乡辉煌村进行田间试验。采用裂区试验方法,以‘五优稻4号’为供试品种。以密度为主区,设置15穴/m2 (D1)和24穴/m2 (D2);以施氮量为副区,设施氮(N)量为0、75、105、135 kg/hm2 4个水平,分别表示为N0、N75、N105、N135处理。在水稻成熟期,测定了植株地上部干物重、稻谷产量、精米产量、精米率、蛋白质含量、直链淀粉含量、食味值等指标;比较了稻谷产量与精米产量确定的施氮量差异。  【结果】  在D1、D2两个密度下,随着施氮量的增加,稻谷产量、地上部干物重、精米产量都呈先升高后降低的趋势,均在N105达到最大值。除D1密度下N105处理的稻谷产量与N135处理差异不显著外,其余均显著高于其他处理,而N135处理的稻谷产量与N75处理无显著差异,但2018年地上部干物重却显著高于N75处理。随着施氮量的提高,精米蛋白质含量呈现增加趋势,精米率和食味值却呈降低趋势。与N0相比,N135处理精米蛋白质含量平均提高了7.58%,精米率和食味值分别平均降低了8.81%和10.24%。N105处理的氮素回收率显著高于N75和N135处理,农学效率、氮肥生理利用率和偏生产力均显著高于N135处理。D2密度下精米蛋白质含量低于D1密度处理,而精米率和食味品质高于D1密度处理,D2密度下的稻谷产量、氮积累量和精米产量均高于D1密度处理,氮积累量和氮肥偏生产力比D1处理平均提高了40.35%和 40.31%,两个密度间氮肥回收率、农学效率和氮肥生理利用率无明显差异。农户直接出售优质米使经济效益提高了7428元/hm2,D2密度使经济效益额外增加了4229元/hm2。施氮量与稻谷产量、精米产量均呈二次曲线关系,依据施氮量与稻谷产量效应函数,确定经济最佳施氮量为96.4~123.7 kg/hm2;依据施氮量与精米产量效应函数,确定的适宜施氮量为76.2~105.9 kg/hm2。  【结论】  适度密植(24穴/m2)有利于稻谷产量、氮素吸收量的提高,而不影响食味值和精米率。在本试验水稻适宜密植条件下,基于施氮量和精米产量效应函数确定的适宜施氮量为76.2~105.9 kg/hm2,该施氮量的确定方法有利于协同实现稻米高产优质和氮肥减施增效。  相似文献   

A portion of hemicelluloses and acetic acid can be pre-extracted with dilute sulfuric acid prior to the aspen chemithermomechanical pulp process. The streams collected from the second press-impregnation stage after acid pre-extraction contain a significant amount of acid pre-extracted hemicelluloses. Most of the total sugars obtained from the pressate were xylan, in which xylan was further hydrolyzed to sugar monomers under the acid pre-extraction condition. To fully understand the characteristics of hemicelluloses yielded prior to pulping, the pre-extracted hemicelluloses were separated and characterized by FT-IR, (1)H NMR, and thermogravimetric analysis in this study. Most of the FT-IR bonds from the hemicelluloses agreed well with the other two spectra of birch xylan and CA0050 xylan, except a new absorption at 1734 cm(-1) contributed to acetyl groups. The hemicelluloses obtained from acid pre-extraction began to decompose significantly at about 225 °C, slightly lower in comparison with organosolv and alkaline hemicelluloses reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Changes in the taste of japonica, hybrid, and indica brown and milled rice, stored for 10 months at low (5 degrees C, 65-70% relative humidity) and room temperatures were observed by physicochemical analyses and a novel method using a taste sensing system. During storage, some properties increased or decreased while others were fairly constant. The main taste components of cooked rice such as sweetness (sucrose) and umami tastes (glutamic acid and aspartic acid) were reduced during storage, whereas glucose and fructose increased. The increase of fat acidity and consequent decrease of the pH value of the cooking solution may contribute to the off-taste of cooked stored rice. A taste sensing system with 10 lipid membrane sensors was also used to classify new and old rice samples using principal component analysis. Fresh and room temperature stored japonica and indica rice could be clearly distinguished; however, it was not possible to differentiate the samples stored at low temperature.  相似文献   

The health-promoting effects of whole-grain consumption have been attributed in part to their unique phytochemical contents and profiles that complement those found in fruits and vegetables. Wheat is an important component of the human diet; however, little is known about the phytochemical profiles and total antioxidant activities of milled fractions of different wheat varieties. The objectives of this study were to investigate the distribution of phytochemicals (total phenolics, flavonoids, ferulic acid, and carotenoids) and to determine hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant activity in milled fractions (endosperm and bran/germ) of three different wheat varieties, two of which were grown in two environments. Grain samples of each of the wheat varieties were milled into endosperm and bran/germ fractions. Each fraction was extracted and analyzed for total phenolics, ferulic acid, flavonoids, carotenoid contents, and hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant activities. Total phenolic content of bran/germ fractions (2867-3120 micromol of gallic acid equiv/100 g) was 15-18-fold higher (p < 0.01) than that of respective endosperm fractions. Ferulic acid content ranged from 1005 to 1130 micromol/100 g in bran/germ fractions and from 15 to 21 micromol/100 g in the endosperm fractions. The bran/germ fraction flavonoid content was 740-940 micromol of catechin equiv/100 g. On average, bran/germ fractions of wheat had 4-fold more lutein, 12-fold more zeaxanthin, and 2-fold more beta-cryptoxanthin than the endosperm fractions. Hydrophilic antioxidant activity of bran/germ samples (7.1-16.4 micromol of vitamin C equiv/g) was 13-27-fold higher than that of the respective endosperm samples. Similarly, lipophilic antioxidant activity was 28-89-fold higher in the bran/germ fractions (1785-4669 nmol of vitamin E equiv/g). Hydrophilic antioxidant activity contribution to the total antioxidant activity (hydrophilic + lipophilic) was >80%. In whole-wheat flour, the bran/germ fraction contributed 83% of the total phenolic content, 79% of the total flavonoid content, 51% of the total lutein, 78% of the total zeaxanthin, 42% of the total beta-cryptoxanthin, 85% of the total hydrophilic antioxidant activity, and 94% of the total lipophilic antioxidant activity. Our results showed that different milled fractions of wheat have different profiles of both hydrophilic and lipophilic phytochemicals. These findings provide information necessary for evaluating contributions to good health and disease prevention from whole-wheat consumption.  相似文献   

Using micromorphology to understand the rewetting mechanisms in milled peat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S. J. Mooney   《CATENA》2003,54(3):665
Milled peat, an important energy resource in Ireland, is produced by scarifying the surface of a peat bog and allowing the resultant particulate material to air dry prior to storage in large stockpiles on the peat bogs. The storage period can vary from 6 months to several years, during which time the stockpiles are subject to atmospheric precipitation which causes rewetting and a subsequent reduction in calorific and monetary value. A study was undertaken to characterise the pore structure of stockpiles and identify relationships between structure and propensity to rewet. Recent research examining rewetting mechanisms in milled peat stockpiles has focused mainly on macroscale physical data. With respect to the importance of the structure of a porous medium for water movement and storage, a characterisation of the pore and particulate structure of milled peat in stockpile was conducted using micromorphological techniques. Samples with water contents up to 0.6 g g−1 were impregnated in the field. Thin sections produced in days as opposed to months (no period of chemical dehydration was required) were used to quantify macroporous structures using image analysis. Results illustrated that a significant hydraulic discontinuity existed between the surface and subsurface layers of stockpiles, a factor not identified by laboratory physical analysis. This endorsed the current hypothesis in that the milled peats of different genetic origin had different pore architectures which had a significant effect on the active rewetting mechanisms. The visualisation of water flow pathways using dye tracers suggested that in addition to the wetting front water movement, by-pass flow was an active rewetting mechanism.  相似文献   

Abstract. Air- dried milled peat (0.45 g g-1 wet weight basis) is used as an electricity generating fuel in Ireland. It is stored on peat bogs in triangular section stockpiles. These stockpiles comprise of milled peat of varying types, classified by poured density, and are subject to rewetting during storage which incurs an economic penalty. A water applicator was constructed to study the nature of rewetting mechanisms in laboratory-scale milled peat stockpiles, and to assess some potential protection strategies. Results indicated that there were few consistent short-term mechanisms linked to milled peat type. Over a longer period, low density milled peat stored most water, high density milled peat generated most runoff from the stockpile surface, and under certain conditions, throughflow was very important in all milled peat types. The industrial implications of the findings conclude that protection strategies should focus on lower density stockpiles.  相似文献   

The nutritional bioavailability of zinc from cooked milled, undermilled, and brown Philippine rice (variety PSB Rc14) was evaluated in rats, comparing results based on weight gain, tibia zinc incorporation (slope ratio analyses), and zinc radiotracer retention. Milling reduced the phytic acid and mineral content of the rice, resulting in zinc concentrations of 16.5, 19.4, and 27.2 microg/g and phytate/zinc molar ratios of 4, 20, and 28 for milled, undermilled, and brown rice, respectively. Measured zinc bioavailability was similar whether using growth, bone zinc, or radioisotope retention as criteria, at approximately 92, 86, and 77% of zinc sulfate, for milled, undermilled, and brown rice, respectively. However, the higher percent bioavailability of the zinc after milling was insufficient to compensate for the lower zinc content. With respect to zinc, the nutritional value was inversely related to milling, providing approximately 15, 17, and 21 microg bioavailable zinc/g rice, respectively, for milled, undermilled and brown rice of this variety.  相似文献   

The structure of Eucalyptus grandis milled wood lignin (MWL) was investigated by 2D 1H-13C HSQC, HMQC, and 1H-1H TOCSY correlation NMR techniques and by quantitative 13C NMR as well as by the permanganate oxidation degradation technique. The combination of 2D NMR and quantitative 13C NMR spectroscopy of nonacetylated and acetylated lignin preparations allowed reliable identification and calculation of the amount of different lignin structures. About 85% of side-chain moieties were estimated on the structural level. This information was substantiated by data on the quantity of various functional groups and interunit linkages as a whole. A modified method for calculation of the h:g:s ratio has been suggested and compared with previously suggested approaches. E. grandis MWL has been determined to have an h:g:s ratio of 2:36:62. The amounts of various phenolic/etherified noncondensed/condensed guaiacyl and syringyl moieties were approximately estimated. E. grandis MWL contained approximately 0.60/Ar of beta-O-4 moieties along with small amounts of other structural units such as pino/syringyresinol (0.03/Ar), phenylcoumaran (0.03/Ar), and spirodienone (0.05/Ar). The degree of condensation was estimated at approximately 21%; the main condensed structures are 4-O-5 moieties (approximately 0.09/Ar). The structure of E. grandis MWL was compared with those of other lignin preparations isolated from various hardwoods.  相似文献   

基于红外光谱的不同农作物秸秆磨木木质素差异表征   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
木质素是植物细胞壁中主要组分之一,其苯丙烷结构单元的单体结构和连接方式的复杂性直接影响木质素脱除和利用效果,了解不同农作物秸秆中木质素的差异,对提高秸秆的综合利用效率是非常必要的。该文选取代表性棉秆、玉米秸和小麦秆,分别提取磨木木质素,利用傅里叶变换中红外技术对棉秆、玉米秸和小麦秆三类秸秆磨木木质素进行红外表征,分析比较三类秸秆磨木木质素的差异,结果表明:1)三类秸秆磨木木质素G/S相对比值差别不大,并无明显规律;2)三类秸秆磨木木质素中,对羟基结构单元:玉米秸小麦秆棉秆;愈创木基结构单元:棉秆玉米秸小麦秆;紫丁香基结构单元:玉米秸小麦秆棉秆;3)玉米秸和小麦秆磨木木质素相似度较高,而棉秆磨木木质素则更加接近于木本植物。  相似文献   

水稻机械化穴播技术对稻米品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
水稻机械化穴播技术是一种轻简化水稻种植技术,在适宜的地区可以取得较高产量。该研究比较了国内水稻机械穴播主要推广地区采用的机械穴播种植技术和机械插秧种植技术的稻米品质性状。试验结果表明,水稻机械穴播技术有利于提高稻谷的整精米产量,机械穴播在安徽南陵、四川绵竹、新疆温宿和山东高清等地区的整精米产量分别比机械插秧显著提高了9.11%、27.02%、4.08%、11.11%。水稻机械化穴播技术对稻米蛋白质含量和直链淀粉含量的影响在部分地区表现降低趋势。机械穴播显著降低了山东高清地区稻米的垩白粒率,对其余稻米外观品质性状无显著影响。该研究初探了水稻机械穴播技术对中国部分水稻种植区较大面积种植的水稻品种的稻米品质的影响,有利于进一步促进水稻机械穴播技术在适宜地区的推广应用。  相似文献   

Two hydroxycinnamate sucrose esters, 6'-O-(E)-feruloylsucrose and 6'-O-(E)-sinapoylsucrose, were isolated from methanol extracts of rice bran. Soluble and insoluble phenolic compounds as well as 6'-O-(E)-feruloylsucrose and 6'-O-(E)-sinapoylsucrose from white rice, brown rice, and germinated brown rice were analyzed using HPLC. The results demonstrated that the content of insoluble phenolic compounds was significantly higher than that of soluble phenolics in rice, whereas almost all compounds identified in germinated brown rice and brown rice were more abundant than those in white rice. 6'-O-(E)-Feruloylsucrose (1.09 mg/100 g of flour) and 6'-O-(E)-sinapoylsucrose (0.41 mg/100 g of flour) were found to be the major soluble phenolic compounds in brown rice. During germination, an approximately 70% decrease was observed in the content of the two hydroxycinnamate sucrose esters, whereas free phenolic acid content increased significantly; the ferulic acid content of brown rice (0.32 mg/100 g of flour) increased to 0.48 mg/100 g of flour and became the most abundant phenolic compound in germinated brown rice. The content of sinapinic acid increased to 0.21 mg/100 g of flour, which is nearly 10 times as much as that in brown rice (0.02 mg/100 g of flour). In addition, the total content of insoluble phenolic compounds increased from 18.47 mg/100 g of flour in brown rice to 24.78 mg/100 g of flour in germinated brown rice. These data suggest that appropriate germination of brown rice may be a method to improve health-related benefits.  相似文献   

水稻机插秧田间育秧秧苗素质影响因素研究   总被引:38,自引:10,他引:28  
为明确影响机插育秧秧苗素质的因素,该文以镇稻6217为材料,研究了机插稻育秧中的播种量、秧田水分管理及施用旱秧壮秧剂对秧苗素质的影响。结果表明:播种量较低时,秧苗个体性状优势明显,但盘根性差,不利于起秧机插;播量过高时,秧苗素质弱,不利于机插后的返青活棵。水分运筹中,旱育较水育更有利于健壮秧的形成,同时有助于延长秧龄、增加秧龄弹性。施用旱秧壮秧剂在短期内可起到培肥的效果,但用量不宜超过1%。  相似文献   

双季晚粳稻氮肥精确运筹研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
【目的】我国南方双季稻区晚稻品种以籼稻为主。近年来我国粳米需求量逐渐增大,研究者提出了利用南方双季稻区充足的温光等资源进行晚季稻籼改粳以提高粳稻总产量。系统研究双季晚粳稻高产、优质和高效的氮肥运筹方式就显得十分重要。【方法】 2011~2012年,在南方典型双季稻区江西省上高县泗溪镇,以杂交粳稻常优5号和甬优8号为晚稻材料,在总施纯氮量 225 kg/hm2 条件下,设置10∶0、8∶2、7∶3、6∶4、5∶5、4∶6、3∶7 七种基蘖肥与穗肥运筹比例,通过研究不同氮肥运筹方式对双季晚粳稻产量及其构成因素、叶面积指数、茎蘖动态、光合物质生产与积累、氮 素吸收利用以及稻米品质等方面的影响,明确了南方稻区双季晚粳稻氮肥精确运筹模式。【结果】 随基蘖肥占总施氮量比例的降低,结实率、千粒重和每穗粒数呈先增加后减少的趋势,穗数呈减少趋势。氮肥基蘖肥与穗肥比例在6∶4、7∶3范围内,双季晚粳稻群体穗数充足、穗型大、群体颖花量高,且结实率和千粒重较稳定,产量显著高于其他处理,最高产量为9985 kg/hm2。拔节前群体茎蘖数增加较慢,但高峰苗数适宜,拔节后群体茎蘖数下降平缓,茎蘖成穗率显著高于其他处理,高于70%;生育中期和后期,群体叶面积指数较高,群体光合势高,光合生产力强,干物质积累量显著提高。随基蘖肥占总施氮量比例降低,成熟期氮素积累总量、氮肥表观利用率、氮肥农学利用率及氮肥偏生产力均呈先增加后减少的趋势,百公斤稻谷需氮量呈先减少后增加的趋势。6∶4和7∶3处理拔节前氮素积累量较少,拔节至抽穗期氮素积累量和成熟期积累量显著高于其他处理。6∶4和7∶3处理氮肥表观利用率、农学利用率及偏生产力显著高于其他处理,百公斤稻谷需氮量显著低于其他处理。氮肥表观利用率 与基蘖肥比例呈开口向下的二次曲线关系。同时该氮肥运筹模式可改善稻米加工品质、蒸煮食味和营养品质,但增加了稻米垩白率和垩白度,RVA谱特征值各指标不能同时达到最佳值。【结论】基蘖肥∶ 穗肥为 6∶4、7∶3的氮肥运筹方案,可使双季晚粳稻高产、优质、高效得到较好的协调统一。  相似文献   

水稻种植模式对水稻籽粒离子组的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
亚细胞、细胞、器官乃至有机体内所有矿质元素的组合称为离子组。离子组是植物化学元素指纹,能够定量、精准地反映环境因子驱动下植物体产生的无机化学响应。为探求不同种植模式对水稻籽粒离子组的影响,采用大田试验,研究比较了长期常规种植、绿色蛙稻和有机蛙稻3种水稻种植模式水稻籽粒中矿质元素含量的差异和元素间的相关关系,并探讨了土壤中可利用态元素向水稻籽粒中的转移效率。21种元素含量通过高通量元素分析电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)测定,并利用主成分分析和方差分析等统计方法分别对数据进行综合分析和各元素处理间差异分析。结果表明,各元素在水稻籽粒中的浓度顺序为:KPMgCaMnZnFeCuRbNaBaMoBNiSrAsCrCdSeCoCs。主成分分析结果表明,不同水稻种植模式对水稻籽粒离子组有显著影响,第1主成分占总变量的32.7%,区分了有机和绿色种植模式;第2主成分占总变量的27.1%,将常规种植模式和另外两种模式区分开。不同水稻种植模式对水稻籽粒离子组有显著影响。与常规种植相比,绿色蛙稻模式下籽粒第1主族元素K、Na、Cs、Rb含量显著增加21%、31%、59%、72%,Mn、Cd的含量显著增加23%、441%,B和Cr的含量显著降低63%和51%;有机模式下水稻籽粒中Co、Ni和Cd含量分别增加60%、286%和488%,而Ca、B、Mo、Sr和Cr的含量显著降低38%、60%、20%、27%和96%,而同主族元素间的竞争并未发现。因此,从水稻必需元素吸收角度出发,绿色蛙稻种植模式优于有机和常规种植模式;但绿色和有机蛙稻种植模式对一些非必需元素的吸收也为水稻食品安全带来隐患。因此,科学的养分管理和合理种植结构的调整对保证水稻食品的安全有非常重要的意义和价值。  相似文献   

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