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文登把组建渔民专业合作社作为新形势下推进渔业发展、渔民增收的重要举措。目前,共组建渔民专业合作社12个,入社户数265户,示范带动养殖户700余户,近20万m^2的陆基工厂化养殖大棚、400多hm^2的淡水养殖池塘、500多hm ^2滩涂贝类养殖及近万亩的海参养殖池塘,纳入了渔民专业合作社的互助合作范围,覆盖了当地60%以上的养殖面积。  相似文献   

李波  刑志晓 《齐鲁渔业》2008,25(5):71-71
文登市把渔民专业合作社的推广建设作为新形势下推进渔业产业化经营、健康化发展的重要举措,进一步完善渔民专业合作社的运作程序,拓宽渔民专业合作社的开展领域。  相似文献   

孙海文 《中国水产》2009,409(12):12-13
近年来,浙江省通过积极培育渔民专业合作经济组织,扎实推进渔业经营体制改革创新,对提升渔业产业化水平,增加渔业效益和渔民收入发挥了重要作用。一、浙江省渔民专业合作社发展过程改革开放以来,浙江省渔业经营体制先后经历了"三级所有、队为基础"、"三定二奖"、"比例分成"、  相似文献   

张琦 《河北渔业》2012,(12):24-24
<正>近年来,垦利县海洋与渔业局积极引导渔民专业合作社健康有序发展,自2007年11月4日垦利县第一家农民专业合作社垦利县牛圈大闸蟹农民专业合作社成立以来,全县渔民专业合作社已发展到28家。目前,28家渔民专业合作社都已在工商部门注册,吸收社员1 300多户,带  相似文献   

1青岛市渔民专业合作经济组织的发展概况 青岛市各级渔业主管部门对渔民专业合作经济组织的重要性认识充分,在全市范围内加大了宣传力度,并努力推动各项政策的落实。同时,各级渔业主管部门对渔户加强指导,帮助渔民专业合作经济组织做好市场与企业的联结,努力把合作组织培养成产业化经营中的重要力量。通过主管部门及广大渔户的努力,  相似文献   

<正>所谓渔业合作经济组织,就是渔民在不改变渔区经营制度的基础上,按照自愿联合、经济参与、共同所有、民主管理的原则联合组建而成,从事同业产品经营及其社会化服务并具备法人资格的合作经济组织。目前其基本类型一般分为3种,即股份合作制经济、专业合  相似文献   

张琦 《河北渔业》2010,(4):64-64
垦利县已注册成立的渔民专业合作社共15家,占东营市渔民专业合作社的一半以上。为了进一步了解渔民专业合作社发展、运营情况,促进渔民专业合作社的健康发展,落实好国家有关惠农政策,垦利县海洋与渔业局于3月24日组织召开了全县渔民专业合作负责人社座谈会,全县渔业专业合作社负责人和有关单位会员的代表共20余人参加了会议。  相似文献   

一、福建省渔民专业合作社发展现状 随着农村经营体制改革的不断深入,特别是《中华人民共和国农民专业合作社法》的颁布实施,福建省渔业专业合作经济组织得到不断完善和发展,多种形式的渔民专业合作经济组织在渔区应运而生.据2010年统计,依法登记且比较规范的渔民专业合作社达1500多个.这些渔民专业合作社的发展壮大,有效促进了当地渔业经营规模化、产业化,提高了渔民抵御自然风险和市场风险的能力,渔民在增加收入的同时,其合法权益也进一步得到维护和保障.  相似文献   

<正>如何促进渔业经济发展和渔民增收,创新渔业生产经营组织形式,转变渔业发展方式,推进渔业又好又快发展?渔业专业合作社作为农业新型生产经营主体符合当前现代渔业发展要求,适应农村不断深化改革的需要。在各级政府和农业部门的支持下,安徽省宣城市渔业专业合作社取得了较快发展。据统计,全市水产养殖面积49.8万亩,其中池塘连片精养面积15.41万亩、名特优水产养殖面积29.4万亩。截止到2013年9月份,宣城市在工商部门登记注册的农民专业合作社2124个,其中渔业专业合作社210个,占9.89%;安徽省省级以上农民专业合作社示范社60个,其中渔业专业合作社2个,占3.33%,宣城市市级以上农民专业合作社示范社184个,其中渔业专业合作社12个,占6.52%。210个渔业专业合作社共有社员11130户,养殖面积41.5万亩,占总养殖面积的83.33%,养殖产量达到5.43万吨,产值10.86亿元。  相似文献   

根据对石家庄市渔民专业合作经济组织的调查,在该市渔民专业合作经济组织基本状况的基础上,对其联结机制、管理制度、组织形式、区域分布等特点进行分析,并针对其存在的问题,提出了加快建设、完善机制、提升服务、营造发展环境等建议。  相似文献   

Cooperative‐based catch share systems can be implemented such that the members of the same fishery cooperative are jointly and severally liable for not exceeding collectively assigned fishing rights. In practice, this means that a regulator can take away catch privileges from an entire cooperative that overruns its collective quota, effectively creating a penalty much larger than what could be recovered with an individual fine. Fishery cooperatives then typically implement their own internal compliance regime that includes monitoring and penalties. This article first reviews compliance practice in cooperative‐based catch share systems by examining the commonalities and differences in the way compliance regimes are structured (observation and reporting requirements, penalty scheme, internal enforcement authority and indemnification mechanisms) in a number of internal agreements from fishery cooperatives in North America and in Europe. Based on our review of cooperatives and the literature on compliance, we discuss how incentives to comply may be different for an individual fisherman operating in a fishery cooperative where joint and several liability applies as compared to an individual fishing quota baseline situation without fishery cooperative. Our review suggests that, from the regulators’ point of view, joint and several liability can increase the level of compliance for a given enforcement expenditure. However, the regulator cannot rely solely on cooperatives to carry out controls and must ensure that the cooperatives themselves have an interest in setting up an effective monitoring system and will enforce sanctions within the cooperative.  相似文献   

中国现代化海洋牧场建设的战略思考   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
现代化海洋牧场是实现海洋环境保护和渔业资源高效产出的新业态,对推动新旧动能转换具有重要意义。本文综述了现代化海洋牧场理念、发展历程与建设现状,并从原创驱动、技术先导、工程示范等角度提出了保障中国现代化海洋牧场健康发展的战略建议,以期为中国海洋渔业升级转型提供参考。  相似文献   

黑龙江省畜牧业产业化的发展现状及其问题对策的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给黑龙江省畜牧产业化进程提供相应支持,本文在对黑龙江省畜牧业产业化发展状况进行分析的基础上,并客观地阐述了黑龙江省畜牧业产业化存在的一些问题,并在此基础上提出把建立、发展与完善畜牧专业生产合作社作为发展黑龙江省畜牧业产业化的首要任务的对策和建议,为进一步在黑龙江省发展畜牧业产业化提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

本文首先对福建省连家船渔民的历史与变迁进行了梳理。其次,在调查的基础上分析了目前福建省连家船渔民群体发展存在的突出矛盾和主要问题。最后,从社会、经济、民俗文化等三学科的视角进行观察与思考,提出了解决连家船问题的关键在于保护连家船渔民的渔业权,引导连家船渔民转产转业,完善补贴政策,提高渔民知识水平,健全保障机制,同时还应注意对连家船文化的保护。  相似文献   

Abstract Catches of anadromous whitefish in the Gulf of Bothnia have declined since theearly 1990s. It is generally assumed that the cause is overfishing. The professional fishermeninterviewed in the present study were united in the opinion that it is necessary to set limits onthe fishing of whitefish, but had differing views about the means of achieving this. Thesedifferent arguments involved separate whitefish stocks, various types of gear and differentmotives for fishing. Most of the professional fishermen accepted a minimum mesh size for gillnets. Other means proposed included setting limits on non-professional fishing and sales ofcatches. There were conflicting attitudes about seasonal restrictions because their experienceswith fishing restrictions for salmon had been negative. On the whole, decision-making requiresmore regional information on whitefish stocks and fishing, but also on the social and economicflexibility of fishermen.  相似文献   

渔港是沿海渔区重要的基础设施,既是沿海防灾减灾体系的重要组成部分,也是渔区经济社会发展的重要基础。本文综述了已有渔港建设的研究成果,认为渔港是构建渔区渔船防灾减灾的重要屏障、促进渔业产业转型升级和渔民就业的重要平台、推进渔区城镇化和建设新渔区的重要载体,同时分析了台州市渔港建设和管理的案例,指出台州市渔港建设和管理中存在的主要问题,包括建设速度偏慢、渔港功能单一和渔港管护体制尚不健全等,并按照保障和改善渔民生计的要求,提出加快推进渔港建设和管理的思路建议。  相似文献   

随着渔业资源的过度开发与利用,渔业资源衰退现象明显,对修复渔业资源效果显著的人工鱼礁事业逐步开展起来,并取得良好效果。但是对于人工鱼礁建设过程的管理,并没有形成具体的模式。本文将运用过程管理理论,结合我国人工鱼礁现行建设过程的管理,从一个全新的视角,针对我国人工鱼礁建设过程的管理进行归纳分析,提出实施过程管理的思考与建议,以期更好地推动我国人工鱼礁建设事业的发展。  相似文献   

21世纪是海洋世纪,生物技术革命为海洋生命科学研究和海洋经济发展创造了前所未有的良机。从海洋生物中寻求具有防病、治病作用的新药源,“向海洋要药物”是海洋生物技术研究和应用的重要方面,本文从海洋生物技术与海洋生物药源高值开发现状为切入点,浅谈福建省可选择发展的关键海洋生物技术及其产业化前景,探讨发展福建省海洋生物技术新兴...  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns in catch rates and in allocation of fishing effort were analysed for the coastal fishery in Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia, to assess whether fishermen can optimise their strategy from catch information, or whether they fish under great uncertainty and merely minimise risks. On average 517 fishing units operated in the 2800 km2 area, catching 21 t fish day−1. Major gear categories were hook and line (59% of total effort and 5% of total catch), and lift nets (16% of total effort and 70% of total catch). The size of individual resource spaces varied with gear type and was smaller in unfavourable weather conditions. Although spatial patterns in catch rates at the scale of the whole archipelago were evident, fishermen could not differentiate between locations, as catch variance within their individual resource spaces was high relative to the contrasts in spatial patterns. The aggregated distribution of fishing effort in Spermonde must be explained by factors such as the small scale of operations, rather than fish abundance.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the effects of price changes on the annual costs and returns of 162 oyster farmers in Changhua County, Taiwan, who cultivate oysters at two levels of density: low and high. Specifically, it used the translog profit function to evaluate the effects of changes in oyster prices on output supply and the demand of various inputs at the two densities of oyster cultivation. The study found that high-density farmers generate more profit than low-density farmers because they experience lower average costs. The results of the output supply elasticity with respect to input prices indicate that wages and other miscellaneous prices are the two main factors that negatively and more significantly affect the production of low- and high-stocking-density farmers. Own price elasticity of other miscellaneous input (?1.814), labor input (?1.805), seed input (?1.682), and input of capital (?1.58) was more responsive to price changes for high-density farmers than for low-density farmers. This indicates that increases in input prices have a significant effect on reducing input demand for high-density farmers. The cross-price elasticities of the variable inputs laborseed and laborother miscellaneous are ?0.648 and ?0.649, respectively. These negative elasticities indicate that labor–seed and labor–other miscellaneous are complementary inputs, which suggests their combined application increases farm production synergistically for low-density farmers.  相似文献   

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