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The protozoan, Klossiella equi was found in the kidneys of an aged Shetland mare raised in the Fredericton area of New Brunswick. This is the first published report of K. equi in a horse in Canada. The microscopic appearance of the parasite in the kidney is described. A brief discussion of other conditions seen in the horse is also presented.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of Rhodococcus equi infection in horses   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Current understanding of the epidemiology of Rhodococcus equi infection on horse farms is reviewed. Infection is widespread in herbivores and their environment, because herbivore manure supplies the simple organic acid substrates on which the organism thrives. There is a progressive development of infection in the soil on horse farms with prolonged use, because: (1) there is a continual supply of nutrients; (2) the organism multiplies progressively as temperatures rise; (3) the bacterium has a robust nature. While this aerobic organism fails to multiply in the largely anaerobic intestine of the adult horse, multiplication to very large numbers may occur in the intestine of a foal in its first 8-12 weeks of life. Farms used for foal breeding over many years may thus become particularly dangerous for foals. Areas for future study include the effectiveness of decontamination, manure-removal programs and dust reduction in reducing challenge to susceptible foals.  相似文献   

Experimental Babesia equi infection in mature horses   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nine 4-year-old Arabian geldings were experimentally infected with Babesia equi of European origin. All horses developed detectable parasitemia an average of 30 days after they were inoculated, which was accompanied by a decrease in PCV. The infections were generally mild with no animal deaths. All horses became serologically positive by the indirect fluorescent antibody test within an average of 23 days after they were inoculated and by the complement-fixation test 30 days after they were inoculated.  相似文献   

An 18-mo-old female Hartmann's Mountain zebra (Equus zebra hartmannae) died secondary to a traumatically induced cervical fracture. Microscopic examination of renal tissues revealed occasional coccidian sporocysts and budding sporonts containing sporoblasts encased within a bilaminated cell membrane within the renal tubules, compatible with a morphologic diagnosis of Klossiella equi, a coccidian parasite of renal parenchyma in equids. Repeated urinalyses of several Hartmann's Mountain zebra failed to reveal sporocysts, which are believed to be the infective stage of the parasite. The definitive life cycle of K. equi is unknown, although transmission is presumed to be via oral ingestion of sporocysts that are passed in the urine. Although generally considered an incidental finding, K. equi has been associated with nephrosis and nephritis in immune-compromised equids and should be considered when evaluating renal disease in equids, including zebras.  相似文献   

Serological survey of Rhodococcus equi infection in horses in Hokkaido was performed using ELISA. Of 2,879 horse sera, 318 (11.0%) gave antibody-positive (OD greater than or equal to 0.3) reactions. The antibody-positive rate of female was significantly higher (p less than 0.01) than that of male, and no statistical difference between Anglo-Arab and thoroughbred was detected in the antibody-positive rate. The maximum antibody-positive rate (27.1%) was shown at 14 years of age. The antibody-positive rates on the 160 farms were found to vary widely from 0 to 78.9%. A significant difference (p less than 0.01) in the antibody-positive rate was detected among horse farms. It was elucidated that 100 (62.5%) out of 160 horse farms had an antibody-positive horse. These results indicate that R. equi was widespread on horse farms, and the level of environmental contamination with R. equi differed among horse farms.  相似文献   

Four Quarter Horses (9 months to 7 years of age) with submandibular lymphadenopathy and firm muscles (palpation of which elicited signs of pain) were evaluated; in general, the horses had a stiff gait, and 3 horses became recumbent. Streptococcus equi was cultured from aspirates of lymph nodes or samples of purulent material collected from the auditory tube diverticula. Once the horses were recumbent, their condition deteriorated rapidly despite aggressive antimicrobial and antiinflammatory treatment, necessitating euthanasia within 24 to 48 hours. One horse did not become recumbent and recovered completely. Among the 4 horses, common clinicopathologic findings included neutrophilia, hyperfibrinogenemia, and high serum activities of creatine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase. Necropsies of the 3 euthanatized horses revealed large, pale areas most prominent in the semimembranosus, semitendinosus, sublumbar, and gluteal muscles that were characterized histologically by severe acute myonecrosis and macrophage infiltration of necrotic myofibers. Streptococcus equi was identified in sections of affected muscle by use of immunofluorescent stains for Lancefield group C carbohydrate and S. equi M protein. In the 4 horses of this report, acute severe rhabdomyolysis without clinical evidence of muscle atrophy or infarction was associated with S. equi infection; rhabdomyolysis was attributed to either an inflammatory cascade resembling streptococcal toxic shock or potentially direct toxic effects of S. equi within muscle tissue.  相似文献   

An indirect test based on horse blood was used to study bactericidal responses of the horse to Streptococcus equi following infection or vaccination. Bactericidal antibody appeared in convalescent sera between two and four weeks and high titres were usually attained by eight weeks. Infection without clinical evidence of abscessation was also effective in eliciting strong bactericidal responses. Serum bactericidal activity of horses either recovered from strangles or immunised with commercial bacterin had declined eight months after vaccination. However, horses that developed strangles eight to 10 months after vaccination exhibited rapid and substantial increases in serum bactericidal activity. Groups of yearlings immunised with commercial S equi vaccines consisting either of M protein or bacterin developed clinical strangles within six months of vaccination although the majority of the animals had exhibited strong serum bactericidal activity a few weeks before occurrence of the disease. Similarly, a group of seven yearling ponies hyperimmunised with experimental vaccine, rich in M protein, were found to be highly susceptible to an intranasal challenge of 5 X 10(8) colony forming units of S equi, although their sera exhibited strong bactericidal activity at the time of challenge. These observations suggest that the role of serum bactericidal antibody in protection of the horse against strangles has been overrated.  相似文献   

In order to assess the level of Rhodococcus equi infection in southeast Turkey, 679 sera from healthy foals and adult horses and 78 sera from donkeys were tested by indirect ELISA using a R. equi reference strain (ATCC 33701) as antigen. Eighty (11.7%) sera from horses and 9 (11.5%) sera from donkeys with titres >0.85 were positive. The prevalence of seropositive horses in Sanliurfa Province was higher than in Diyarbakir Province; 56 (13.9%) horses in Sanliurfa Province and 24 (8.7%) horses in Diyarbakir Province were defined as seropositive. In Sanliurfa Province 14.5% of female (n=343) and 10.1% of male (n = 59) horses tested were defined as seropositive, while in Diyarbakir Province more males (11.4%, n=114) were seropositive than females (6.7%, n=163). Horses 1 to 5 years of age were found to have the highest seropositivity rate in both provinces. A total of 78 sera from donkeys were investigated in Sanliurfa Province, of which 9 (11.5%) were positive by ELISA. Among the 9 positive sera, 6 (12.8%) were from donkeys 1-5 years old and 3 (13.6%) were from donkeys >5 years of age. No positive sera were found in donkeys less than 1 year old. Five (12.5%) sera of females and 4 (10.5%) sera of males tested were positive. These results indicate the existence of R. equi in the horse populations in Sanliurfa and Diyarbakir Provinces. Similar infection rates were found for donkeys in Sanliurfa. This suggests the importance of serological surveys to diagnose R. equi infection in the region and to prevent the zoonotic risk.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Theileria equi infection as well as the environmental and demographic risk factors for infection was studied in 590 healthy horses from 46 farms in Israel. The prevalence of T. equi DNA was assessed using a polymerase chain reaction for a segment of the Theileria 18S rRNA gene. The overall prevalence was 26.4% (156/590). There was a significant geographical variation in the prevalence of T. equi infection, ranging from 9.3% (25/270) in the central lowlands to 81.7% (49/60) in the Golan Heights. The prevalence of T. equi infection was found to be significantly associated with management types with more horses with access to pasture being positive. Breed was identified as a risk factor for T. equi infection in a univariate analysis with relatively high infection rates in the Quarter horse and local breeds (41.1% and 36.3% respectively), while ponies and Arabian horses had a relatively low prevalence (10% and 9.1%, respectively). However, since a correlation between geographic location and breed was found, it is difficult to draw definite conclusions regarding this risk factor. Age and gender were not found as risk factors for T. equi infection in this study. The environmental variables that were significantly associated with positivity were relative humidity and minimum land surface temperature at day which both showed negative correlation with T. equi prevalence. In conclusion, Israel was found to be enzootic for T. equi infection, as indicated by the high sub-clinical infection rate, which differed between geographical areas.  相似文献   

The absence of Rhodococcus equi in Mongolian horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In native Mongolian horses, the incidence and distribution of Rhodococcus equi are poorly understood. One hundred and fourteen equine fecal samples and 71 soil samples were collected from the camp sites of 26 nomadic families located in three areas less than 100 km from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Five fecal samples were also collected from foals of Przewalski's Horses introduced into the Hustai National Park, Mongolia. No R. equi was isolated from the Mongolian horses or the soil samples. However, three colonies of R. equi were isolated from two fecal samples collected from foals of Przewalski's Horses. These isolates were avirulent, with neither 15- to 17-kDa antigens (VapA) nor a 20-kDa antigen (VapB) genes being detected. We concluded that native Mongolian horses and their environment appear free from contamination with R. equi.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus equi infection in goats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Rhodococcus equi infection in cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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