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Shoot-tip explants of evergreen azalea cv. Fuchsia grown on Anderson's medium and containing different cytokinins produced the highest proliferation rate on a medium containing thidiazuron (TDZ). TDZ concentrations ranging from 0.23 to 2.3 M resulted in both good bud-break rate (4 to 5) and shoot quality (> 0.5 cm in length). Adding 2.3 M zeatin to Anderson's medium containing 0.23 or 2.3 M TDZ increased the number of axillary shoots/explant. However, increasing the zeatin concentration to 4.6 M resulted in a reduced shoot proliferation rate. A medium containing 1.15 M TDZ and 2.3 M zeatin resulted in an 18-fold increase for 'Fuchsia' and a 9-fold increase for 'Hino Crimson' after 6 weeks of culture. It was found that explants grown on a half-strength Anderson's medium with 87.6 mM sucrose generally had better shoot proliferation rate and shoot quality than at higher ionic strength.  相似文献   

J. Heursel 《Euphytica》1981,30(1):9-14
Summary A survey of the flower colours present in evergreen azaleas, Rhododendron simsii Planch is given. The following colours occur: white, red, carmine red, pink, purple and lilac. Crosses can lead to greater diversity although no really new shades have resulted. Quantitative anthocyanin and flavonol determinations for the cultivars enable us to gain an insight into the possiblities of increasing these contents and thus obtaining new colours. The prospects of breeding for intensely red, yellow and blue cultivars are also reviewed.  相似文献   

Inter-subgeneric hybrids were successfully obtained in reciprocal cross combinations between evergreen azaleas (Rhododendron nakaharae and its hybrids) and fragrant deciduous azaleas (R. arborescens and R. viscosum) for the purpose of fragrant evergreen azalea breeding. Nuclear and organelle DNA of these hybrids was investigated using PCR-RFLP markers. Viable hybrid seedlings have nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) inherited biparentally, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from the seed parent, and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) from the deciduous azalea, regardless of cross combination. These results suggest that the chloroplast genome from deciduous azaleas and the nuclear genome from evergreen azaleas are compatible in viable hybrid progenies.  相似文献   

The hentability of stomatal density and stomatal length has been studied for four evergreen azalea (Rhododendron simsii Planch.) cultivars with the aim to evaluate the possibilities of stomatal characteristics of parental plants for increasing the crown diameter – hence yield – of the offspring., A nearly complete diallel cross with reciprocals has been carried out with the four parental cultivars. Highly significant general combining ability (GCA) values of the parents were found for stomatal length and density, but not for the crown diameter. GCA values of crown diameters did not correspond with GCA values of either stomatal length or stomatal density. Therefore it was concluded that utilizing stomatal characteristics as a selection tool for an increased crown diameter (yield) in azalea., may not be feasible. Differences in crown diameter could not be explained from correlations with either stomatal density or stomatal length.  相似文献   

K. Yonezawa  H. Yamagata 《Euphytica》1978,27(1):113-116
Summary The number and size of crosses in a breeding programme were discussed to the conclusion that the number of crosses rather than the size of a cross should be increased with a given total population size. The advantage due to this manipulation, however, is relatively small when such genotypes as improved for many (twenty-five or more) loci are to be obtained, or when a high proportion (around 0.1 or more) of available combinations have the potentiality of releasing the objective genotypes. In such a case, the ease with which crossing and cultivation can be carried out becomes the decisive factor.  相似文献   

Potato cultivars resistant to cold‐temperature sweetening are of major importance to the processing industry producing both chips (crisps) and French fries. When most modern potato cultivars are maintained in cold storage to retard sprouting, the tubers accumulate reducing sugars, and the products become an unacceptable brown colour when fried. Selection for better processing quality during the early generations of a breeding programme could be of considerable advantage. Using a portable ‘sugarmeter’, which requires only a drop of sap from the tuber on a test strip, many samples can be efficiently surveyed for low sugar as early as the F1 generation. Using seedlings of three test crosses, glucose and specific gravity of field‐grown tubers, minitubers from greenhouses and microtubers from in vitro culture were compared after cold treatment. Although the mean glucose levels of minitubers and microtubers were higher than field‐grown tubers, the correlation between the glucose contents of the three types of tubers was fairly high. A considerable genetic improvement was noted when progenies were grown as minitubers or microtubers, even though the response to selection for low glucose levels in minitubers and microtubers was lower than from direct selection from field‐grown tubers. The specific gravity of field‐grown tubers showed a significant association with freshly harvested minitubers and microtubers. Selection for low glucose content in minitubers can therefore save considerable resources in a breeding programme.  相似文献   

We have examined the effectiveness of similar numbers of markers from four molecular marker systems (AFLP, isozymes, ISSR and RAPD) for revealing genetic diversity and discriminating between infraspecific groups of Oryza sativa germplasm. Each marker system classifies the germplasm into three major groups (most effectively with isozymes and AFLPs), but with differences (primarily with ISSR) between the precise classifications generated. However, at the highest levels of genetic similarity there was only partial agreement as to relationships between individual accessions when different markers were used. When variance was partitioned among and within the three subspecific groups, although the differences were not significant, greater variation was found among than within groups using AFLP and isozymes, with the reverse for RAPD and ISSR. Measurement of polymorphism using average heterozygosity and effective number of alleles gave similar results for each marker system. These results are discussed in relation to various genetic resources conservation activities, and the advisability of extrapolating to other sets of germplasm particularly of other crop species. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

V. &#;ip    J. Chrpová    J. Vacke  J. Ovesná 《Plant Breeding》2004,123(1):24-29
The effects of the Yd2 gene on tolerance to barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) and other agronomically important characters in spring barley were evaluated in a set of randomly selected doubled haploid (DH) lines of an‘Igri’/‘Atlas 68’ cross and three crosses between CIMMYT Yd2 materials and the Czech malting barley ‘Akcent’. The cleaved amplified polymorphic site (CAPS) diagnostic marker Yd2 was used for identification of the Yd2 gene and this analysis showed high agreement with the results of field infection tests. Yd2 lines exhibited significantly lower symptom scores and lower reductions of some grain yield characters, but their resistance level was not consistent over the years. The presence of secondary stresses (high temperature/drought) in 2000 led to relatively higher sensitivity to BYDV infection, strengthened by the long life cycle of genotypes. In cases where secondary stresses were mild (in 2002), the longer life cycle significantly increased sensitivity to BYDV infection only in the absence of the Yd2 gene (in susceptible genotypes). The examination of different vegetative, grain yield and malting quality characters separately for groups of Yd2 and non‐ Yd2 lines did not show any evidence of adverse effect of the Yd2 gene on any character.  相似文献   

Use of isozyme analysis in the breeding of synthetic rapeseed cultivars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eleven winter rapeseed inbred lines (I4) were characterized according to isozyme banding patterns from seven polymorphic enzyme systems. All lines could be qualitatively and quantitatively distinguished using two enzyme systems, shikimate dehydrogenase (SDH) and diaphorase (DIA). Genetic distances were calculated among lines and 15 selected two-line hybrids were planted as experimental synthetics in field-trials. Syn-0 populations produced seed yields between 0.4% lower and 12.9% higher than the mean yields of the respective parental lines. Syn-1 seed yields were 11–24.1% higher than the respective parental lines and the yield improvement was positively correlated with the genetic distance between the parental lines. This tendency suggests that genetic distances between cross components, calculated from isozyme polymorphism, can be used in prognosis of yield performance of synthetic rapeseed cultivars. Isozyme analysis was also applied to study fertilization behaviour in line mixtures, and differences among parental lines were observed with regard to the tendency for self-pollination or out-crossing. The partially very high outcrossing rate suggests the possible existence of a self-incompatibility system.  相似文献   

薄皮甜瓜单性花性状转育研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
通过对雄全同株类型薄皮甜瓜品种单性花转育的研究,表明单性花性状受显性基因控制,转育Fl均表现为雌雄异花同株,回交后代出现雌雄异花同株和雄全同株的分离,经卡方检测,分离比例符合1:1。经杂交l代,回交2代的转育,后代果实性状逐渐趋于薄皮甜瓜品种,性状表现优良,通过自交,可选育出薄皮甜瓜单性花自交系,用于杂一代制种上。  相似文献   

Summary Ryegrass plants (Lolium spp.) rarely developed obvious foliar symptoms when infected with barley yellow dwarf virus, but their yield was often substantially reduced. Perhaps of even greater importance, the virus modified their morphological development and seasonal growth rhythm. Consequently, the disease introduces considerable non-heritable variation into populations of grass plants so its possible presence may introduce difficulties into selecting varietal mother plants for specific growth characteristics and when assessing bred varieties for uniformity.Virus infection caused the greatest deviation in growth morphology and the smallest reduction in yield in early-flowering hay type varieties: the converse was true of late-flowering pasture type varieties. Unless a source of immunity or extreme resistance to the virus can be found therefore, it may be difficult to combine minimum deviation in growth morphology and minimum yield loss in a single variety.  相似文献   

S. Tuvesson    L. V Post    R. Öhlund    P. Hagberg    A. Graner    S. Svitashev    M. Schehr  R. Elovsson 《Plant Breeding》1998,117(1):19-22
The aim of this investigation was to develop a procedure for the largescale molecular breeding for ym4, allowing resistance to BaMMV/BaYMV to be fixed in early breeding generations of winter barley. A codominant STS marker derived from the restriction fragment length polymorphism marker MWG838 for the ym4 resistance gene was combined with a new and easy procedure for preparing leaf samples for polymerase chain reaction (PCR), theoretically allowing one person to extract DNA from 5000 samples in a single day. In the procedure for molecular breeding for ym4, all steps, including leaf sampling, DNA extraction, PCR amplification and digestion with restriction enzyme were assembled in microtitre plates allowing multipipetting throughout the procedure, including the loading of gels. The method is amenable to further automation with the aid of a robot arm. Double haploid (DH) lines, as well as F2 and F4 breeding lines were analysed and, based on markers, homozygous and heterozygous BaMMV/BaYMV resistant plants were identified for further breeding. The winter barley breeding programmes were modified to include marker-based selection for BaMMV/BaYMV resistance on DH or on F2 individuals, which had been preselected for mildew and leaf rust resistance.  相似文献   

Summary To transfer the yellow flower colour of R. foetida to Hybrid Tea roses, F1's and backcrosses with Hybrid Tea's were produced. In B1 populations, yellow, recurrent flowering seedlings occurred. Recurrent flowering was controlled by one recessive gene.  相似文献   

Summary In two papers formulas are given which can be used in analysing genetic variation in all types of connected diallel cross designs: complete and incomplete, balanced and unbalanced as well as North Carolina II designs.This first paper gives explicit expressions for the coefficients of variance components in the random model analysis for the general diallel cross.Computations are illustrated with simple balanced examples. For the same examples a fixed model analysis, introducing reduced parameters has been worked out for the sake of completeness. The details of the fixed model analysis will be presented in the second paper.  相似文献   

The exchange of elite breeding materials across regions is an important way in which multinational maize breeding programmes access new genetic variation, improve efficiency and reduce costs. Our objectives were to examine whether CIMMYT's breeding programmes for tropical and subtropical environments in Mexico and Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) can effectively share materials. Sets of selected and unselected lines were evaluated for per se and testcross performance in multiple environments in Mexico and ESA for grain yield, days to anthesis and plant height. Genotypic correlations between performance in Mexico and ESA as testcross and line per se were high (≥ 0.72) for all experiments, and indirect selection efficiency ranged from 67 to over 100% for all traits. Lines selected in ESA or Latin America performed equally well in each region, indicating selection was for broad rather than regional adaptation. Thus, breeding programmes of CIMMYT in both Mexico and ESA can benefit tremendously by exchanging breeding materials and test results, and elite selections from each region should be fast‐tracked for evaluation in the other.  相似文献   

The extension of the ripening season in open field production is of high economic interest for strawberry growers. Therefore, targeted breeding for extreme early or late ripening cultivars with high yield potential is of particular interest. Thirteen strawberry cultivars were crossed in a reciprocal way without selfing, and the 144 resulting F1 populations were evaluated in a field trial over a period of two consecutive years. The data were analysed using a mixed‐model approach adapted for diallel crossing designs using SAS 9.3. The variability in the crossing approach is mainly based on the general combining ability (GCA) of the cultivars (additive effects). Specific and reciprocal combining abilities (non‐additive effects) appear less important. The highest GCAs for the trait Marketable Yield were found for the cultivars ‘Polka’ and ‘Yamaska’. The trait Earliness is bilateral with significantly low GCAs for early ripening in ‘Clery’ and ‘Daroyal’ and significantly high GCAs for late ripening in ‘Yamaska’ and ‘Florence’. Crosses with these cultivars are likely to deliver populations with both high yield and an extended ripening period.  相似文献   

Summary In this and in an earlier paper formulas are given for analysing genetic variation in general (connected) diallel cross designs, including incomplete and unbalanced designs. Also North Carolina II (NC II) designs are considered.In this paper the procedures are illustrated by the example of an irregular incomplete diallel cross.The use of the general formulas for the random model analysis, given by Keuls & Garretsen (1977), is illustrated by this example.General formulas for the fixed model analysis are given in this paper. A fixed model analysis of variance is illustrated, providing F-tests and estimating reduced parameters with their variances, with Bonferroni-t-tests (against zero) of estimated parameters.  相似文献   

不同土壤pH对多叶羽扇豆花色影响研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以5种不同土壤pH的蓝色多叶羽扇豆(Lupinus polyphyllus ‘Nanus Russell Gallery Blue’)为材料,对其花色、花色素组成及含量的变化进行了研究。花色测定采用英国皇家园艺学会比色卡(RHSCC)和分光色差计,色素定性及定量分析采用高效液相色谱-二极管阵列检测技术(HPLC-PAD)和分光光度计进行测定。结果发现:随着土壤pH的降低,花朵翼瓣亮度L*值、色相a*值、彩度C*值逐渐降低,色相b*值逐渐升高,总花青苷、叶绿素含量升高;旗瓣中总花青苷也逐渐升高,其他各检测结果无明显相关性。推断土壤酸碱性影响蓝色多叶羽扇豆花瓣中花青苷的含量,从而影响花色的深浅。  相似文献   

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